Syamsul Arifin

Nusantara Islamic University
[email protected]



Management teaching, Islamic religious education, coaching morals




March, 28 th 2022


April, 3rd 2022


April, 5th 2022


The phenomenon of the decline in the morals of the nation's generation, including the nation's elite, often becomes an apology for some people to give scathing criticism of educational institutions. This is very reasonable because education actually has a very basic mission, namely to form a complete human being with morals as one of the main indicators, the nation's generation with noble character is one of the profiles expected from the practice of national education. The purpose of this study was to obtain a clear picture and an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of the teaching management of Islamic Religious Education in moral development at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4. In this study, researchers generally use descriptive qualitative research methods through observation, interviews, document review, questionnaires and other media. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses Miles and Hubermen's theory which consists of three activity lines, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or verification. Based on results research at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 Cimahi City could drawn conclusion that effectiveness management PAI teaching in construction morals in students has apply principles and goals management education, start with apply planning, implementation, and evaluation in every activity as well as the programs presented. This thing impact positive on every activity classroom teaching and outside class moment PAI teaching is carried out nor in construction morality in students.



Every parent wants their child to grow up to be a religious child, and a religious child who is committed to both parents is beneficial to the family's homeland and nation. With a long-term perspective, so that their children can grow and develop in line with most parents' expectations, and so that the child has been trained in this manner since childhood. Starting with the location where the child will learn, the teacher, and the learning model. Because school is one of the locations where children can learn and grow, preparing them to live in the truth and be safe in this world and hereafter (Sauri, 2017, p. 21).

Schools are primarily designed to assist parents in instilling good habits and developing excellent character, as well as providing education for life in society, which is difficult to provide at home (Daulay, 2014, p. 75).

A school is an educational institution, or a place where learning occurs. A teaching and learning process or an educational communication process between teachers and students is referred to as school education (Sauri, 2017, p. 39). Thus, education in schools is a continuation of education in the home, which is itself a continuation of education in the home.

The Indonesian country is a religious nation, and the Indonesian people have had this religious mentality since time immemorial. It proves that the Indonesian people are religious since their belief in animism, dynamism, formed in Indonesian society, then converted to Hinduism and Buddhism, followed by the advent of Islam, and eventually converted to Christianity. That is why, when forming the foundations of the Indonesian country, the founders agreed to incorporate the tenet of Belief in One God as one of the Pancasila principles.

Islamic education occupies a prominent position in Indonesia. This is reflected in Article 3 of Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, which states that "National Education functions to develop capabilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of educating the nation's life, with the goal of developing the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have good character." noble, healthy, informed, capable, creative, self-sufficient, democratic, and responsible citizen

The problem of a fall in the morals of the nation's generation, especially the nation's elite, is sometimes used as an excuse by some to criticize educational institutions harshly. This is reasonable since education has a very basic objective, which is to develop a whole human being with morality as one of the primary indications, and a nation's generation with noble character is one of the characteristics expected from national education practice (Sauri & Nurdin, 2019, p. 1).

One of the markers of the nation's generation's falling morals is the practice of student manners, which is now beginning to erode, as evidenced by the way they talk to each other, their behavior toward teachers and parents, both at school and in the community. Dirty comments that youngsters his age should not say are frequently tossed. When meeting with instructors, a friendly attitude toward them and respect for their parents appear to be tough to come by among today's school-aged children.

School-aged youngsters frequently employ language that is in odds with society's cultural standards. The language that is frequently used no longer represents a country that values integrity and tenderness (Sauri, 2017, p. 2).

Today's educational practice, which still places a premium on the cognitive domain, is at variance with the legal framework that governs national education. Education that is solely cognitive in nature will not be able to produce a country of character (Sauri, 2017, p. 191). In An-Nahlawi, Abdurahman Al Bani defines education as a process of preserving and sustaining the nature of children prior to puberty, developing all of their varied potentials and preparedness, and progressively orienting all nature and potential towards virtue and perfection (Sauri & Nurdin, 2019, p. 4).

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning environment in which students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, social attitudes, and skills needed by themselves, the community, nation, and state, according to Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System.

The existence of value-based educational practices is firmly supported by the legal framework of national education, and IMTAK values are the basic values that must be cultivated. It is possible to deviate from the concept of learning itself to see the implications of IMTAK's worth in learning (Sauri & Nurdin, 2019, p. 4). Learning according to Siedentop et al. (2019) is a structured combination of human factors, materials, facilities, equipment, and processes that interact to achieve learning goals. Students, teachers, and other professionals are all part of the learning system. Books, blackboards, chalk, photographs, slides and film, audio, and video recordings are all examples of materials. Classrooms, audio-visual equipment, and computers are among the facilities and equipment available (Ashaver & Igyuve, 2013).

Islam encourages its followers to adorn themselves with high values at all times, rather than advocating for nasty and immoral behavior (Tajul, 2020). When this counsel is followed, his people do not feel alienated, but regrettably, many of his people continue to disregard and deny it.

Islamic education also aims to prepare people to manage and use all of the wealth in heaven and on earth for their own well-being and happiness in this life and the hereafter (Susdarwono, 2021). Muslims who believe and fear Allah, have noble morals, do good deeds (amal shaleh), master knowledge (for the world and the hereafter), master skills and expertise, and bear the trust and responsibilities imposed on them according to their abilities are hoped to be created through the process of Islamic education (Herlina, 2019). The purpose of this research is to obtain a clear picture and in -depth analysis of the effectiveness of Islamic Religious Education teaching management in moral development in SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4.

Research related to student character education has been conducted by Insani et al. (2021), who researched on integration of Character Education in Citizenship Education Learning to Develop Character of Elementary School Students. Sutisna et al. (2019) researched on the use of a teacher's model to achieve student character education. Ramdhani (2017) researched on the educational environment in the implementation of character education.


In general, descriptive research approaches are used by researchers (Arikunto, 2013). This research just captures photos of what is happening to oneself or the object or place under study, and then recounts what happened in a straightforward manner in the form of a research report. Because the data in this study is the result of interviews, observations, and document reviews, rather than numbers, it takes a qualitative approach. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods such as observation, interviews, document reviews, questionnaires, and other media in this study. Because the data supplied is more qualitative, i.e., data conveyed verbally rather than numerically.

Interviews with PAI subject teachers and Budi Pekerti and students were conducted by researchers at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 to find out planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and obstacles in the effectiveness of Islamic Religious Education learning management and moral development in students in schools. The second observation was carried out by researchers to observe the progress of PAI topic teachers and Budi Pekerti to pupils. Documentation, carried out by researchers as a data gathering tool using data sources such as semester and annual plans, syllabus/RPP, curriculum, schedule of activities, and others, to determine teacher development planning for PAI subjects and morale development for students.

The researcher use Miles and Hubermen's theory to analyze the data, which consists of three activity lines: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification (Sugiyono, 2007, p. 321). Data reduction entails summarizing, selecting the most significant elements, focusing on them, and searching for themes and patterns. As a result, the reduced data will present a clearer picture, making it easier for researchers to collect additional data and locate it when needed. Following the reduction of data, the examination of data can be done in the form of a brief description, the relationship between categories, flowcharts, and the like, with narrative language being the most commonly utilized for presenting data in qualitative research. The final phase is to form conclusions and verify them. Drawing conclusions is a study of field notes, or conclusions can be considered as meanings that emerge from facts that must be tested in terms of their strength and applicability. The study's conclusion is a review of the notes gathered by field researchers in order to draw a conclusion for future research reports.


1.     Results

1.1.  Findings That Happened at SDN Cibabat 4 Cimahi

1.1.1.       Planning

In management education, planning is something that must be done first (Akilah, 2019). Teaching Islamic Religious Education in the creation of morality does not take away from the planning of diverse device interests, such as PAI teachers, Heads of Schools, and field curriculum (Arnadi, 2021). Of course, the preparation done by the PAI teacher only refers to provisions ordered by the ministry of education or the minister of religion (Akmal, 2016). At the very least, the PAI teacher formulates careful planning that includes improving the curriculum, determining the material, determining the appropriate method with the material, determining the appropriate strategy with the material, preparing means, resources, tools, or learning media, and ensuring that when evaluations are held, the results are in accordance with the criteria minimum graduation of competencies that have been determined.

Based on interview with informant I (interview July 12, 2021):

PAI instructor at SDN Cibabat 4 examines curriculum from the government in the form of an application to the annual program, semester program, and syllabus, which is then poured into an RPP with a calendar education reference. This lesson plan is divided into three steps, the first of which is the activity introduction, the second of which is the teacher's desire to learn, and the third of which is the attendance check.

Coaching program morality at SDN Cibabat 4 as part of PAI teaching for students was created with applicable curriculum in mind and then adjusted with various innovative learning techniques. Between activity construction and planned morality is through habituation to pupils and inhabitant of the school in it.

This thing explained more carry on with statement submitted by informant II (interview July 12, 2021):

That habituation meant is through of them SGGP activities, namely smile, greet, greeting, polite (Yusutria, 2021). Students implanted since early for do habituation this to get used to smile and say hello to anybody as form friendliness, saying regards to father and mother teacher as well to friend colleague as well as junior/senior, polite in speak and in Act behavior, as well embed attitude polite to anyone. Inhabitant school consisting of from teachers and students expected construction morals this can spread in condition anything and to anyone.

Besides, the teacher of SDN Cibabat 4 planned the morning program Recite with read letters short juz 30 each day with different letter.� Besides capable get used to child memorization is also able strengthen return memory already memorized good in class as well as on the spot his study. Activity this meant shape morals students who love the Koran. Besides from the two programs, coaching morals students at SDN Cibabat 4 implemented with form activity pray fardhu together for student student who happens to be in class his coincide with time prayer. Next program is remembered condition geography and history her, PAI teachers and devices school create a home visit program for explore more far about condition family students for then compile delivery steps and strategies PAI teaching in construction morals to students. Because after all the environment will influence behavior/morals someone.

1.1.2.       Implementation

Implementation teaching Islamic Religious Education in construction morals is delivery Islamic religious knowledge to students to understand Islamic values obtained implemented in his life everyday. The teacher of SDN Cibabat 4 implements management listed teaching in syllabus and lesson plans that have been made before, as for activity the is activity opening (introduction), core activities and activities cover.

Based on interview delivered by informant II (interview July 15, 2021) that:

In activity opener, given apperception to student about tree the discussion that will be delivered then linked with tree the discussion that has been discussed on time before and linked it with experience or the fact that happened in the middle life. This thing done so that students motivated follow learning tree the discussion that will delivered. Then in core activities, activities learning more emphasize to exploration knowledge that can found through the learning process from various source study, then motivate student for active and enthusiastic contribute in learning. Final activity Closing as bait return and reinforcement to students.

Implementation Islamic Religious Education learning for student must capable interesting attention and will students (Maesaroh, 2013). For that's the strategy used in the teaching of Islamic Religious Education must varies. Learning strategy for student / i must vary. This thing It is intended that the ongoing teaching process no boring students.

Relation the method used for teaching walk effective and efficient activities carried out by PAI teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 are as following:

a)   Method Lecture

Method this carried out by the person concerned because with method this student will more lots and fast accept information. In between teaching and discussions, PAI teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 use tool tool help such as power pins, pictures and so on for make atmosphere no boring and passive.

b)     Q&A Method

Method this carried out by PAI teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 because method this will more make situation class Becomes more live, participant educate active ask with convey thinking, training students to be smart speak with polite and the teacher can control student understanding. Method this is perfect used when PAI lessons are at the end of class hours, where the teacher can give question so that students too will easy stimulate his attention to the material being explained.

c)     Method Giving Task

Method this carried out by PAI teachers at SDN Cibabat 4. When teaching used with method this meant for cultivate a sense of responsibility answer student in lessons, and train participant educate on norms discipline. and method this could stimulate understanding student in understand lesson.

d)     Method discussion

Method this sometimes used by PAI teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 to practice student in think and let out opinion alone. Usually, method discussion this conducted with as simple Possible seen from ability student school base. Student will more open and more active as well as learning will the more live. Attitude social Among student will the more feel when use method this. With discuss will more cause more understanding concrete. With method this student no only trained in discuss problem solve through swap thought However also trained in technique interview systematic and effective.

In construction morals as form teaching Islamic Religious Education, PAI teachers conduct and implement programs with various shape activities and approaches among them:

a)     Exemplary

Exemplary this required for stimulate participant students and also the personal teacher in every do action. Exemplary this meant that one each other imitate. Prophet Muhammad SAW gave example to whole people man how he acts in demand daily life, socialize, and interact with the people around who put forward exemplary. Certain we become his people must follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

in between the examples that are set by teachers and students at SDN Cibabat 4 are: through application attitude honest in operate everyday life at school. Honest is main thing emphasized as our representative form going to good morals.� Attitude honest this can conduct where just good inside class and outside class. Children who see the teacher's exemplary attitude honest will imitated and applied dala activity at school. Vice versa, the teacher does not close possibility see Act in demand child in interact with friend his age nor older brother the class then then can translated by teacher as manifestation morality in school.

Use sentence politeness conveyed by the teacher will imitated by participants learn to hear then can understood and used by them in interact with her friend nor with father / mother teacher in class even with his parents at home.

Teacher always has attitude calm and patient in explain lesson no feel restless when student difficult understand lesson or restless because Act students who don't polite, but he always provides a sense of calm and comfort to students so that student no depressed. Teacher always forgives students who make mistakes when learning.

b)     Advice

Method this required as effort control self to something outside habit. Softness in speak will add understanding that accepts advice. Method advice this can conducted to participant educate nor between teacher's father and mother. Good advice of course will awaken trust self for always changed to more good direction from before. This thing will spread by automatic to anybody in same condition overwrite someone. coaching morals with method advice this is very necessary for shape character participant educate.

c)     habituation

habituation is a process of formation relative attitude and behavior permanent and character automatic through repetitive learning. PAI teacher and others apply habituation to participant learn at school. This thing if keep going repeated expected will Becomes habit they are at school and outside school. Habituation of 5S smile, greet, greeting, polite and courteous is between Habituation carried out at SDN Cibabat 4.

Teacher welcomes friendly moment arrival and return participant educate with accompanied polite speech, say regards moment meet. Islamic religious teachings teach for spread smile to anybody as form hospitality and activities fun.

This thing match with what was conveyed by informant II (interview) July 15, 2021) that:

This 5S activity conducted every time at school nor application outside school. Besides from Habituation of 5S, PAI teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 also apply habituation pray 5 times by congregation. This thing done so that participants educate used to doing obligation pray appropriate time and done by congregation. This thing expected will Becomes habit no only at school but spread can done at home and around it.


Besides from activity that, morning program study is also carried out every day in activity Habituation at SDN Cibabat 4. As for what is sung is memorization letters short in the Qur'an that is juz ' amma / juz 30. Habituation this expected capable repeat already memorized memorized previously nor memorize repeat for those who haven't once memorize. Activity this if keep going done by participants educate nor followed by the same teacher moment that guide at least when they graduate from elementary school capable memorize juz 30 with learning more l by special. This thing capable build morals participant educate with morals Quran so that they from since early love the Quran.

1.1.3.       Evaluation

Evaluation in education is business for knowing is the behavior of the people involved in teaching lead to the planned goals. is achievement destination education in accordance as desired, if there is deviation Thing that try not to more from the limit that can be tolerated.

inside evaluation Besides working as managerial setting standard results achieved something organization also works in increase discipline work whole perpetrator education. Evaluation conducted with various activity good live nor no direct aim� observe or monitor implementation destination what do you want and what you have achieved in appropriate learning with planning.

Based on interview delivered by informant II (interview July 22, 2021):

The evaluation carried out by PAI teachers and other teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 in management PAI teaching and coaching morals participant educate is with method measure and compare state student with instrument general. This thing conducted for get Mark in every activity. With teacher 's understanding in every activity good teaching nor in construction morals at school, the PAI teacher at SDN Cibabat 4 continues improve and develop program activities in schools.

A number of things to be consideration in doing evaluation, including are:

a)      Ability student in implement and follow every teaching and program activities.

b)      Quality material presented� in teaching nor in application morality in school.

c)      Ratio timeand teaching materials delivered is in accordance or no.

d)      Suitability between purpose teaching and programming on the process implemented.

Teacher PAI SDN Cibabat 4 is responsible answer against refinement PAI teaching and construction morals in school. Guru PAI SDN Cibabat 4 continues evaluate teaching and activity programs construction morals so that it finds out change what should be held.

1.1.4.       Obstacle

In every activity of course, there is various possible obstacles make the program not done with good. However, obstacles the no Becomes serious thing that can create a coaching program morals true, true no done by harvester.

Related with obstacle this, interview with informant II explained:

As for the obstacles in activity PAI teaching at SDN Cibabat 4 is less lesson hours make PAI teaching in schools not enough maximum. Every class only get timetable one week very 4 hours of lessons. Every one-hour lesson 35 minutes. Temporary destination learning must effective and efficient accomplished. Besides that, there a number of students who don't have book student as handle study good at school as well as at home with various pedestals good lost, no there is cost for replace, and party school constrained with cost operational complicated education. However, by whole obstacle this can resolved although no maximum.

Obstacle next is in activity construction morals in students at school of them is there is a number of less students aware so that must always remind. This thing occurs because age possible elementary school kids not yet formed the character for class low so that not enough understand how should interact and act actually according to Islamic religious law.

Whereas for class high, several students not enough aware because used to with socializing at home or environment different surroundings. This thing occurs because by history and conditions public heterogeneous surroundings. At least public around and the majority are educated at SDN Cibabat 4 public medium to lower with level relative economy and education less. Reason this at least Becomes factor contributor not enough maximum participant educate in understand teaching and coaching morals for them.

2.     Discussion

Islamic Religious Education (PAI) in essence is field studies that don't can ignored institution education in Indonesia. For a state school that even though only a week once 4 hours of lessons in each level class is necessary and can not be ignored more nuanced school islamic like madrasa ibtidaiyah as well as SDIT.

according to observations made Islamic Religious Education researcher a very important thing for learned and understood as well as practiced. In implementation teaching no miss from the method used by the teacher when give lesson to students to be able absorbed and understood by the participants educate. So, method here it becomes base and materials consideration in doing good teaching in school.� Thus, link with construction morals, of course just various methods and activities could made reference implementation construction morality in school. From result observations that have been carried out by researchers so pursed Becomes a number of points as answer from question research.

2.1.  Planning teaching Islamic Religious Education in construction morals at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 Cimahi City

Based on results findings made by researchers at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 Cimahi City, that second school have good planning arranged by comprehensive. Planning is formula determination desired goal achieved including annual programs, semester programs, syllabus, lesson plans, books the source in it there is planting Mark polite as discussed in the results findings research.

Planning carried out in both school by the PAI teacher of each school already in accordance with instruction from Ministry education, ministry of religion, KKG, and also the head of school as well as that teacher alone. After analyzed it turns out PAI teaching carried out by the two teachers was very precise and capable give motivation to students for implement and apply morals in the end quality/quality education in both school they could guaranteed.

Planning is functioning first the most important management management, in planning there is some points to be noticed of them formulation and determination what will done, who will work, when done, where does it and who is responsible decided answer by together together in an organization. Planning education is rational application from analysis systematic development process with destination education that more effective and efficient in accordance needs and goals students and the community.

From the findings made researcher in both schools, other than has do series good planning also done with systematic so that PAI teaching in construction morals to student could walk with good. Could concluded that by general of the planning process this that the PAI teacher along with device school other if follow and try operate Duty in accordance with the planned so activity with various method in carry out the program will do by maximum so that construction morals by automatic could applied. Vice versa, if what is planned no in accordance with what it should be then the construction process morals no will do with good and maximum.

2.2.  Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Teaching Activities in moral development in SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 Kota Cimahi

Implementation is an important agenda after planning, planning without existence implementation like suati contents that are not there is the wrapper, the treatment will reckless and not of course the direction to go did. Implementation without plan like boat without running captain without clear goals.

Implementation can say is an ongoing process activity, implementation this of course different Among one organization with other organizations, but sometimes have the same goal. As every organization education have room different moves however have the same goal. Same goal this is what makes dynamics and harmonization a arrangement in implementation.

Teacher is someone on duty make every planning whether spontaneous, programmed, or��� routine everyday. Teachers also carry out every planning that. Every PAI teaching to be implemented by effective and efficient sure no miss from PAI teacher's ability in operate every planning for education more quality.

Based on research that has been implemented as well as get the findings that occurred moment observation done in both school in this case, PAI teachers are assisted by guardians� class has attempted as much as possible Possible for doing every program that has been planned before. Although, obstacle implementation in every school of course there is but could minimized with perseverance and fullness not quite enough answered by each teacher in implement every program plan so that every planning they could realized with good. However, if compared to Among second school that, then there is Mark more owned by SDN Cibabat Independent 3 that is have more teacher personnel many from SDN Cibabat 4 so that in the process of implementation can with easy realized especially in construction morals in students in certain programs.

2.3.  It is eighty Teaching Islamic Religious Education in Moral Development at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 Kota Cimahi

one how can be conducted for knowing results that have been achieved by educators in the learning process is hammer evaluation. When the evaluation process results teaching looked at as change Act in demand student, role evaluation and appraisal in the teaching process be very important. For going to good teaching, A good evaluation system is needed.

Evaluation that is assessment against level success students reach the goal has been set in a program (Syah, 2017, 139). As for the purpose evaluation this according to Muhibbin Shah (Shah, 2017, 140) is as the following:

a.       For knowing level, the progress that has been achieved by students in something period time for learning process certain. This thing means the teacher can knowing progress change Act in demand student as results of the learning process.

b.       For knowing position or position a student in group his class.

c.       For knowing level work done student in study. Meaningful things with evaluation, the teacher will could know description level business students.

d.       For knowing all effort student in make use of capacity cognitive (ability) intelligence he has for necessity study.

e.       For knowing level power use and results to use method teaching who has used by the teacher in the learning process.

From the research conducted second school researcher find findings that PAI teachers and other teachers at SDN Cibabat 4 are faster in evaluate every implementation of programs implemented in schools. Besides from ratio total few students so that more seen all activity students are also PAI teachers easier monitor every student relation with construction morality in school. While at SDN Cibabat Independent 3, evaluate this tend rather slow because many very indicators that must be filled and done see from total lots of students so that complicate monitoring individual student in build morals every student. Besides that, factor understanding every teacher is different so that slow down performance evaluation every PAI teaching program in construction morals at school



Based on results research at SDN Cibabat Mandiri 3 and SDN Cibabat 4 Cimahi City could drawn conclusion that effectiveness management PAI teaching in construction morals in students has apply principles and goals management education, start with apply planning, implementation, and evaluation in every activity as well as the programs presented. This thing impact positive on every activity classroom teaching and outside class moment PAI teaching is carried out nor in construction morality in students.



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Copyright holders:

Syamsul Arifin (2022)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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