Arlia 1, Sudarman 2, Rizqy Iftitah Alam 3

Muslim University of Indonesia, Indonesia
[email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected]



Cupping therapy, Cholesterol levels, clinic




March, 26th 2022


April, 11th 2022


April, 13th 2022


High blood cholesterol levels are a health problem that continues to occur to anyone who does not follow a healthy lifestyle. The impact of high cholesterol levels in the blood is a big risk for heart disease. In addition to treatment using pharmacological treatment, namely with complementary management is cupping. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of cupping therapy on reducing high cholesterol levels at Hamdalah Ruqyah Clinic and Syar Cupping, Iyyah Makassar. This type of research is a quantitative research, with a pre-experimental research design in the form of One Group pre-test-post-test design. The determination of the sample in this study used a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling type with a sample size of 10 respondents. The statistical test used in this study was the Wilcoxon non-parametric test. The results showed that there was an effect of cupping therapy on reducing cholesterol levels with p value = 0.005. The conclusion of this study is cupping therapy is effective in lowering cholesterol levels.



Cholesterol is a waxy molecule required by the body to create cells and produce vitamins and hormones (American Heart Association, 2020). �LDL cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) and HDL cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein) are two types of cholesterol (High-density lipoprotein), total cholesterol, triglycerides, and density lipoprotein (Marleni et al., 2021) . The total cholesterol level required by the body is 200 mg/dL; if it surpasses this amount, hypercholesterolemia develops, which causes the walls of blood vessels to harden, obstructing blood flow and leading to atherosclerosis (Meinisasti et al., 2019). �The behavior of someone who tends to eat foods low in fiber and high in fat, a diet high in cholesterol, and an unhealthy lifestyle are factors that cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels. The stress of smoking makes blood fat levels very difficult to control, which can lead to hypercholesterolemia (Wibowo, & Thomas, 2021). High cholesterol causes blood vessel narrowing, which can lead to coronary heart disease, stroke, and other ischemic disorders, which can lead to death due to blood vessel rupture (Windasari et al., 2017). �Consuming chemical and herbal treatments, as well as doing supplemental wet cupping therapy, often known as cupping, is one way to manage cholesterol in the blood (Latifin et al., 2020) .

Cupping therapy is a treatment procedure that involves employing a vacuum tube or glass that is inverted on the skin's surface to produce local dams to remove toxic compounds that are not eliminated by the body through the skin surface (Sungkawa & Wahdaniah, 2019). �Cupping aids in the reduction of toxic lipids and cholesterol levels, as well as increasing blood flow to the inner layer of the endothelium, which aids in the production of nitric oxide (produced from the endothelium). Cupping can promote blood circulation in the body in general through nitric oxide (No), which has a role in enlarging blood vessels, leading a decrease in cholesterol levels. Furthermore, nitrate helps to increase the delivery of nutrients and blood to the cells and layers of the arteries and veins, making them stronger and more elastic while also lowering blood cholesterol levels (Hasina & Hariyani, 2021).

Based on the results of the cupping therapist's interviews. Cupping therapy, when performed twice a month, is successful in decreasing elevated cholesterol levels. Interviews with multiple patients revealed that after cupping, they experienced improvements such as a lighter body, less stress in the back of the neck, better sleep, and lower cholesterol than before cupping. Researchers are interested in undertaking study on the usefulness of cupping therapy in lowering high cholesterol levels, based on the preceding description.

Several people, such as Khaira (2016), �have studied the experience of PSIK FKIK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students using complementary and alternative therapies. Riadi (2017) �conducted research at Puskesmas Sedayu 1 on the effectiveness of cupping therapy in lowering cholesterol levels in adults aged 26 to 45 years. And Sumardiko (2012) �conducted research at the Dompet Dhuafa Health House in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, on the effectiveness of wet cupping therapy (wet cupping therapy) in lowering blood cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemic individuals.

Meanwhile, this study aims to discover the effect of cupper therapy (bekam) on reducing high cholesterol in Hamdalah Ruqyah and Bekam Syar�iyyah Clinic. Thus, this research is different from other researches. The researchers hope this study will be beneficial for cupper therapy practitioner, patient or academician, who want to analyze cupper therapy or cholesterol intervention.


This is a quantitative study with a pre-experimental design consisting of a One Group pre-test-post-test design. This research underlines the need of making preliminary observations before moving on to the next level. New, with a follow-up post-final test or observation. The study will take place at Hamdalah Ruqyah and Bekam Syar�iyyah Clinic Makassar, and it will run from July 29, 2021 to August 29, 2021. The sample size for this study was 66 people. The study's minimum sample size was ten respondents, with the sample size determined using a non-probability selection technique with purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data retrieval with the help of Easy. Measurement of the tool Before and after cupping therapy, Touch GCU uses the following instruments and materials: cholesterol strip, lancet, pen lancet sella, alcohol swabs 2 ply 70%, aseptic plus, nierbeken, and handscoon. Wilcoxon non-parametric test was used to analyze the data in this study.


1.   Research Description

This study was undertaken at the Hamdalah Ruqyah and Bekam Syar�iyyah Clinic Makassar from July 29 to August 29, 2021 to investigate the impact of cupping therapy on lowering cholesterol levels. This study employs a quantitative research design that includes a pre-experimental research design in the form of a One Group pre-test test-post-test design. Initial observations are emphasized in this study before moving on to the next step, which is followed by a post-test test or final observation. The total number of people who took part in this study was 66, with a minimum sample size of 10 people. Cholesterol levels will be assessed before cupping therapy and again after a 2-week post-treatment test on participants in an experimental study. Applying Easy Touch GCU to determine cholesterol levels. The information gathered in this study will be put to use. Wilcoxon non-parametric test was utilized in this work as the statistical test.


2.   Data analysis

The data collected from the final data, which had been treated by monitoring cholesterol levels before and after cupping therapy twice a month, was processed using data analysis. The goal of this data analysis is to show whether the researcher's hypothesis can be accepted or rejected. In this study, the researcher analyzed pre-test cholesterol levels, then the therapist continued cupping therapy for about 30 minutes at 5 locations of cupping, particularly the cupping point on Al-kahil, which is located in the lower neck hump, precisely on the vertebrae. Al-akhda'in points 2 and 3 are positioned on the right and left rear neck muscles, respectively, and Al- Katifain cupping points 4 and 5 are located above the right and left shoulders. The following are the outcomes of the data collecting and processing that was obtained:

Table 1. Cholesterol before and after cupping therapy





Pre-Cholesterol Test




Post Cholesterol Test



Source: Primary Data 2021

According to table 1, the average pre-cholesterol level test value prior to cupping therapy was 253,10, with a standard deviation of 50,183. The average post-cupping cholesterol level test was 200.10, with a standard deviation of 30,083. The significant value of pre and post test is 0.005 in these data, indicating that there is a substantial difference before and after cupping therapy. It may be concluded from the findings of this study that cupping therapy is beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels.

The findings of this study are confirmed in the study conducted by Helma et al. (2018). �The average total cholesterol level before cupping was 210.46 mg/dl + 21.47, and the average total cholesterol level after cupping was 200.82 mg/dl + 25.77, according to this study. Total cholesterol levels were significantly different before and after cupping therapy (p=0.001). Another study by Syahruramdhani et al. (2021), between before and after cupping therapy, the average total cholesterol level decreased by 16.62 mg/dl, from 177.05 mg/dl to 160.43 mg/dl. The t-test on total cholesterol levels yielded a value of 0.022 (p0.05), indicating that cupping therapy had a significant effect on cholesterol levels. This suggests that cupping therapy has a cholesterol-lowering impact.

Cupping has a well-established scientific basis, namely that particular regions of the human skin are related to the organs in the body at the entry site of the nerves that give nourishment to these organs in the spinal cord. Any stimulation applied at any skin in this portion of the body will influence the internal organs associated with the skin (Fahmi & Andriana, 2022). �The mechanism of action of cupping therapy is to cause an inflammatory reaction, which emerges when a puncture is performed to remove filthy blood from the body, and is indicated by cell damage. masque to cause serotonin, histamine, bradykinin, and other slow-acting chemicals to be released from the skin (cutis), subcutaneous tissue (sub cutis), fascia, and muscles (SRS). These compounds produce capillary and arteriolar dilatation in the cupped area (Saundari et al., 2016). �As well as improved blood vessel microcirculation and a calming impact on muscles, which can help lower blood cholesterol levels (Astuti & Syarifah, 2018).


As indicated by the results of research produced by analyzing hypothesis testing data, cupping therapy is beneficial for stable decrease of elevated cholesterol levels in the blood. The average value of the pre cholesterol level test before cupping therapy was 253,10, based on the results of measuring high cholesterol levels pre and post test. After cupping, the average post-cholesterol level test was 200.10. The significant value of pre and post test is 0.005 in these data, indicating that there is a substantial difference before and after cupping therapy. Cupping therapy appears to be beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels, based on the findings of the study.


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Copyright holders:

Arlia, Sudarman, Rizqy Iftitah Alam (2022)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Community Service

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