!Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
234 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
and Riski Juanda
Information Systems Postgraduate Study Program, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen
Informatika dan Komputer (LIKMI), Indonesia
1,2,3 dan 4
In the era of technology, anyone must understand, master or at least know
technology, because nowadays all human activities are related to technology (Burzagli,
Emiliani, Antona, & Stephanidis, 2021). Starting from the economic, social and
educational sectors, currently everything is closely related to information systems
Kansei Engineering,
User Feeling,
December, 23
January, 4
January, 14
The appearance and design of the application was originally
developed on the basis of its function and usability, as the
development of the appearance of an application began to
involve many aspects, including from the side of the user's
feelings. In the journal survey, this paper discusses the journals
that underlie the research using the Kansei Engineering method.
Kansei Engineering itself is a design method that uses user
feelings in making product designs. The method used in the
research is literature study, where the existing data becomes
information that is easy to understand and useful. The process
of finding sources that are used as literature studies by browsing
scientific books or articles from websites such as google scholar
to get a journal index indexed by google scientists and the
google.com search engine to get journal sources that are
sometimes not indexed by google scholar Determination of an
adequate number of respondents, complete analysis stages,
recommendation metrics supported by the display of
appropriate prototypes and specimens will produce optimal
research results. Based on the results of the study, it can be
concluded that 1. All surveyed papers have similarities in the
results of the research in the form of a recommendation matrix
that can be applied in making website-based applications and
the method used is Kansei Engineering Type I. In terms of
analyzing the results of the questionnaire, there are 2 journals
that use multivariate analysis with the stages of Coefficient
Correlation Analysis (CCA), Principal Component Analysis
(PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), and Partial Least Square (PLS).
While the other 3 each use different stages. Based on the results
of the survey on each paper, it can be concluded that each paper
has its own advantages and disadvantages, so that no one is
included in the ideal category, such as the number of
respondents involved in the study, the number of which is
significant with a complete analysis stage. It is also important to
display the prototype design to ensure the research results are as
expected. For specimens can be adjusted to the needs.
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 235
(Gojayeva, Huseynova, Babayeva, Sadigova, & Azizova, 2021) and information
technology to support everything from technical to strategic matters, in order to achieve
the goals that have been made (Tohara, 2021). In building information
systems/information technology (Pakusadewa, Suryani, Ambarwati, & Bintang, 2021),
there is one thing that must be considered, namely satisfaction. Therefore, an acceptable
IS/IT is not only one that is good from the manufacturer's point of view and has the latest
technology (Settembre-Blundo, González-Sánchez, Medina-Salgado, & García-Muiña,
2021), but also a product that has an emotional and psychological attachment to its users
(Chen, Chen, Mu, & Yu, 2021). User needs must be understood which is then translated
into a better technical aspect (Ali & Anwar, 2021). In its application, there is a known
method, namely Kansei Engineering (Yudhi Raymond Ramadhan, Nugroho, & Anwar,
2022). Kansei Engineering or in Japanese Kansei Kougaku which means
affective/emotional engineering, which can be interpreted as sensitivity related to what
people think, so Kansei Engineering (KE) is a method that combines Kansei into
Engineering (Coronado, Venture, & Yamanobe, 2021). Kansei Engineering will use
customer needs or customer-oriented factors as the basis for designing or developing a
product (Sembiring, Febrilliandika, Oktaviani, Siregar, & Azmi, 2021). In the process, an
analysis of the wants and needs of customers or users will be carried out. Customers in
choosing a product not only base their choice on logical reasons, such as the function of
the product (Seo & Song, 2021), but also judge based on emotional factors and feelings,
emotions and feelings of customers are important factors in determining the product to be
chosen by him. The emotional factors, feelings, desires, and hidden desires of a person
are referred to as affective factors. Kansei Engineering will focus on affective factors in a
product in developing a product. The application of Kansei Engineering that is carried out
correctly will produce a product that is not only efficient, but also has aesthetic value that
can spoil the emotions of its customers.
The method used in the research is literature study, where the existing data
becomes information that is easy to understand and useful. The process of finding sources
that are used as literature studies is to browse books or scientific articles from websites
such as google.scholar to get journal sources indexed by Google Scholar and the search
engine Google.com to get journal sources that are sometimes not indexed by Google
Searching sources on the internet uses the main keyword Kansei Engineering
which is the method in the research that will be made, as well as other keywords such as
website, interface design, and the HCI method which is also used in the application of the
Kansei method.
The selected source must apply Kansei correctly, starting with determining one of
the 8 Kansei models (Mohd Lokman, 2010), then determining the specimen and Kansei
Word, taking data from respondents such as questionnaires and then analyzing it using
multivariate statistics, the last step is translating the results of the analysis into the
application of making systems or products, the final results will produce
recommendations for the form of systems or products made based on Kansei Word or
according to the dominant emotions of the respondents from the results of the analysis.
The Kansei Engineering method used for these four research journals is using the
Kansei Engineering type I model, namely KEPack, with stages.
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
236 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Picture 1. Stages of Kansei Engineering Type I.
After searching for books or scientific articles through website searches using
google schoolar using the keyword Kansei Engineering interface e learning343 results
were obtained. Then from the 343 results selected Indonesian-language papers published
since 2016, so finally 5 papers were selected. The 5 papers used as the object of the
survey are as listed in the Study Characteristics table below.
Based on the condition of the masonry community who felt a significant impact on
the implementation of PPKM, we conclude that the community is in a dilemma. The
dilemma position referred to here is that when the community adheres to the PPKM
policy, the community will experience economic devastation and even go to the stage of
starvation. When people leave the public and do not comply with PPKM rules, the
community will get two impacts: a high risk of exposure to Covid-19 and strict sanctions
from the government.
Table 1. Study Characteristics.
Name of
Researcher /
Origin of
Type and
Research Title
(Afriq Yasin
Santosa, &
Ferdiana, 2018)
Journal of
Implementation in
Applications for
Using Kansei Engineering in
analyzing the factors needed
in designing the display
design of the E-learning
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 235
Faculty of
Science, Pasim .
Vocational High
Analyze design elements for
the appearance of E-learning
Create a matrix of design
element recommendations in
the E-learning application
display resulting from
analysis using Kansei
Martanto, M.
Kom. , Dr. Eng.
Ana Hadiana
Journal of
User Experience
Analysis for
Indigos User
Interface Design
Using the Kansei
Analyze interface design
related to user feelings
Analysis focuses on user
Creation of a user interface
design matrix in accordance
with the wishes of the user
Journal of
Application of
Engineering in
Web-Based E-
Learning Interface
Design (Case
Study: STMIK
CIC Cirebon
Analyzing the interface
design of the E-Learning
website based on the feelings
or emotions of students as
The results of the analysis are
in the form of a website
display recommendation
matrix and an E-Learning
prototype that can be applied
to the STIMIK CIC E-
Learning application.
Indra Griha
Tofik Isan,
Indra Satriadi
Sriwijaya State
Journal of
Engineering in
Designing Web-
Based e-Commerce
User Interface for
MSME Products
Analyze based on
multivariate analysis, ie
Complexity consists of
formal, natural and simple
emotion factors; and
Uniqueness consists of
Comfortable, Soft and
Unique which is poured into
the recommendation matrix
for the e-Commerce MSME
Product user interface
Designing recommendations
for e-Commerce user
interfaces for MSME
products, which use user
psychological factors which
are translated into user
interface recommendations.
Afriq Yasin
Paulus Insap
Santosa, Ridi
Department of
Engineering and
Journal of
Analysis of
Responses to B2C
M-Commerce User
Interfaces Based
on Gender and
Study Background
Using Kansei
Kansei measurements
Gender-based analysis
Study background-based
Multivariate analysis using
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
236 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Faculty of
Gadjah Mada
The discussion is carried out by surveying written works based on 3 categories,
namely the research subjects discussed, research results, and problems that can be solved
by the research. Furthermore, the 4 papers are compared to find out the differences and
similarities as well as the advantages and disadvantages.
A. The journal "Implementation of Kansei Engineering in E-learning Applications
for Vocational High Schools" was written by Yoga Megasyah.
1. Research Subject
In this study, the subjects of the discussion were students of SMK PGRI 3 Cimahi
and students of SMK 4 Padalarang. These students in the teaching and learning process
use e-learning applications that are carried out online using the internet or offline using a
projector. The study involved 8 e-learning specimens.
2. Research Results
In this journal, the author reveals the results of his research conducted on students
of SMK PGRI 3 Cimahi and SMK 4 Padalarang regarding the use of e-learning
applications with a total of 80 participants. This research resulted in 3 recommendations
for the design of the e-learning application display, namely:
The design concept is sourced from all respondents who have the concept of
emotion that has the strongest influence on it, which is "Dynamic".
Picture 2. Dynamic Design Concept.
The design concept is sourced from the respondents of SMK PGRI 3 Cimahi. The
concept of emotion that has the strongest influence is "Innovative / Creative"
The design concept is sourced from respondents at SMK Negeri 4 Padalarang. The
concept of emotion that has the strongest influence is "Fun".
Problems that can be solved
The problems that can be solved in this research are:
a. Knowing the factors needed in designing the display design of E-learning
applications with the Kansei Engineering approach
b. K nowledge of design elements for the appearance of E-learning applications
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 239
c. Recommendations for the use of E-learning application display design elements
generated through the Kansei Engineering approach that are in accordance with the
wishes of students.
Journal of "User Experience Analysis for Indigos User Interface Design Using the Kansei
Engineering Method" written by (Martanto & Hadiana, 2018).
Participants selected to fill out the questionnaire in this study were students of
STMIK IKMI Cirebon majoring in Information Management (MI) and
Computerized Accounting (KA) with an average age between 19-23 with details of
67 men, 96 women with a total 163 participants
1. Research Results
This research resulted in three Indigoes user interface design products which
include Indigoes user interface design for all participants, Indigoes user interface design
for student participants and Indigoes user interface design for female students.
The results of the analysis of this research is to produce the concept of emotion that
has a strong influence on the alternative design of the Indigoes user interface. The
concept of emotion that affects all participants is "Natural", while the concept of emotion
that affects student participants is "Colorfull" and the concept of emotion that affects
female participants is "Bright".
Picture 3. Concept of Emotion from Pca and FA Analysis.
Indigoes user interface design products are generated from the concept of emotion
which has a variable value above the range value of each category for recommendations
for making Indigoes user interface designs. Design products for all participants produce
the concept of "Natural" emotions, while design products for student participants produce
the emotional concepts of "Colorfull" and product designs for female participants produce
the emotional concept of "Bright".
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
240 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Picture 4. Prototype of Natural Concept Research Results.
Picture 5. Prototype of research results Bright Concept.
3. Problems that can be solved
Design elements in the research can be added in more detail so as to produce even better
element metrics as recommendations for Indigoes user interface design concepts
C. Journal of "Implementation of Kansei Engineering in Web-Based E-Learning
Interface Design (Case Study: STMIK CIC Cirebon") written by Freedy Wicaksono
1. Research Subject
The subjects of this study were students of STMIK CIC Cirebon, amounting to 200
people as participants to determine the desired design elements. Compilation of a
questionnaire based on 20 Kansei Words and 20 specimens of open source e-Learning
software which was then selected 5 specimens based on needs analysis
2. Research Results
This study produces a matrix of recommendations for e-Learning display design and a
prototype website display design based on psychological factors and two concepts of user
emotions, namely modernity and cheerfulness.
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 241
Picture 6. Modernity and Cheerfulness Design Elements.
The two emotion concepts are “Modernity” which consists of the emotional
elements “Luxury”, “Sober”, “Beautiful”, “Soft”, “Passionate”, “Dynamic”,
“Comfortable” and “Futuristic” and “Cheerfulness” which consists of of “Colorful” and
“Unique” emotion elements. The following is a prototype display of the e-Learning
website which was made based on the results of emotional factor analysis.
Picture 7. Interface Design Prototype.
3. Problems that can be solved
Analyzing the need for a website-based e-Learning application to support the
learning process at STMIK CIC Cirebon. Apply Kansei analysis to select one of the
appropriate open source e-learning applications. Make recommendations for Kansei
based design element metrics.
D. Journal of "Kansei Engineering in Designing Web-Based e-Commerce User Interfaces
for MSME Products" written by (Isa & Satriadi, 2019)
1. Research Subject
This study involved 40 participants, 20 Kansei Words and 10 e-commerce specimens for
MSME products. The connection in this research is how to translate the psychological
factors of e-commerce users of MSME products into user interface designs.
2. Research Results
After going through the stages, the results of the recommendations for the e-Commerce
user interface for MSME products are obtained, as follows:
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
242 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Picture 8. Matrix of MSME e-Commerce User Interface Recommendations.
3. Problems that can be solved
Two main concepts were obtained based on multivariate analysis, namely
Complexity consisting of formal, natural and simple emotion factors; and Uniqueness
consists of Comfortable, Soft and Unique which is poured into the recommendation
matrix for the e-Commerce MSME product user interface which consists of 8 main parts,
namely body, main menu, header, top menu, left menu, right menu, footer and sound and
divided into 65 design elements,
E. Journal of "Analysis of Affective Responses to B2C M-Commerce User
Interfaces Based on Gender and Study Background Using Kansei Engineering" written by
Afriq Yasin Ramadhan, Paulus Insap Santosa, Ridi Ferdiana.
1. Research Subject
In this study involved 65 participants with an age range of 22-27 years consisting
of 39 women and 26 men. As for the study background of Mathematics Education 18
people, Informatics Engineering 32 people, and Psychology as many as 15 people. The
specimens used were 5 specimens, namely:
• Lazada
• Matahari Mall
• Shopee
• Open
• Tokopedia
2. Research Results
In this research take 2 analytical approaches, namely:
a. Analysis Based on Male Gender
Based on the results of the Principal Component and the results of the PC loading,
the male group shows the recommended Kansei structure in the m-commerce user
interface is 2 components, namely attractiveness and modernity. The following table
shows the principal components and their PC loading:
Picture 9. Male PCA Results.
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 243
Picture 10. Male PC Loading Results.
b. Analysis Based on Female Gender
Based on the table of Principal Components and PC loading below, for the female group,
the recommended Kansei structure in the m-commerce user interface is 2 components,
namely cheerfulness and modernity.
Picture 11. Female PC Results.
Picture 12. Female PC Loading Results.
The following can be seen the results of the analysis recapitulation by gender
Picture 13. Recapitulation of Analysis by Gender.
c. Analysis Based on Informatics Engineering Study Background
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
244 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Picture 14. Principal Component Results of Informatics Engineering.
Picture 15. Results of PC Loading Informatics Engineering.
If you look at the Principal Component table and PC Loading results, it is
recommended that the results of the Informatics Engineering group have 2 components,
namely cheerfulness and modernity for the Kansei structure of m-commerce user
interface designers.
d. Analysis Based on Mathematical Study Background
The results of the mathematics group show that the recommended Kansei structure in the
UI m-commerce planning consists of two components, namely attractiveness and
modernity. The results can be seen in the table and figure below:
Picture 16. Mathematics Education PC Results.
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 245
Picture 17. Results of PC Loading Mathematics Education.
e. Analysis Based on Psychological Study Background
In the Kansei structural psychology group in planning UI m-commerce, attractiveness and
Cheerfulness components are recommended. The results of the analysis can be seen
Picture 18. Psychological PC Results.
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
246 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Figure 19. Results of PC Loading Psychology.
The results of the analysis recapitulation based on the background of the study are
as follows:
Figure 20. Recapitulation of Analysis Based on Studies.
As written in the table above, on the first axis there are 2 groups who recommend
the same concept in designing affective applications in m-commerce except for the
informatics engineering group. While on the second axis, there are also 2 groups who
suggest the same concept except for the psychology group.
3. Problems that can be solved
From the research that has been done, it turns out that in the design of m-commerce, it is
not only how advanced it is, how easy it is to use m-commerce or the convenience of
using it, but also how psychologically m-commerce attracts people to use it. Because
basically from the results of research conducted, gender differences, age differences and
educational background differences also affect everyone's psychology.
f. Differences and Similarities with Other Research Results
1. Difference
The differences that exist in the 5 journals discussed are:
a. Number of different specimens and respondents
b. The process of multivariate analysis carried out was different. Fredy and Afriq used the
PCA and FA stages, Indra used the PCA, FA, PLS, and CA stages, and Martanto and
Yoga used the CCA, PCA, FA, and PLS stages.
c. The results made by Fredy, Indra, and Yoga include a prototype design or website
display if you apply recommendation metrics, while the results of Martanto and Afriq
only include a recommendation matrix of design elements without providing a prototype
of the website appearance.
2. Equation
The equations in the 5 journals discussed are:
a. Using the Kansei Engineering type I . method
b. The results of the research in the form of a recommendation matrix that can be applied
in making website-based applications
Suhadi Parman
, Dadan Perdana
, Sena Kurniawan
, Riski Juanda
Kansei Engineering Method Survey Paper In Designing And Implementing Market
Needs 247
c. The journal created by Martanto and Yoga has similarities in analyzing the results of
the questionnaire with Multivariate statistical analysis with the stages of Coefficient
Correlation Analysis (CCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis
(FA), and Partial Least Square (PLS).
g. Strengths and Weaknesses with Other Research Results
1. Advantages
a. Fredy Research
• Using 200 respondents to determine the desired design elements, so that the results
of the questionnaire will be able to represent the majority of students' personalities
• Using specific specimens by preparing 20 specimens of the open source e-Learning
software which was then selected 5 specimens based on needs analysis
• The results of the study provide a prototype of the appearance of the website that can
be applied by the place that is the object of research
b. Indra's Research
• The analysis result is stronger because it uses 4 stages of multivariate analysis,
namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), Partial Least
Square (PLS), and Cluster Analysis (CA).
• The research description is written clearly and easily understood
c. Martanto's Research
• The results of the study provide a prototype of the appearance of the website that can
be applied by the place that is the object of research
• The analysis result is stronger because it uses 4 stages of multivariate analysis,
namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), Partial Least
Square (PLS), and Coefficient Correlation Analysis (CCA).
d. Yoga Research
• The results of the study provide a prototype of the appearance of the website that can
be applied by the place that is the object of research
• The analysis result is stronger because it uses 4 stages of multivariate analysis,
namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), Partial Least
Square (PLS), and Coefficient Correlation Analysis (CCA).
• Generate 3 recommended metrics for website display based on the type of
respondent, that is, out of all respondents, the concept of emotion that has the
strongest influence is “Dynamic”. The design concept is sourced from the respondents
of SMK PGRI 3 Cimahi. The concept of emotion that has the strongest influence is
“Innovative/Creative”. And the design concept sourced from the respondents of SMK
Negeri 4 Padalarang has the concept of emotion that has the strongest influence on it
is "Fun"
e. African Research
• The multivariate analysis process is explained in detail using diagrams
2. Weaknesses
a. Fredy Research
• The process of analyzing respondent data only uses 2 stages of multivariate analysis,
namely Component Analysis (PCA) and Factor Analysis (FA).
b. Indra's Research
• The research results are only in the form of a matrix table of design element
recommendations that can be used by the research object without making a prototype
implementation design of the matrix
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 234-249
248 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
• The number of participants is small if the object under study has a large to international
scale, with the collection of 40 questionnaire subjects it is felt that they do not represent
the target MSME users for both domestic and foreign markets.
3. Research Martanto
• Research uses 30 to 50 respondents which is considered less when compared to using
the system at the research object
• The design elements used in the research are less detailed
• The research results are only a recommendation matrix without making an interface
design prototype
• Few stages of multivariate analysis
4. Yoga Research
• Research only uses 15 Kansei Words, where in a similar study it has at least 20 Kansei
5. Afriq Research
• The research results are only a recommendation matrix without making an interface
design prototype
• Participants' backgrounds are not diverse, so the data obtained is less accurate
Few stages of multivariate analysis.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that all surveyed papers have
similarities in the results of the research in the form of a recommendation matrix that can
be applied in making website-based applications and the method used is Kansei
Engineering Type I, in terms of analyzing the results of the questionnaire, there are 2
journals that use multivariate analysis with the stages of Coefficient Correlation Analysis
(CCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA), and Partial Least
Square (PLS). While the other 3 each use different stages and based on the results of the
survey on each paper, it can be concluded that each paper has its own advantages and
disadvantages, so that no one is included in the ideal category, such as the number of
respondents involved in the study, the number of which is significant with a complete
analysis stage. It is also important to display the prototype design to ensure the research
results are as expected. For specimens can be adjusted to the needs.
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