STIE Amkop Institute, Makassar, Indonesia
Greeting Tourism,
Fish Farming,
Development Strategy
December, 23
January, 4
January, 14
In this study, this study aims to determine the trend of the
development of greeting tourism and the cultivation of tilapia
and carp. The methods used are survey and interview methods.
The results showed that the development of sapana tourism in
the last two years and in the future is increasing, while the
cultivation of tilapia and gouramy has developed and has
natural potential in the form of natural beauty surrounded by
mountains and has adequate facilities and infrastructure such as
a lesehan casebo or restaurant and restaurant. worship place.
accessibility of both private and public transportation and local
government support. Meanwhile, future linkages from the
development of greeting tourism include the addition of tourist
attractions such as tilapia cultural tourism or bathing places.
Furthermore, the development chain of greeting tourism in the
future is an increase in the number of tourist visits along with
the development of superior or culinary products so that they
can attract tourists to visit. The development of greeting tourism
in the future will also open up new job opportunities to meet the
needs of tourists while in Bonto Salama village. From the
development of greeting tourism, it will also increase people's
income from the tourism business that is run and increase
regional income from levies imposed on tourists.
Sapana tourism Bonto salama village is one of the areas that has natural tourism
which is used as a greeting tourist spot with natural beauty and adequate infrastructure for
tourists such as waterfalls and plans to build restaurants, souvenir stalls, stalls selling food
and soft drinks. Supporting facilities are also available in Bonto Salama village such as
places of worship, public toilets, lesehan facilities, parking lots and other supporting
facilities. In addition to natural beauty and facilities, access to Bonto Salama village is
also very easy to reach either by private vehicle or public transportation. Tourist activities
that are usually carried out by tourists are fishing, culinary tours of superior products of
tilapia and carp or just enjoying the beauty of nature. In the last 2 years, the number of
tourists to these tours tends to increase. This shows that greeting tourism deserves to be
developed and has good prospects in the future.
Sapana tourism is also used as aquaculture with tilapia pond media. This
cultivation business is carried out scattered on the outskirts of the lake. The fish that are
cultivated are tilapia and gourami. The production from this aquaculture business is sold
to agents and culinary entrepreneurs and visitors to greet and enjoy tourism and can also
be processed into a grilled fish menu that is famous for tourists. The existence of the
greeting and cultivation tourism business is considered not to damage the natural beauty
as a tourist spot because of the scattered and regular location of the ponds. The existence
of this aquaculture business is also considered to be the cause of development and good
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
Sapana Tourism Development Strategy Bonto Salama Village, Sinjai Barat District
water quality as a result of the leftover feed that accumulates at the bottom of the water
can also be used as fish feed.
From the description above, the author is interested in conducting research on how
to develop greeting tourism strategies in Bonto Salama Village, West Sinjai District,
Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Where this tourist spot has the potential to be
developed but clashes with cultivation businesses that do not damage the natural beauty.
But on the other hand, this cultivation business also supports the development of tourism,
especially culinary tourism, where the main ingredients are gouramy and tilapia and local
products from West Sinjai which will be obtained directly from the cultivation business.
development of cultivation business and find out the prospect of developing greeting
tourism in Bonto Salama Village, West Sinjai Regency in the future.
This research was conducted in October in Bonto Salama Village, West Sinjai
District, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The method used is the survey
method. Survey is a research method using a questionnaire as a data collection
instrument. The aim is to obtain information about a number of respondents who are
considered to represent a certain population (Kriyantono, 2008).
According to Sugiyono (2011), the population is a tourist area of bonto salama
whose generalization consists of objects or subjects that have certain qualities and
characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions. The
population of this research is local government, tourists and business people.
Determination of respondents for local governments is done by purposive sampling
technique. The number of respondents is 30 people consisting of the Regional
Government and village officials as well as the local community.
The sample is 30 people with the criteria of age seventeen years and over, both
male and female, both from within and outside the district. Respondents for business
actors consisting of local product businesses. stall business that sells food and soft drinks,
souvenir business and fish farming business with the criteria that the business owned has
been developed for at least one year. The data collected is primary data, namely data
collected from respondents and secondary data, namely data collected from relevant
agencies. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation
data. The data analysis used to answer the first objective is trend analysis. According to
Supangat (2007), the general equation for trend analysis is:
Y = a + bx
Where :
Y : Forecast value
a : Constant (value of trend y, when x=0)
b : Slope (coefficient of change in value of y due to change in value of x)
x : Value of year period
To answer the second research objective, descriptive data analysis was used, by
describing backward linkages consisting of natural potential, facilities/infrastructure,
accessibility and support of stakeholders and forward linkages such as increasing the
number of tourists, adding tourist attractions, employment opportunities and increasing
income from the development of tourism objects. greetings, Bonto Salama Village, West
Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency.
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 284-290
Sapana Tourism Object, Hadiwijoyo (2012), distinguishes tourist objects and
attractions into three, namely; natural attractions, socio-cultural attractions and special
interest attractions. Of the three attractions, Sapana tourism is included in natural tourism
objects where natural resources are potential and attractive for visitors both in their
natural state and after cultivation. The land area is approximately 4 hectares. Waterfall
tourist attraction which is not too wide and surrounded by mountains overgrown with
beautiful trees so that the natural atmosphere is calm and cool. Sapana tourism activities
that can be done are swimming, fishing, traveling and being able to enjoy the scenery and
culinary tours. The facilities and infrastructure available at the Sapana tourist attraction
are quite varied and adequate.
The following table describes the number of infrastructure facilities at the Sapana
tourist attraction.
Table 1. Facilities and Infrastructure at Sapana Tourism Objects.
No Facilities and infrastructure Tot
Based on the table above, it is known that the number of facilities and
infrastructure at the Sapana tourist attraction is 30 units. There are 5 units of fishing
ground, which is a place for middle class 2 to shelter, namely a casebo and a place to eat.
Sapana tourist attraction has a menu that is very popular with visitors, namely tilapia and
gourami fish as well as village superior products. Several future plans for the construction
of the restaurant are located on the edge of the tour in natural conditions so as to provide
a different sensation for visitors. There are quite a number of food and soft drink stalls in
Sapana tourism compared to other infrastructure facilities. These Warung plans are
spread out along the tourist area roads. The souvenir kiosk is in the greeting and sells
souvenirs in the form of clothes, accessories and other souvenirs. Other facilities are
fishing and bathing places as well as places of worship. and public toilets are also
available. The condition of roads, parking lots, electricity, natural pool water at the
Sapana tourist attraction is also very good.
Characteristics of Tourists, Business Actors and Stakeholders
Tourists who visit the Sapana tourist attraction have different characteristics
ranging from age, gender, education, area of origin of work and area of origin. Tourists in
this study a sample of 30 people. Tourists visiting the Sapana tourist attraction are
dominated by male tourists, aged 27-36 years, coming from outside the Sinjai Regency,
working as entrepreneurs with the reason of visiting to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Business actors in the Sapana tourism object are dominated by male business actors, aged
37-46 years with an educational background of high school or equivalent. The most
common businesses found in food and soft drink stalls. As for the characteristics of
stakeholders, namely the Regional Government, they are aged 46-55 years with an
Sapana Tourism Development Strategy Bonto Salama Village, Sinjai Barat District
educational background of SMA to S2.
Trends in the Development of the Number of Tourists in Sapana Tourism Objects
In the last five years the number of tourists visiting the Sapana tourism object tends
to increase. One of the factors for the increasing number of tourists visiting greeting
tourism is the establishment of a building with the words "Sapana Tourism Place" in the
village of Bonto Salama, Sinjai Barat, which is quite attractive to tourists and becomes a
mandatory photo spot when visiting the tour. In addition, the development of culinary
tourism is also able to attract tourists to visit tourist objects. Distinctive menus and
beautiful nature attract tourists to visit the Sapana tourist attraction, namely baths and
fishing grounds and other facilities.
According to Nasihuddin (2010), culinary tourism as a superior product in the
archipelago develops very quickly and automatically accompanies other tours. This is
because culinary is a lifestyle and human culture that is on the rise. In various cities, filled
with diverse culinary, both the type of food to the concept of presentation. Culinary
variety, ranging from snacks to main meals is the hallmark of each city. The following is
the number of tourists who visited in the last 2 years.
Table 2. Number of Tourists in Sapana Tourism Object in 2019-2021.
Number of
Tourists (person)
Source: Bonto Salama Village.
Based on Table 2, it is known that the number of tourists visiting in the last five
years tends to increase. From Table 2 it can be estimated the number of tourists who will
visit the Sapana tourist attraction in the next five years. This forecast uses trend analysis.
From the calculation results, the equation Y = 71,348,3+11,624,5x is obtained. From this
equation, a forecast is made which aims to determine the number of tourists who will visit
the Sapana tourist attraction in the next five years by substituting the x value with the
forecast period code. The following is a table of the results of the forecast for the number
of tourists in the next five years.
Table 3. Estimated Number of Tourists in Sapana Tourism Object in 2019-2023.
No Years
Number of enta
Based on Table 3 above, it is estimated that in the next five years starting from 2019-
2023 the number of tourists visiting the Sapana tourist attraction shows an increasing trend.
The increasing forecast results indicate that tourism development is showing a positive
trend. The increasing forecast results are also in line with the increasing number of
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 284-290
tourists visiting greeting tourism in the last five years.
Tilapia and Gourami Cultivation Business
Tongging waters are also used as a medium for tilapia and carp cultivation by the
community. This cultivation has been developed since 2020 using floating net cages (KJA) at
tourist sites. The size of the fish used is 50x60 meters, a depth of 1 meter and the fish that are
cultivated are Tilapia and gourami and fish seeds measuring 10-12 cm with a total of 5000
fish per bag. The feed required is 2,500 kg of feed per six months. This cultivation business
takes six months of maintenance and produces about 1,500 kg per bag. The results of this
cultivation business are sold to tourist visitors or to several local communities at a selling
price of approximately Rp. 25,000/kg. The following is a table of the results of aquaculture
fish production in Sapana tourism in the last two years:
Table 4. Estimated Results of Tilapia and Gourami Cultivation in 2020-2021.
No Years
2020 500
2021 1000
Total 1500
Based on Table 4 above, it is known that in the last 2 years the production of tilapia
and gourami fish cultivation tends to decrease, one of the causes is the mass fish deaths
that occur in Sapana tourism so that the number of ponds is limited by the manager so
that the production of fish cultivation is the first step and The number of fishing ponds is
limited by reason of the location in tourist attractions which are neatly arranged so that
they do not damage the natural beauty and tourism of greetings, from the rest of the feed
that is not eaten by visitors, it can also be used as fish food that is actually cultivated.
Sinaga (2014) in his research revealed that the existence of mountains has an impact on
the natural beauty of Sapana tourism. Because fish feed (pellets) that are not eaten by
Tilapia will not pollute the beauty and can foster fish development. The more food left by
visitors, the more the fish will breed.
In addition, this tourism and cultivation business supports the development of
greeting tourism in Bonto Salama, West Sinjai Village. especially the greeting tourists.
The mainstay menu of the greeting tour is the superior product and this culinary is tilapia
and carp and other superior products, where the main ingredients are obtained from the
cultivation business itself and then processed with various spices to produce a distinctive
taste. Apart from being served whole or uncut.
Based on data on the production results of tilapia and carp aquaculture in the last
five years, an estimate of the results for the next five years is made. After doing the
calculations, the equation Y = 955.14-94.504 x is obtained. From these equations, a
forecast is made which aims to determine the production of freshwater fish farming for
Sapana tourism in the next five years by substituting the x value with the forecast period
code. The following is a table of forecast results for fish farming production in Tongging
for the next five years. This is also in line with the production of tourism and cultivation
in the last five which also tend to decline. One of the factors for the decline in the
production of cultured fish in Sapana tourism, so that it can be anticipated, the feed needs
to be considered with the water source having to change with each other.
Sapana Tourism Object Development Strategy
How development has strong linkages with other sectors, both backward linkages
and forward linkages. Backward linkages are a link that occurs when one industry causes
Sapana Tourism Development Strategy Bonto Salama Village, Sinjai Barat District
the growth of another industry. As for the backward linkages in the development of
Sapana tourism objects are natural potential, infrastructure, accessibility and government
support. Natural potential in the form of irrigation canals from water sources surrounded
by beautiful mountains, facilities and infrastructure include fishing grounds, restaurants,
souvenir stalls, stalls selling food or soft drinks. Next is accessibility to the Sapana tourist
attraction which is easy to reach both using public transportation and private
transportation. Access to greeting tourism is also supported by good road conditions.
Local government support in the form of tourism promotion in events organized by the
local government on a regular basis as well as support in the development of the bonto
salama village greeting tourism object.
Forward linkages are a link that occurs when the output of a sector or industry is
used by other industries, namely tourists and rural communities. There are four forward
linkages or linkages in seeing the prospects for tourism development in Bonto Salama
Village, namely increasing the number of tourists, adding tourist attractions, employment
opportunities and increasing income. The increase in the number of tourists along with
the development of tourist attractions will certainly attract more tourists and is supported
by the results of the estimated number of tourists who will visit in the next five years.
Next is the addition of tourist attractions such as tire or life jacket rentals, new job
opportunities to meet the needs of tourists during their visit to the Sapana tourist
attraction and increasing community income from developed tourism businesses and
regional income from user fees charged for tourists.
From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that: 1) The
development of tourism in the village of Bonto Salama, West Sinjai sub-district, shows a
positive trend, where it is estimated that in the next five years tourists visiting the Sapana
tourist attraction will increase. Meanwhile, the development of the cultivation of tilapia
and gourami as well as superior products that show a negative trend to become positive,
where in the next five years it is estimated that the results of the development of greeting
tourism will increase. 2) the tourism development strategy studied includes the potential
for natural tourism and facilities and infrastructure such as fishing equipment, restaurants
and places of worship, accessibility of both private and public transportation and
stakeholder support, namely the Regional Government. Meanwhile, the other attractions
of greeting tourism are increasing the number of tourists, employment opportunities,
increasing income, both community income and regional income obtained from the costs
that must be incurred by tourists while traveling in the village of Bonto Salama.
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