out their role to seek to improve the quality of education in the school. In improving the quality of
education, it cannot be separated from the role of human resources, namely teachers (Sariningsih, 2019).
The teacher is the main actor, besides parents and other elements. The success of the education
that was proclaimed (Gunawan, 2015). Without the active involvement of teachers, education is empty
of material, essence and substance. No matter how sophisticated the curriculum, vision, mission, and
financial strength, as long as the teacher is passive and stagnant, the quality of education will decline
sharply. On the other hand, no matter how weak and bad a curriculum, vision, mission and financial
strength are, if the teachers are innovative, progressive, and productive, the quality of education will
progress rapidly. Moreover, if a good system is supported by innovative teacher quality, the quality of
educational institutions will be even greater (Darmadi & MM, 2018).
Classroom management is a teacher's skill to create and maintain optimal learning conditions and
restore them if there are disturbances in the teaching and learning process(Pamela et al., 2019). An
optimal condition can be achieved if teachers, students and teaching facilities and control them in a
pleasant atmosphere to achieve teaching goals. Effective classroom management is an absolute
requirement for the teaching and learning process to occur (Syuhada & Arpizal, n.d.).
Teaching in principle guides students in teaching and learning activities or implies that teaching is
an effort to organize the environment in relation to students and teaching materials that lead to the
learning process (Lestari, 2020). Pedagogic competence is the ability of teachers to manage learning, at
least covering understanding of educational insights or foundations, understanding of students,
curriculum/syllabus development, learning design, implementation of educational and dialogical
learning, utilization of learning technology, evaluation of learning processes and outcomes, and
development of students to actualize their various potentials.
The formation of professional abilities and attitudes of teachers is not easy, not necessarily the
formation of professional abilities of teachers will also form professional attitudes, because many
factors determine it(Zulfadewina, Nurmawati, & Meilana, 2018). Even though teachers have been
educated in the field of education, this does not necessarily mean that these professional abilities and
attitudes are automatically formed. Because the educational program studied may not or less give
emphasis to the program formation of professional abilities and attitudes (Chen, 2022)
Increasing the professionalism of teachers is naturally carried out, not only by the government but
from the teachers themselves, they must also have a strong will to be more professional so that national
education goals can be achieved as stated in the Teacher Law, it is explained that teachers are
professional educators with the main task educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess and evaluate
students in formal education, as well as in primary and secondary education including early childhood
education. (Zulfadewina et al., 2018).
According to Mulyasa, teacher professionalism in Indonesia is still very low, this is because there
has not been a change in teaching patterns and the conventional system to a competency system, the
teacher's workload is high, and there are still many teachers who have not conducted classroom action
research and are still using the lecture method. On this basis, competency standards and teacher
certification are formed so that professional teachers are truly formed and have the appropriate
competencies in teaching (Akbar & Pratasiwi, 2017).
Competence according to PP No. 74 of 2008 concerning Teachers is a set of knowledge, skills,
and behaviors that must be possessed, mastered, and actualized by teachers in carrying out professional
duties. A teacher who holds a bachelor's degree in education does not necessarily show good
competence, such as being able to teach skillfully. Therefore, the government made Law no. 14 of 2005
concerning Teachers which states that professional teachers in addition to having a minimum academic
qualification of S1, must also have four competencies, one of which is pedagogic competence (Sitorus,