The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Fish-Consuming
Behavior in Community Affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis Depok
Wita Rubi Isfahani
, Rusilanti
and Alsuhendra
capita per week (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2018). Meanwhile, people in Depok only
consume fish an average of 8.28 grams per capita (Statistik, 2008) (Depok., 2020). This
figure is lower than the national fish consumption target. This shows that the community
has not used the national fishery products properly.
In response to this, the government implemented the provision of healthy food and
accelerated nutrition improvement based on the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 1 of 2017, concerning the Healthy Living Community Movement or
GERMAS. One of the efforts is to improve and expand the implementation of the
Movement to Promote Fish Eating or GEMARIKAN. With the implementation of this
program, it is hoped that people in Indonesia can meet national nutritional needs and
create a healthy and high-immunity society by consuming fish.
Several factors affect the high or low level of public consumption of a food, one of
which is the level of nutritional knowledge. (Sediaoetama, 2019) argued that someone
who has good nutritional knowledge will be able to provide sufficient nutrients the body
needs. This is stated in the research by (Yanti & Murtala, 2019) that high and quality
education will increase the ability to determine the food to be consumed. Through higher
education, a person can get information about good nutrition knowledge easily.
Therefore, nutritional knowledge is very influential on food selection.
A person's food choices can be reflected through behavior, because a person's
behavior is a response or action to the stimuli receives by the person. According to
(Notoatmodjo, 2007) behavior is formed because of the phases experienced by a person,
namely knowledge, attitudes, and actions. If behavior is based on knowledge, it will give
more meaningful results than those that are not based on knowledge.
Supported by further discussion, (Notoatmodjo, 2007) explains that apart from
knowledge, food consumption behavior is also influenced by perspective and other
factors related to action. Based on the results, it is proven that the habit of consuming a
food can occur various possibilities of the relationship between knowledge and attitudes
towards behavior based on various factors. In addition to a person's internal factors such
as knowledge and attitudes, there are also external influences, namely external factors
such as environmental conditions.
At the beginning of 2020 the world was hit by an outbreak of a disease that attacks
the acute respiratory system called the Novel Corona Virus or (SARS)-CoV-2. Then the
name of the virus was updated to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). This outbreak
was first revealed in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China (Nishiura et al., 2020). The
virus spread rapidly throughout the world starting from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan,
Thailand, Singapore, to the United States and Spain. Eventually, on March 11, 2020, the
World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 outbreak a global pandemic disease
(Choudhuri, Paul, Maiti, Kundu, & Kundu, 2009).
In Indonesia, on March 2, 2020, the first two positive cases were found in Depok.
Then the number of sufferers doubled and spread throughout The country in less than a
month. With the massive spread of the virus, on April 13, 2020, the President of the
Republic of Indonesia announced through Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020 that Covid-
19 is a national disaster. This is because the transmission of Covid-19 occurs so easily
and quickly and has an impact on the community, one of which is a decrease in people's
income due to the implementation of the PSBB and PPKM policies.
(Covid, 2020) suggests that around 25 million jobs in the world could be lost due to
the Covid-19 pandemic. The group which is most vulnerable to the impact is the lower
middle class. It is supported by the results of research by (Ngadi, Meliana, & Purba,
2020) showing the Covid-19 pandemic caused 15.6 percent of workers in Indonesia to be
laid off and the other 13.8 percent did not receive severance pay. This causes a very