It is known that the results with a significance value of 0.200> 0.05, it can be concluded
that the residual value is normally distributed.
Analysis based on Heuristic Evaluation obtained results with an average value of the
category interval of all parameters as much as 173 which means the website is included in the
repair category with low priority.
The heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is an
inequality of variance from the residuals of one observer to another observer [14]. The results
of the heteroscedasticity test on the variable visibility of system status (X1), match between
system and the real world (X2), user control and freedom (X3), consistency and standard (X4),
error prevention (X5), recognition rather than recall ( X6), flexibility and efficiency of use (X7),
aesthetic and minimalist design (X8), help user, recognize, diagnose and recover from errors
(X9), and help and documentation (X10). 0.05.
The multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation
between independent variables. The results of the multicollinearity test on the variable visibility
of system status (X1), match between system and the real world (X2), user control and freedom
(X3), consistency and standard (X4), error prevention (X5), recognition rather than recall ( X6),
flexibility and efficiency of use (X7), aesthetic and minimalist design (X8), help user, recognize,
diagnose and recover from errors (X9), and help and documentation (X10) do not occur
multicollinearity because all VIF values < 10 .00 and the tolerance value is > 0.10.
Furthermore, there is an F test which aims to determine whether the independent variable
has a simultaneous influence on the dependent variable. Based on the results of the F test on the
variable visibility of system status (X1), match between system and the real world (X2), user
control and freedom (X3), consistency and standard (X4), error prevention (X5), recognition
rather than recall (X6), flexibility and efficiency of use (X7), aesthetic and minimalist design
(X8), help user, recognize, diagnose and recover from errors (X9), and help and documentation
(X10), have an influence on usability variables (Y ) simultaneously because the significance
value is 0.001 < 0.05 and fcount 3.504 > ftable 1.97.
Finally, the T test which basically shows how far the influence of one independent variable
(partial) individually in explaining the variation of the dependent variable [13]. In the visibility
of system status variable (X1) there is an effect on the usability variable (Y) partially because
the significance value is 0.037 <0.05 and the tcount is 2.127 > table 1.99045 while for the match
between system and the real world (X2) variable, user control and freedom (X3), consistency
and standard (X4), error prevention (X5), recognition rather than recall (X6), flexibility and
efficiency of use (X7), aesthetic and minimalist design (X8), help user, recognize, diagnose and
recover from errors (X9), and help and documentation (X10) there is no effect on the usability
variable (Y) partially because the entire significance value is > 0.05 and the tcount is < ttable
Based on the results of the research entitled "Usability Analysis of Inlislite Websites in
Elementary School Libraries in Penajam District Using Heuristic Evaluation Methods", it can
be concluded that:
1. In the parameters of visibility of system status, user control and freedom, consistency and
standards, error prevention, flexibility and efficiency of use and help users recognize, diagnose,