!Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022
p- ISSN 2777-0915 | e-ISSN 2797-6068
270 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang
1,2,3 and 4
Fintech, KUR,
Article Info
Abstract This study analyzes the presence of
Islamic Fintech as a sharia-based digital financial
institution as a role in distributing People's Business
Credit (KUR) from banks to Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The research method
used in this study is a qualitative method using
secondary data with deductive analysis. The results
of this study indicate the potential and role of Sharia
Fintech in distributing KUR by banks to MSMEs.
The existence of sharia fintech is expected to
increase the productivity of MSMEs in Indonesia.
The MSME development strategy in Indonesia cannot be separated
from banking support in lending. In a pandemic situation, MSMEs have
many problems to develop. Apart from the decline in sales due to the
spread of COVID- 19 (social distancing), it is also due to the lack of working
capital. This is due to the limited access of MSMEs to formal financial
institutions, as evidenced by data from Bank Indonesia which states as
many as 70% of MSMEs do not have access to capital to banking (Zuraya,
2017). MSMEs prefer to borrow funds from moneylenders even though the
interest on loans is very high because borrowing funds from moneylenders
has an easier process, capital loans are quick cash, and do not require
collateral or a financial footprint.
In fact, to increase the amount of financing from the formal sector for
MSMEs, the Indonesian government has issued a People's Business Credit
(KUR) program. In the program, formal financial institutions are required to
provide 20% of their credit to MSMEs, plus during the pandemic, the
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
government provides incentives for placement of funds, as well as an
additional stimulus for interest subsidies for 60.66 million KUR debtors of
Rp. 35.28 trillion (Presidential Secretariat, 2020).
However, KUR is considered less effective in helping MSMEs because it
is not representative. KUR is mostly given to medium-sized business groups
as much as 47%, small businesses as much as 31%, while for micro-
enterprises only 22% (Iqbal & Muhammad, 2016). This is due to the
information gap (banks do not know the feasibility of micro-enterprises)
and granularity (the number is large and scattered but the credit value is
small) between micro-enterprises and formal financial institutions. Formal
financial institutions are reluctant to provide KUR funds to micro-
enterprises, considering that KUR is a fund subsidized by the government,
thus making banks unwilling to spend large amounts of money looking for
unclear MSMEs so that KUR is only accepted by MSMEs that are already
known to banks.
Seeing this problem it is necessary to have a strategy so that People's
Business Credit (KUR) from banks can be channeled to MSMEs by
minimizing all obstacles. These problems can be overcome with the
presence of Financial Technology (fintech). Fintech has become one of the
inclusive financial services that have been closely known by the MSME
group since 2018. Fintech has advantages, one of which is credit scoring,
which can evaluate the eligibility of potential credit recipients. However,
the perception of the Indonesian people with a population of 270.20
million people and 87.2% of whom are Muslim encourages efforts to create
sharia-based digital financial services (Wardhana, 2019). This makes sharia
fintech has the potential to mushroom among the community, especially
MSME actors.
Wardhana (2019) has carried out research on Islamic fintech in
providing capital to MSMEs; the results show that Islamic fintech has
succeeded in providing capital to MSMEs in Sidoarjo Regency. However,
this study uses sources of capital from investors. While research on
People's Business Credit (KUR) has been carried out by (Parwanti, 2020),
the results show that the distribution of KUR can increase MSME turnover
in Purbalingga Regency. However, this study uses Islamic banking in
distributing KUR. Meanwhile, according to (Widianto, 2013), states the
number of financial institutions in a province is positively correlated with
the proportion of KUR recipients, both sharia and non-sharia. Thus, the
more financial institutions there are, the greater the proportion of KUR
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272 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
The research published in this article is about the role of sharia fintech
in distributing funds for the People's Business Credit (KUR) program for
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This research is based on
problems faced by banks in distributing People's Business Credit (KUR) to
MSMEs. This role is present based on the potential that exists in Islamic
fintech that has been carried out by previous research. With this research,
it is hoped that it will create an effective KUR distribution system, increase
public awareness of the potential of sharia fintech, and increase the
inclusiveness of digital finance in Indonesia.
Method Research
The research approach in this research is qualitative research. A
qualitative research approach is carried out based on consideration of the
symptoms of the problems studied which are contemporary. The type of
research used in this research is descriptive research. Descriptive research
is research that provides a clearer picture of the role of Islamic fintech in
channeling KUR funds to MSMEs based on secondary data obtained. A
descriptive study does not require testing of certain hypotheses, but this
type of research will provide an overview in accordance with the observed
variables, symptoms that appear or also existing conditions come from
secondary data.
The focus of the research carried out is to analyze how the role of
Islamic fintech financial institutions in distributing KUR funds for MSMEs. In
this study, two main data sources were used, namely secondary and
tertiary data. Secondary data, namely the source of data used in a research
that comes from research that has been done by reading, studying and
understanding from sources that already exist before. While tertiary data
sources are supporting data from primary data, namely secondary, this
data is obtained through dictionaries, incyclopedias and so on which are
still related to the problem being studied so that they can be used as
support for existing data (Herviani and Febriansyah, 2016).
Data collection is done by taking data sourced from textbooks,
journals, scientific articles, literature reviews containing the potential of
sharia fintech in providing credit, and about the People's Business Credit
(KUR) distribution system from banks to MSMEs. This data is then analyzed
in depth and compared with data obtained from other sources so as to find
accurate results.
In order to obtain the validity of the data, triangulation techniques,
data sources, and data collection methods were used. This means that
researchers compare and re-check the trustworthiness of information
obtained through different times and tools. The data obtained from the
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
results of the analysis of journals and other literature studies are then
compared with other existing data that is still related to sharia fintech and
MSMEs receiving funds regarding the veracity of the data obtained.
Data is collected from secondary and tertiary sources, which are then
data reduction or unnecessary data reduction is carried out. After that the
data is presented systematically and coherently. The data is concluded,
then presents a conceptualization based on the data that has been
Result and Discussion
1. Problems of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is a general term in
economics, which refers to productive economic enterprises owned by
individuals or business entities in accordance with the criteria stipulated by
Law no. 20 of 2008. The development of MSMEs in Indonesia cannot be
separated from various kinds of problems. The development of micro and
small businesses in Indonesia cannot be separated from various kinds of
problems. The level of intensity and nature of these problems cannot differ
not only according to the type of product or market served, but also
between regions or locations, between centers, between sectors or sub-
sectors or according to types of activities, and between business units in
the activities or sectors involved same (Turmudi, 2017).
a. Elements contained in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
The elements of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), are
the constituent parts of something that can be said to be MSMEs. In
general, according to (Lastini, 2018), the elements of MSMEs are
divided into three. First, capital, capital is needed because in setting up
or running a business it takes a certain amount of capital and energy.
Capital in the form of money is needed to finance all business needs,
while what is meant by energy capital is someone's energy to run or
manage a business. Second, sales turnover, namely the accumulation of
sales activities of a product, goods and services which are calculated as
a whole over a certain period of time continuously and in one
accounting process. The third advantage, namely the activities of
traders who reduce some of the costs incurred with the sales they get.
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274 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
b. Factors Inhibiting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
The development of MSMEs in Indonesia cannot be separated from
various kinds of problems. The level of intensity and nature of these
problems cannot be different and not only according to the type of
product or market served, but also between regions or locations,
between centers, between sectors or sub-sectors or types of activities,
and between business units in activities or sectors. the same one. There
are at least 4 factors that hinder MSMEs, namely the first is the lack of
capital, capital has become an important component in developing the
business carried out by MSMEs. In overcoming capital problems, some
MSMEs choose the informal financing sector such as loan sharks to
obtain capital. This is due to the limited access of MSMEs to formal
financial institutions. This is evidenced by data from Bank Indonesia
which states that as many as 70% of MSMEs do not have access to
capital to banking (Zuraya, 2017). Second, the lack of market access is
due to MSMEs also competing with large companies and large
companies often win this competition. Third, financial management or
financial management that is less than optimal, this is caused because
the majority of MSME entrepreneurs, especially those in villages, tend
not to understand their own financial condition. Important things such
as separation of personal and business finances are not carried out. The
bad impact is that businesses cannot develop and even experience
setbacks (Medcom.id, 2021). Finally, the use of technology is low even
though the current development of technology is very rapid. Based on
research that has been done, technological developments such as the
internet are able to expand business networks, develop businesses to
increase marketing. But in fact, only 20% of SMEs in Indonesia use
digital technology (Merdeka.com, 2020).
2. Distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) for Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Capital by Banking
a. The elements contained in the People's Business Credit (KUR)
People's Business Credit (KUR) is a loan or financing provided to
owners of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the form
of providing working capital and investment supported by guarantee
facilities for productive businesses. The government has launched the
KUR program but the source of the funds comes entirely from bank
funds or in this case financial technology. The KUR program is
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
distributed using a guarantee and credit pattern, this is intended for
micro and small entrepreneurs who do not have collateral but have
businesses that are feasible to be financed by other parties. The
government subsidizes People's Business Credit (KUR) with the aim of
empowering Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK) in Indonesia so that
their businesses become more advanced for a better economy.
According to (Diah Nur Parwanti, 2020), there are 7 elements of
People's Business Credit (KUR) which are described as follows:
First, credit is a fund obtained from the lender and then returned
on a term basis along with the loan interest that was agreed upon at
the beginning. Both debtors are parties who owe to other parties,
usually by receiving something from the other party (creditor)
promised by the debtor to repay at the agreed time. The third is the
KUR agreement, the KUR agreement can be interpreted as a loan
agreement between a bank as a creditor and another party as a debtor,
which requires the debtor to pay off his debt after a certain period with
interest. Fourth, namely the time, which is the period of time that is
determined during the credit application process or credit distribution,
takes place. The fifth is trust, namely the provision of KUR to debtors
because banks believe that funds distributed to debtors can be
returned. Finally, the risk, every KUR given to the debtor will contain
risks and the possibility of the debtor not being able to repay the loan.
Therefore, banks must conduct credit analysis before deciding to
provide credit analysis before deciding to provide credit to debtors.
b. Requirements for Obtaining People's Business Credit (KUR)
In general, each bank has different requirements in providing
capital for People's Business Credit (KUR). However, generally,
according to (Wardhana, 2017) the requirements that must be required
in obtaining KUR are at least two parts, namely general and special
requirements. General requirements usually includes Indonesian
citizens and domiciled in Indonesia; minimum age of the customer is 21
years/18 years after marriage; self-employed where the business is in
accordance with sharia principles; and minimum length of business is 6
months. The purpose of financing is for working capital or investment
needs, Having a permanent business, Guarantee on behalf of own
property or spouse or parents or biological children and Administration
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276 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
fees follow the terms and conditions that apply. While the special
requirements needed are in the form of documents, namely a
guarantee card and NPWP.
c. Mechanism of Distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR)
In the KUR program, there are several stages until the funds are
received by the debtor, there are at least 7 stages in the disbursement
of KUR funds, namely financing offers made by agencies usually
through brochures, both requests for distribution are made in writing
by the customer by including the requirements requested by the
lender. KUR funds, third, the distribution agreement made by both
parties through paper on stamp duty which was previously checked by
marketing whether the person who submitted this was worthy of KUR
or not, fourth, namely the approval by the committee approved by the
company treasurer, the fifth opening a customer account, the sixth
signing of the contract, and finally the issuance of the approval letter.
d. Factors Inhibiting the Distribution of People's Business Credit
In its activities, every financial institution will always encounter risks
that will hinder the smooth running of the activities of macro and micro
financial institutions, including the distribution of People's Business
Credit (KUR). There are at least 3 main obstacles, namely: Information
Gap between MSMEs and Banking Parties, Limitations of Financial
Institutions in Certain Regions, and Non-Optimal Implementation of
Laku Pandai by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
3. Potential of Sharia FinTech in Distributing People's Business Credit
(KUR) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Capital
a. Fintech Elements
Financial Technology (FinTech ) is an innovation in the financial
services sector that makes financial transactions easy and practical.
FinTech initiated the concept of digital money where a person does not
need to use currency or checks and has to go to a guarantor financial
service institution to make a financial transaction. FinTech brings
disruptive changes in human life, especially in terms of transactions
where transactions are carried out regardless of place and time.
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
Although Fintech and banking both serve things related to money,
there are some differences between banking and FinTech such as:
First, in terms of services or business activities, banking has many
services such as transactions, lending and borrowing, savings (savings),
investment, insurance, e-banking and credit cards. FinTech companies
as one of the institutions that provide financial services do not have
complete services such as banking. The services provided by FinTech
are also only carried out through platforms or applications that use
electronic systems in their operations.
Second, in terms of where the funds come from, the source of
borrowing funds owned by banks comes from bank customers or
consumers who use the services of a particular bank. The funds owned
by the bank can come from the capital of the bank owner, customer
savings, time deposits, demand deposits and debt securities issuers.
FinTech has a source of borrowing funds obtained from borrowing from
other institutions or parties that provide money lending services.
Third, in terms of lenders, in banking, it is the bank itself that
provides loans to debtors. Whereas in FinTech that focuses or provides
lending and borrowing services, lenders are not FinTech, here FinTech
companies only provide a platform for people who need it. Loan funds
are given by people or legal entities who have funds and want to lend
them to people who need them.
Fourth, in the case of the guarantor of distribution risk, the risk of
borrowing is borne by the lender of the loan fund. The risk bearer for
distributing loan funds in banking is a bank, while the risk bearer in
distributing loan funds on FinTech services is a person or legal entity
who is able to provide a certain amount of money to be borrowed by
other parties through FinTech services.
Fifth, in terms of improving the credit of debtors who have
potential difficulties in meeting their debts, restructuring in the banking
sector is assessed first and given by the bank (ojk.go.id). While in
FinTech, the restructuring authority is not assessed by FinTech
companies but is carried out by the lenders, namely the person or legal
entity that has the funds. If the lender approves the restructuring of the
debtor who is considered to have potential difficulties in fulfilling his
obligations, then the FinTech company can provide restructuring for
the debtor concerned.
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Sixth, in terms of supervising the activities of running a business,
OJK supervises banks as institutions that collect funds from the public.
FinTech is supervised as an intermediary (platform) that brings together
lenders and borrowers and oversees the market conduct of borrower
and lender interactions.
Innovations in the financial sector such as FinTech must be adapted
to Islamic principles or values so that they are good in the sense of
fulfilling human rights in the right way, because according to Islam
something good must be obtained in a good way. According to the
MUI, FinTech services, which are financing using information
technology, must not conflict with sharia principles, namely, they must
be free from elements such as usury, gharar, maysir, dharar, tadlis,
zhulm and haram. Parties or legal subjects who are bound by this
regulation such as organizers (FinTech companies), funders and
recipients of funds must pay attention to the above sharia principles in
conducting business in the market dimension.
In entering into an agreement, consent and qabul must be carried
out in particular ways. The ways in which an ijab and qabul are carried
out are called "sighat". Sighat has three forms, namely done with words
or verbally, done in writing (deed) and done with gestures or actions
that have become a habit in doing consent and qabul. Ijab and qabul
can be done using one of the sighat above, each of which must give a
clear understanding of the existence of ijab and qabul.
In the context of shari'ah FinTech, sighat of ijab and qabul made
between the recipient and the donor of the fund is a written sighat
where the contents of the agreement are contained in an electronic
document which will later be read and signed by the beneficiary if he
agrees or accepts the contents of the agreement contained in the
document, electronic (qabul stage), types of contracts allowed in
carrying out FinTech business activities.
b. Sharia Fintech Services in Financing Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) Capital
MSMEs have an important role in terms of employment. Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises create a lot of job opportunities and also
quickly, faster than other business activities. This is evidenced by the
absorption of labor up to 96.71 percent in 2016 with 4 percent by
medium enterprises, 5.7 percent by small businesses and 87 percent by
businesses (Wardhana & Oktafia, 2020: 86). The majority of business
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
actors in Indonesia or around 99 percent are Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs). With a dominating number from other business
activities, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises accounted for 61.7
percent of total GDP in 2020 (Saptati, Setyowati, Aziz, et al, 2020:10).
The data above shows that the role of MSMEs is very important for
the Indonesian economy. It also explains that the government needs to
make policies and a conducive business ecosystem for MSME actors.
The development of policies and ecosystems that are conducive to
MSMEs is a two-way action, which is beneficial for MSME activity actors
as well as supporting national development. The first reason is that
more than 50 percent of GDP is generated by the business activities of
MSMEs. The second reason is because MSMEs are flexible business
activities in the sense that MSMEs are business activities that are able
to occupy all sectors ranging from agrarian, maritime, tourism and
others (Sarfiah, Atmaja & Verawati, 2019:138). This flexible nature
makes MSMEs mushroom and absorbs a lot of labor which then has a
positive impact on national income.
FinTech has several types of services that can be used as a means of
channeling funds for business capital for MSMEs such as; 1). Peer to
peer lending and 2). Crowdfunding. The concept in peer to peer lending
is online lending, where FinTech companies bring together people who
have funds with people who need funds. While the concept in crowd
funding is raising funds within a certain time to be distributed to people
who need a certain amount of money collected through fundraising.
The first type of service that can be carried out by Islamic FinTech
companies to fund capital for MSME actors is peer to peer lending
services. Peer to peer lending services are online lending of funds
managed by FinTech companies, but the FinTech companies that
manage them are not allowed to lend funds and issue debt securities to
recipients of funds or only as intermediaries (Prestama, Iqbal and
Riyadi, 2019:150 ). In running peer to peer lending services, shari'ah -
based FinTech companies must adjust the agreement process to
refunding funds according to Islamic legal principles. Contracts that can
be used in sharia-based peer to peer lending services include; qardh
contract and al -wakalah al -ujrah contract.
First, sharia fintech companies that become platforms or
intermediaries that bring together fund owners and potential recipients
Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 270-283
280 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
of funds through peer to peer lending services can apply qardh
contracts. In a qardh contract, the owner of the fund lends a certain
amount of money to the recipient of the fund who has accepted the
consent of the owner of the fund. The recipient of the fund has an
obligation to the owner of the fund to return the money borrowed in
the same amount In its implementation, the qardh contract is also
allowed to be added to the al - wakalah al - ujrah contract (withdrawal
of wages). FinTech companies that become platforms can also
implement al- wakalah al -ujrah contracts as intermediaries that bring
together fund owners and recipients of funds (Zustika, 2019:87).
Furthermore, services that can be carried out by Islamic FinTech
companies are crowd funding services. OJK divides crowd funding
services into three types, namely; 1). Fundraising for donations, 2).
Fundraising for loans (can be for business projects) and 3). equity-based
crowdfunding. The type of crowd funding that can be applied by Islamic
FinTech companies to fund MSME capital is fundraising for loans or
business capital. The practice of crowd funding in a shari'ah way applies
two contracts, namely the musyakarah contract and the qardh
contract. In a musharaka contract, the people who donate funds act as
investors. Whereas in a qardh contract, people who donate funds are in
the position of borrowers who will only get a refund according to the
amount lent by each person (Novitarani and Setyowati, 2018: 256).
In crowd funding that uses a musharaka contract, FinTech gathers
people who have funds but not enough to set up a business. These
people combine capital with each other and work together to establish
a business whose profits are determined proportionally for each party
who is a member of the musharaka contract. In crowd funding that
uses qardh contracts, FinTech companies gather people who want to
lend money to one person who needs some money to start a business,
which in this case is MSME actors. People who collect and lend funds to
one MSME actor will only get a refund of the loan according to the
amount lent and no more.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that FinTech is an
innovation in the financial field by using information technology that uses
the internet network in carrying out financial business activities. The use of
electronic media and internet networks is considered to make it easier,
Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
faster, and more efficient in carrying out business services by FinTech. KUR,
which has been distributed by banks, can be carried out by Islamic FinTech
companies as one of the institutions working in the financial field. Sharia
fintech is developing, sharia fintech also has a good impact on the economy
in Indonesia and MSMEs through the distribution of people's business
This can happen because many MSMEs need an injection of funds to
start and develop their businesses because based on a survey conducted by
Sarfiah, Atmaja and Verawati, more than 50 percent of GDP is generated by
business activities from MSMEs. The second reason is that MSMEs are
flexible business activities in the sense that MSMEs are business activities
that are able to occupy all sectors ranging from agrarian, maritime, tourism
and others. In addition, people's business loans offered by sharia fintech
are also very easy, namely by way of the deposit/credit application process,
financial literacy education and product recommendations, credit scoring
by sharia fintech, approval of financial institutions, loan distribution,
installment/credit payments, payment evaluation credit.
Based on the research we did, we provide input so that the
government can accelerate the spread of financial technology programs
because with financial technology the distribution of funds, especially in
the capital sector for MSMEs, is faster and more efficient. If necessary, this
financial technology can be applied to banks in Indonesia. Thus, community
and national economic growth can grow rapidly.
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Gema Aditya Mahendra
, Nurjaya
, Rayyan Alkhair
, Mohammad
Sharia Financial Technology in The Distribution of People's Business
Credit Program Funds for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises
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penyaluran-kredit-umkm-indonesia-masih-low (Accessed on February 1,
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Gema Aditya Mahendra
Rayyan Alkhair, Mohammad
Aminuddin (2022)
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Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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