1.99254. on the Attitude Toward Using (Y) variable, this means that Ha3 is accepted and H03
is rejected, so it can be concluded that the Behavioral Intention to use variable partially affects
Attitude Toward Using.
Judging from the Unstandardized Coefficients model with a B value of 0.704 and a
significant level less than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05). In the F test, the significance level used is 0.05
(5%) and the F table is 2.74. The F table value is obtained by calculating using the F table
formula. It is known that the significance value for the influence of the independent variables
(X1, X2, and X3) simultaneously affects the dependent variable (Y) of 0.000 < 0.05 or 23.859>
2.74. In the calculation, the result is that the F test aims to determine whether the independent
variables simultaneously have an influence on the dependent variable. From the calculation
results, the value of the F test is 23,859 with sig < 0.05, so it can be concluded that the variables
together play a role in the use of the Shopee application. The results of testing the effect of the
independent variables together on the dependent variable show Variables (X1, X2, and X3)
23.859> t table 2.74 shows that the results obtained get the results that the X variable
simultaneously affects the Y variable.
The test results on the proposed model show good results. Based on the research that has
been done on STMIK students, regarding the behavior of shopee application users, the
following conclusions can be drawn: The variable Perceived Ease of Use has no significant
effect H01 is accepted on the Attitude Toward Using variable, it is concluded that the Perceived
Ease Of Use variable partially has no effect on the variable Attitude Toward Using. The
Perceived Usefulness variable has a significant positive effect on the Attitude Toward Using
variable because it has a good value and has a positive relationship. The Behavioral Intention
to Use variable has a significant positive effect on the Attitude Toward Using variable because
it has a good value and has a positive relationship. Variables Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived
Usefulness and Behavioral Intention to Use (X1, X2, and X3) have a significant positive effect
on the Attitude Toward Using variable because their values are equally good and have a
positive relationship.
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