http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Taureni Hayati , Delita Prihatn , Nina Tristina
clearly studied role. RANKL is produced by osteoblasts as well as other cells (eg lymphocytes), and
stimulates RANK. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) binds to RANKL, before RANKL binds to RANK, and
thereby suppresses its ability to perform bone resorption, RANKL, RANK, and OPG have a close
relationship with TNF and its receptors. If this is disturbed between osteoblasts and osteoclasts, it can
cause disturbances in the sensory nerve fibers of the bone and the nocireceptors in the bone, which are
located in the central nervous system, which causes pain in the bones. (Briggs et al., 2012)
(Longanbach, Miers, Keohane, Smith, & Walenga, 2016).
Based on the WDF lymphocyte scattegram profile in elderly subjects with bone pain and anemia,
the most WDF lymphocyte scattegram profiles were in the SSC (A2, A3), SFL (B2, C2, D3, E3)
areas, this is in accordance with research conducted by David et al, scattergram of WDF lymphocytes
with a predominantly violet color in the lymphocyte area and spread to areas suspected of increasing
the number of atypical lymphocytes and suspected towards plasma cells and abnormal lymphocytes,
from the Sysmex XN 1000 instrument, several types of parameters whose lymphocytes were in SSC
(A2, A3 ), SFL (B2, C2, D3, E3) are known as Reactive Lymphocytes (RE-LYMP) and Antibody -
Synthesizing Lymphocytes (AS-LYMP) to help determine the inflammatory state more quickly, RE-
LYMP and AS-LYMP are able to provide assessment of activated lymphocytes. These parameters
help clinicians to diagnose, provide fire, and provides additional information regarding immune
system activation. The RE-LYMP parameter describes the entire lymphocyte population that has a
high fluorescence intensity which indicates the presence of a reactive lymphocyte population. AS-
LYMP parameters in the elderly show low levels, because the production of B cell antibodies has
decreased, the combination of RE-LYMP and AS-LYMP parameters in the elderly is able to provide
additional information regarding cellular activation of the innate and adaptive immune
systems.20,22,25 The limitations of this study were: there was no confirmation of the lymphocyte
profile using a peripheral blood smear and no confirmation of other causes of bone pain with other
supporting methods.
The scattergram profile of lymphocytes in most elderly subjects with bone pain and anemia was
in the SSC area (A2, A3), SFL (B2, C2, D3, E3). ), SFL (B2) which shows an increase in the number
of atypical lymphocytes which can be plasma cells or abnormal lymphocytes. Based on the results of
this study, the scattergram examination can be used as a screening examination in the elderly who
suffer from bone pain and anemia, for that it is necessary to continue with examination of peripheral
blood smears, protein electrophoresis examination to increase awareness of the possibility of Multiple
Myeloma. In this study, it is also suggested to continue the validity test to measure the area of SSC
(A2, A3), SFL (B2, C2, D3, E3).
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