Risdayati , Yanwar Arief | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
, Yanwar Arief
Riau University, Indonesia
Email: risdayati@lecturer.unri.ac.id
Bali Cattle Bakalan
June 28
July 10
July 14
During the pandemic, teenagers stay at home for 24 hours and carry out activities,
especially communicating and interacting via gadgets or smartphones. All
information and interactions occur in one direction, this indirectly affects the
behavior of teenagers, especially if they see negative content. Positive literacy by
involving adolescents is one option in shaping the positive character of
adolescents so as to prevent negative things from happening. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the formation of adolescent character during the pandemic
through existing social media literacy, including Instagram, Youtube, and others
by involving the relevant agencies, namely the Communications and Information
Office and the Library and Archives Service as well as academics. The results of
this study indicate that indirectly involving adolescents in this activity is expected
to provide literacy and positive information on the character and behavior of
adolescents. Several forms and themes from Jelita, namely Riau Literacy and
Information for Superior Human Resources (Riau LITE SDM Unggul), Promise
Heart, Obrol Obrol (O2), Family Room. It is hoped that this program will be able
to provide literacy and information and education to teenagers to serve as a basis
for behavior so that they have a positive character.
At the end of 2019, the world was hit by a very shocking and fatal pandemic. The
epidemic quickly spread to almost the entire earth, Indonesia could not be separated. In
Indonesia, the pandemic known as the COVID-19 virus reacts very quickly and spreads to
small cities. The city of Pekanbaru, the capital city of Riau Province, is also inseparable from
the spread of the virus and has also taken a lot of lives and has reached the red zone level for
some time (Fauziyah, Sukaris, Wardana, Paulina, & Fathoni, 2021).
To reduce the spread of the virus, several policies were taken by the Indonesian
government, including PPKM (Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions) which
makes teenagers who are at the age of Junior High School and High School and stay at home
for 24 hours (Megananta & Fauzi, 2022). In interacting and communicating, especially going
to school through online so that it cannot be separated from gadgets or smartphones. In
general, during normal situations, the scope of youth activities within 24 hours / day is
divided into 3 locations, namely 8 hours at school, 8 hours at home and 8 hours in other
public places (playing, mall, sports, etc.) (Hasazi, Gordon, & Roe, 1985).
The impact of social distancing or studying at home and finally communication with
outsiders (peers, study schools and others) can only be done via the internet or online. So that
almost all information and interactions are via the internet without a qualified filter or filter
Volume 3, Number 9, July 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Forming the Character of Youth During Pandemic Through Social
Media Literacy in Pekanbaru]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Risdayati , Yanwar Arief
from the teenager which ultimately has an impact on the behavior of the teenager himself
(Hellawell, 2006).
The positive impact of staying at home and communicating and interacting only
through the internet is the control over the spread of the Covid-19 virus among teenagers and
it is certain that the outbreak will pass on to other family members (Irawan, Dwisona, &
Lestari, 2020). However, in addition to the positive impacts above, there are also negative
impacts because communication is only unidirectional or passive so that teenagers tend not to
have standard rules of interaction and also for example visible comments that are sarcasm,
narcissism, and bullying which ultimately have an impact on wrong behavior and worse. lead
to criminal acts (Bergin & Bergin, 2009).
This is not to blame because the content that is generally accessed by teenagers is
viral content regardless of whether the content is educational or not (Ratcliffe & Grace,
2003). The use of language in the comments is also very inappropriate, for example using
animal words which even though they are marked with an asterisk but in general the reader
knows what is meant. Invective words are also seen in inappropriate adolescent comments.
Not to mention the comments that are bullying that can eventually have an impact on the
victim of bullying.
The wrong behavior described in the chapter above is caused by low or lack of
literacy about communicating and interacting in adolescents. Teenagers only imitate and
imitate content that is viral and impresses them, they are famous and become patrons of the
teenager's behaviour (Grohmann, 2018). On the other hand, educational content that provides
literacy is very rare, if there is only limited writing, while teenagers rarely read writing, they
prefer content such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Tik-Tok (Shanahan & Shanahan,
For this reason, through this service program, it tries to provide literacy to teenagers
about the behavior of content choices that can be watched or followed and can interact with
the content through live broadcasts, both Instagram and Facebook live broadcasts.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type
of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely
primary data and secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library research
techniques (library study) which refers to sources available both online and offline such as:
scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. These sources are collected
based on discussion and linked from one information to another. Data collection techniques
used in this study were observation, interviews and research. This data is analyzed and then
conclusions are drawn.
A. Profile of Youth Character Building Program.
The Youth Character Building Program was initiated from public concern about
the behavior and character of adolescent children, especially those at the age of junior
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
Risdayati , Yanwar Arief | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
high and high school who are no longer in accordance with the norms that exist in
society (Kirby, Laris, & Rolleri, 2007). Their association through the internet is also very
worrying for parents and teachers because teenagers are more preoccupied with gadgets
and smartphones than studying. It is seen that the behavior of these teenagers is no
longer controlled just to be popular in cyberspace, so they are willing to do things that
are not commendable and even tend to commit crimes. (Feather & Sturges, 2003) In
addition, the worrying behavior of teenagers can also be seen from the use of slang that
they use to others, even to their own family members. (Grassian & Kaplowitz, 2001) It
was from this concern that the Communications and Informatics Service and the Library
Service were involved in the responsibility of providing literacy through the internet
(virtual world in society) and formed a joint team, namely apart from the two services
above, several professions, namely psychologists and activists, were also involved. In
other words, the team consists of Academics, Department of Communication and
Information, Library and Archives Service, Child Care Activist (Lindenmeyer, 1997).
From the elements above, it was agreed that the program was called JELITA
(Window of Our Literacy and Inspiration). This program begins with various programs,
including , Riau Superior Human Resources Literacy and Education (Riau LITE HR
Superior), Heart promise, Go To School, Closeout Chat (O2), Family Room (Wong,
B. Youth Character Building Program .
1. Riau Literacy Education Program for Superior Human Resources (Riau LITE
HR Superior)
The first program in shaping adolescent character behavior is the Superior
Resource Program. This is broadcast live in the RCC room located on the 1st floor
of the Riau Governor's Office every Sunday morning via zoom and youtube. The
Superior HR Program is implemented with the aim of aligning youth issues with
Riau's vision and mission, which is to become a superior human resource.
For more details, see the themes and pictures from you tube, live broadcasts and
Instagram as well as the following flyer:
a. Be aware of the caring behavior of the surrounding generation
This activity involves young people from children's forums and genre forums,
by involving them hoping to invite their friends to participate. The activity was
carried out by interactively inviting young people to discuss their roles and
functions in the midst of society. This theme is expected to provide literacy to
teenagers about social life.
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Forming the Character of Youth During Pandemic Through Social
Media Literacy in Pekanbaru]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Risdayati , Yanwar Arief
b. Introverts and Their Potential.
This activity is quite popular with teenagers who have seen more than 13
thousand followers. During the live process, many youths who participated shared
their experiences and also it turned out that many parents and teachers did not know
about introverts who can eventually commit violence against children.
c. Family Management During a Pandemic.
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
Risdayati , Yanwar Arief | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
d. The role of the family and school environment in preventing stunting.
This activity is in collaboration with the Population and Family Planning
Agency (BKKBN) by raising issues that are currently hot, especially in Riau, there
are several districts where the population is stunted. In addition to the BKKBN, it
also collaborates with schools and the Riau Gendre Forum.
e. The Ethics of Submitting Children's Opinions in a Family Environment
f. Narcissist or Narcissist?
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Forming the Character of Youth During Pandemic Through Social
Media Literacy in Pekanbaru]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Risdayati , Yanwar Arief
g. Reading Interest for Social Inclusion
h. Management Bullying is an Achievement
i. The Value of Struggle for Children Today
j. Free Association or Free Association?
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
Risdayati , Yanwar Arief | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
2. Heart Pledge Program
The Promise Heart Program is a program for children=teenagers to talk as widely
as possible to share their experiences (Valentine, 1996). The promise of the heart
program is not recorded and cannot be viewed again because of the live broadcast on
Instagram. The purpose of this program is to provide a place for young people to
consult about youth issues.
3. Go-To School Program
The Go-To school program is a program designed to involve students in the
targeted school. In the implementation of this program all are guided and filled by
the students themselves and also the student council from the school. . The schools
visited were SMAN 6 Pekanbaru, SMAN 14 Pekanbaru, SMP N 13 Pekanbaru,
SMPN 3 Pekanbaru.
4. Closeout Chat Program (O2)
The Obrol Obrol (O2) program was created to expose teenagers who excel in
non-academic fields. This program also explores the experiences of teenagers who
have excelled so that this activity is quite liked by teenagers. Some examples of
themes and figures and achievements raised include:
a. Youth Lifestyle Literacy with the character Azzahra Alfaris
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Forming the Character of Youth During Pandemic Through Social
Media Literacy in Pekanbaru]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Risdayati , Yanwar Arief
b. The Poet's Fortune Studio
c. Coffee Ambassador
d. tourism ambassador
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
Risdayati , Yanwar Arief | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
e. Nalladia Ayu Rokan Inspiration
5. Family Room Program
The Family Room program was launched to provide literacy to parents,
namely parents who have children under 18 years of age. The themes raised are also
about problems faced by families in the context of parenting
The themes raised include:
a. Different but not to be distinguished
Vol.3, No.9, 2022
[ Forming the Character of Youth During Pandemic Through Social
Media Literacy in Pekanbaru]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Risdayati , Yanwar Arief
b. Toxing Parenting
c. Parental Demands Against Children
Based on the results above, it can be concluded that: Involvement of youth in creating
content greatly affects the behavior of adolescents because it increases the literacy of young
inspirational figures. The involvement of teenagers as hosts and recording and others makes
the youth's energy drain so that they are more productive. By providing information and
education continuously increase youth literacy. Teenagers have time to explore their own
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Copyright holders:
Risdayati , Yanwar Arief (2022)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0