Volume 3, No. 3, January 2022, pp. 270-283
278 http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Sixth, in terms of supervising the activities of running a business,
OJK supervises banks as institutions that collect funds from the public.
FinTech is supervised as an intermediary (platform) that brings together
lenders and borrowers and oversees the market conduct of borrower
and lender interactions.
Innovations in the financial sector such as FinTech must be adapted
to Islamic principles or values so that they are good in the sense of
fulfilling human rights in the right way, because according to Islam
something good must be obtained in a good way. According to the
MUI, FinTech services, which are financing using information
technology, must not conflict with sharia principles, namely, they must
be free from elements such as usury, gharar, maysir, dharar, tadlis,
zhulm and haram. Parties or legal subjects who are bound by this
regulation such as organizers (FinTech companies), funders and
recipients of funds must pay attention to the above sharia principles in
conducting business in the market dimension.
In entering into an agreement, consent and qabul must be carried
out in particular ways. The ways in which an ijab and qabul are carried
out are called "sighat". Sighat has three forms, namely done with words
or verbally, done in writing (deed) and done with gestures or actions
that have become a habit in doing consent and qabul. Ijab and qabul
can be done using one of the sighat above, each of which must give a
clear understanding of the existence of ijab and qabul.
In the context of shari'ah FinTech, sighat of ijab and qabul made
between the recipient and the donor of the fund is a written sighat
where the contents of the agreement are contained in an electronic
document which will later be read and signed by the beneficiary if he
agrees or accepts the contents of the agreement contained in the
document, electronic (qabul stage), types of contracts allowed in
carrying out FinTech business activities.
b. Sharia Fintech Services in Financing Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) Capital
MSMEs have an important role in terms of employment. Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises create a lot of job opportunities and also
quickly, faster than other business activities. This is evidenced by the
absorption of labor up to 96.71 percent in 2016 with 4 percent by
medium enterprises, 5.7 percent by small businesses and 87 percent by
businesses (Wardhana & Oktafia, 2020: 86). The majority of business