http://devotion.greenvest.co.id|Nanda Nahdhiyah, Ratna Ayu Damayanti, Nirwana
pricing. Demand is made by consumers in searching for a product and paying for it according
to a certain price. When the consumers though that the price is too high, then they will reduce
their demand. Generally, demand is influenced by consumer income.
Mattandajari: After the negotiation and proposal stages, the next step is mattandajari
or determining the wedding date. This process is carried out by visiting the prospective
bride's family and handing over Uang Panai and gift items. This was done because there was
an agreement that had been discussed at the previous stage. Based on accounting, the price
determination process between companies has reached an agreement, usually when the
women see a high level of supply that lowers costs and the men have analyzed the total
income earned equal to the total costs incurred (break-even analysis). Break even analysis is
an analytical technique to study the relationship between fixed costs, variable costs, profits
and activity volume. The purpose of the break-even analysis is to determine the level of
activity where sales revenue is equal to the sum of all variable costs and fixed costs. If a
company only has variable costs, then there will be no break even problem in the company.
The determination of Uang Panai for Mandar people is carried out to engagement
process and financing the wedding party. Price setting of Uang Panai can be divided to
selection of objectives in pricing, cost estimates, analysis of reference prices, quality price
assumptions, and final prices of Uang Panai. The price setting of Uang Panai is carried out in
four stages, those are messisiq, negotiating, proposing, and mattandajari. The nominal of
Uang Panai can be influenced by the social status of the prospective bride, such as
employment status, education level, and the power or authority possessed by membership in
the family. The better the social status of women, the higher Uang Panai borne by men.
However, more than that, Uang Panai is interpreted more by the society as money used to
finance all the needs that arise in the entire steps of marriages after the man’s intention is
accepted by the woman. In accounting practice, the process of Uang Panai price setting refers
to conventional accounting theory, the concept of price setters and price takers, and there is
bargaining as occurs in a perfectly competitive market.
For readers, in determining the nominal of Uang Panai, it should be adjusted to the
man’s ability. In a sense, the woman needs to explore the background and social status of her
prospective partner. While for the further researchers, it is necessary to conduct research on
the meaning of the Uang Panai pricing in an accounting perspective and make accounting
records regarding the details of Uang Panai and other gifts.
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