Volume 3, Number 5, March 2022

e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




the relationship of healthy living behavior and scabies disease case in students at raudlatul ulum 2

Theresia Emiliana R1 , Lilla Maria2 , Risna Yekti M3

��������������� Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Maharani, Indonesia1,2,3
1[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]



Clean and Healthy Living Behavior, Incidence of Scabies Disease, Santri .



Accepted: March,10 th 2022

Revised: March,13 th 2022

Approved: March,14 th 2022



Santri who live in pesantren is a vulnerable group to scabies disease because clean and healthy living behaviors, especially individual hygiene, get less attention from students and pesantren managers. This study uses analytical correlation methods with correlational approaches at identifying the relationship of clean and healthy living behavior with the incidence of scabies disease in Santri in Raudlatul Ulum 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi Village with a population of 150 Santri , sampling using a simple random sampling approach with Study sample of 110 students. Data collection is done using questionnaires, namely demographic data questionnaires, clean and healthy living behavior questionnaires and scabies disease questionnaires using spearman correlation tests. This study proved that most of the respondents of 66 (60%) had a healthy living behavior of bad and sufficient categories and overall 66 respondents (100%), while respondents with good categories as many as 44 respondents (40%) did not experience scabies disease. Based on the results of the rho Spearman correlation test obtained a value of p 0.000 (p<0.05) which means there is a relationship between clean and healthy living behavior with scabies disease. While the correlation coefficient value, r = -0.907 which means that the direction of the negative correlation with the correlation coefficient is very strong. This means that the worse the clean and healthy living behavior, the higher the suffering from scabies disease. Based on the results of research, that to reduce the incidence of scabies disease, one of them is to improve clean and healthy living behaviors .


In Islamic boarding schools, students and administrators are often unconcerned about maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle, particularly personal cleanliness. In truth, some pesantren grow up in deplorable conditions, including filthy restrooms and toilets, high humidity, and insufficient sanitation (Saadati, 2018). In addition, the students� unhealthy conduct like hanging clothing in the room, refusing to let female students' garments dry in the sun, and exchanging personal items like combs and towels (Saputra et al., 2020). In terms of environmental factors, student health behavior, and management features, Islamic boarding schools pose a significant danger of transmitting the scabies disease (Ihtiaringtyas, Mulyaningsih, & Umniyati, 2019). Scabies will become more prevalent because of this.

Scabies is a contagious disease that affects the entire community. Sarcoptes scabiei var. Hominis causes scabies, a skin ailment (mite tick that makes itchy). These mites have the ability to complete their whole life cycle on human skin (Kasumayanti & Naimah, 2019). Because pesantren students are often unaware of the application of clean and healthy living behaviors such as frequently exchanging goods, borrowing and borrowing clothes, sarongs, towels, and even pillows, bolsters, blankets, and mattresses with fellow students, scabies is often associated as a disease of Islamic boarding school students. As a result, this is a component that contributes to the high prevalence of scabies. When personal and environmental hygiene are not properly managed, scabies can spread from one student to another.

According to the results of a research survey conducted in April 2021 on students at the Raudlatul Ulum 2 Islamic Boarding School, Putukrejo Gondanglegi Village, Malang Regency, medical records from the Islamic boarding school's Health Officers revealed that there was an increase in cases of scabies disease up to 90 cases over the next three months (January 2021 � March 2021). Putting scabies in second place among the top three most common diseases among students at Raudlatul Ulum 2 Islamic Boarding School.


The study uses an observational analytic technique with a correlational approach to assess the association between clean and healthy living behavior and the occurrence of scabies disease in students at Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi Malang Regency.

Students from grades 1 to 3 of Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the Raudlatul Ulum 2 Islamic Boarding School, Putukrejo Gondanglegi Village, Malang Regency, made up the study's population of 150 people. Children residing in Islamic boarding schools between 2020 and 2021, students in grades 1, 2, and 3, Madrasah Tsanawiyah at Raudlatul Ulum Islamic boarding school 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi Village, and students who were willing to be respondents were all included in this study. Children in class 1, 2, 3 Madrasah Tsanawiyah at the Raudlatul Ulum 2 boarding school, Putukrejo Gondanglegi village residents who lived outside the boarding school dormitory and students with other skin problems were excluded from this study.

The sampling technique employed is simple random sampling, which uses the entire population of 110 students as a sample. The research took place in the Raudlatul Ulum 2 Islamic boarding school in Putukrejo Gondanglegi Village from December 2021 to January 2022.

The Demographic Data Questionnaire (KDD), the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Questionnaire (KPHBS), and the Scabies Disease Questionnaire were used in this investigation (KPS). Haryati (2016) developed the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Questionnaire (KPHBS), which consists of 20 statements divided into 11 statements about personal hygiene, 3 statements about using clean water, and 6 statements about room health, with a score on a scale of Always (SL) 4, Often (SR) 3, Sometimes (KD) 2, and Never (TP) 1. The Scabies Disease Questionnaire (KPS) is based on a questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization (Marminingrum, 2018). There are eight negative questions in the scabies questionnaire. Each question answered "Yes" is given a score of "1" and those answered "No" are given a value of "0".

Previous researchers carried conducted the validity and reliability tests in this study. The researcher handled the initial data collection letter at the secretariat addressed to the Raudlatul Ulum 2 Islamic Boarding School Putukrejo Gondanglegi, Malang Regency, prior to data collection. Data was collected by choosing respondents based on the researcher's inclusion criteria after getting clearance of the research permit from the management of the Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi Malang Regency. The researcher introduced himself to the potential respondents, discussed the research's goals and objectives as well as the processes, obtained informed consent, made time contracts with respondents, and submitted questionnaires. Researchers provide assistance when respondents fill out the questionnaire.

The researcher processed the data after collecting all of the questionnaires. After the data had been collected, the data was analyzed by coding, scoring, and tabulating it. The data was examined using univariate and bivariate analysis once it had been collected and had gone through the coding, scoring, and tabulating processes. The association between Clean and Healthy Behavior and Scabies Disease was researched using bivariate data analysis to evaluate the relationship between the two variables and the strength of the relationship. The non-parametric bivariate statistical test of Spearman Correlation rank was performed to determine the relationship and the strength of the link between the two variables. In this study, data was presented in the form of tables because it is more efficient and communicative. The information supplied is the result of the investigation regarding the association between scabies disease incidence and clean and healthy living behavior in students at Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi Malang Regency.


Research result

The findings of this study will describe research and data analysis on the relationship between clean and healthy living behavior and the incidence of scabies disease in students at Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi Malang Regency. And they have received information that they have passed the ethical review from the University of Muhamadiyah Malang's Health Research Ethics Commission with the number E.5.a/240/KEPK-UMM/XI/2021 on November 20, 2021.

Special Data

This descriptive analysis aims to describe the frequency distribution of respondents which includes Clean and Healthy Behavior and the incidence of Scabies Disease.

Table 1. PHBS Frequency Distribution


Frequency (n)

Percent (%)













Based on the table above, it shows that most of the clean and healthy living behaviors are in the good category as many as 44 students (40%).


Table 2. PHBS Frequency Distribution


Frequency (n)

Percent (%)

No Scabies









Based on the table above shows that most of the students, namely 66 students (60.0%) suffer from scabies.

Hypothesis Testing

Table 3. Cross-tabulation of PHBS with the incidence of scabies


Scabies disease







40 (100%)



26 (100%)



44 (100%)




110 (100%)

From the table above, it can be concluded that as many as 40 respondents with clean and healthy behavior in the poor category, all of them suffer from scabies. Scabies was also found in all respondents with a sufficient category of 26 respondents. Likewise, 44 respondents with clean and healthy behavior in the good category were not found to have scabies.

Table 4. Correlation Test of the Relationship between PHBS and the Incidence of Rabies



Spearman Correlation


PHBS- Scabies Disease


- 0.907


Based on the test results, the Spearman rho correlation value was obtained, namely the value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), which means that there is a relationship between clean and healthy living behavior and scabies disease. While the value of the correlation coefficient, r = -0.907, which means that the direction of the negative correlation with the correlation coefficient is very strong. This means that the worse the behavior of clean and healthy living, the higher the suffering from scabies.



Clean and Healthy Life Behavior

From the results of research and data analysis that has been carried out, the results obtained are that respondents carry out clean and healthy living behavior with good categories 44 respondents (40.0 %), bad categories 40 respondents (36.4%) and 26 respondents (24.6 %) with clean and healthy behavior in sufficient category. This is in contrast to (Zarkasi & Dewi, 2019) from the results of his research, which showed that the respondents who carried out the most clean and healthy living behaviors were in the sufficient category as many as 25 people (31%). According to the (Perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, 2018), clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is a set of behaviors that are practiced on the basis of awareness as a result of learning, which makes a person, family, group and community able to help themselves (independently) in the health sector and play an active role in realizing public health. According to the opinion of researchers, everyone would want to always live a healthy life for the rest of their lives. Healthy living habits will make a person live more comfortably. Not only for oneself, one would want all family members, friends and of course everyone in the environment to also live healthy. To achieve this, the first thing that needs to be done is to get used to ourselves to always carry out clean and healthy living behavior properly. Examples of clean and healthy living behaviors include washing hands with soap, bathing at least 2 times a day, always cleaning water reservoirs, and maintaining room cleanliness.

Clean and Healthy Living Behavior in students is mostly bad, this is influenced by the age of the respondents who are still young, namely the average age of 12-14 years as many as 74 students (67.3%). The results of this study are in accordance with Zakiudin & Shaluhiyah's research (2016), which states that factors that can influence clean and healthy living behavior include motivation, knowledge, and lack of information, experience, teachers and mass media.

According to the researcher, that age has an effect on the respondent's clean and healthy living behavior because of the respondent's lack of experience and knowledge about clean and healthy living behavior. Lack of knowledge about clean and healthy living behavior causes poor clean and healthy living behavior that occurs in the pesantren environment. Especially at the current age of the respondent who should always get guidance and attention from the family, but the respondent must live independently and away from family. Therefore, it is necessary to always be taught and reminded about the importance of clean and healthy living behavior. The results showed that most of the students were in seventh grade as much as 41%. According to Eduan (2019) the higher a person's education level, the easier it is to receive information so that more knowledge is received.

According to researchers, the level of education will affect knowledge about clean and healthy living behavior. Individuals with higher levels of education will be better able to apply clean and healthy living behaviors correctly. From this study, most of the respondents stated that they did not bathe at least 2 times a day as many as 58 respondents (40%). Respondents said that they only showered once in the morning before going to school. This is in accordance with the theory by Iskandar (2000) in (Setyawan et al., n.d.) that bathing every day at least 2 times a day regularly and using soap is one way to maintain personal hygiene, especially skin hygiene. According to researchers the importance of bathing is to make the skin clean and remove dead skin cells to clean the pores so as to allow skin cells to function properly. In this way, bacteria and other irritants that can cause rashes or skin problems are eliminated. While the negative impact if you don't take a shower twice, especially in the afternoon, is the first, dirt sticks to the body longer because of activities carried out from morning to evening, prone to germs and dust that stick to the body, the second negative impact becomes easy to stress and depression because the muscles and nerves in the body tense up due to fatigue due to carrying out daily activities. The third negative impact is causing body odor because the germs/bacteria attached to the body will accumulate and make the smell of sweat less pleasant. Because of this, it is very necessary for respondents to always take a bath 2 times a day, namely in the afternoon.



From the results of research and data analysis that has been carried out, it was found that 66 respondents (60.0%) had scabies and 44 respondents (40.0%) did not experience scabies. According to the results of the study, 61 respondents (55.5%) stated that they had suffered from itching at night. This is in accordance with the statement of Ningsih (2021), which shows that scabies is a contagious skin infection disease with manifestations of itching complaints on the lesions, especially at night caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominist. Itchy itching at night is caused by these mites living in the lower layers of the skin, and they become active and work to form tunnels under the skin layer at night, so that infected respondents feel itching. According to researchers, itching at night is indeed very disturbing for comfort, therefore, to overcome this, the respondents need to do is not to wear tight and synthetic clothes, and always keep the nails short. Because if the respondent scratches with long nails, it can cause wounds, causing secondary infections of the skin.

A total of 63 respondents (57.3%) stated that the itchiness experienced by respondents often occurred in the between the fingers, this is in accordance with Masjoer's (2000) statement (in Setyawan et al., n.d.), that the predilection place for scabies is usually found in areas with stratum thin cornium, namely between the fingers, volar part of the wrist, outer elbow, anterior axillary fold, mammary areola and gluteal fold, umbilicus, buttocks, external genitalia and lower abdomen. According to the researchers, the conditions were warm in these places, therefore it was a medium for scabies-causing media to breed. Some of the respondents had pustules between their fingers and were therefore asked not to scratch them. And always keep the hands of respondents clean to prevent further infection, and prevent transmission to their friends.


The Relationship of Clean and Healthy Life Behavior with Scabies Disease Incidence in Santri at Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi

From the results of bivariate analysis using Spearman's rho correlation test, p value = 0.000 (p <0.05) which means there is a relationship between clean and healthy living behavior with scabies disease. While the value of the correlation coefficient, r = -0.907, which means that the direction of the negative correlation with the correlation coefficient is very strong. This means that the worse the behavior of clean and healthy living, the higher the suffering from scabies.

According to Nurmala (2020) Healthy behavior is behavior based on health principles. Health behavior is the response of a person (organism) to a stimulus or object related to health and disease, the health service system, food and beverages, and the environment (Nurmala, 2020). In the concept of behavioral theory, behavior is one of the factors that affect health. Therefore, in order to foster and improve public health, interventions or efforts aimed at these behavioral factors are very strategic (Notoatmodjo, Kasiman, & kintoko Rohadi, 2018).

According to the results of the study, most of the respondents 60.6% who experienced scabies had poor clean and healthy living behavior and 39.4% of respondents experienced scabies with sufficient clean and healthy living behavior. These results are in accordance with Masruroh & Widaryati's research (2014), which shows that at the Assalafiyah Islamic Boarding School there is a relationship between clean and healthy living behavior with the incidence of scabies and has a significant value (p) obtained is 0.014. The results of this study were also strengthened by Ihtiaringtyas et al. (2019), who said that scabies disease is a skin disease that is associated with poor sanitation and hygiene, when there is a lack of water and no means of cleaning the body, lack of food and live in overcrowding, especially in slum areas with very poor sanitation. Scabies can also be caused by poor sanitation. According to the opinion of the researcher, the poor clean and healthy behavior of students at the Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2, Putukrejo Gondanglegi Village, played a role in the incidence of scabies. Clean and healthy living behavior is important because good clean and healthy living behavior will minimize the entrance of microorganisms that are everywhere and ultimately prevent a person from getting diseases including scabies.

One of the clean and healthy living behaviors that can cause scabies is in the form of skin hygiene where some students do not maintain their personal hygiene. It can be seen from the results of the study that some of the respondents who suffered from scabies 60% who never bathed at least 2x a day were 40% of the respondents. This is in accordance with what was conveyed by Ravelingien et al. (2016), that personal hygiene is an important factor in health maintenance efforts to always live a healthy life. Maintaining personal hygiene also means maintaining general health. According to the opinion of researchers, by always bathing at least 2 times a day, the skin will always be kept clean, so that germs or mites that cause scabies can be lost, so the possibility of suffering from scabies is reduced.

Meanwhile, other results from respondents' statements about personal hygiene, never changing underwear every day as much as 36%, respondents never changing clothes after bathing every day by 30%. This is in accordance with Afraniza (2016) which states that students who do not keep their clothes clean have a 2.9 times risk of suffering from scabies compared to students who always change their underwear. According to the researcher, this happened because the respondent after bathing did not use clean underwear and outer clothes, this happened because the Santri bathroom did not meet health standards in the absence of a special room and clean clothes hangers in the bathroom. So that it causes students to be lazy to wear clean clothes directly in the bathroom because the clean clothes are often wet by splashing bath water. Apart from that, because of the limited number of ��� bathrooms compared to the number of students, the use of � the bathroom must take turns. Because of that, the students never change their clean underwear and outer clothes after bathing.

From the results of the study that the clean and healthy living behavior of respondents with indicators of using clean water, it was found that most of the respondents were 43%, 60% of respondents who suffered from scabies said that they never cleaned water reservoirs regularly. This is in accordance with the (Perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, 2018), the benefits of using clean water are avoiding diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, helminthiasis, eye disease, skin or poisoning and that every family member is kept clean. According to the opinion of researchers, the meaning of cleaning the water reservoir is to drain the water in the water reservoir and then clean it. By doing this, it is hoped that germs or mosquito larvae can be removed so that it can reduce the occurrence of scabies or other diseases.

In this study, as many as 31% of respondents said they never opened the bedroom window every morning so that sunlight could not enter from 60% of respondents who suffered from scabies, this greatly affects the incidence of scabies disease. This is in accordance with (Suyanto, et al., 2009) which states that if the room does not meet good lighting, it will facilitate the occurrence of disease transmission among residents, especially scabies skin disease. Air exchange (air ventilation) is also very influential on the health of the room. Sufficient air exchange causes the room air to remain fresh (contain enough oxygen). Thus every room must have adequate windows. The arrangement of the rooms must also be made in such a way that air can flow freely when the windows and doors are opened. According to the opinion of the researcher, the above is due to inadequate ventilation in the students' rooms, which are small windows that are attached to the building next to it, so that sunlight cannot be maximally entered into the room, so the humidity in the room is very high.


Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded as follows, clean and healthy living behavior in students at the Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi almost half are clean and healthy living behaviors with good categories as many as 44 respondents (40.0%). The incidence of scabies in students at the Raudlatul Ulum 2 Islamic Boarding School Putukrejo Gondanglegi was the majority of the students, as many as 66 respondents (60.0%). There is a relationship between clean and healthy living behavior with the incidence of scabies disease in students at the Raudlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School 2 Putukrejo Gondanglegi with a value of r = -0.907 with a significance value (p) of 0.000 (p <0.05) which means clean and healthy living behavior with scabies has a very strong and significant relationship, with a negative correlation direction. This means that the worse the behavior of clean and healthy living, the higher the suffering from scabies.


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Copyright holders:

Theresia Emiliana R, Lilla Maria, Risna Yekti M (2022)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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