Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Wita Rubi Isfahani
, Rusilanti
and Alsuhendra
State University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: rubiisfa[email protected]
Relationship, Fish,
Knowledge, Attitude,
Article Info
December, 23
January, 4
January, 14
Fish is a product of natural resources with high economic and
biological value. One of the benefits of fish is its nutrient that
can increase immunity. However, fish to the public and have
not been consumed evenly in Indonesia. This study aims to
determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes
about fish consumption on society’s fish consumption
behavior. The type of research is quantitative with a survey
approach. The sample in this study was the community
affected by the covid-19 pandemic in the Cimanggis district,
Depok city with a total sample of 25 respondents who were
selected by random sampling technique. The research data
were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential
analysis. The results showed that the percentage of 25
respondents who had high fish knowledge was 64%,
respondents who had high fish consumption attitudes were
72%, and 64% of respondents had low fish consumption
behavior. Meanwhile, the results of the correlation test showed
that there was no relationship between knowledge and fish-
consuming behavior (r= 0,160) and there was no relationship
between attitude and fish-consuming behavior (r = 0,395).
Based on the research results, it is expected that the
community, educators and the government can create and
implement programs that can increase fish consumption, thus
society would have excellent immunity.
Fish is a a natural resource with high economic and biological values. Fish has an
important role for people living on the coast as a livelihood and useful for urban
communities to be consumed as a source of protein (Barik, 2017). Therefore, fish are
considered very useful for human life. One of the benefits of fish is the nutrients that can
increase immunity. (Lockyer, 2020) stated that fish is included in the list of immune-
boosting foods because it contains various kinds of nutrients, both macro and micro. This
means that by eating foods that contain high nutrients such as fish can maintain and
increase immunity.
However, fish consumption in Indonesia are still relatively low. As a country with
big fish production, Indonesia is only ranked 4th out of all countries in ASEAN (Food &
Agricultural Organization, 2017). In addition to the low level of consumption, the
Indonesian people are recorded in consuming fish in each province unevenly and one of
the provinces that has a low level of fish consumption is West Java at 282.99 grams per
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Fish-Consuming
Behavior in Community Affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis Depok
Wita Rubi Isfahani
, Rusilanti
and Alsuhendra
capita per week (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2018). Meanwhile, people in Depok only
consume fish an average of 8.28 grams per capita (Statistik, 2008) (Depok., 2020). This
figure is lower than the national fish consumption target. This shows that the community
has not used the national fishery products properly.
In response to this, the government implemented the provision of healthy food and
accelerated nutrition improvement based on the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 1 of 2017, concerning the Healthy Living Community Movement or
GERMAS. One of the efforts is to improve and expand the implementation of the
Movement to Promote Fish Eating or GEMARIKAN. With the implementation of this
program, it is hoped that people in Indonesia can meet national nutritional needs and
create a healthy and high-immunity society by consuming fish.
Several factors affect the high or low level of public consumption of a food, one of
which is the level of nutritional knowledge. (Sediaoetama, 2019) argued that someone
who has good nutritional knowledge will be able to provide sufficient nutrients the body
needs. This is stated in the research by (Yanti & Murtala, 2019) that high and quality
education will increase the ability to determine the food to be consumed. Through higher
education, a person can get information about good nutrition knowledge easily.
Therefore, nutritional knowledge is very influential on food selection.
A person's food choices can be reflected through behavior, because a person's
behavior is a response or action to the stimuli receives by the person. According to
(Notoatmodjo, 2007) behavior is formed because of the phases experienced by a person,
namely knowledge, attitudes, and actions. If behavior is based on knowledge, it will give
more meaningful results than those that are not based on knowledge.
Supported by further discussion, (Notoatmodjo, 2007) explains that apart from
knowledge, food consumption behavior is also influenced by perspective and other
factors related to action. Based on the results, it is proven that the habit of consuming a
food can occur various possibilities of the relationship between knowledge and attitudes
towards behavior based on various factors. In addition to a person's internal factors such
as knowledge and attitudes, there are also external influences, namely external factors
such as environmental conditions.
At the beginning of 2020 the world was hit by an outbreak of a disease that attacks
the acute respiratory system called the Novel Corona Virus or (SARS)-CoV-2. Then the
name of the virus was updated to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). This outbreak
was first revealed in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China (Nishiura et al., 2020). The
virus spread rapidly throughout the world starting from South Korea, Japan, Taiwan,
Thailand, Singapore, to the United States and Spain. Eventually, on March 11, 2020, the
World Health Organization declared the Covid-19 outbreak a global pandemic disease
(Choudhuri, Paul, Maiti, Kundu, & Kundu, 2009).
In Indonesia, on March 2, 2020, the first two positive cases were found in Depok.
Then the number of sufferers doubled and spread throughout The country in less than a
month. With the massive spread of the virus, on April 13, 2020, the President of the
Republic of Indonesia announced through Presidential Decree No. 12 of 2020 that Covid-
19 is a national disaster. This is because the transmission of Covid-19 occurs so easily
and quickly and has an impact on the community, one of which is a decrease in people's
income due to the implementation of the PSBB and PPKM policies.
(Covid, 2020) suggests that around 25 million jobs in the world could be lost due to
the Covid-19 pandemic. The group which is most vulnerable to the impact is the lower
middle class. It is supported by the results of research by (Ngadi, Meliana, & Purba,
2020) showing the Covid-19 pandemic caused 15.6 percent of workers in Indonesia to be
laid off and the other 13.8 percent did not receive severance pay. This causes a very
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 204-212
p-ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
drastic reduction in people's income. It indirectly affects the quality of balanced food
supply access to nutritious food for the community. With the knowledge they have and
respond to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the community is expected to
continue to practice the behavior of consuming fish.
Therefore, this study was conducted to find out whether there is a relationship
between knowledge and attitudes about fish consumption on the fish-consuming behavior
of people affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis sub-district, Depok city. In this study, the
public is expected to increase fish consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic as an
effort to maintain and increase immunity.
This method is used to dig up information about the level of knowledge, attitudes
and behavior in consuming fish. Then, the researchers tested the correlation between the
three variables. This research was conducted in March 2021 in 6. This research was
conducted in 6 sub-districts in Cimanggis sub-district consisting of Curug, Hajarmukti,
Cisalak Pasar, Mekarsari, Tugu, and Pasir Gunung Selatan villages. The primary data
used was data obtained from a questionnaires. In addition, secondary data used were
theories and statistical research results.
The population in this study was the community of Cimanggis sub-district which
includes 6 villages. The determination of the number of samples using random sampling
with calculations using the formula to obtain 25 samples. For 25 people became
respondents for this study including 2 from Curug, 3 from Hajarmukti, 3 from Cisalak
Pasar, 5 from Mekarsari, 9 from Tugu, and 3 from Pasir Gunung Selatan. The inclusion
criteria include people who are socially and economically affected by the Covid-19
pandemic. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria were respondents who refused to participate
and did not complete the questionnaires.
Primary data was obtained through filling out a questionnaire which included
respondent characteristics such as data on gender, age, number of family members,
village where they live, and monthly consumption of food and drink. In addition, there is
a measurement of the level of basic knowledge about fish, the level of attitude about fish
consumption and the level of behavior in consuming fish. The measurement of these three
variables used a questionnaire with the Guttman and Likert scales.
The researchers distributed questionnaires online using Google Forms which aims
to limit direct contact due to the PPKM policy. It began with looking for prospective
respondents who were willing to participate in this study via WhatsApp. Then the
researcher provided an online questionnaire link to the respondent. This data collection is
carried out in stages based on the village.
All research data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The analysis in this study
was used to see whether there was a relationship between knowledge and attitudes about
fish consumption (independent variable) on fish consumption behavior (dependent
variable). This analysis uses the Spearman rank correlation test (data not normally
distributed). Then the significance test was carried out using the t test with a 95%
confidence level.
The characteristics of the respondents in this study include gender, age, number of
family members, place of residence, monthly consumption of food and drink, which are
presented in the following table.
Wita Rubi Isfahani
, Rusilanti
and Alsuhendra
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Fish-Consuming
Behavior in Community Affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis Depok
Table 1. Distribution of Respondents Characteristics.
Characteristics of Respondents n %
20-35 years old
36-45 years old
46-55 years old
>55 years old
Number of Family Members
1-3 people
4-6 people
7-9 people
>10 people
Residential Village
Cisalak Pasar
Pasir Gunung Selatan
Monthly Food and Drink Consumption Expenditure
Rp. 300.000-500.000
Rp. 500.000-750.000
Rp. 750.000-1.000.000
Rp. 1.000.000-1.500.000
>Rp. 1.500.000
Based on table 1 it can be seen that the gender characteristics show that there are
fewer male respondents than female respondents. The number of male respondents was 9
people and the number of female respondents was 16 people. Then on the age
characteristics, it is known that there is a division of age groups, where the age group of
20-35 years is more than the other three age groups. Furthermore, the number of family
members is dominated by groups of smaller family members, namely 1-3 people and 4-6
people. Respondents who participated in the study were divided statistically based on the
area of residence, namely the sub-district level, therefore the number of respondents in
each sub-district was different. It is known that the respondent's expenditure for
consumption is high, namely Rp. 1,000,000-1,500,000 per month and > Rp. 1,500,000
per month.
Based on the results of the questionnaire for measuring aspects of knowledge about
fish from 25 respondents, it can be known through three categories. High category as
many as 16 people with a percentage of 64%, medium category as many as 9 people with
a percentage of 36%. Meanwhile, there are no respondents in the low category. From the
results of the acquisition of this research data, it can be concluded that the level of
knowledge about fish owned by the community affected by Covid-19 in the Cimanggis
sub-district, Depok city is classified as moderate to high. The distribution of respondents'
knowledge of fish categories is presented in the following table.
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 204-212
p-ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Table 2. Categories of Respondents' Knowledge of Fish.
Total (People)
Percentage (%)
Height (≥ 75%)
Moderate (56-74%)
Low (< 55%)
In this category, it shows that the respondents mastered basic knowledge about fish
that can be applied to daily food consumption. Knowledge possessed by a person can be
obtained from various sources, both formal education, information from the mass media,
counseling or socialization, as well as personal experience. In line with the research of
(Yuliono, Sofiana, Kushadiwijayanto, Nurrahman, & Aritonang, 2021) participants who
participated in the socialization of consumption of marine fish in an effort to improve the
body's immune system during the covid-19 pandemic experienced an increase in
understanding related to consuming fish from 60-70% to 90-100%. With increased
understanding of fish consumption, participants also experienced an increased interest in
consuming fish. Thus, people have a tendency to prioritize fish food ingredients as daily
food, so that the body's immunity is maintained both during the Covid-19 pandemic and
throughout life.
Based on the results of the questionnaire for measuring aspects of attitudes about
fish from 25 respondents, it can be seen through three categories. The high category was
18 people with a percentage of 72%, the medium category was 4 people with a
percentage of 16%, and the low category was 3 people with a percentage of 12%. From
the results of the acquisition of this research data, it can be concluded that the attitude
category regarding fish owned by the community affected by Covid-19 in the Cimanggis
sub-district, Depok city is classified as moderate to high. The distribution of categories of
respondents' attitudes about fish is presented in the following table.
Table 3. Categories of Respondents' Attitudes Regarding Fish.
Total (People)
Percentage (%)
Height (≥ 75%)
Moderate (56-74%)
Low (< 55%)
In general, respondents responding to fish consumption based on indicators
emphasized that the level of knowledge and socio-cultural factors possessed was
classified as good, but indicators related to personal factors such as taste were classified
as poor. In the research results (Waysima, Sumarwan, Khomsan, & Zakaria, 2010) stated
that the availability of marine fish on the family menu had no significant effect on
children's attitudes because the mother's affective attitude towards marine fish was the
main predictor that influenced the child's appreciation level in consuming marine fish. So
even though the mother's education and belief in the benefits of marine fish is very good
and is able to provide marine fish into the family menu, the mother does not show
affection or a supportive attitude, so the children tend to be less interested in consuming
marine fish.
Based on the results of the questionnaire for measuring aspects of attitudes about
fish from 25 respondents, it can be seen through three categories. In the high category
there is 1 person with a percentage of 4%. For the medium category there are 8 people
with a percentage of 32%. The low category has 16 people with a percentage of 64%.
From the results of the acquisition of this research data, it can be concluded that the
Wita Rubi Isfahani
, Rusilanti
and Alsuhendra
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Fish-Consuming
Behavior in Community Affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis Depok
category of fish consumption behavior owned by the community affected by Covid-19 in the
Cimanggis sub-district, Depok city is classified as low to moderate. The distribution of
respondents' behavior categories about fish is presented in the following table.
Table 4. Categories of Respondents' Behavior in Eating Fish.
Total (People)
Persentase (%)
Hegiht (≥ 75%)
Moderate (56-74%)
Low (< 55%)
In general, the results of measuring the behavior of respondents according to their
preferences and frequency in consuming fish are low. In line with the results of (Sokib,
Palupi, & Suharjo, 2012) research in Depok in order to formulate a strategy to increase
fish consumption in the city of Depok, it shows fish consumption behavior that is relevant
to the characteristics of research respondents. In this study, it was found that the fish
consumption pattern of most of the respondents as much as 65% was classified as high,
which was dominated by the age group above 45 years. Meanwhile, the younger age
group tends to have a different consumption pattern, which is more like eating fast food
and visually appealing foods. Based on where it is obtained, most consumers (72.5%)
tend to consume fish outside the home for practical reasons, so that fish processing
activities are considered an obstacle in consuming fish. In addition, the preferred type of
fish is fresh fish compared to processed fish products.
Based on the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test that has been carried
out, it was found that there is an almost positive and insignificant relationship between
Knowledge about fish and the fish-consuming behavior of the community affected by
Covid-19 in Cimanggis District, Depok City. The test is carried out using the Spearman
rank correlation test formula so that the correlation coefficient value is = 0.160. This
means that the direction of the relationship is close to positive with a weak strength level.
Furthermore, a significant test of the relationship between knowledge and eating behavior
of fish affected by Covid-19 was carried out using a two-tailed t test. This test compares
the t-count value with t-table with a confidence level of 5% or = 0.05, then the results of
the calculation of the t-count value are = 0.779 and the t-table value is -2.07 at the left
limit and +2.07 at the limit right. It is known that the value of t arithmetic is inside the
curve, which means that the decision of the hypothesis H0 is accepted and the hypothesis
H1 is rejected. The results of this study can be concluded that there is no relationship
between knowledge and eating behavior of people affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis
sub-district, Depok city.
Table 5. Results of Hypothesis Testing and Significance Test for Variable Y on X1.
Correlation Test
t test
Tidak Signifikan
The absence of a weak relationship between knowledge and fish-consuming
behavior in Cimanggis sub-district, Depok city, proves that high knowledge does not
necessarily have good fish-consuming behavior. This explains that the knowledge aspect
only takes a small portion in influencing one's fish consumption and is followed by
various other factors. This is in line with the research of (Asmaida & Sulaiman, 2020) in
the Danau Sipin sub-district, Jambi city which stated that there was no relationship
between knowledge and fish consumption behavior among housewives. Even though it
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 204-212
p-ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
has a low and insignificant value, it means that knowledge about nutrition, especially fish
consumption, has little effect because people are still considering the nutritional needs needed to
maintain immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Furthermore, it was found that there was a close positive and insignificant
relationship between knowledge about fish and fish consumption behavior of the people
affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis District, Depok City. The test is carried out using the
Spearman rank correlation test formula so that the correlation coefficient value is = 0.395.
This means that the direction of the relationship is close to positive with a weak strength
level. Furthermore, a significant test of the relationship between knowledge and eating
behavior of fish affected by Covid-19 was carried out using a two-tailed t test. This test
compares the t-count value with t-table with a confidence level of 5% or = 0.05, then the
results of the calculation of the t-count value are = 2.062 and the t-table value is -2.07 at
the left limit and +2.07 at the limit right. It is known that the value of t arithmetic is inside
the curve, which means that the decision of the hypothesis H0 is accepted and the
hypothesis H1 is rejected. The results of this study can be concluded that there is no
relationship between knowledge and eating behavior of people affected by Covid-19 in
Cimanggis sub-district, Depok city.
Table 7. Hypothesis Test Results and Significance Test for Variable Y on X2
Correlation Test
T Test
Not significant
The absence of a weak relationship between knowledge and fish-consuming
behavior in Cimanggis sub-district, Depok city, proves that high knowledge does not
necessarily have good fish-consuming behavior. This explains that the knowledge aspect
only takes a small portion in influencing one's fish consumption and is followed by
various other factors. This is in line with the research of (Asmaida & Sulaiman, 2020) in
the Danau Sipin sub-district of Jambi city which stated that there was no relationship
between knowledge and fish consumption behavior among housewives. Even though it
has a low and insignificant value, it means that knowledge about nutrition, especially fish
consumption, has little effect because people are still considering the nutritional needs
needed to maintain immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
From the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that
there is an almost positive and insignificant relationship between knowledge about fish
and fish consumption behavior. There is a close positive and insignificant relationship
between attitudes about fish consumption and fish consumption behavior.
Based on the results of category calculations, the people affected by Covid-19 in
the Cimanggis sub-district, Depok city, have knowledge and attitudes about fish
consumption that are classified as moderate to high, meanwhile people's behavior in
consuming fish shows a low to moderate category.
The results of the research that have been carried out do not prove that there is a
relationship between knowledge and attitudes about fish on the behavior of consuming
fish, but on the other hand there are allegations of factors that influence the behavior of
consuming fish. Factors that are thought to influence behavior are income factors and
personal taste factors. Even though they have tried to fulfill their primary needs, the
community is also suspected of being selective in choosing the type of food they like or
Wita Rubi Isfahani
, Rusilanti
and Alsuhendra
The Relationship Between Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Fish-Consuming
Behavior in Community Affected by Covid-19 in Cimanggis Depok
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Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 204-212
p-ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Wita$Rubi$Isfahani,$Rusilanti$and$Alsuhendra$(20 21)$