Holistic character development, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan ARTICLE INFO Accepted: April, 6th 2022
Revised: April, 8th
2022 Approved: April, 13th
2022 |
ABSTRACT Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) is equivalent with School Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). It
is one of the receptacle demand types of knowledge that more emphasize expertise
or vocational. The age of student is teenagers and behavior as average
teenager. Teenager is a very vulnerable age and still look for teak self as
well as easy affected by things negative. At SMKN1 Tualang
it also happened same thing with behavior teenager generally and very easy
affected with negative things. For that will done construction character
student the in determine his future. This coaching started with the initial
survey about students� character, who finally grouped into the three group, i.e group students who do not problem, group problem
student light and student with level problem high. Students� collaboration with
several parties is carried out
in fostering students and fostering the education system itself, namely libraries, the role of
the principal, the role of
Guidance Counseling Teachers. It is hoped that this holistic development will
be able to direct the role of schools in fostering their students. |
�Student aged
16-19 years who have a unique personality and tend to be frontal attend Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), which is similar to Sekolah
Menengah Atas (SMA) (Dewi, 2015; Ningrum, 2018). �Especially in the current situation, where
youngsters are strongly connected to the internet, their behavior is always
leaning towards a character who is viral on the internet without knowing
whether or not this is accurate (Theana Effendy, 2019).
According to Santrock et al. (2002) that
adolescence means as a period of development transition between childhood and
adulthood which includes change biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional.
Final limit age common teenager used by experts including ages 12 to 21 years (Karlina, 2020). Range time
age teenager usually distinguished Becomes three namely: 1) ages 12-15 years,
including in adolescence early; 2) 15-18 years old, including in adolescence middle;
3) 18-21 years old, including in adolescence end (Surbakti, 2017).
Expert psychology argued that youth is
something period transition from the beginning children until the early days
adult, age entered approximately 10 to 12 years and ends at the age of 18 up to
22 years old (Unayah & Sabarisman,
2015). Teenager own
the place between children and parents because already no including in group
child but not yet is at in group mature or old (Nurhayati, 2016).
The main behavior reference group is a
group of people of the same age or peers. If a group of people of the same age
is fine, then the character of the group is fine as well; nevertheless, if the
group of people of his age is negative, then the behavior of the teenager will
be negative as well (Lanty, 2017).
Many occurrences are found in adolescents
and high school students, ranging from minor incidents to significant
situations that eventually lead to legal action. For instance, narcotics,
theft, rape, and so forth (Fadlillah, 2014).
Teenage behavior is compounded in school,
where educators focus more on punishment or determining right and wrong,
leaving students perplexed and unable to mimic a character as a model of
Langeveld, a
pedagogic specialist from the Netherlands, believes that education is direction
given by adults to children who have not yet matured enough to achieve their
aim, maturity (Sutisna, 2016) . Ki Hajar Dewantara further emphasized that the word educate means
"to direct all of the strength of nature that exists in children so that
they, as human beings and members of the public, can achieve the highest level
of safety and happiness" (Susilo, 2018) .
Basically, objective main education
character is for build generation a strong nation, where are the people morals
noble, moral. According to (Lickona, nd) , at least
there is seven reason why character education should given
to citizen since early namely, this is the best way for make sure the students
have good personality and character in his life. Second, this education could
help Upgrade performance academic child educate. Third, some children no can
shape strong character for himself in place another. Fourth, could shape
individuals who value and respect others and can live inside plural society. Fifth,
as effort overcome root moral-social problems, such as dishonesty, disrespect,
violence, ethos work low, and so on. Sixth, the method best for shape behavior
individual before enter into the world of work/ business. Seventh, as method
for teach values culture which is part from work something civilization.
Phenomenon is not that dissimilar at SMKN 1
Tualang, which has a diverse student body when viewed
from behind the parents. Fighting, pulling out, smoking, and other issues that
the school is experiencing. There are also a number of students who have
mentioned drugs.
Finally, the Head Master discusses how to
construct a school that is made up of holistic students rather than just kids
who are taking a specific course. Aside from that, there are several facilities
where a school might perform optimum in terms of upgrading students' enthusiasm
in reading and creativity.
The goal of this activity commitment is to
adopt systems and roles of school, as well as to educate teachers and staff in
order to improve student conduct. In addition, construction All existing parts
are combined to create a holistic student persona that is well-coordinated.
Ansori (2020) has
researching Character building of students through integrated learning in
elementary schools. Then, Rosad (2019) to do study
related implementation
of character education through school management. Besides
that, Fatmah (2018) also did study
related character
building in education.
The approach method used in carrying out character development in
adolescents carried out from this community service activity is through lectures,
training and discussions as well as interactive dialogue in getting solutions
from coaching. As for the steps is as following:
No |
Activity |
Method |
1. |
Preparation of Devotion |
1. List the
Potential and Problems of SMKN I. 2. Surveying
the problems that often occur in schools, especially for students. 3. Survey the
sources of existing problems. 4. List the
institutions or stakeholders related to the theme to be carried out. 5. Prepare
emerging issues and coaching solutions 6. Assign
resource persons according to the issues or themes raised. |
1. Conducting
discussions with the team and the school principal 2. Conducting meetings and discussions
between the Team and relevant stakeholders in the coaching process 3. Discuss with related institutions atl: Schools, Disdik, RIBC, Dispersip, Himpsi and MCGA and
others. 4. Discuss the resource persons
according to the theme raised. |
2. |
Implementation Plan |
1. Prepare the
room and form of construction. Which is in accordance with the theme or issue
of each. 2. Carry out
coaching activities both through lectures, games and discussions and
dialogues in accordance with the issues and goals of service (Students and
Educational Staff) |
1. In School, School Library, Class
etc. 2. If this is not possible, it will be
carried out directly online. |
3. |
and Reporting |
1. Evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of the themes deemed necessary by the team 2. Make notes
in every implementation of coaching carried out |
1. Meeting with the team to discuss
obstacles and required notes. 2. Make a report |
Student Character Development Program
The development of student character, which is
one of the goals of education (Ainiyah, 2013) , is
carried out in synergy with various parties and related elements, namely Infocom,
Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (RIBC), Meteorology, Climatology
and Geophysics Agency (MCGA), Psychologists, Librarians and Academics and
adjusted any issues to be raised.
Initially, a mapping of the problems faced by
schools was carried out, namely the number of children's behavior that violated
school rules, both mild and severe. In addition, students also have very low
interest in reading and interest in learning with the attachment of the average
results of the learning evaluation.
Based on these problems, in this case they are
divided into two major groups; namely:
a. Educators and
Education Personnel.
b. Students or
students, which in this case are divided into 3 groups, namely students with
severe problems, students with mild problems, and students who do not have
problems according to school rules.
From the identification of problems and
groupings, they are used in various forms of service, namely:
Program for Students
of talents and interests of students and organizations
Coaching for students and student organizations that incidentally do not
have problems with school regulations, they are given coaching skills and
knowledge that are different from what they have received so far.
The first coaching is guidance from MCGA who conducts practice and games
with various types of Climate and Weather which are very relevant to the
subjects for the Department of Chemistry and Forestry.
The students were invited to demonstrate and perform a simple simulation
of weather forecasting in the study room. In addition, socialization of digital
literacy is also carried out on the MCGA Application and Info-climate Account,
because by understanding the weather early on, we can plan more optimal day-to-day
Figure 1. The MCGA team demonstrates how
happening storm and rain
Figure 2. Students involved in simulation
Figure 3. Students enthusiastic follow
digital literacy MCGA application and climate info account
Apart from literacy on climate and weather delivered by MCGA, students
also receive training and hone skills in using social media conducted by RIBC
Riau. In accordance with Law No. 32 of 2002 concerning broadcasting, RIB and RIBC
can only monitor the content of broadcasts from broadcasting institutions such
as TV and Radio. Meanwhile, impressions on new media/news media are the domain
of the government as regulated in the ITE Law.
The guidance carried out by RIBC begins with the process and stages of
content creation on TV and Digital Media starting from the pre-production,
production and post-production stages. The content that will be produced
contains positive and useful content for students or teenagers in particular
and society in general.
RIBC also directs students to be able to develop themselves and be
creative in utilizing content production through mobile phones. The RIBC team
practices the visual capture process, editing process and applications that
make it easier for students to carry out the production process for content
creation, especially those in the student's school environment.
In addition to the RIBC who invites
student in get creative make content, PERADI, an advocate organization established under Law No. 18 of 2003 on
advocates, also delivered danger make content that is not educate even smells
criminal. So that student be delivered about the ITE Law so that student more
alert in make content so that no ending in nuance law.
Figure 4. The RIBC team is
delivering materials
Figure 5.
The RIBC team is practice make content.
Figure 6. RIBC
team being discuss with students and enough enthusiastic.
Figure 7. Kominfo give instruction about information around the
digital world.
Figure 8.
PERADI is moderate give direction and socialization as well as discuss with
student related law.
Figure 9. RIBC
and PERADI teams collaborate in give information and knowledge to students
with Heavy and Light Problems
Especially for students with severe problems, they are immediately
accompanied by clinical psychologists who try to do an actual assessment of
what happened to the student, and the extent of the stress level, if any, and
what should be done by the school, especially the education staff.
The average cases faced by students are quite varied, and have also
occurred since childhood so that the frontal behavior they show is a reflection
of their protest against the problems they face.
If seen from the average family of students who have problems, it really
starts from families, both broken homes and families who do not carry out the
functions of the family so that students do not get a role model in their teens.�
Figure 10; psychologist currently to do mediation and
assessment of students.
Especially for students who make
minor mistakes, an assessment is carried out by involving the Guidance and
Counseling Teachers at the school. This optimizes the role of the CG teacher
and functions properly.
2. Educators and
2.1. Guidance and counseling
The school is a place to learn and study, it is
also a place for students to play, socialize, get guidance and counseling from
teachers at school. At the vocational level, schools have special Counseling Guidance
(CG) teachers who function for schools and students itself. The functions of CG
teachers for schools include:
a. Understanding, is produce
understanding about something Thing for development students. A number of
necessary understandings obtained by students among others: a) Understanding
about students who must known by students that alone,
students� parent, teachers in general as well as supervising teachers. b.
Understanding about environment around student, start from environment family,
environment community and environment school, which must be known by students
that alone, students� parent, teachers in general as well as tutors. c.
Understanding to more environment large start from information position or job,
information social and cultural or must values known by students.
b. Prevention, is give
prevention for avoid various possible problem occur to students and worry could
cause disturbance in study.
c. Completion, needed in
skeleton look for Street go out for overcome various problems experienced by
d. Maintenance and Development, various potential and conditions positive that has student
will could excavated, maintained and developed with better again.
Besides That's also the
role of the CG teacher for student:
a. Help Upgrade performance study student
b. Help solve problem faced student
c. Help know and develop ability student
d. As a mediator
e. Give motivation learn from students
Give Theory development
self and lessons character.
g. Give help to other teachers.
Discussion done with
the CG teacher and discuss the functions of the CG teacher are like explained
above, what? there is obstacles and obstacles in operate function that. Besides
it was also discussed about must solution taken party the school and the CG teacher.
Besides it also emphasizes importance the role of CG teachers, especially at
the point of prevention and motivator as well as development ultimate
personality will prevent happening things that are not desired.
Figure 11.
discussion team with party schools and CG teachers about condition students and
solutions that will taken by the CG teacher.
2.2. References
One function References is given service
information good that concerning Theory lesson nor Theory popular. Library says
succeed selian total book and quantity title variety
of books as well as supporting facilities and infrastructure however more worth
again if visit student to References high. height visit student to library and
interest high read from student the is size main in see success from library.
Besides that's also interest read and variety title books read by students also
follow influence success library.
For that, librarian
intermediate discusses with librarian school in discuss elements above and also
discuss about obstacles faced as well as must solution taken in Upgrade
interest read students.
Figure 12.
discussion Among Librarian from province with librarian school
Based on results on could concluded that
construction student should done by holistic and involving various stakeholders
as well as profession. coaching students must also involve all power educators
and education and continuous. Optimization the function and role of the
Guidance Teacher Counseling in prevent happening things that are not desired.
Student expected more could develop self and creative in fill in time young.
Student should be pushed for more interactive and communicative with guidance
all party especially power educators and education.
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Copyright holders:
Risdayati, Rozian Elfis (2022)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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