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Faculty of Economics, University of Ichsan Gorontalo, Indonesia
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Individual Performance,
Job Involvement,
Job Satisfaction,
Perceived Organization
June 26
July 8
July 14
The level of employee confidence in organizational support will be influenced by
the evaluation of their experiences and observations about the way the
organization treats its employees in general. This research and to analyze the
effects of the satisfaction and perception of the employees on the organizational
support on the job involvement and the performance of the employees. The
research population comprised all the 463 employees in six Syariah Public Banks
in Makassar City, and the total of 203 samples of each bank. The data collection
was done by using questionnaires and then analyzed using the analysis of the
Structural Equation Model (SEM) through the software of Amos version 22. The
research results indicated that (1) the satisfaction of the employees had a positive
and significant effect of the job involvement and the performance of the
employees; (2) that the perception organizational support had an insignificant
effect on the job involvement and performance of the employees; and (3) the Job
involvement each had a positive and significant effect on the performance of the
Individual employee performance as behavior or action that is relevant to
organizational goals. Therefore, employee performance is very important and decisive to
achieve company goals. If an employee is committed to achieving his goals, then this will
affect his actions and affect the consequences of his performance.
The company can operate optimally cannot be separated from the hard work of all
individuals involved in it. In the context of developing human resources for Islamic
commercial banks, employee performance is very much needed for the success of the
company. Therefore, employee job satisfaction and the formation of perceptions of
organizational support (POS) really need to be considered by the management.
Individual employee performance is an increase in skills, proficiency, expertise and
productivity of success in carrying out a job as the quality and quantity of the achievement of
tasks as the degree of task completion, the level of the actual work of the individual, the work
evaluative process, the measure of the level of the individual's contribution to the
There are two criteria for measuring employee performance, namely based on the
final result (result-based performance evaluation); and based on behavior (behavior-based
performance evaluation). Measurement based on behavior emphasizes more on the means or
Volume 3, Number 9, July 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Perceived
Organization Support on Individul Performance: Job Involvement
as a Mediating Variable at Sharia Commercial Bank in Makassar
830 |Musafir
means (means) in achieving goals, and not on achieving the final result. Tend to qualitative
aspects rather than quantitative aspects that are measurable, and are generally subjective in
nature where it is assumed that employees can accurately describe effective performance for
themselves and for their co-workers. The use of instruments that measure the performance of
many aspects of specific behavior, such as innovative behavior, taking initiative, level of self-
potential, time management, achievement of quantity and quality of work, self-ability to
achieve goals. This method is not only intended to overcome measurement bias, it is also
intended to accommodate very broad performance measures, so that a comprehensive picture
of employee performance is obtained.
(Rafique, Jutt, & Idrees, 2022) in his book ''Measuring Individual Work Performance''
defines individual performance (IWP) as behavior or actions that are relevant to
organizational goals. Furthermore, Koopman divides individual employee performance into
three elements, namely task performance, contextual performance and performance. Task
performance is defined as the proficiency with which an individual performs the core
substantive or technical tasks of a job that are officially recognized as part of the job.
Contextual performance is defined as behavior that supports the organizational, social and
psychological environment in performing substantive tasks or the technical core of work,
contributes to the achievement of goals but which is not necessarily officially recognized as
part of the job. Task performance relates to knowledge of facts, procedures, and rules
relevant to the technical core of the job and contextual performance relates to knowledge of
relevant facts, procedures, and rules to help, cooperate, and support organizations effectively.
Counterproductive work behavior is defined as behavior that is detrimental to the well-
being/success of the organization.
(Grubert, Steuber, & Meynhardt, 2022) first defined job involvement as internalizing
values about the goodness of work or the importance of work for one's worth. Job
involvement is the degree to which an individual is interested in devoting his life to his work
(ie, as central to the importance of life) (Elloy, et al. 1995). Paullay, Job involvement as the
degree to which one is preoccupied with thinking, engaged, and concerned with one's work.
(Ahmad, Ullah, AlDhaen, Han, & Scholz, 2022) define job involvement as a performance of
emotional and mental identification with one's job. Job involvement in which a person feels
his total working conditions are an important part of his life and become the center of his life
and identity because it provides him with the opportunity to fulfill his primary needs. Job
involvement is the internalization of values about work or the importance of work according
to individuals. Job involvement reflects a person's level of self-esteem which is influenced by
his work performance. The importance of work provides a total self-image or more forms a
psychological self-identification of work. Job involvement is psychologically biased towards
their organization and the importance of work to their self-image. High levels of involvement
are very partial and genuinely care about the field of work they do as the degree to which
individuals identify with their work, actively participate in it, and perceive The performance
he does is important for his self-worth showing a high feeling of solidarity with the company
and has a high internal work motivation.
Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that work involvement is an
employee's commitment to his work which is characterized by employees having a high
concern for work in their work environment.
Characteristics of employees who have high and low work involvement a)
Characteristics of employees who have high work involvement: spend time at work, have a
high concern for work and the company, are satisfied with their work, have a high
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commitment to career, profession, and organization, giving the best effort for the company,
absenteeism rate and low turnover intention, have high motivation. b) Characteristics of
employees who have low work involvement: Do not want to work hard for the progress of the
company, do not care about work or the company, are not satisfied with work, have no
commitment to work or the company, high absenteeism and resignation rates, have work
motivation low, high resignation rate, feel less proud of the job and the company.
According to (Yandi & Havidz, 2022), job involvement has two dimensions, namely:
Performance as a picture of self-esteem. Job involvement reflects the degree to which a
person's sense of self-worth is influenced by work performance. The importance of work to
the individual's total self-image. This dimension refers to the degree to which a person
identifies psychologically with his job or the importance of work to his total self-image.
Work engagement is grouped into four categories. namely: work as the center of the
importance of life; active participation in work; performance as a center of self-esteem;
performance is compatible (there is a match) with self-concept.
According to (Giauque, Renard, Cornu, & Emery, 2022) job involvement can be
influenced by two variables, namely personal variables and situational variables. However,
there are several factors that can be used to see the work involvement of an employee,
namely: 1) Actively participates in his work. Actively participating in work can show a
worker is involved in work Shows his work as the main. Job factors as the main one in
employees can represent the level of work involvement Seeing his work as something
important for self-esteem. Job involvement can be seen from the attitude of a worker in
thinking about his work, where an employee considers work important for his self-esteem.
The Job Involvement Inventory which was developed by, classifies into three categories,
consisting of job concentration, job evaluation and job participation.
Job satisfaction as “a pleasant or positive emotional state resulting from an assessment
of one's job or work experience” (Locke, 1976). Job satisfaction has emotional, cognitive,
and behavioral components (Bernstein & Nash, 2008).
According to (Niebuhr, Borle, Börner-Zobel, & Voelter-Mahlknecht, 2022) there are
two types of job satisfaction based on the level of employees' feelings about their work. The
first, is global job satisfaction, which refers to employees' overall feelings about their jobs
(eg, "Overall, I love my job"). The second is aspect of job satisfaction, which refers to
feelings about certain aspects of the job, such as pay, benefits, work hierarchy (reporting
structure), growth opportunities, work environment and quality of relationships with one's co-
workers (e.g., "Overall, I I love my job, but I find it hard to manage a schedule."). Measuring
aspects of job satisfaction helps identify certain aspects of the job that need improvement. It
is further explained that the findings can assist organizations in increasing overall job
satisfaction or in understanding organizational problems such as high employee turnover.
One indicator in measuring employee job satisfaction standards is the Job Descriptive
Index (JDI). The Job Descritive Index was developed by Smith, et al. (1969), divided into
five aspects of satisfaction, namely: the first aspect, the work itself. According to Hackman
and Frank (1975), the existence of a match between the desires of workers and the core
dimensions of work will lead to job satisfaction. The five core dimensions of work consist of
skill variety, job identity, job significance, autonomy and feedback. Luthan (2003) which
says that a person will feel satisfied if his job/task is interesting so that it provides an
opportunity to learn and accept responsibility for the job. The second aspect, supervisor.
Supervision is one of the activities carried out by the leader in providing technical assistance
and support to subordinates (Luthan, 2003). Having a competent supervisor is expected to
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Perceived
Organization Support on Individul Performance: Job Involvement
as a Mediating Variable at Sharia Commercial Bank in Makassar
832 |Musafir
affect the job satisfaction felt by the employee. The third aspect, Rewards. Compensation is
the total number of substitute services performed by the workforce which includes basic
salary/wages and other social benefits. The fourth aspect is promotion opportunities.
Promotion or promotion is one of the opportunities for advancement in the organization
(Luthan, 2003). When someone is promoted, it shows that someone has good work
performance which is accompanied by an increase in responsibility and social status. The
fifth aspect, the relationship of co-workers. An employee wants the environment around him
to work to support him in completing his work (Luthan, 2003) and to have colleagues who
are competent, reliable and can work with.
Perceived organizational support refers to the employee's perception of the extent to
which the organization assesses the contribution, provides support, and cares for the welfare
of employees, where employees feel that the company pays attention to the welfare of
employees well and assesses the contribution they have made to the company.
Likewise, there are several experts who define perceived organizational support from
their respective points of view, namely: perceived organizational support is the degree to
which employees believe the organization values their contributions and cares about their
well-being as an employee's global belief in the organization about how much the
organization values contributions. and care for the welfare of its employees is a person's
perception of their commitment to the organization and the organization's concern for their
welfare, which can lead to employee commitment to remain loyal to work for the
Treatments from the organization that are received by employees are captured as
organized stimuli and interpreted as perceptions of organizational support. This perception
will foster a certain level of trust from employees for the awards given by the organization to
the assessment of employee contributions and the organization's attention to employees' lives.
The level of employee confidence in organizational support will be influenced by their
evaluation of experience and observations about the way the organization treats its employees
in general.
According to (Yusuf, Budiyanto, Agustedi, & Fitrio, 2022), organizational support
can also be seen as organizational commitment to individuals. When in individual-
organizational interactions, the term organizational commitment of individuals to the
organization is known; then organizational support means the opposite, namely
organizational commitment to individuals in the organization.
The results of this study are supported by previous research conducted by (Zúñiga,
Aguado, & Cabrera-Tenecela, 2022) showed that there was a significant relationship between
job satisfaction and job involvement. The results of other research conducted by (Hinojosa-
López, 2022) in a multivariate analysis, which shows that job satisfaction has a significant
positive relationship with job involvement. The results of this study are also in accordance
with the findings of (Boonsiritomachai, Sud-On, & Sudharatana, 2022) that employees who
have a high level of work involvement are caused by a high level of job satisfaction. Giving
employees freedom (autonomy) and a sense of job ownership can help increase their
satisfaction, so that individuals realize that they are responsible for the results of their work.
Perception of organizational support in this study refers to the theory of Rhoades and
Eisenberger (2002). That perceived organizational support is the general belief that
employees have about the extent to which the organization values their contribution, provides
support and cares about their well-being. The dimensions of perceived organizational support
measured in this study are: organizational justice, namely fairness in the implementation of
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
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tasks and their distribution among employees in an organization. It is a method used to
determine how to distribute results and resources among employees, including procedural and
distributive justice. Superior support is the actions, policies and decisions of a superior in an
organization, superiors in an organization also have the authority to direct and evaluate the
performance and performance of employees under them and the extent to which superiors
assess their contribution and care about their welfare. Organizational rewards, including
employee perceptions related to organizational appreciation of working conditions and
resources within an organization including salary, recognition, and promotion, job security,
independence, stressor role, training and organizational size.
The method used in the implementation of this research is the survey method, which
is a research method that utilizes a questionnaire in collecting the main data, in this case
primary data from a number of samples from the population. The method used is a survey,
namely the data collected through a questionnaire. The data analysis method used is
descriptive and statistical methods using SEM-AMOS
Figure 1.1
A. The effect of employee satisfaction on job involvement
The research findings show that employee satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on job involvement. In this case, it is proven that employees who are satisfied with
their work, satisfied with their income, satisfied with promotion policies, satisfied with their
direct leadership, and working together with co-workers are satisfactory, have a strong
influence on employee involvement in their work. This shows that employees' perceptions of
job involvement are driven by a strong perception of the level of employee satisfaction.
Promotion or promotion is an opportunity for advancement in the organization (Kao
et al., 2022) argue that promotion is a career defined as a sequence of separate but related
work activities that provide continuity and meaning in one's life. When someone is promoted,
it shows that someone has good work performance which is accompanied by an increase in
responsibility and social status.
ion (X
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Perceived
Organization Support on Individul Performance: Job Involvement
as a Mediating Variable at Sharia Commercial Bank in Makassar
834 |Musafir
Job indicators include the compatibility between the wishes of the workers and the
five core job dimensions that will lead to job satisfaction. The five core dimensions of work
consist of skill variety, job identity, job significance, autonomy and feedback. The greater the
diversity of work activities carried out, the individual will feel that his work has more
meaning because the same or repeated work will cause the individual to become bored. This
is also similar to what was expressed by Luthan (2003) who said that a person will feel
satisfied if his job/task is considered interesting so that it provides an opportunity to learn and
accept responsibility for the work.
The supervision indicator is one of the activities carried out by superiors in providing
technical assistance and support to subordinates. Having a competent supervisor is expected
to shape the job satisfaction felt by the employee. The feeling of satisfaction felt by
employees can be obtained if the employee feels valued and cared for by his superiors.
Another satisfaction indicator is that the rewards/income given to employees not only help to
fulfill their basic needs, but can also be a factor to increase work motivation. In addition to
income and attention from his superiors, an employee also wants a supportive environment in
which to work (Luthan, 2003) and has colleagues who are competent, reliable and can work
B. The Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Employee Individual Performance
The test results prove that employee satisfaction has a positive and significant effect
on employee performance at Islamic Commercial Banks in Makassar City. Employee job
satisfaction can affect employee performance which at the same time has a positive impact on
organizational performance. Satisfied employees form bonds with the company and take
pride in their organizational membership, therefore, satisfied employees will display high
levels of performance and productivity.
There are several aspects of work in which an organization can manage to increase
satisfaction in the workplace, such as: First, company policies that are transparent, fair and
applied equally to all employees will reduce dissatisfaction. Therefore, fairness and clarity
are very important in improving employee attitudes. Second, ensuring salaries and benefits
are comparable to other organizations' salaries and benefits will help increase satisfaction. If
companies want to produce competitive products they must also offer competitive wages for
their employees, because as employees they will always be more satisfied when they receive
competitive wages. Third, encouraging employees' interpersonal relationships for their work
can increase satisfaction as well as develop a sense of teamwork. Co-worker relationships
will benefit the organization as a whole because teamwork is a very important aspect of
employee performance and organizational success. Fourth, a job well done is duly recognized
thereby increasing the likelihood of employee satisfaction. Positive and constructive feedback
boosts employee morale and helps them work at the desired level and in the desired direction.
(Aslan, Yaman, Aksu, & Gungor, 2022) say that job satisfaction of an employee can
increase morale and determine the continuity of the company's operations, namely
satisfaction which is determined by the level of job characteristics that allow opportunities for
individuals to meet their needs and the fulfillment of expectations that reflect the difference
between what is expected and obtained by individuals from work.
The research findings are in line with the opinion of McNeese-Smith (1996) that all
employees will show better service when they are satisfied with their work. Likewise, in line
with the results of a study conducted by Al-Ahmadi (2009) employee performance is
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
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positively related to overall job satisfaction from satisfaction aspects including satisfaction
with the work itself, supervision, relationships in work, pay, promotion opportunities, and
working conditions. . Javed (2014) research results show that job satisfaction is found to be
significantly related to job performance. There is a significant positive relationship between
job satisfaction and performance, indicating that job satisfaction contributes more to job
performance. The results of this study are also supported by the Hygiene factors theory
proposed by Herzberg (1996) which states that individuals at work are influenced by two
factors that are needs, namely: (1) Maintenance factors (maintenance factors), maintenance
factors related to the nature of humanity that want to get the peace of the body, and (2)
Motivation factor, is a motivating factor concerning psychological needs. This theory
confirms that employee satisfaction consists of two indicators that are classified as
motivational factors, namely promotion and challenging work, meaning that employees who
are promoted and like challenging work as self-actualization will be motivated to always
show their performance.
C. The effect of employee satisfaction on employee performance through work
When employees are satisfied, employees will choose to identify themselves with
their work, bind themselves both physically and psychologically to their organization, and
motivate themselves to improve their performance. Theoretically, satisfied people will be
motivated to involve themselves in their work and try to bind themselves, this encourages
individuals to improve their performance. Employees with high job involvement focus most
of their attention on their work which will have an impact on employee performance. But
empirically the mediating variable of work involvement does not provide a significant role in
increasing employee performance. According to Brown (1996), employees are said to be
involved in their work if they can identify themselves psychologically with their work, and
consider their performance important to themselves. Work involvement will be formed
because of the desire of employees for certain needs, values or certain characteristics
obtained from their work so that they will make employees involved or not involved and
bound or detached from their work.
D. The effect of perceived organizational support on job engagement
From the findings of this study, there is no significant effect between perceptions of
organizational support and job involvement. However, the results of the descriptive analysis
of variables and the value of loading factors have a high value, indicating that basically the
perception of organizational support is high. This provides new evidence that the perception
of high organizational support does not necessarily have a significant effect on job
involvement. This means that there are factors related to the characteristics of the
respondents, namely the average employee has a working period of under five years and the
average age is below 30 years, during the tenure of employees who are still relatively new,
they do not quite feel the extent to which the company values their contribution and cares
about their welfare. , so that employees' perceptions of organizational support have not had a
significant effect on job involvement. In addition to years of service, work involvement is
also influenced by other personal demographic variables, such as age, education, gender,
marital status. Older employees are usually more involved in their work than younger
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Perceived
Organization Support on Individul Performance: Job Involvement
as a Mediating Variable at Sharia Commercial Bank in Makassar
836 |Musafir
(Kilroy, Van de Voorde, Kooij, & van den Dungen, 2022) also found that age has a
positive and significant relationship with job engagement, where older employees tend to be
more engaged with their work, while younger employees are less interested and less satisfied
with their work. (Sutarto, Wardaningsih, & Putri, 2022) in his research which aims to
measure the influence of demographic variables and employee status found that demographic
variables and employee status have a relationship with job involvement. Gender demographic
characteristics, where women have a higher absenteeism rate than men, which indicates that
women have lower work involvement than men.
The findings of this study were confirmed by the results of research conducted by
(Cheung et al., 2022) which found that the relationship between perceptions of organizational
support and job involvement was not significant. Likewise (Fitriana, 2022) found an
insignificant relationship. However, there are several previous research results that contradict
the results of this study, such as, (Oubibi, Fute, Xiao, Sun, & Zhou, 2022) stated that the
perception of organizational support has a positive relationship with job involvement.
perceived organization has a positive effect on job engagement. The practice of perceived
organizational support in an organization contributes positively to job engagement if the
organization is actively involved in employee welfare. In other words, when an organization
provides support to employees, employees increase their work engagement and vice versa.
E. The effect of perceived organizational support on employee performance
The results of hypothesis testing show that there is a positive but not significant effect
on the perception of organizational support on employee performance. The findings of this
study confirm that the perception of high organizational support does not necessarily have a
significant effect on employee performance.
The work behavior of sharia commercial bank employees has become a behavior that
must be displayed as a form of accountability for the mandate given and has become an
employee work culture. Based on the description of the employee's perception of the
organizational support variable, it is included in the high category, but does not have a
significant effect on the individual performance of the employee. Likewise, the
characteristics of the respondents, most of the employees of Islamic commercial banks are
employees who have a bachelor's education level, meaning that the average employee has a
high level of work ability, but on the other hand the average employee has a working period
of under five years or is classified as a new employee. According to John and Saks (2004)
one of the factors that influence the perception of individuals is experience. New employees
do not have sufficient experience to form their perception of fairness received, superior
support for employees, and awards given by the organization. Lack of work experience in the
field of Islamic banking is an indication of the cause of the insignificant effect of employee
perceptions of organizational support on employee performance.
The findings contradict some previous research results, for example: Byrne (2008)
that there is a positive relationship between perceived organizational support and employee
performance. Then research Rhoades (2001) concluded that POS has a positive effect on
employees' feelings of obligation to support the organization which in turn affects employee
performance. Armeli et al. (1998) found that there was a positive relationship between
perceived organizational support and performance. Shore and Wayne's (1993) study found
that perceived organizational support as a predictor was positively related to performance. In
addition, the perception that organizations value their contributions and care about their well-
being was found to positively affect in-role performance and extra-role performance
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
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(Shanock, LR, 2006). Research results (Riggle, RJ,, 2009) indicate that perceived
organizational support has a positive moderate effect on task performance and contextual
But there are also some previous research findings that are in line with the findings of
this study, that the perception of organizational support has no significant effect on employee
performance, for example, Setton et al (1996) and Wayne et al (1997) found that the
perception of organizational support (POS) with employee performance is not significant.
Likewise, the results of research conducted by Yih, WW, et al (2011) showed that the
relationship between perceived organizational support and job performance did not reach a
significant level.
An important part of the findings of this study is the insignificant effect of perceived
organizational support on employee performance. Although according to social exchange
theory which emphasizes the norm of reciprocity, the obligation to pay organizational support
with performance is considered the motive that drives employee performance.
Every employee views that the work they do is an investment, where they will give
time, energy, and effort to get what they want. While on the other hand, the organizations in
which they "invest" are faced with ever-changing environmental pressures, which require the
organization to improve performance. For this reason, the organization gives awards to its
employees who work according to the desired goals. Thus there is a transaction in the form of
social exchange in the workplace, between individuals and organizations.
Management problem solving in motivating people to behave in accordance with
general organizational goals and on the relationship between organizational incentives and
personal expectations. It is based on the assumption that people enter an organization because
they want to fulfill their needs. Incentives are incentives to fulfill needs that cannot be
obtained without being a member of the organization. Vice versa, the organization will give
awards to its members who excel in accordance with the wishes of management. In such a
relationship, employees perceive the organization as a whole, not individuals, with whom
they have an exchange relationship.
The willingness of employees to participate in the organization usually depends on
what goals they want to achieve by joining the organization concerned. The contribution of
employees to the organization will be higher if the organization can provide what the
employees want. The willingness of employees to contribute to the workplace is strongly
influenced by the organization's ability to meet the goals and expectations of its employees.
Based on goal setting theory, organizations need to set goals to direct employee
behavior. This theory also states that individual behavior is governed by one's thoughts and
intentions, if employees are committed to achieving their goals then this will affect their
actions and the consequences of their performance. This theory also gives a signal that the
goals set by the company have not succeeded in influencing employee behavior in terms of
perceptions of organizational support so that it has not had a significant effect on employee
performance. The description of the employee's tenure which is relatively new (less than 5
years) has an impact on his perception of organizational support. But with the passage of time
where employees experience their work, based on the positive regression coefficient value,
there is a tendency for the perception of organizational support to have a significant effect on
employee performance.
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[ Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Perceived
Organization Support on Individul Performance: Job Involvement
as a Mediating Variable at Sharia Commercial Bank in Makassar
838 |Musafir
F. The effect of perceived organizational support on individual employee performance
through work involvement
The results of SEM analysis show that the direct influence of perceived organizational
support on job involvement and employee performance is positive and not significant, so the
work involvement variable in this research model is said to be a complete mediation variable.
Furthermore, the direct influence of perceived organizational support on employee
engagement and employee performance is positive and significant, respectively. So the
employee engagement variable in this research model is a partial mediation variable.
Likewise, based on the mediation test through the Sobel test, it was found that the
perception of organizational support had no significant effect on employee performance
through work involvement. This shows that employees' perceptions of organizational support
do not have a significant impact on employee performance by just being directly involved in
their work. But companies need to foster confidence and provide assurance to employees that
the company pays attention to employee welfare in the long term. With this belief, it will give
employees pride and confidence to continue to contribute to the company's success in the
long term.
Based on the theory of social exchange (Social Exchange Theory) which discusses the
relationship between parties who are in a state of mutual dependence. The basic tenet of
social exchange theory is that relationships develop over time into trust, loyalty, and mutual
commitment as long as the parties adhere to certain 'rules' of exchange. Such rules tend to
involve reciprocity or payment rules, so that the actions of one party lead to a response or
action by the other party. Based on this theory, individuals and organizations will synergize
in order to create employee performance. Social exchange theory explains the relationship
between perceived organizational support and employee performance through job
involvement. If employees receive support from organizations that can support their needs
and welfare of their lives, then employees will have a good perception of organizational
support and feel obliged to repay the organization according to what they receive through
involvement which in the end employees are willing to channel their contributions in the
form of the best performance for the organization. organizational success. Goal setting theory
also explains that the goals set by the organization will direct employee attitudes and
behavior to achieve them, meaning that the longer employees interact with their work, the
more they will shape their perceptions of organizational support that can direct attitudes and
behavior in the form of employee involvement to achieve the expected goals or performance.
The positive perception of organizational support from employees will make
employees work more than the word "good enough", i.e. employees work committed to
goals, use intelligence to make choices on how best to complete a task, monitor their
behavior to ensure what they are doing. correct and in accordance with the objectives to be
achieved and will make a decision to correct it if necessary is an indication of employees who
have high engagement. The consequences of perceived organizational support not only have
an impact on the attitudes shown by employees to work and the organization but also have an
impact on the behavior shown by employees. When employees feel that there is
organizational support, employees will show behaviors that can help achieve organizational
goals, they are willing to work with extra effort.
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G. The effect of job involvement on employee performance
The findings of the study indicate that job involvement has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance. In this case, it has been proven that high work involvement
in this case employees focus on their work, always evaluates their work, and participates
directly in their work will have a great influence on employee performance.
Someone who has high work involvement will show a high sense of solidarity with
the company and have high internal work motivation. That is, individuals who have high
work involvement are individuals who view work as important part of their lives, have a
sense of pride in the company, and participate and are satisfied with their work. Thus, a high
level of work involvement is positively related to the level of work performance.
Work involvement is a form of commitment of an employee to take part in and care
about the work, both real, knowledge and emotional, making the assumption that the work he
is doing is very important and has high confidence to complete it. If an employee is fully
involved with work, it will lead to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives.
Psychologically it will bring up a sense of success which will increase employee self-esteem
so that this condition will affect employee performance improvement.
Job involvement is the degree to which a person shows emotional or mental
involvement with his work that has a close relationship with performance. Thus, employees
who have high work involvement in their work have full focus on their work, so that
employees will be able to show high performanceJob involvement is not only positively
correlated with in-role performance but also extra-role performance.
Work engagement is an employee's commitment to his work which is characterized
by employees having a high concern for work in their work environment. With a feeling of
being psychologically attached to the work he does, employees will feel that their work is
very important in their work life and have strong confidence in their ability to solve
Someone who is involved with work will consider work to have an important role in
his life, feel that the need for independence and control over work is fulfilled and feel his
self-esteem increases along with increasing performance, employees who are involved with
work will exert greater effort at work.
Job involvement as an attitude is an important variable that helps to increase
organizational effectiveness. The higher the level of employee work involvement in an
organization leads to an increase in employee work effectiveness. According to work
involvement has consequences for several work outcomes, therefore, with employees
increasingly involved in their work, it is expected to produce better performance.
In general, job involvement positively affects employee motivation and effort, leading
to higher levels of performance. In his study also found that job involvement has a direct
effect on performance. Robbins (2008) adds that employees who have a high level of
involvement are very impartial and really care about the field of work they are doing, will
dissolve in the work they are doing.
Characteristics of employees who have high involvement in their work are indicated
by spending their time working, having a high concern for their work, being satisfied with
their work, having a high commitment, giving their best effort for their work, low
absenteeism and employee turnover, having high motivation. tall. If the employee has these
characteristics, it is certain that the employee will produce a high level of performance. High
performance required employee participation in work shows an employee is involved and
pays attention to his work. From this level of attention, it can be seen how attentive an
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Relationship Between Employee Satisfaction and Perceived
Organization Support on Individul Performance: Job Involvement
as a Mediating Variable at Sharia Commercial Bank in Makassar
840 |Musafir
employee is, caring and mastering the field that he is a part of. If the employee feels that his
job is the main thing, then an employee will always try his best for his job and consider his
work very important in his life and deserves to be prioritized. Job involvement can be seen
from the attitude of an employee about his work, where an employee considers work
important for his self-esteem, has a strong self-esteem, which means he feels comfortable
with his job and is full of confidence, has competence and is able to overcome his work
problems. If the employee feels the work is meaningful and very valuable both materially and
psychologically, the employee will appreciate it and will do his or her job as well as possible
so that the employee feels that their work is important to their self-esteem.
Therefore, job involvement is an important element that has a significant impact on
individual employees and organizational outcomes. This means that work engagement has a
great impact on employee productivity and efficiency, and work has an important role in
increasing individual job engagement if it plays an important role in employees' lives. The
climate of work involvement in an organization is positively related to a higher level of
organizational effectiveness.
Employee satisfaction has been proven to be positively and significantly able to
increase work engagement and employee performance. This means that the higher the
satisfaction felt by employees will result in higher work involvement and employee
performance. These results indicate that employees are basically satisfied working at Islamic
commercial banks, namely satisfied with challenging work, income received, promotion
opportunities, competent supervision, harmonious working relationships among employees.
Perceptions of organizational support are not proven to directly and significantly increase
work engagement and employee performance. But it has a positive path coefficient
relationship, meaning that there is a tendency for perceived organizational support to
potentially increase work engagement and employee performance significantly. Job
involvement cannot play a significant role as a mediator between perceived organizational
support and employee performance. Work involvement is proven to be positive and
significantly improve employee performance. That is, the higher the work involvement, the
higher the employee's performance.
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Musafir (2022)
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