Volume 3, Number 4, February 2022

e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Ghaida Yuthika

Universitas Nusa Putra

[email protected]



Distance Learning, Covid-19 Period, Primary School



Accepted: January, 26th 2022

Revised: February, 13th 2022

Approved: February, 14th 2022


Social distancing is urgently applied to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 outbreak so that all work and education activities are conducted at home or often called WFH (Work From Home). The research technique used here was descriptive qualitative research, intending to understand the process of implementing learning activities during distance learning as well as the supporting and inhibiting variables for distance learning implementation at SDN 1 Selajambe. Observations in this study were carried out on the Principal, and Class 4 Teacher of SD Negeri 1 Salajambe. The data collection techniques were observation and interviews. The result shows that the process of learning activities during the pandemic conducted through online learning techniques. Teachers can use various applications such as the Ruang Guru Application, Google Classroom, Zoom, Google Docs, Google Form, or WhatsApp groups. Apart from online, there are also offline activities by forming study groups.


In 2020, the whole world is experiencing an outbreak, namely the Covid-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic is a health crisis that has hit almost all corners of the world (Purwanto et al., 2020, p. 1). To combat the Covid-19 pandemic, all countries used a variety of strategies, one of which was to adopt social distancing initiatives aimed at reducing people's involvement in the greater community (Wilder-Smith & Freedman, 2020). Due to this incident, the Ministry of Education and Culture issued Circular Letter No. 4 of 2020 regarding the implementation of education policies during the emergency period of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), one of the contents is learning from home through online or distance learning activities. During the pandemic, online learning was conducted in almost all corners of the world according to Goldfschmidt (2020:88) (in Tarigan, 2021). Therefore, during the Covid-19 pandemic, every school carried out educational activities with distance learning. Distance learning, which emerged at the end of the 20th century, has entered the 21st century as one of the most effective forms of learning (Lenar et al., 2014, p. 111). Distance education is defined as a learning process that does not consider the location or time of learning and is self-contained in terms of the processes of developing students by methods and media in learning activities (Magdalena et al., 2020).

Starting from March 16, 2019, until now, stay at home, work from home and online learning for elementary school students are implemented to follow the government's program to break the chain of the Covid-19 pandemic, not only in Indonesia but throughout the world. Indonesia is one of the countries infected with the Covid-19 pandemic. This phenomenon disturbed education traditional educational practice (Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021).

According to Azhari (2013: 2) (in Putri, 2020), education determines the development and realization of human resources, especially the development of the nation and state. Education has an essential role in forming intelligent, capable, creative, faithful, and noble human resources. Primary school education is the initial education of children to develop knowledge (Muhroji & Yusrina, 2018, p. 1). In learning activities, it is an effort to direct students into the learning process so that they can obtain learning objectives following what is expected so that teaching and learning activities can run properly.

For great teachers, distance learning can be a challenge to find ways to deliver educational materials for students at home. They learn independently through various media so that they find the best ways for distance learning (Musfah, 2020). In Indonesia, distance learning (DL) is not something new, because between education and technology is interconected with each other. Distance learning is the most appropriate choice during the Covid-19 pandemic because education must be conducted no matter what happen.

Many researchers have studied distance learning, including (Sutiah et al., 2020), who investigated the execution of distance learning in faculty of education and teacher training during the Covid-19 pandemic. They conclude that when classroom instruction is postponed due to the COVID-19 epidemic, distance learning is a viable alternative. It is also important to remember that distant learning cannot replace the need for on-site or on-campus, face-to-face learning, but it can complement existing standard classroom-based learning approaches. Individual learning readiness and institutional facilities' readiness for blended learning are both influenced by distance learning.

On the other hand, De Villa & Manalo (2020) did study for secondary teachers on Preparation, Challenges, and Coping Mechanisms in the Pre-Implementation of Distance Learning in the New Normal. Teachers make the essential preparations to equip themselves with distant learning as education migrates to a New Normal, according to their research. Even though they face obstacles that may impede their job, they manage to adapt to the new normal and complete their tasks. To successfully allow the delivery of excellent education to students, higher offices and school authorities should collaborate with teachers prior to the adoption of distance learning to address their resource and training needs.

Alperi et al., (2021) analyzed how distace learning was implemented in the new normal period. Learning planning for NHA mass education units in Kepahiang Regency has established corresponding rules, and an education unit ordinance connected to its implementation has been issued, according to their research. In the Kepahiang District education unit, the infrastructure for preventing COVID 19 is likewise outstanding. As a result, the lesson plan that was planned for the NHA term has also been altered. (2) More than 80% of students in Kepahiang Regency actively participated in AKB learning, with offline distance learning being the most popular mode and WhatsApp being the most popular media. (3) The facilities, networks, competencies, and complexity of the student's brain are obstacles to learning throughout the NHA time in the Kepahiang Regency. (4) Offline distance learning is one of the solution alternatives proposed and implemented.

Rasheed (2007) did a review of the literature on the barriers to Web-based distant learning implementation. His assessment of the literature explored some of the ideas about distance learning and its barriers, especially those that are offered via electronic methods. He concludes that identifying the right audience for distant learning, as well as examining student demographics and motivators, will aid institutions in developing appropriate course materials and procedures, as well as the system's ongoing refinement and improvement. Examining the inherent obstacles in distant education will aid in the resolution of issues that students and staff may confront. Students may benefit from regular orientations, specialized help lines, and technological support when taking distance education courses or programs. While faculty participation and training are essential components of any successful distance education program, recognizing and resolving technical issues is equally critical, especially given the rapid advancement of technology.

The previous research mentioned above may appropriate for higher level students, while this research conducted for youn learners, in this case students of SDN 1 Selajambe. Hence, the phenomena found in the field should be different.


The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, which will be conducted in 2021 at SDN 1 Selajambe with the object of research, namely class IV SDN 1 Selajambe. Qualitative research is used to examine human and social Problems in which the researcher will report the study findings based on his or her interpretation of the data and analysis of the data collected in the field, which will then be detailed in the research report (Creswell et al., 2007)

Data collection techniques of this research were interviews, observation, and documents. Interviews with grade 4 teachers and the principal of SDN 1 Selajambe were undertaken to learn how the learning process was carried out at the school during the COVID-19 epidemic and what challenges were encountered. Meanwhile, in carrying out the observations, the researchers followed offline learning directly. The researcher examined how students react when the learning process was conducted. The research procedure used was descriptive research in which all the symptoms that arise are explained using written words to explain in detail the issues discussed.


Implementation of Distance Learning

Distance learning is used to deal with learning amid the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic. Learning must continue because students have the right to continue to receive learning materials properly at school while distance learning is only an alternative in carrying out learning activities. This is in line with Syarifudin's opinion (2020, p. 32), which asserts that learning must continue even if a global pandemic calamity forces the government to apply social distance in the educational sector. Distance learning requires a plan for the implementation process, due to the covid-19 pandemic in which learning that is usually done at school is now conducted online.

Facilities that must be prepared to conduct distance-learning activities, such as hardware in the form of cellphones or laptops, as well as internet quotas that can support the process of distance learning activities so that it may function smoothly and efficiently. The strategy used in distance learning is that the teacher comunicate personally with students and collaborate with parents in conditioning teaching and learning activities.

In this study, researchers can reveal that during online learning, this method uses online networks. This method is very suitable to be applied to the red zone area so that the learning process is carried out fully online. In the process, the teacher conveys the material first and shares it through WhatsApp Groups using voice notes, records the material, and sends videos of learning materials that will be taught to help students understand learning. For assignments, the teacher makes questions in advance then students will complete and share it via WhatsApp Groups or Google Forms. During learning, the teacher always communicates with parents. If there are students who do not understand the lesson, the teacher explains again via telephone or video call. In addition, parents are also active in sending photos of their children when learning and the results of student work to prove that the student is following the lesson. Assessment is done in writing and orally. In writing, assignments are collected through files or photos sent by students' parents. Whereas in oral form, assignments are sent in the form of voice recordings or Voice Notes or videos.

Over time, there were many complaints from parents and the school area became a yellow zone, the school changed the policy of the learning process, namely to go offline (direct learning) by forming study groups. The total number of fourth-grade students at SDN 1 Selajambe is 29 people. They are divided into 4 groups with 7 students in groups 1-3, and 8 people in-group 4. Parents of students were very enthusiastic when they heard about offline activities and were supportive of these activities. For its implementation, offline activities are carried out in one of the students' homes per group using health protocols, namely maintaining distance, washing hands before carrying out activities, or using hand sanitizer and wearing masks.

The study entitled "Implementation of the Distance Learning Activity Process during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period at SDN 1 Selajambe" explained that the learning process during the COVID-19 period at SDN 1 Selajambe could be carried out well. Learning that is usually conducted at school is now conducted from home using various applications such as ruang guru application, Classroom, Zoom, Google Docs, Google Form, or through WhatsApp Groups. In the early days of the pandemic, teachers used online learning. Before start the learning process, the teacher attends to students through WhatsApp Groups, explains learning via zoom, and gives assignments via Google form. Over time, and there were many complaints from parents, the school changed the learning activities to Offline by forming study groups. There are 29 students in grade 4 at SDN 1 Selajambe, and they divided into 2 groups. Distance learning can reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus following the circular issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture for online learning.

Obstacle factor

There are still pupils in class VI SDN 1 Selajambe who do not complete assignments in online learning. For that, the class teacher came to the student and asked the reason why they did not do the assignment. In the results of observations made by grade 4 teachers, it turns out that the obstacles experienced by these students are that their parents do not have cellphones. Another obstacle was the lack of a quota, so the class teacher advised teaming up with other classmates. In addition to excessive internet use, students feel other obstacles when they feel bored in online learning, which only listens to voice notes or sees learning videos given by the teacher without having to meet face to face. Class teachers tried to give attention, motivation and interspersed with small games for their students during online learning thus learning is more enjoyable. In the learning process, teachers and parents must communicate. So that students still get material from the teacher and remain under the supervision of parents. So that learning will run smoothly.

Observation Results

Observations are made by observing the symptoms that appear with the facts on the field. The researcher was directly involved in observing how teachers and students carried out the learning process during the participatory observation.

The observations that have been carried out to the teacher were before starting the lesson the teacher prepares the RPP in advance to launch the process of teaching and learning activities. Teachers must first comprehend and master the material to be taught before preparing a quiz for pupils to complete. Before starting the implementation of learning, the teacher leads the students to pray together. The instructor leaves an impression on the students throughout the implementation of learning. Thus, they have a concept of the information that will be taught by the teacher. The teacher connects the teaching material with the real situation so that students can think concretely. In explaining, the teacher provides stimulation to students so that communication occurs between teachers and students. After explaining the material, the teacher gives assignments to students taken from textbooks or other supporting media. The teacher closes the lesson by praying together, after that, the teacher motivates the students to stay enthusiastic in learning even though they are not facing to face. From the observations made by the researchers on teaching and learning activities carried out by the teacher, several facts were obtained, including the teacher being the center of learning and information, and the student as the recipient of the message. The teacher provokes student activity by asking questions so that students respond. That will be interspersed with games related to learning materials so that students remain enthusiastic in carrying out learning. The teacher gives assignments to students to do at home and is collected at the next meeting according to the schedule set by the class teacher.


Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that distance learning is applied to deal with the covid-19 pandemic during online activities with a schedule determined by the school. Distance learning requires gear, such as cellphones or laptop computers as well as internet quotas to support distance-learning activities. The strategy used in this learning is that the teacher takes a personal approach to students to find out how far the students understand the material presented by the teacher. In addition, talking with parents and cooperating in learning situations is essential. During distance learning activities, there is an evaluation carried out by the principal and class teachers once a week, namely every Saturday, some students or parents feel bored and complain about this distance learning. However, the school accepts the report well and provides understanding and motivation so that the relationship between parents and school is good.


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Ghaida Yuthika (2022)

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Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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