Muhammad Rivaldy Hermawan|
Muhammad Rivaldy Hermawan
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Indonesia
Teaching Method,
Capital, Information
Exchange Activities,
May, 15
June 06
June 14
Teaching methods can be adapted to the type of activity carried out and also
adapted to the subjects being taught. Basically deciding on a teaching method in
a teaching activity is very difficult to determine and it is impossible to apply only
one method, it is possible that there will be collaboration between teaching
methods so that they can complement each other. With the hope that the learning
and teaching process goes well and can be accepted by students. This study aims
to determine and analyze the use of learning methods in an effort to increase
student learning outcomes to the maximum in teaching and learning activities.
This study uses both quantitative and qualitative research data obtained from
various journals. The research method in this article uses a systematic literature
review approach adopted from Keathley and Van Aken (2013). The stages of
literature review are carried out through several stages, namely article selection,
article review, and analysis of findings. The results of the study explain that the
methods that can be used in learning activities that can be understood by students
must be based on the strengths and weaknesses of students. Teachers are required
to meet these deficiencies from each student such as developing learning
programs, using assistive media that can stimulate students to actively participate
in teaching and learning activities. From this research it can be found that the
importance of implementing appropriate and effective methods is an obligation.
With the hope that learning activities will run as planned and not deadlocked.
Therefore, some methods of teaching and learning activities that are deemed
appropriate and effective may be applied in the actual learning process.
The development of the world of education will have a major influence on learning
methods. The learning method is a form of concept or arrangement of plans in teaching and
learning activities (Buckley & Doyle, 2017). This is developed into a form of pattern called a
learning system, where the system will directly involve students, learning objectives, material
being taught, facilities used, and other things that can support teaching and learning activities
(Windschitl, Thompson, Braaten, & Stroupe, 2012).
argues that good and advanced learning methods will improve the quality of students
and teachers to create learning that brings quality learning in the world of education (Darling-
Hammond, 2015). This opinion forms an important basis in analyzing the learning methods
that have been applied to determine the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the learning
methods implemented (González‐Marcos, Alba‐Elías, & Ordieres‐Meré, 2016).
The developments made by academics in the world of education have given birth to
ways or teaching methods that can be used to improve the teaching and learning process
Volume 3, Number 8, June 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
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(Buckley & Doyle, 2017). To achieve the objectives in learning activities, a teacher must
apply several good and effective teaching methods in teaching and learning activities.
Teachers have many different types of teaching techniques or methods to use or specifically
designed in teaching and learning activities. argue that the position of the method is as a
medium of extrinsic motivation, as a teaching plan and also as a medium to achieve goals
(Lepper & Malone, 2021).
When compiling learning plans for teachers is a very important thing and must be
done before carrying out teaching activities. Learning methods or techniques must be adapted
to certain factors such as the type of learning space, student knowledge, and learning
objectives in the curriculum (Dhawan, 2020).
Pupuh and Sobry S argue that the method used is right on target and it is hoped that
the learning objectives will be effective. Students will respond differently to each method
used, besides that they will have their own difficulties in capturing any information provided
so that teachers must use appropriate methods in helping students understand and manage the
information provided (Mansir & Karim, 2020). There are several methods that can be applied
to exchange information between teachers and students such as explaining or explaining
learning materials, using questions, or a combination of the two (Savery, 2015).
This study uses research and qualitative data types obtained from various journals.
Sources of data in this study is secondary data. The research method in this article uses a
systematic literature review approach adopted from. The stages of literature review are
carried out through several stages, namely article selection, article review, and analysis of
findings (Onwuegbuzie, Leech, & Collins, 2012). The research method used in this study is a
qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is
categorized into two types, namely primary data and secondary data. Sources of data obtained
through library research techniques (library study) which refers to sources available both
online and offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources.
These sources are collected based on discussion and linked from one information to another.
Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and research. This
data is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn.
Details of teaching design and methods
As we know about the importance of education in the exchange of information, so it is
time for us both to know some teaching methods or techniques that can be used in a teaching
and learning activity, there are two groups of methods that are possible to use, including.
a. Non-directive teaching method
This method is designed to make education an active rather than passive activity. This
method is done so that students can make their own observations, can present their own
analysis, and can think for themselves. Students can not only understand other things, but this
Muhammad Rivaldy Hermawan|
Vol. 3, No. 8, June, 2022
can bring self-confidence in students in expressing themselves actively, not only as passive
listeners to the exchange of information presented by the teacher argues that learning theory
is an efficient, effective and quality learning method or technique in producing learning
In this case, students can analyze themselves from scientific literature or experience in
the field. Teachers only provide basic tasks that have been designed so that students can carry
out observations on subject objects, analyze existing facts, conclude results from
observations, describe the results achieved, and compare with other facts. Or even the teacher
only gives problems that can present the thinking process of students, so that the learning
object can develop properly. Thus, students can understand the science or knowledge they are
looking for, be active in thinking and can arrange the core of the lesson well.
Several types of non-directive teaching methods include questions: It is a test of
knowledge which is considered an effective method because it is interactive. The questions
expressed by the teacher are intended to determine the knowledge or understanding of
students who have been studied so that they help find the next method that must be taught
further (Roll et al., 2018).
The curiosity of students can stimulate them to ask question after question. Teachers
must be able to encourage this in a good way so that students can think critically and sharply
so as to achieve an interactive learning atmosphere between teachers and students. This
method is a method of presenting learning in the form of questions that must be answered,
questions are usually given by the teacher to students but sometimes questions can be given
from students to teachers (Bada & Olusegun, 2015).
The teaching method is in the form of explanations: several times explanations can be
made based on the experience and knowledge of a teacher or a student, the explanation can
also be given as a source of knowledge and inspiration for students. Meanwhile, in this
method, the teacher must present a good and correct introduction and summary. Explanations
must be accompanied by accurate examples so that students' understanding will be better.
With this method the teacher can encourage the emergence of inspiration for hearing.
Teaching methods in the form of teaching aids: teaching aids are one method that can
be used to assist visually for teaching and learning activities. Students will be better at
absorbing information using media that can be captured visually. Learners can better
understand a learning object by observing and understanding it.
All forms of learning methods or techniques have a vital force on teaching and learning
activities, although they can be presented at every stage of learning. This will greatly help
students to understand and conclude the various learning objects they have learned (Bonk &
King, 2012).
The learning method is in the form of demonstration: learning techniques using
demonstrations to students, so that students can develop learning objects and have an
understanding of learning objects from another point of view. Demonstration is the
presentation of each learning object along with the reasons and significance for understanding
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the material in a better way. One example in this method is experimental activities on
learning objects.
b. Teaching method based on interdisciplinary principles
This method was developed based on the realization that the problems that must be
faced in this life can no longer be solved with only one scientific discipline.
The more we realize that the problems we face are getting more complicated and
complex. Some of these problems require us to use an interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary
approach in order to solve them. If so, the result is that students are obliged taught as early as
possible about interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approaches (Adler, 2013).
Learning methods using an interdisciplinary approach must be guided by an expert in
their field so that they can help students solve the problems they are facing. Complex and
complex problems will be presented to students to be analyzed and discussed with one of the
scientific fields and then explained thoroughly to others. Thus we can solve problems from
various aspects of existing scientific disciplines.
In the end, students will be aware of and understand these complex problems which
need to be resolved from various scientific or interdisciplinary fields, they will also
understand the relationship and dependence between one science and another. So by itself in
the mind will form a very good mindset.
This is exactly the case with dealing with problems in education, one example is the
problem of the quality of graduates, to find out many things need to be done and then
analyzed properly such as the curriculum, the quality of the teachers, the object of learning,
the system of teaching and learning activities, student psychology, background scientific and
cultural background and so on.
Therefore, there are times when students must be followed in the learning process with
interdisciplinary methods in dealing with complex problems, so that students' knowledge
develops well, their knowledge becomes wider, and has a well-structured mindset, as well as
to minimize thoughts that do not enter. resourceful, narrow and small (Mosely, Wright, &
Wrigley, 2018).
The learning method is in the form of collaboration: collaboration is a contemporary
element of collaboration. The students are accustomed to be able to work in a group. The
collaborative method has the aim of enabling students to have a good sense of responsibility.
They learn to realize very effective methods or techniques and get maximum learning
outcomes (Salmons, 2019).
This method aims to instill patience and develop a sharp and critical mind in analyzing
a problem. In addition, it gives freedom to students to solve problems with good discussion
and can work together between individuals. This method can also be called group discussion
which can provide stimulation to students to be active in a group, by showing their respective
advantages. This method can also be said to be the best learning method. According to
Daryanto, the discussion method is a way of delivering information in learning activities such
that students are given complex problems to discuss and solve together.
Muhammad Rivaldy Hermawan|
Vol. 3, No. 8, June, 2022
Furthermore, the learning method is in the form of a debate model: this method is one
of the important learning methods to improve the individual cognitive abilities of students.
Learning objects are selected and designed to be divided into packages of pros and cons.
Students are divided into several groups and each group can be filled with at least four
people. In this group, students will be separated into two people who will take the pro
package and the other two will take the cons package and then debate about the material
given by the teacher. The results of the report related to the debate will be given to the
teacher to evaluate each student about the mastery of the material provided and also evaluate
how effective and precise students are in learning using the debate method (Onwuegbuzie et
al., 2012).
In the end, this is intended for the success of the method by producing something
planned in cooperative learning, each method used must pay attention to the learning object
that will be given to students so that they can collaborate between individuals and can solve
problems properly. Skills in socializing are things that must be strived for in collaboration in
order to achieve success in solving problems at hand. These skills can be taught to students
and roles between individuals can be determined to facilitate the group learning process. The
roles mentioned can vary depending on the material given, for example, there is the role of
note-taker, conclusion maker. Coordinator of materials and teachers as supervisors in the
teaching and learning process.
In addition to the methods already described, there are other methods that can be used
to provide high-quality learning outcomes, such as the story or game method, seminars,
presentations, and case studies. Methods that can be used in learning activities that can be
understood by students must be based on the strengths and weaknesses of students. argues
that teachers as educators must be able to master every situation in the classroom in order to
create a good teaching and learning atmosphere in order to produce a quality learning
process, a teacher must have good learning methods and are able to have a good impact on
student learning outcomes. students, so that the ability of teachers is a basic thing that must
be considered in applying good learning methods according to the needs of students.
Teachers are required to meet these deficiencies from each student such as developing
learning programs, using assistive media that can stimulate students to actively participate in
teaching and learning activities. This study is in line with other studies which have found that
learning methods have a positive and significant effect on learning achievement.
Teaching and learning activities are something that must be done and must be given to
everyone, because it is the key to preparing for a future filled with people who have high
quality or quality. From what has been explained that in each - each learning method has its
own advantages, so that basically the most appropriate learning method for every situation of
teaching and learning activities will be difficult to use only one method.
Seeing the importance of implementing appropriate and effective methods is an
obligation. With the hope that learning activities will run as planned and not deadlocked.
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Therefore, some methods of teaching and learning activities that are deemed appropriate and
effective may be applied in the actual learning process.
To do that, we must develop other methods that are suitable and complement each other
between methods. It can be concluded that each learning method applied can be said to be
good if it meets the requirements such as, in accordance with the learning objectives that have
been designed, can be applied according to the ability of the teacher, depending also on the
ability of the students, the suitability of the number and size of the group, according to the
time allocation in each learning object, paying attention to existing supporting facilities.
Herlambang (2018) argues that basically a teacher is a leader, facilitator and motivator
for students in developing quality and making students according to their nature to be human.
Therefore, in an effort to meet these requirements, teachers must be introduced to various
learning methods. Next, just choose what method is suitable for use and in accordance with
the abilities of students, with the hope that students can get maximum results in the teaching
and learning process.
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Muhammad Rivaldy Hermawan (2022)
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Devotion - Journal of Community Service
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