[ Application of Pregnant Exercise and Hypnosis Techniques as
Effort to Improve Health in Pregnant Mothers Trimester III]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Sulastry Pakpahan, Hetty Panggabean
Mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and post partum are a group that is vulnerable to
psychological disorders, including anxiety disorders (Green, Furtado, Inness, Frey, &
McCabe, 2022). Feelings of anxiety in pregnancy relatively occur in 10-15% of all pregnant
women. Anxiety or anxiety is a feeling of worry, a fear that is not clear why. Anxiety and
fear during pregnancy will affect the health of the baby. according to several studies that
babies born to mothers who have high levels of anxiety and fear during pregnancy will have a
weak immune system, while babies born to mothers without fear will have a strong immune
system. (Kiruthiga, 2017).
Pregnancy can cause worry and anxiety in pregnant women, making them vulnerable
to mental and psychological disorders. (M. Mirghafourvand, 2021) research by Khoury, et al
said that 57% (t=17.21, p<0.001) pregnant women experienced an increase in clinical
depression, 30% (t=17.21, p<0.0001) experienced an increase in depression. 19% increase in
anxiety and insomnia, which is higher compared to non-pregnant women. (Khoury, Atkinson,
Bennett, Jack, & Gonzalez, 2021).
Anxiety of pregnant women can affect the brain growth of the fetus. Any emotion felt
by a mother will be felt by the fetus. Based on the results of the study, a high level of
maternal anxiety has a significant relationship with mental disorders, emotional problems,
lack of concentration and hyperactivity and impaired cognitive development of children. In
addition, severe anxiety during pregnancy can cause changes in blood flow to the baby, so
that the flow of oxygen and other important nutrients to the baby's organs is disrupted, this
has a significant impact on the biological indicators of newborns such as height, weight, and
head circumference. (Shahhosseini, Pourasghar, Khalilian, & Salehi, 2015).
During pregnancy, mothers also need to manage stress properly, one of which is by
using hypnosis techniques. If done correctly and regularly, hypnosis can even prevent and
relieve symptoms of mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety disorders in pregnant
women. By doing pregnancy exercises and hypnosis techniques during the third trimester of
pregnancy, it is expected to maintain the health of pregnant women both physically and
The results of the initial survey on the problem partners found were the lack of
knowledge of pregnant women about pregnancy exercises and hypnosis techniques during
pregnancy so that they were not applied during pregnancy. The target of this activity is to
increase the experience, knowledge and skills of pregnant women in doing pregnancy
exercises and hypnosis techniques to improve the health of the mother and fetus which is
indirectly expected to reduce morbidity and maternal mortality.
Based on the description above, the Tarutung Midwifery Study Program lecturer team
through community service activities by providing assistance in the form of education and
demonstrations on the implementation of pregnancy exercises and hypnosis techniques for
third trimester pregnant women at Poskesdes Siborong-borong I, Siborong-borong District,
North Tapanuli Regency.
This activity began with mapping the number of third trimester pregnant women in
the working area of the Siborong-borong 1 Poskesdes in collaboration with the local village
midwife. The activity is carried out in several stages, namely: 1st stage: providing education
about pregnancy exercise and hypnosis techniques to improve the health of pregnant women,