Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Ziyan Puteri Lefina
, Anas Hidayat
Indonesian Islamic University
Brand Engagement;
Expected Brand Value;
Purchase Intention
May 29
June 11
June 14
In this digital age, it is indisputable that the internet has become an essential part
of human existence and has had a great impact on society. By having this
condition, businesses may consider allocating budgets to use influencer marketing
as a marketing strategy. This study aimed to examine whether followers'
perception of a social media influencer's trustworthiness can lead to responses to
the influencers' recommended brands, specifically brand engagement in self-
concept, expected brand value, and intention to purchase recommended brands.
This study used non-probability sampling with the criteria of Indonesians who
follow an influencer. The data was gathered by distributing an online
questionnaires via Google Form to a total of 264 respondents. The data analysis
technique utilized is SEM, which was conducted using the AMOS 22 application.
The results showed that perceived influencer trustworthiness positively influence
brand engagement in self-concept, brand expected value and intention to purchase
recommended brand. While, brand engagement in self-concept positively
influence brand expected value and intention to purchase recommended brand.
Also, brand expected value positively influence intention to purchase
recommended brand. This research will assist in understanding how social media
influencers' recommendations influence customers' perceptions and behavior
In today's era, a business is increasingly faced with advances in technology and
information systems. The era of globalization has demanded that all information be accessed
quickly and practically, one of which is through social media (Muslicha & Irwansyah, 2019).
Social media is a platform that connects people mainly between business organizations and
customers. This has become a marketing strategy to manage market shrinkage in various
industries (Ali & Wahyuni, 2017). In particular, during the pandemic, all profit and non-
profit institutions have been affected by the Covid-19 virus. This opens up opportunities for
various circles in the business industry to focus on social media as a marketing platform.
Various brands or brands around the world are very aware of the absorption of people whose
social media activities are and are increasingly taking advantage of their use from social
networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (Trulline, 2021). Revenue in the
worldwide social media advertising segment amounted to US$68 billion in 2018 and is
expected to reach US$185 billion by 2022.
In this digital era, it is indisputable that the internet has become an essential part of
human existence and has had a great impact on society. People generally spend more time on
social media than any other form of website (Guesalaga, 2016). According to Lou & Yuan
(2019), social media and social networking sites have transformed how people get
Volume 3, Number 8, June 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol.3, No.8, 2022
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat
information and news nowadays (SNS). As social media is increasingly diverse, specialized,
and segmented, it may target a specific audience (Wiedmann & von Mettenheim, 2020).
Social media, in particular, has transformed the marketing landscape by allowing a third
party, known as an influencer, to act as a temporary intermediary between a brand and a
consumer (Dodosh, Hamrebj, Taheri, & Thesis, 2020). Social media influencer referred as
opinion leaders with the power to influence consumers' opinions, decisions, and behaviors in
their social media communities (Godey et al., 2016). These influencers used content creation to
affect the actions of others in their sphere of influence by leveraging their reputation and
access. Influence has evolved into a new type of digital currency that businesses can buy, sell,
and employ in their digital marketing efforts (Dodosh et al., 2020). By having this condition,
businesses may consider allocating budgets to use influencer marketing as a marketing
The rise of digital influencers has shifted the way businesses and their target audiences
interact on social media platforms and online social networks (Jiménez-Castillo & Sánchez-
Fernández, 2019). According to (Childers et al.2019), many businesses are looking for digital
influencers to promote their brands since influencers engage the specified target market with
the brand. McNair (2021) stated as there is no established physical relationship between
influencers and their followers, but in the online context of influencer marketing is necessary.
The trust built up through the influencer-follower relationship is bringing online social bonds
and offering brands a new way to reach their target consumers. According to a study by Lou
& Yuan, brands utilize influencer marketing to obtain brand recommendations from
influencers, which increases brand recognition within their target audience and, as a result,
drives sales.
Several studies have examined the factors that may influence purchase intention,
including perceived influencer’ trustworthiness (Abdullah, et al., 2020; Djafarova & Rushworth,
2017; Weismueller et al., 2020), customer brand engagement (Bilal, Jianqu, & Ming, 2021;
Jiménez-Castillo & Sánchez-Fernández, 2019), perceived value (Bonsón Ponte, Carvajal-Trujillo, &
Escobar-Rodríguez, 2015; Dao, Le, Cheng, & Chen, 2014; Jiménez-Castillo & Sánchez-Fernández,
2019). The majority of the factors in this study were similar to those in prior study from
Jiménez-Castillo & Sánchez-Fernández which investigated the ability of digital influencers to
influence followers' behavior, with the exception of perceived influence, which was
substituted by perceived influencer's trustworthiness. According to prior study, followers'
purchase intention affected by various factors such as perceived influence, brand engagement
in self-concept, and brand expected value. Whilst, this study focused on the effect of
perceived influencer’ trustworthiness on followers behavior. Therfore, the purpose of this
study was to examine whether followers' perception of a social media influencer's
trustworthiness can lead to responses to the influencers' recommended brands, particularly
brand engagement in self-concept, expected brand value, and intention to purchase
recommended brands.
Population and Sample
The primary data for this research was collected by utilizing a quantitative method,
which included distributing a questionnaire and using a Six-Point Likert Scale. The
researcher employed non-probability sampling in this research, particularly purposive
Vol.3, No.8, 2022
Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
technique sampling. The researcher succeeded in distributing questionnaires to 264
respondents who are Indonesians who had social media accounts and followed influencers on
their social media.
Data Collection Method
This research included both primary and secondary data. primary data collected from
information collected from the research object utilizing a measurement or data retrieval
technique on the subject as the source of the information. A survey of 264 respondents was
used to compile the data for this study. To assist respondents in better understanding the
questions, all of the questions in the survey were translated into Bahasa Indonesia. The
respondent received the questions through online Google form. Meanwhile, the secondary
data is obtained through journal references.
Validity and Reliability Test
The validity test is performed to assess the accuracy of the variables in this study.
Validity was determined using the product moment correlation approach (r) and the indicator
test, which is considered valid if the r count is greater and positive than the r table (Ghozali,
2014) at a 5% significance level. While, the reliability test is evaluated by the value of
Cronbach Alpha with a minimum value of 0.7 (70%). However, the first 50 respondents were
included in pilot test, which were conducted using SPSS 25.
1. Data Analysis
The research's data analysis can be summarized as follow. the majority of
respondents were female with 175 respondents, with the percentage of 66.3%. The rest of
the respondents were male with 89 respondents, with the percentage of 33.7%. Based on
age, most of the respondents were between the ages of 15 and 19 with 126 respondents or
47.7%. Meanwhile, with only four responses (or 1.5 % of the total), the age group over 34
had the least number of respondents. According to the respondent’s occupation, college
students made up the majority of respondents, accounted for 78.8% of the total with 208
respondents. While, teachers and unemployed received the least responses, with only one
respondent each (0.4%). However, most of respondents came from West Java, with 66
respondents or 25%. Whereas, respondents came from Aceh, Bangka Belitung, East Nusa
Tenggara, and South Sulawesi were the least with 1 respondent or 0.4%. The majority of
respondents, 90 in total (34.1%), reported expenses ranging from Rp. 500,000 to Rp.
1,500,000. The group with the lowest expenditure, with only 10 respondents (3.8%), was
those who spent less than Rp. 3,500,000. Based on the time spent on social media, the
majority of respondents (130 respondents or 49.2%) spend 2 to 5 hours every day on
social media. Those who spent more than 9 hours had the fewest responses, with only 21
(8%) respondents.
Vol.3, No.8, 2022
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat
2. Validity and Reliability Test
The data analysis of the research was analyzed by utilizing Structural Equation
Model with AMOS 22 software through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The
validity and reliability tests revealed that all of the instruments representing four variables
had factor loading values greater than 0.5 and construct reliability values greater than 0.7.
According to Ghozali (2014), the data is considered valid if the factor loading value is
greater than 0.5. Furthermore, test findings were considered reliable if the construct
reliability value was greater than 0.7. The entire research instrument can be considered
valid and reliable based on these results.
3. Normality Test
The normality of data should be accomplished for being processed further for
SEM modelling. The normality test in AMOS output is calculated by comparing the
normality assessment's C.R (critical ratio) result to a critical value of 2.58 at the 0.01
level (Ghozali, 2014). Based on the result, the critical ratio (C.R) values for kurtosis
(curliness) and skewness (skew) were in the 2.58 range, indicating that most univariate
normality tests are normally distributed. Meanwhile, since the result of -1.477 was in the
range of 2.58, multivariate data fulfilled the normal assumption.
4. Goodness of Fit Measurements
The goodness of fit test examined how well the proposed model "fits" or matches
the sample data. Fit quality is determined using several parameters, which included
CMIN/DF, GFI, RMSEA, AGFI, TLI, NFI. The cut-off value obtained during the test
can be used to determine whether it is good or not. The result can be seen in table 1.
Table 1 Goodness of Fit Result
of fit index
Research Model
≤ 2.0
Good Fit
≥ 0.90
Good Fit
≤ 0.08
Good Fit
≥ 0.90
≥ 0.90
Good Fit
≥ 0.90
Good Fit
Source: Data Processed, 2022
5. Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is used to assess the structural model that has been developed.
The proposed hypothesis can be tested using the standardized regression coefficient
values. The results of data processing show that a positive association between variables
occurs if the C.R is more than 1.96, and a significant relationship occurs if the P value is
less than 0.05. (Ghozali, 2014).
Vol.3, No.8, 2022
Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Table 2 Hypothesis Testing
Following are the findings of the regression weight analysis:
a. According to hypothesis testing the influence of influencer trustworthiness on
brand engagement in self-concept, the regression weight coefficient's estimated
value is 0.808, and the C.R value is 11.849. The probability value for the
relationship between the two variables was 0.000. (p 0.05). This indicated that the
higher perceived influencer trustworthiness would form stronger brand
engagement in self-concept.
b. According to hypothesis testing the influence of influencer trustworthiness on
brand expected value, the regression weight coefficient's estimated value is 0.774,
and the C.R value is 8.261. The probability value for the relationship between the
two variables was 0.000. (p 0.05). This indicated that the higher influencer
trustworthiness, the higher brand expected value.
c. According to hypothesis testing the influence of influencer trustworthiness on
intention to purchase recommended brand, the regression weight coefficient's
estimated value is 0.212, and the C.R value is 2.525. The probability value for the
relationship between the two variables was 0.012. (p 0.05). This indicated that the
higher perceived influencer trustworthiness would form higher intention to
purchase recommended brand.
d. According to hypothesis testing the influence of brand engagement in self-concept
on brand expected value, the regression weight coefficient's estimated value is
0.231, and the C.R value is 2.066. The probability value for the relationship
between the two variables was 0.039. (p 0.05). This indicated that the stronger the
brand engagement in self-concept, the higher the expected value of the brand.
e. According to hypothesis testing the influence of brand engagement in self-concept
on intention to purchase recommended brand, the regression weight coefficient's
estimated value is 0.372, and the C.R value is 4.875. The probability value for the
relationship between the two variables was 0.000. (p 0.05). This indicated that the
stronger brand engagement in self-concept would generate higher intention to
purchase recommended brand.
f. According to hypothesis testing the influence of brand expected value on intention
to purchase recommended brand, the regression weight coefficient's estimated
value is 0.480, and the C.R value is 4.698. The probability value for the
Vol.3, No.8, 2022
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat
relationship between the two variables was 0.000. (p 0.05). This indicated that the
higher brand expected value, the higher intention to purchase recommended
The first hypothesis revealed that perceived influencer trustworthiness had a positive and
significant impact on self-concept brand engagement. It indicated that followers who thought
a social media influencer was more trustworthy developed a stronger brand engagement in
self-concept. This finding is supported by (AlFarraj et al., 2021) which stated that consumers
must be able to engage with influencers, and they must be seen as genuine, neutral, and
The second hypothesis revealed that a significant and positive relationship exists
between perceived influencer trustworthiness and brand expected value. It suggested that
followers who believe more social media influencers are trustworthy will create higher brand
expectations. Unfortunately, research on the relationship between perceived influencer
trustworthiness and brand expected value is limited. The findings of a prior study by
Djafarova and Rushworth confirmed these result. According to the study, the goal of a
celebrity endorsement is to boost the perceived value of a brand, product, or service.
The third hypothesis revealed that the relationship between perceived influencer
trustworthiness and intention to purchase the recommended brand showed a significant and
positive result. It implied that followers who trust social media influencers more are more
likely to purchase the recommended brand. This finding is reinforced by Weismueller et al.
(2020), who found that all aspects of source credibility, including source attractiveness,
source trustworthiness, and source expertise, had a positive influence on customers' purchase
intention. This finding contradicted with the previous studies by Balabanis & Chatzopoulou
(2019) and (Lou & Yuan, 2019) which indicated that influencer trustworthiness has negative
influence on purchase intention. This disparity in results could be related to previous research
conducted in the United States, whereas this study was conducted in Indonesia. There will be
differences in cultures, behavior, and traditions
The fourth hypothesis revealed that According to the findings, Brand self-concept
engagement had a positive and significant impact on brand expected value. It signified that
brand engagement in self-concept would predict expected brand value positively. This
finding is supported by Itani et which argued that customers who are engaged with a brand
can generate value for the business. According to France, because of its interactive and
engaging nature, customer-brand engagement is likely to have an impact on consumers'
expectations of brand value.
The fifth hypothesis revealed that brand involvement in self-concept had a significant
and positive impact on the intention to purchase a suggested brand. It implied that brand
engagement in self-concept predicts the intention to buy recommended brands. This finding
was consistent with the findings from Bilal, which claimed that customer brand engagement
has a significant and positive impact on purchase intention. Meanwhile, this finding
contradicted with the earlier study from Verma (2021) which discovered that consumer
purchase intention is not influenced by brand engagement. This difference in results could be
attributable to the fact that Verma's research was conducted in Delhi in 2021, whereas this
study was conducted in Indonesia. Thus, there will be distinctions in cultures, behaviour, and
Vol.3, No.8, 2022
Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
The sixth hypothesis revealed that brand expected value has a significant and positive
impact on the intention to purchase a suggested brand. It signified that the expected value of a
brand can predict whether or not someone will purchase the recommended brands. This
finding was consistent with Dao and colleagues' (2014) study of the relationship between
perceived value and purchase intention among Vietnamese social media users, which found
that advertising's perceived value had a positive impact on online purchase intentions.
Based on the data analysis results of all the data received, it can be concluded that the
respondents' average score for the service quality variable (X1) was 4.17, while the
respondents' average score for the interpersonal communication variable was 1.4.17 (X2) The
average rating is 4.12; the average customer satisfaction rate is 4.08. These three variables
have mean values in the consent category. Therefore, it can be said that PT Buana Listya
Tama's service quality, interpersonal communication and customer satisfaction are all in a
good category.
From the results of hypothesis testing, this study supports three hypotheses, namely
interpersonal communication and service quality variables, which are partially or
simultaneously significantly correlated with customer satisfaction variables. The quality of
service variable is positively and significantly correlated with t-count 4,905 and greater than
t-table 1,998, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Interpersonal
communication variables are also positively correlated with customer satisfaction, with a t-
count value of 6.108 and a t-table greater than 1.998, so H0 can be rejected in favor of Ha.
The coefficient of determination (R Sguare) value between variables was 0.749 or
74.9%. The contribution rate of service quality and interpersonal communication variables to
customer satisfaction is 74.9%. The rest is simply explained by other factors outside the
research model. It is expected that the application of the results of this study will have an
impact on improving customer (user) satisfaction with the service, and the management of PT
Buana Listya Tama must continuously improve the service quality and interpersonal
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Copyright holders:
Ziyan Puteri Lefina, Anas Hidayat (2022)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0