!Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
184 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Yeni Triana
and Yelia Nathassa Winstar
Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru, Indonesia
1 and 2
In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, micro, small and medium enterprises in
Pekanbaru City are very enthusiastic (Cahya, Disfantoro, & Khusniah, 2021), especially
since the government assisted in the amount of Rp. 1. 200,000 per year to business actors
(Utami, Astuti, Ramadhan, Trialih, & Aprilian, 2019). According to the Pekanbaru City
Cooperatives and SMEs Service, the assistance of Rp. 1,200,000 was given to micro-
business actors who were not currently receiving People's Business Credit (KUR)
(Baudoin, Bosc, Bessou, & Levang, 2017). Pekanbaru City SME Cooperatives Agency
Head Idrus said the distribution of assistance was based on an official letter from the Riau
Province Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises Office Number
518/INDAGKOP.UKM/6.3/318 regarding Program Distribution (BPUM) in 2021 to the
Office in charge of Cooperatives and MSMEs in Regency/City in Riau Province
(Darmasetiawan, 2013). "The requirements are Indonesian citizens, have an Electronic
Identity Card (KTP), have a Micro Business as evidenced by a letter of proposal for a
candidate for BPUM recipient from the BPUM proposer along with its attachments which
are an integral part and not a State Civil Apparatus (Cyasmoro, 2021), members of the
Indonesian National Armed Forces, members of the State Police (Sarjono & Ma’ruf,
2021). Republic of Indonesia, state-owned enterprises employees or village-owned
Business Actors,
Principles, Property
December, 23
January, 4
January, 14
The purpose of this community service is to analyze the understanding
of business actors on the principle of propriety in running their
business. In the Tugu Keris MSMe business group in Sail District,
Pekanbaru City, in terms of the legal consequences that arise, they do
not implement the principle of propriety in the perspective of business
law. The output target is to increase the understanding of business
actors towards the principle of propriety in establishing this
partnership relationship, which is very important in the business world
towards business competition to increase competitiveness and achieve
profits, in particular, and, so the follow-up of the results of this service,
may be useful for the service team and external parties related to small
and medium enterprises regarding this decency principle are in the
form of lecture study material articles for students and allow at the
same time to do community service. The method of implementation is
the nature of this service, namely lectures and questions and answers
with participants. In the discussion of service, it was found that the
problems faced by these business actors, it is necessary to solve the
problem by providing a clear picture to the partners, because they have
very little knowledge of the principle of propriety in establishing
partnership relationships and the legal consequences that arise,
therefore it is necessary to further legal counseling. Some of the
findings in this service are used as material for improving the
implementation of the utilization of the principle of propriety, to
improve the community of business actors. The outputs produced are
according to the activity plan for the proposer in the form of scientific
articles, and learning study materials for students.
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and Yelia Nathassa Winstar
Property Principles For MSME Business Actors in Sail District, Pekanbaru City 185
enterprises employees," he said in a press release, he asked MSME players who had
registered in 2020 to re-register (Carter & Westenskow, 2020) because there are
additional features that must be completed. Likewise, those who have registered manually
must re-register online (Nugraha, Rijayana, Sapanji, Samihardjo, & Lestari, 2021). He
also appealed to SMEs in Pekanbaru City to immediately register their business online
through the https://mataumkm.riau.go.id application (Radhi & Pramuditya, 2021). MSME
actors should register their business as soon as possible through the application (Arie &
Fikry, 2021) and be able to fill in data completely and correctly, of course, including an
active mobile number, he said (Glazier, 2021). Through this mobile number, MSME
actors will get information about the disbursement of BPUM through the Ministry of
Cooperatives (MacArthur, 2021) and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia. Idrus hopes that
the Camat, Lurah, and RT/RW throughout the city of Pekanbaru will remind their citizens
who are MSME actors about the assistance. With the assistance provided by the
government, the business managed by the community is growing rapidly (Shaturaev,
2021), but on the other hand this progress is not balanced with knowledge of the issue of
how to maintain the relationship between the business actors themselves (Stam, 2015), as
well as with consumers, so that there are no conflicts that cause conflict. inconvenience to
the parties. As in business actors who are members of business group partnerships located
at Tugu Keris, Sail District, from various kinds of businesses, such as culinary, clothing
with all its knick-knacks, hijabs, accessories, and so on. Sometimes there is disharmony
among business actors in establishing the partnership. In terms of service to consumers,
which does not apply well, it means that there is disharmony in establishing the
This requires an understanding of the principle of propriety for business actors as
an effort to establish good relationships with various parties, both business partners and
consumers. One of the keys to success in running a business is to establish cooperative
relationships with other partners, and understand that every activity carried out is based
on guidelines, namely the principle of propriety. So that there will be no problems in
establishing partnership relationships with other business actors, in dealing with
consumers, this less harmonious relationship, becomes one of the barriers for both parties,
of course, it will affect profit gain. The principle of propriety is a guideline for business
actors to carry out their business activities, in serving consumers and their partners.
However, it is not easy to build a partnership through solid cooperation of both parties, as
a strong image for the competitiveness of business actors. The principle of propriety is the
basis for business actors as a form of good faith, in carrying out their business, especially
if the business actor wants to increase competitiveness in the relevant market.
Managing a right and proper business will be able to affect the sales of MSME
products in the community. Likewise with the business group located at Tugu Keris, one
of which is a business group under the auspices of Tenda Gilyu, which is a business that
has a significant function and role for MSMEs, as partners to increase profits or profits,
therefore Tenda Gilyu, because as group business actors, contribute to or facilitate
partnership business actors to empower their partner businesses so that they can be
competitive with other business actors, this is not as easy as agreed during negotiations,
sometimes the relationship has obstacles to make it happen, there is a misunderstanding
of both the his partner. For this reason, it is necessary to improve the understanding of
what has been agreed upon by the parties, especially to the principle of propriety in
carrying out partnership relationships, both among business actors and consumers. The
principle of propriety for both parties, as a guideline in running their business, so that
they can realize and advance the MSME business world. This means that the
understanding of both parties to the principle of propriety, which is the legal basis for the
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186 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
birth of an agreement, is very important for both parties to understand. The principle of
propriety, one of the very important principles in legal relations, is a guideline in carrying
out daily activities in legal actions particularly in partnership. The principle of propriety
is a guideline to avoid the occurrence of errors, omissions, and intentions, in carrying out
what has been agreed upon by the parties. The principle of propriety is made to provide
legal protection for a legal act in the agreement, is attached to a partnership agreement for
business actors. Thus, the principle of propriety provides guidance for business actors,
which is the basis of rights for the parties, which are protected by law and legislation,
which are part of moral rights and economic rights, thus requiring legal protection for
both parties. To obtain maximum rights, business actors need to increase their
understanding of the principle of propriety.
Partner Problems
That the understanding of partners regarding the principle of propriety is still very
minimal, even some business actors, there are still those who do not know about the
principle of propriety towards fellow business actors, as well as consumers, which are the
obligations of business actors, and how to resolve them. With the ignorance of partners, it
can cause losses for business actors, as well as loss of profits, which should be obtained
from consumers.
The implementation method is a solution offered to overcome the problems faced
by partners. Following the priority issues faced by partners, namely the lack of partner
knowledge of the principle of propriety for business actors in carrying out their business
activities towards consumers, which causes disharmony among the parties, due to the
partner's lack of proper understanding of the principle of propriety. Thus, in this
community service program, the priority issue agreed upon by the proposer with partners
to be resolved is to provide an understanding of the principle of propriety, as the
implementation of consumer protection, so that, after this program, a concrete legal
awareness of the rights and obligations of each will be implemented. parties can be
understood by partners so that a harmonious atmosphere between partners can be
realized. The approach method offered to solve the problems of program partners that
have been mutually agreed upon in the realization of community service programs is
lectures and discussions. The work procedure to support the method offered is that
devotion will be carried out in 2 sessions. For the first session, the lecturer delivered the
material and the public listened carefully, the second session would be a question and
answer session where participants were free to ask questions about the material presented
or about frequently encountered issues regarding the material, principles of propriety, and
consumer protection for business actors. Partners' participation in this community service
program is to provide a place for implementing the program and presenting partner
members. The output that will be produced according to the activity plan for the proposer
is in the form of scientific articles and banners, while for partners increasing knowledge
about how the principles of propriety can be implemented for business actors to
consumers, thereby fostering legal awareness of partners in carrying out their daily
business activities.
In this activity, the work procedure is carried out in several stages, namely, the first
stage of preparation. This preparation is focused on preparing all the equipment needed to
carry out this activity, studying literature and coordinating with related agencies to carry
out activities. Second, site visits to determine the location of extension activities. Third,
the design of the Legal Counseling module. This stage prepares the material that will be
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and Yelia Nathassa Winstar
Property Principles For MSME Business Actors in Sail District, Pekanbaru City 187
displayed in the activity. The module was reproduced by several participants who were
involved in the activity. Fourth, the implementation of legal counseling is carried out by
the Implementing Team from the Master of Law at Lancang Kuning University and the
material is about the principles of propriety and consumer protection. Partner
The implementation of this service activity can be carried out, it is necessary to
have the participation of the Subdistrict Head of Sail District, Pekanbaru City and
business actors, who become partners are the Tugu Keris MSME group, located on Jl.
Pattimura Tugu Keris Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City, among others, in
determining this location was determined by the business owner and its members, willing
to take part in counseling on Increasing Understanding of Proper Principles in Partnership
Relationships in the Tugu Keris MSME Business Actors Group in Sail District,
Pekanbaru City from beginning to end. Evaluation Technique
This service activity is evaluated, where to find out the success of this service
activity an evaluation is carried out after this activity is carried out. Evaluation is carried
out after providing a material briefing to the community. Where are the techniques
performed in This evaluation is done by identifying the number of participants and at the
same time providing questionnaires to participants related to the activity material, both
before and after the service activities are carried out. The benchmarks for the success of
this activity are 1) The realization of cooperation between the organizers of the activity
and the local community, 2) The number of participants who attend at least 50% of the
invitees, 3) There is a two-way interaction in activities between speakers and participants,
4) Increased understanding of participants related to the material presented.
Understanding the principle of propriety in a partnership relationship in the MSME
business group at the Tugu Keris Roundabout in Sail District, Pekanbaru City. Legal
principles can be interpreted as something that is considered by the legal community
concerned as basic truth or basic truth because it is through these legal principles that the
ethical and social considerations of society enter into law. Thus, the principle of the law
becomes a kind of source for living the legal system with the ethical, moral, and social
values of the community. The principle of law is the broadest basis for the birth of legal
regulation. This means that legal regulations can ultimately be returned to these
principles. Legal principles serve as guidelines or orientation directions based on which
the law can be implemented. These legal principles will not only be useful as a guide
when dealing with difficult cases but also in terms of applying the rules. principles or
legal principles are the basis for contract law. The main principles or principles are
considered as pillars of contract law, providing an overview of the background to the way
of thinking that forms the basis of contract law. One or another because of the
fundamental nature of these things, the main principles are also said to be basic
principles. The principle of law is the broadest basis for the birth of legal regulation. This
means that legal regulations can ultimately be returned to these principles. Principles
serve as guidelines or orientation directions based on which the law can be implemented.
then the principle of consensuality/agreement, then the principle of good faith, in this
good faith, as a benchmark is the existence of rationality and propriety, as well as the
principle of personality, personality. Principles are used as the basis for a person to take
legal actions in making an agreement. With these principles the parties must implement
the substance of the agreement. The principle functions as a guide or orientation direction
based on which the law can be implemented. According to Satjipto Rahardjo, the legal
principle can be interpreted as something that is considered by the legal community
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 184-195
188 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
concerned as basic truth or basic truth, because through legal principles it is ethical and
social considerations. society into law. Thus, the legal principle becomes a kind of source
for living the legal system with the ethical, moral, and social values of the community.
The legal principle functions as a guide or orientation direction based on which the law
can be implemented. These legal principles will not only be useful as guidelines when
dealing with difficult cases, but also in terms of applying the rules. In contract law there
are five important principles, namely: The principle of freedom of contract. It can be
analyzed from the provisions of Article 1338 paragraph (1) of the Civil Code which reads
"All agreements made legally apply as law for those who make them." Based on the
principle of freedom of contract, people in principle can agree with any content
whatsoever, as long as it does not conflict with the law, morality and public order. The
scope of the principle of freedom of contract, according to Indonesian contract law is: the
freedom to make or not to agree, the freedom to choose the party with whom he wants to
agree, the freedom to determine or choose the cause. The principle of consensual. The
principle of consensual has the most important meaning, that to produce an agreement, it
is enough to just agree and that the agreement (and the engagement resulting from it) has
been born at the time or seconds of reaching consensus. For the occurrence of an
agreement in general the agreement of will that meets certain conditions is a valid
contract according to law. The principle of consensual can be concluded in Article 1320
paragraph (1) of the Civil Code. In the article, it is determined that one of the conditions
for the validity of the agreement is the existence of a word of agreement between the two
Proper Principle. This principle is stated in Article 1339 of the Civil Code. The
principle of propriety here relates to the provisions regarding the contents of the
agreement, this principle is involved in a fair engagement, where a voluntary act in which
a person's actions do not give him the right to sue the debtor's counter-achievement. This
is also seen in zaakwaarneming, where a person who commits an act voluntarily has a
(legal) obligation. the society into law. Thus, the principle of the law becomes a kind of
source for living the legal system with the ethical, moral, and social values of the
community. Legal principles serve as guidelines or orientation directions based on which
the law can be implemented. These legal principles will not only be useful as guidelines
when dealing with difficult cases, but also in terms of applying the rules. In contract law
there are five important principles, namely: The principle of freedom of contract. It can
be analyzed from the provisions of Article 1338 paragraph (1) of the Civil Code which
reads "All agreements made legally apply as law for those who make them." Based on the
principle of freedom of contract, people in principle can make an agreement with any
content whatsoever, as long as it does not conflict with the law, morality and public order.
The scope of the principle of freedom of contract, according to Indonesian contract law
is: the freedom to make or not to make an agreement, the freedom to choose the party
with whom he wants to make the agreement, the freedom to determine or choose the
Achieved Outcomes
Knowledge of the Target Audience of Business Actors Before Submission of
Community service activities are carried out face-to-face, even though it is still in
the pandemic period, but still by paying attention to Prokes.
Yeni Triana
and Yelia Nathassa Winstar
Property Principles For MSME Business Actors in Sail District, Pekanbaru City 189
Picture 1. Attendance List Filling.
The Principle of Properness in Partnership Relationships between MSME Business
Actors and Consumers, as customers in the business group at the Tugu Keris
Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City, it is very clear that there is a competition
among these business actors, not only occurring at a large level of capital but also often
experienced by the poor. beginners in MSMEs, as happened at the Tugu Keris
Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City. This will influence the partnership
relationship that exists between business actors and consumers, the impact is on operating
income. Frictions that occur between fellow business actors, in terms of determining
merchandise stalls, fight over these stalls, which according to one business actor is a
strategic place to attract consumers, besides that there is also a struggle for customers and
consumers so that there is a tug of war between business actors and consumers. the
customer. this is the problem faced by fellow business actors in establishing partnership
relationships, therefore the right target is the Community Service Team of the Faculty of
Law, to provide service regarding the importance of the principle of propriety in the
partnership relationship, as a guideline to maintain harmony between business actors and
other business actors, as well as with consumers.
Knowledge of activity participants about increasing understanding of the principles
of propriety in Partnerships in groups of MSME business actors in Budaran Tugu Keris,
Sail District, Pekanbaru City, before service activities were carried out by way of legal
counseling, and interactive question and answer discussions with the participants. As well
as the questionnaire was given before the presentation of the legal counseling material, it
was clear that the participants did not understand the principle of propriety in establishing
a partnership relationship between these business actors, only 30% (thirty percent)
understood, with a total of 25 people attending, but after being given the presentation of
the material, the questionnaire was given back to the activity participants to measure the
difference before and after the activity was carried out.
After the provision of material and counseling was carried out, there was a
difference in the increase in participants' knowledge, this was because participants
listened carefully to the material given during the counseling, so that in general
participants when answering the questionnaire were able to give the correct answer.
Paying attention to the questionnaire data, it can be seen that the choice of the
target audience, in general, chose the answer they already knew, except for the 3rd
question, which is about the elements which are the characteristics of the principle of
good faith, only 5 people correctly answered, because they considered the decency
principle to be incorrect. part of the principle of good faith, the participants (25%) of
participants who still don't know the answer. However, after being given the material on
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 184-195
190 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
the principles in the agreement, including the principle of good faith, the benchmark of
which is propriety and rationality which is described in detail in this legal counseling,
then participants can give the correct answer, almost answering correctly (90%).
Based on the answers of the participants above, it can be concluded that prior to the
implementation of the activities, all of the participants did not know and understand about
the contract understanding program and its legal consequences, as well as the settlement
in case of default according to the Civil Code. On the other hand, after giving the material
there was an increase in the knowledge of the target audience. Questionnaire data can
show that participants' understanding reaches more than 80% (eighty percent) of the 5
(five) questionnaire questions. The highest correct answer is 88% (eighty percent) on the
4 (four) and 5 (five) questionnaire questions, while the lowest correct answer is 63%
(sixty three percent) on the 1 (one) questionnaire.
Understanding of Business Actor After Material Presentation
To create competitiveness for MSME business actors at the Tugu Keris
Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City, the important thing is to give a good influence
in the partnership relationship between the parties with a harmonious partnership, which
is based on mutual respect and tolerance and understanding of the parties. is a basic thing
that must be inherent in a partnership relationship to produce a sustainable relationship,
so that the consequences will benefit both parties. This was given by the presentation to
the community service participants about the importance of guiding the principles of
propriety in establishing partnership relationships among MSME business actors at the
Tugu Keris Roundabout. This relationship is carried out to make it easier for the parties to
strengthen cooperation that is well planned, and communicated appropriately, it will be
easier to realize the harmonization of the partnership relationship.
Picture 2. Submission of Materials by the PKM Team.
Previously, the participants were explained that the principle of propriety, is an
inseparable part of a principle of good faith, which is a principle in contract law. That the
principle of good faith does not only refer to the parties but also refers to the values that
develop in society, good faith as part of the community. Good faith is a standard of
decency and justice in society, to regulate the social relations of the parties. The principle
of good faith where in general the benchmark or standard is that the agreement made is
reasonable, as a rational act, besides that in good faith the benchmark is that the
agreement contains propriety. So that the agreement in its implementation has several
functions, namely as a rational and appropriate agreement.
Before the explanation through the lecture method was carried out, especially pre-
test as well as after the lecture session was completed, the Community Service Team
conducted a post-test questionnaire to 25 participants to determine the response and level
of participants' understanding of the material provided by the resource person. The results
Yeni Triana
and Yelia Nathassa Winstar
Property Principles For MSME Business Actors in Sail District, Pekanbaru City 191
of the evaluation of participants' knowledge begin with questions about, in everyday life
humans carry out their activities that need to be based on guidelines, in law what is
known as what, the next question in carrying out human activities must be based on law,
then a very important question is regarding the benchmarks in the principle of good faith,
namely the existence of rational and appropriate principles, then the next question
discusses the term harmonization in legal actions to carry out daily activities, the
elements include anything. Furthermore, it was concluded that the community service
team after comparing the results of the initial test (pre-test) and final test (post-test) by
submitting a questionnaire before and after giving the material as can be seen that: the
evaluation of counseling using the questionnaire/questionnaire method amounted to 25
(twenty-five). The extension team distributed 25 (twenty-five) participants and the
participants answered the questions in the questionnaire by circling the correct answer.
The questionnaire was divided twice, namely before and after the material was delivered.
The aim is to find out the increase in participants' understanding when the material is
delivered before and after it is delivered. The first questionnaire begins with a question
about in everyday life humans carry out their activities that need to be based on
guidelines, in law known as the term.
The answer choices for these questions are (A) rights (B) obligations, (C)
guidelines, (D) principles, only 25% (twenty-five percent) of the participants answered
(D) principles. Only a few Participants thought that the guidelines were
principles/principles, other than answering with obligations. this can be seen from the
results of the questionnaire where almost 75% (seventy-five percent) of the participants
answered choice B. The correct answer for this question is (D).
The next question is to measure participants' knowledge about the law of human
action based on what the law is called. The answer choices for this question are (A) the
principle of humanity, (B) the principle of social, (C) the principle of good faith, (D) the
principle of harmonization. The correct answer is (C) which is the principle of good faith.
More than half of the participants answered correctly for the second question, as seen
from the questionnaire results 56% (fifty-six percent) of participants answered the
principle of good faith. The next question, the elements of harmonization are (A)
harmonious and synchronized (B) carrying out obligations, (C) prioritizing obligations
over rights, (D) righteous and fair actions. The correct answer choices are aligned and
synchronous, almost 50% of the participants answered correctly (A). The next question is
about whether the promise by agreement/contract, the answer choices (A) are the same,
(B) can be the same or not, (C) are not the same, (D) all answers a, b and c are wrong.
The correct answer choice for this question is (C) not the same, only 31% (thirty-one
percent) of the participants answered correctly. A total of 69% (sixty percent) of
participants think that a promise is the same as an agreement/contract. The next question
from the questionnaire that was distributed to participants was related to the term capital
in the company, which includes anything. The answer choices are (A) capital includes
objects, goods and money, (B) authorized capital, issued capital, and paid-up capital, (C)
deposit capital, shares, land and building certificates, (D) securities capital, money, and
company vehicles. The correct answer is (B), there is authorized capital, issued capital,
and paid-up capital, only 37% (twenty-seven percent) of the participants answered
correctly. The next question that is included in the questionnaire regarding the obligations
of business actors to consumers is already regulated in the law, state the law that regulates
it. The answers provided to this question (A) Law no. 18 of 1999, (B) Law no. 08 of
1999, (C) Law no. 28 of 1999, (D) Law no. 80 of 1999, as many as 63% (sixty-three
percent) of the participants answered correctly. Whereas in carrying out their activities,
business actors must be guided by the provisions stipulated in the consumer protection
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 184-195
192 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
law number 08 of 1999, the overall level of knowledge and understanding of participants
towards the obligations of business actors has begun to progress, it can be seen by giving
the correct answers, it will but there are still participants who do not understand the
importance of knowing the obligations of business actors to provide consumer protection,
because almost all participants are MSME business actors, who carry out daily activities
related to consumers, should understand what are the rights and obligations of business
actors towards consumers. Questions that get the highest percentage of correct answers
are not more than 69% (sixty percent) for questionnaires number 4 (four) and 5 (five),
and the highest incorrect answers are 75% (seventy five percent) for questionnaire
number 1 (one).
Picture 3. Partner's Level of Understanding of the Proper Principle.
Description: *(1 = very poor, yellow ; 2 = poor, gray 3 = adequate, orange 4 = good, 5 =
very good; blue). **Source: Survey conducted on November 30, 2021
Achievement of activity targets.
The solutions offered in this activity can be used as a basis for solving the
problems faced by the parties regarding the understanding of the principle of propriety in
partnership relations between MSME business actors in groups of business actors at the
Tugu Keris Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City: 1) Regarding partner problems
related to lack of knowledge partners about the importance of paying attention to the
principle of propriety in establishing partnership relationships between the business actors
themselves, as well as their customers. 2) Regarding partner problems related to lack of
understanding of all legal consequences of not implementing the principle of propriety in
the partnership relationship. The implementation of this service activity has achieved the
targets planned in points 1 to 2 above. In point 1, overcoming the ignorance of partners,
legal counseling activities have been carried out on the importance of paying attention to
the principle of propriety related to the partnership relationship between MSME business
actors. Based on the recognition of partners in activities, they understand better the
importance of the principle of appropriateness related to partnership cooperation because
in this case it is related to the rights and obligations of both parties. In point 2, it is related
to the partner's lack of understanding regarding all legal consequences of not
implementing the principle of propriety, which is the basis of the principle of good faith.
The presenter has conducted a dialogue with partners, first regarding the agreement which
is the basis for realizing the principle of propriety, by providing correct knowledge about
general problems regarding the principle of good faith, and in particular the benchmark of
the principle of good faith, namely the existence of the principle of propriety, with all
consequences. the law related to it, especially regarding partnership cooperation with the
MSME business group at the Tugu Keris Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City. In
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and Yelia Nathassa Winstar
Property Principles For MSME Business Actors in Sail District, Pekanbaru City 193
addition, the speaker also conveyed about the settlement of not implementing the two
agreements, which was the beginning of the existence of an attachment between the two
parties in a very important relationship to the implementation of the propriety principle
(Tabroni, Ahyani, & Permana, 2021).
Outcomes Achieved in Community Service Activities
Community service regarding improving the understanding of the principle of
propriety in partnership relationships in this group of MSME business actors, was
responded positively by the target audience. The enthusiasm of the target audience is
quite large. It can be seen that quite a number of people raised questions about the
agreement, the principle of good faith, the principles in carrying out the partnership
relationship, violations of not complying with the principle of propriety, how to
implement a good agreement, the legal consequences of not implementing the principle of
propriety. It was noted that during this community service activity, there were 5 (five)
questions asked by the target audience, namely as follows:
The honorable Mr. Camat Sail Pekanbaru City, namely Mr. Fachruddin
Panggabean, S.Sos., M.Ap. , who was also present from the beginning to the end of the
event, and did not forget to ask questions, asking about the principles of establishing a
partnership relationship, this question was answered by the service team. That it is based
on contract law in force in Indonesia, that these principles include the existence of; a. the
existence of the principle of freedom of contract, which is regulated in Article 1338
paragraph (1) of the Civil Code; b. the existence of the principle of good faith as
regulated in Article 1338 paragraph (2) of the Civil Code; c. the existence of the principle
of consensualism; d. the principle of pacta sunt servanda. In this principle of good faith,
the benchmark is the principle of rationality and propriety, so that legal actions are based
on these principles.
The next question, from Mr. Adrian S.Sos, who is the Chairman of LPMK, Sail
District, Pekanbaru City, questions regarding the legal consequences in an agreement, if it
is not implemented, in the event that the service team provides an explanation, first
regarding the implementation of the agreement is called the term , achievements and if
they do not carry out the contents of the above achievements, then it is known as
wanprestasi, then any matters related to the implementation of the contents of the
agreement. This question was answered by the service team, according to the provisions
of the Civil Code Articles 1233 and 1234, that one of the sources of engagement is an
agreement. So the agreement gave birth to an engagement. Because the contents of the
achievement are: Giving something/handing over something; Doing something; Not
doing something, Not carrying out the contents of the agreement or achievement, it is
called a default, where the causes of a default are: Not carrying out the entire contents of
the agreement; Implement but only partially; Implemented but too late; Doing something
that according to the agreement should not be done.
Furthermore, a similar question was also raised by Mrs. Susilawati, as the head of
the Rukun Tetangga (RT) what are the legal consequences if they do not carry out the
contents of the agreement or in other words the question is what are the legal
consequences. This question was answered by the service team, that the legal
consequences of not carrying out the contents of the agreement that have been agreed
upon by both parties: are being able to continue the agreement with several provisions,
namely having to pay compensation, to the injured party; pay the agreed fees; and pay
interest or other reimbursement. Thus the parties can understand, if what has been agreed
and stated in the agreement, it is the obligation of both parties to carry out the contents of
the agreement.
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 184-195
194 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
The problems faced by the target audience of MSME business actors at the Tugu
Keris Roundabout, Sail District, Pekanbaru City, before delivering the material, most of
them did not understand the principle of propriety in establishing partnership
relationships between parties, especially business actors and consumers or customers. So
that friction often occurs which often leads to disputes, so that it reaches the realm of law,
but after being given legal counseling there has been an increase, and these disputes can
be minimized by increasing the knowledge of the parties in understanding the importance
of mutual respect, tolerance, and good communication. well, all of these are
characteristics of the principle of propriety, in partnership cooperation.
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