Volume 3, Number 4, February 2022

e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Sri Ulina Beru Ginting1, Rina Hayati Maulidiah2, Khairun Nisa3

������������ STKIP Budidaya1, Asahan University 2 and 3
[email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3



Social Deixis, Novel, Pragmatics



Accepted: February, 2nd 2022

Revised: February, 11th 2022

Approved: February, 12th 2022


This study aims to describe the form of social deixis in the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana with a pragmatic review. The research approach used in this study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive method that examines social deixis in an Indonesian novel with a pragmatic review. The data collection technique used is literature study. The data sources in this study are primary data and secondary data, the primary data used researchers in research are sentences or paragraphs that have social deixis in the novel "Girl Pesisir " by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana, secondary data for compiling this research is in the form of several theory books. The results show that there are three hundred and eighty-five social deixis in the form of words and phrases. The results show that social deixis in the form of words is one hundred and forty-two while the social deixis in the form of phrases is two hundred and forty-three. Besides the researchers also found �two hundred and seventy-four in the form of maintaining language manners, sixty-seven differentiators of social identity, thirty-five differentiators of social level, and eleven making sentences effective.


Language is an expression that contains the intention to convey something to others. Something intended by the speaker can be understood and understood by the listener or interlocutor through the language expressed. Language plays an important role in human life.

Language is a tool used by humans to communicate and interact with each other, between individuals and individuals, individuals with groups, and groups with groups. Theories about language have been widely discussed, written, discussed, and developed by linguists, this is because language has become a discipline that is in great demand, and language has also become an important part in the realm of education. Language is not only used in formal contexts, but also in informal contexts. This is in line with Herniti (2010, p. 108), Language is one of the most distinctive human characteristics that distinguish it from creatures. Language makes humans into social beings because language is a means of communication to convey messages, ideas, desires, and feelings from the speaker to the other person. Since language serves as a means of communication between humans. It is considered so commonplace that it is rarely thought about, like walking and breathing.

According to Kridalaksana (2013, p. 27), the function of language is seen from the speaker's point of view, namely, having a personal or personal function, meaning that the speaker expresses an attitude towards what is said to the listener. Speakers not only express emotions through language, but also show those emotions when conveying utterances to listeners. In this case, the listener can also guess whether the speaker is sad, angry, happy, or feel other feelings.

According to Kushartanti (2005, p. 5), language as a communication tool can be used in literary works, including novels. In literary works, it is difficult to carry out a communication using a certain language, if there is no reference or deixis system.

According to Wijaya & Rohmadi (2009, p. 4), Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that studies language externally. It is the science to use linguistic units in communication events. The meaning studied by pragmatics is a context-bound meaning or in other words, examines speakers in communicating events to maintain the social relations of speakers.

According to Rohmadi (2014), speech situations are very important in pragmatics because speech situations can affect the meaning of what is said by speakers. This is what distinguishes pragmatics from other branches of linguistics such as syntax, morphology, and semantics. The three linguistic iare studied not on the narrative of speakers but rather on the meaning, intent, and purpose as well as other standard compositions in written discourse or text.

In pragmatics, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between what is said and what is meant. Therefore, in pragmatics, we must consider aspects of the speech situation so that we can understand an utterance. This is in line with Yule (1996), who argues that pragmatics is the study of meaning conveyed by speakers and interpreted by listeners. Every speech must contain action; there are many benefits that can be obtained when learning language through pragmatics. One of them is someone who is able to speak about the meaning conveyed by someone such as act of politeness (Alba-Juez, 2017). Pragmatics is the study of the actual use of language (Turkstra et al., 2017). Pragmatics includes discussion of, presuppositions, speech acts, conversational implicatures and deixis.

Deixis is part of the scope of pragmatics. Pragmatics is a branch of general linguistics that studies the structure of language from the outside (external), and then the language is used as a means of daily communication. The fields of study of pragmatics include deixis, presuppositions, implicatures, speech acts, and discourse analysis. This is in line with the research of Tologana (2016) deixis is a form of language in the form of words or others that serves as a pointer to certain things or functions outside of language. In other words, a language form can be said to be deixis if the reference/reference/reference moves or changes depending on who is the speaker and depends on the time and place where the word is spoken. The phenomenon of deixis is the most obvious way to describe the relationship between language and context in language.

According to Cummings (2018, p. 31), Deixis is a word or phrase that refers to a word, phrase, or expression whose reference moves depending on who is the speaker, the time, and the place where the language unit is spoken. Purwo explained that a word is said to be deixis if the referent moves or changes, depending on who is the speaker and depending on the time and place where the word is spoken.

The novels "Pesisir Girls" by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana is simple novels that can be read enjoy each group. The novel Gadis Pesisir is the second work in the form of a novel written by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana. The novel Gadis Pesisir is a novel set in life in the city of Jayapura, Papua. The novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusniana was published in early 2019. The novel Gadis Pesisir tells the story about the life of the city of Jayapura, Papua in the 1970s from the point of view of a fourteen year old child�.

Deixis has been studied by various researchers in a variety of literature. Sitorus & Fukada (2019) explored the deixis of song lyrics in Calum Scott's "You Are the Reason." Peron deixis, which is used to point an object, pronouns, possessives, spatial deixis, and temporal deixis are among the 67 terms discovered as types of deixis.

Meanwhile, Abdulameer & Suhair (2019) examined deixis in a religious text from a pragmatic perspective. According to the findings, person deixis occurred 202 times, place deixis 11 times, and time deixis just 6 times, indicating that person deixis is the most common variety. In contrast, there are just a few instances of location and time deixis in this book, and they usually occur while narrating stories and establishing examples..

In contrast to Sitorus & Fukada and Abdulameer & Suhair's studies, Ainiyah, et al., (2019) chose to investigate deixis in the film Pith Perfect 2. The findings show that Beca Mitchell employed Levinson's five categories of deixis, as well as Panevov� and Hana's four types of context, to assist her clarify what she stated in her utterances.

The researchers also studied deixis in literature, but this time they will be focusing at social deixis in Nunuk Y. Kusniana's novel Gadis Pesisir. As far as implications concerned, this study was theoretically capable of providing insight into social deixis. Despite the fact that the novel employed in this study, Gadis Pesisir, is a work of fiction, this study found that it used deixis as a speech variety, which is similar to how people communicate in the real world.



The research used in this study used a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis techniques. The use of descriptive research to examine social deixis in the novel �Girl Pesisir " by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana is a pragmatic review. According to Sugiyono (2019, p. 9) qualitative research is research based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine natural objects, (as opposed to experimentation) where the researcher is the key instrument. In line with what was conveyed by Bogdan and Taylor (in Moleong 2021) defines the qualitative method as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior.

The research method used in this research is descriptive. According to Sugiyono (2019, p. 29), that descriptive analysis is a method that serves to describe or provide an overview of an object under study through data or samples that have been collected as they are without analyzing and making conclusions that apply to the public. Moleong (2021) defines qualitative methodology as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior. The data of this research are words, expressions, phrases and sentences in which there is the use of social descriptions in the novel "Girl Pesisir" by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana. The subjects used in this study were the researchers themselves and were assisted by the data inventory format.



The data of this research is social deixis in the novel Gadis Pesisir Karys Nunuk Y. Kusmiana. The data studied amounted to 16 chapters. Each chapter is presented in the form of a table containing social deixis data. Social deixis is a reference expressed based on social differences that affect the roles of speakers and listeners. Social deixis is divided into social deixis maintaining language politeness, social level differentiation, and social identity differentiation and as a form of sentence effectiveness. A novel that tells about the lives of migrants in Jayapura City, a coastal girl displays the diversity of ethnicities and cultures of Indonesian society in the early 1970s. The fishing village is an attempt to review the economy, education, and social life of people in areas far from the center of government. The following will present the results of the analysis in the table of the emergence of social deixis.

Based on the analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 1 found 32 social deixis, 14 social deixis in the form of phrases and 18 in the form of words and 12 maintain politeness in language, 12 differentiators of social identity, 7 differentiators of social level and 1 make sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 2 found 33 social deixis, 19 social deixis in the form of phrases and 14 in the form of words and 20 maintaining language manners, 9 differentiators of social identity, 3 differentiators of social level, 1 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 3 found 28 social deixis, 16 social deixis in the form of phrases and 12 in the form of words and 22 maintaining language manners, 3 differentiators of social identity, 3 different social levels and 0.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 4 found 34 social deixis, 23 social deixis in the form of phrases and 11 in the form of words and 3 0 maintains language manners, 2 distinguishes social identity, 2 distinguishes social level and 0 makes sentences effective and sentences effective.. The analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 5 found 27 social deixis, 16 social deixis in the form of phrases and 11 in the form of words, 18 maintaining language manners, 4 differentiating social identities, 4 differentiating social levels and 1 making sentences effective. The analysis on the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 6 found 31 social deixis, 23 social deixis in the form of phrases and 8 in the form of words 1 8 maintaining language manners, 3 differentiating social identities, 8 differentiating social levels and 2 making sentences effective.

Kusmiana in chapter 7 found 35 social deixis, 14 social deixis in the form of phrases and 21 in the form of words, 32 maintains language manners, 2 distinguishes social identity, 0 distinguishes social level and 1 makes sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 8 found 24 social deixis, 16 social deixis in the form of phrases and 8 in the form of words, 16 maintaining polite language, 3 differentiating social identity, 4 differentiating social levels and 1 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 9 found 17 social deixis, 12 social deixis in the form of phrases and 5 in the form of words, 12 maintaining language manners, 4 differentiating social identity, 1 distinguishing social level and 0 making sentences effective.

The analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 10 found 14 social deixis, 8 social deixis in the form of phrases and 6 in the form of words, 14 maintaining language manners, 0 distinguishing social identity, 0 distinguishing social level and 0 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 11 found 26 social deixis, 18 social deixis in the form of phrases and 8 in the form of words, 15 maintaining language manners, 9 differentiating social identity, 2 differentiating social levels and 0 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 12 found 49 social deixis, 39 social deixis in the form of phrases and 10 in the form of words 37 maintaining language manners, 6 differentiating social identities, 5 differentiating social levels and 0 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 13 found 9 social deixis, 2 social deixis in the form of phrases and 7 in the form of words, 8 maintaining politeness in language, 1 distinguishing social identity, 0 distinguishing social level and 0 being effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 14 found 9 social deixis, 5 social deixis in the form of phrases and 8 in the form of words, 12 maintaining language manners, 1 distinguishing social identity, 0 distinguishing social level and 0 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 15 found 9 social deixis, 4 social deixis in the form of phrases and 9 in the form of words, 9 maintaining language manners, 0 distinguishing social identity, 3 differentiating social levels and 1 making sentences effective.

Analysis of the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana in chapter 16 found 8 social deixis, 7 social deixis in the form of phrases and 1 in the form of words, 4 maintaining language manners, 2 differentiating social identity, 1 distinguishing social level and 1 making sentences effective.


This section explains that social deixis is very important for people's lives. Social deixis needs to be preserved to make the atmosphere of the story or the atmosphere of the language itself have an artistic impression, make a sentence more beautiful and become a reinforcement of a language feature or a literary work. Social deixis has various kinds, it is caused by different classification bases. If social deixis is based on the speaker, it is certainly very unlikely, and if it is based on linguistic elements it will result in overlapping. Because the purpose of social deixis as a form of politeness in language, it would be better if the basis used was a way to achieve that goal. When viewed from the meaning of the word, the word social deixis means a way of appearing or a way of presenting oneself. Because language here functions as a teaching material, or as an intermediary, the overall understanding of social deixis is a social difference that affects the roles of speakers and listeners.


Based on the analysis and description of the data that the author did regarding social deixis in the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana, it can be concluded that there were 3 92 social deixis in the form of words and phrases. Social deixis in the form of words amounted to 156, social deixis in the form of phrases amounted to 236 then found 280 in the form of maintaining language manners, 61 differentiating social identity, 43 differentiating social levels, and 8 making sentences effective. Meanwhile, the functions of using social deixis in Nunuk Y. Kusmiana's novel Gadis Pesisir are: 1) as a social level differentiator, 2) maintaining language politeness, 3) making sentences effective, and 4) as a social identity differentiator. The form of social deixis in the novel Gadis Pesisir by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana shows that there are social differences between the participants involved in the novel. The existence of social differences causes the emergence of politeness or language etiquette and the choice of words/expressions made by the characters being discussed. As the development of teaching materials in research on learning Indonesian Language and Literature, it is very related and relevant. As the 2013 curriculum has been implemented, there are Basic Competencies that must be achieved.


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Copyright holder:

Sri Ulina Beru Ginting, Rina Hayati Maulidiah, Khairun Nisa


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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