[ The Effect of Destination Image and Social Influence on Visiting
Intentions and Visiting Decisions at Museum]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id |Nengah Mekka Sucia Noviana, Gusti Noorlitaria
Achmad, Sri Wahyuni
Mulawarman museum they will realize it in the form of visiting the Mulawarman
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the image of
the destination has a significant effect on the visiting intentions of visitors to the
Mulawarman 2022 museum. So the better the image of the destination, the higher the
intention to visit. Social has no significant effect on visitors' intention to visit the
Mulawarman 2022 museum. So the better the social level, the higher the intention to visit.
The image of the destination has no significant effect on the decision to visit the visitors of
the Mulawarman 2022 museum. So the high or low level of the image of the destination does
not affect the decision to visit. Social influence has a significant effect on the decision to visit
Mulawarman museum visitors in 2022. So the better the social level, the higher the decision
to visit. Intention to visit has a significant effect on the decision to visit Mulawarman
museum visitors in 2022. So the higher the intention to visit, the higher the decision to visit.
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