Sapana Tourism Development Strategy Bonto Salama Village, Sinjai Barat District
the growth of another industry. As for the backward linkages in the development of
Sapana tourism objects are natural potential, infrastructure, accessibility and government
support. Natural potential in the form of irrigation canals from water sources surrounded
by beautiful mountains, facilities and infrastructure include fishing grounds, restaurants,
souvenir stalls, stalls selling food or soft drinks. Next is accessibility to the Sapana tourist
attraction which is easy to reach both using public transportation and private
transportation. Access to greeting tourism is also supported by good road conditions.
Local government support in the form of tourism promotion in events organized by the
local government on a regular basis as well as support in the development of the bonto
salama village greeting tourism object.
Forward linkages are a link that occurs when the output of a sector or industry is
used by other industries, namely tourists and rural communities. There are four forward
linkages or linkages in seeing the prospects for tourism development in Bonto Salama
Village, namely increasing the number of tourists, adding tourist attractions, employment
opportunities and increasing income. The increase in the number of tourists along with
the development of tourist attractions will certainly attract more tourists and is supported
by the results of the estimated number of tourists who will visit in the next five years.
Next is the addition of tourist attractions such as tire or life jacket rentals, new job
opportunities to meet the needs of tourists during their visit to the Sapana tourist
attraction and increasing community income from developed tourism businesses and
regional income from user fees charged for tourists.
From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that: 1) The
development of tourism in the village of Bonto Salama, West Sinjai sub-district, shows a
positive trend, where it is estimated that in the next five years tourists visiting the Sapana
tourist attraction will increase. Meanwhile, the development of the cultivation of tilapia
and gourami as well as superior products that show a negative trend to become positive,
where in the next five years it is estimated that the results of the development of greeting
tourism will increase. 2) the tourism development strategy studied includes the potential
for natural tourism and facilities and infrastructure such as fishing equipment, restaurants
and places of worship, accessibility of both private and public transportation and
stakeholder support, namely the Regional Government. Meanwhile, the other attractions
of greeting tourism are increasing the number of tourists, employment opportunities,
increasing income, both community income and regional income obtained from the costs
that must be incurred by tourists while traveling in the village of Bonto Salama.
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