http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Nurmawati, Siti Ithriyah
basis, it became very urgent to conduct training for teachers of SDN Se Ciawi District, Bogor in terms of
increasing paedagogie competence in teaching abnormal children or children with special needs.
(Group, 1991)Based on the analysis of the situation, it was found that the problem of partners was the
difficulty of teachers providing the teaching and learning process, especially children with special needs (Austis)
and the lack of psychological understanding of children with special needs, so there was a need for training in
applied behavioral analysis (ABA) therapy methods in dealing with children with special needs Cluster III,
Ciawi Bogor district (Ferri, Grifoni, & Guzzo, 2020). Thus the most important factor is the teacher, because the
black and white teaching and learning process in the classroom is influenced a lot by the quality of the teacher.
Teachers are known as 'hidden currickulum' or hidden curricullum, because of their attitudes and behaviors,
professional appearance, individual abilities and of course the ability to understand children with special needs
(Gofton & Regehr, 2006)
(Mustakim, Mei_Tuan, Elihami, & Musdalifah, 2020) The output targets of this community service
activity are as follows: (1)Provide knowledge/how to deal with children with Autism (2)Applying Autism
therapy in the learning process (3)The implementation of ABA can be done through modules created (4)Apply
autistic therapy. (Alberto, Troutman, & Axe, 2006) Based on these problems, the solution offered is to hold
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) training for teachers in dealing with Children with Special Needs Cluster
III Sekacamatan Ciawi Bogor. The ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) method aims to teach how children can
communicate both ways actively, socialize in a common environment, eliminate or minimize unnatural
behaviors, teaches academic behavior and independence, the ability to improve obedience, responsibility,
independence, discipline and family relationships. In general, the initial program includes a learning readiness
program, a receptive language program, an imitation program, an expressive language program, equalization
and independence (McKirdy, Sheppard, Osborne, & Payne, 2008).
In the implementation of this community service, the method carried out is a workshop and training for
teachers of SDN Cluster III Se Ciawi Bogor West Java, here are the stages carried out before carrying out
activities including:
1. Coordinating with the implementation team and partners, followed by LPPM Uhamka regarding the
implementation time
2. Preparation of material on Exclusion Education, Early Detection of children with special needs and ABA
methods in the education of aanak with special needs Autistics. The implementation team analyzed and
identified the needs of teachers at SDN Cluster II Ciawi Bogor.
3. Administrative preparation, the team provides seminar kits, papers, schedules, pre-tests, post tests,
certificates, plaques and attendance of participantsSemakin banyak siswa berkebutuhan khusus maka
semakin banyak pula guru membutuhkan layanan yang akan diberikan kepada siswa yang mengalami
kesulitan dalam proses pemberian proses pembelajaran.
(Abbott, 1970) The community service implementation team made preparations such as placing
banners, attendance, pre-tests, post-tests, attendance and other seminar kits. The activity began with a speech by
the head of the implementation team, namely Nurmawati, M.Pd and the head of UPT Cluster III SDN Ciawi
Bogor. After the opening ceremony was carried out, the implementation team played a video profile about the
Muhammadiyah Professor University Campus. Dr. Hamka, this is considering the importance of promotion to
recruit prospective Uhamka students both from their families and biological children from the teachers who
teach. After the teachers saw the video of Uhamka's activities, the implementation team opened and introduced
the origin of the implementation team as well as the promotion of Uhamka. This event was divided into five
sessions, the first session was pre-test, the second session was material presentation, the third session was
question and answer, the fourth session was post test and the last session fifth was an example of a video of
implementing services for Autistic children and guidance services for teachers who wanted to consult the
problems experienced more specifically about teaching Autistic children (Haryanti, 2022).
1. Preparation stage