Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution |
Inom Nasution
, Suwandi
, Muhammad Akhir
, Asrul Nasution
, Abdul Salam Nasution
State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
Conflict Management
Strategies, Teamwork
Performance, Education
The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of conflict
management strategies on teamwork performance. Conflict can
happen to anyone and anywhere regardless of status, income and
position. Someone who is not able to manage conflict will
boomerang on his own performance and ultimately affect the
company's performance. Thus, a conflict management strategy is
needed as an effort to create good performance for individual
employee performance and team performance. The results of the
study prove that the hypothesis which states that conflict
management strategies have a positive and significant effect on
teamwork performance is accepted. This explains that conflict
management strategies can contribute to teamwork performance
through the ability of employees to accommodate ideas from co-
workers, the ability to avoid differences of opinion by maintaining
feelings and maintaining communication relationships, and
collaborating on work methods. Suggestions for this research should
be to improve conflict management strategies such as competing
strategies at work by providing opportunities for other colleagues to
use their expertise in making decisions and finding solutions to work
The world of education is currently moving into one world market, an efficient and
transparent market, which covers unlimited areas. Globalization has inevitably become a
trend of every organization, both business, social and educational organizations. Countries
that do not want to enter into the efficiency and transparency will be left behind because of
the dynamics of change. Change is actually something dynamic and will continue to occur
until the galactic rotation stops. Every era will always change in line with changes in time.
Along with the dynamics of a change, many are crushed and disappear from the circulation
of civilization, however, many also survive and are able to face the changes that occur
(Antou, Oentoe, Lumapow, & Tilaar, 2022). Likewise in the leadership role, nowadays it
needs to be managed through the management of conflict and defense to deal with changes in
the world of education.
Volume 3, Number 10, August 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
[ The Role of Strategic Leadership in Managing Conflict and
Resistance to Change at APIPSU Medan Private High School]
963|Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul
Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution
Change known as Change Management is an approach to the transition of individuals,
teams, and organizations to a desired future state. Change is a human need, whether change
comes quickly or slowly. Changes are made to overcome crises that will be faced by the
organization, especially crises in the future. Crisis in the organization usually occurs due to
the lack of adaptability of the organization to face various changes, both individual changes
in the ranks of the organization, internal organizational crises and crises caused by external
factors of the organization (Azizy, 2007).
Meanwhile, Wilbert and Moore define change in the social context of social life,
namely as a process of changing the structure and function of social systems. These changes
occur because of the inclusion of reform ideas adopted by the members of the social system
concerned. Social structure is a pattern of behavior and social interaction. Based on this
explanation, change is a natural condition that occurs in this universe. Both related to human
life and organizations in order to transform in order to continue to survive and achieve the
desired goals (Handayani & Indartono, 2016).
Commonly these occur due to, among others, summer vacation, closed formal
education, dropping out of school, senior year, long-term absence from school (possibly due
to health problems), ineffective teaching, and poorly coordinated lesson plans (Hoon, 2013).
Not only at that point, resistance to change in the world of education occurs in many
aspects which are indicated by protests, demonstrations, anonymous letters, strikes, rumors,
undisciplined and often late and even absent from work, apathy, and not doing main tasks.
such as daily performance, not wanting to attend meetings, not participating in flag events,
and other activities (Khairani, Siahaan, & Rifa’i, 2021).
Based on the explanation, the emergence of skepticism and apathy is the result of
resistance to change. Indeed, teachers or educational organizations must be ready to change,
resistance to change will lead to setbacks, decreased productivity which in the end only
brings educational organizations deeper into adversity. In addition to resistance to change,
conflict is also an inhibiting factor in building an organization. jeopardize the integrity of the
organization (Kusworo, 2019).
Conflict comes from the word confligere, conflictum (collision with each other),
namely all forms of collision, collision, incompatibility, incompatibility, conflict, fights,
opposition and antagonistic interactions that are contradictory. Meanwhile, the wirawan said
thatConflict is one of the essences of human life and development which has diverse
characteristics. Humans have differences in gender, social and economic strata, legal system,
nation, ethnicity, religion, belief, political flow, as well as culture and life goals. Human
beings, these differences always lead to conflict (Nurzanna & Purba, 2019).
Seeing this explanation, conflicts will always occur anywhere and anytime. Conflicts
have occurred in the past and present at various organizational levels. In educational
institutions, conflicts also often occur, not even a few conflicts occur for a long time even to
the next generation. Several universities in the city of Medan have experienced quite a long
conflict, even as a result of the conflict, there was dualism in management. In social
organizations, both youth and community, conflicts often occur which lead to dual
leadership. In fact, the success of an organization or educational institution is largely
determined by its comfort and conduciveness (Edmondson, 2012). For this reason, conflicts
must be managed properly so that there are no clashes and clashes. Conflict must be managed
carefully because the success of managing an organization will build the spirit and strength of
the organization to grow and develop in a better direction. For that we need a strategic leader
who is able to manage conflict well so as to be able to build new motivation for
organizational personnel (Papinot, 2020).
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution |
Strategic leader comes from two important words, namely leader and strategy.
Strategy is a term that is often used in various fields, including in the field of education.
Strategic management in education is also often used in an effort to improve the quality of
education. The term strategy is basicallyIt is often used in the military field, especially during
war, to arrange tactics to achieve victory in the war. However, as the times progress and
science increases, it has entered all aspects of life, both in one's personal life in achieving
success and the success of an organizational group. It is undeniable that every human activity
if it wants its goals to be realized in achieving these goals must be considered and considered
from the beginning of planning a strategy to implementing the strategy. future goals and
produce to realize these ideals (Saefullah & Rusdiana, 2016).
Strategic thinking is an effort to formulate the most effective strategy by taking into
account the influence of external factors on an organization from a national and global
perspective. The issues discussed are strategic planning and policies in a long-term
perspective which are formulated into the organization's vision and mission. This will make it
clear what we need to do in today's internal and external context of the organization by
setting up appropriate plans and monitoring systems to ensure that the organization is doing
the right things (Saputra & Fauzi, 2022).
Based on this study, it is interesting to analyze how strategic leadership is able to
manage conflict and people are resistant to change. Conflict and resistance to change are two
things that are intertwined and affect organizational decline. Conflicts cause clashes between
groups to protracted disputes while being resistant to change will result in the organization
becoming increasingly stagnant, not developing and even stopping in the middle of the road,
for that, we need leaders who are not mediocre, but visionary leaders who have a wide range
of thoughts. far ahead and leadership is strategic leadership (Sirait, Hadi, & Ambarita, 2019).
This study aims to analyze changes in the world of education through the role of leadership.
This research is useful for the advancement of the world of education, especially in terms of
conflict and defense management at APIPSU Medan Private High School.
The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Bogdan and
Taylor in Moleong define qualitative methodology as a research process that produces
descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior.
This type of research uses a qualitative approach and rationale to understand a symptom and
phenomenology, while the type of research used is a case study. The data collection
technique used in the research is to use participatory observation (observation), interviews
and documentation.
A. Handling Conflict
Conflict as a mainstream form of resistance or dissatisfaction must be managed
properly, because if it is not managed properly it will lead to bigger problems. At that point,
the role of the leader plays a very big role. Leaders who are strong and think strategically will
be able to manage conflict towards organizational improvement. For this reason, strategic
leaders who understand conflict management are needed. Conflict management is the way in
which leaders respond to conflict. In almost the same sense, conflict management is the way
the leader assesses or takes into account conflict (Tahalli & Prasojo, 2021).
Based on the analysis above, strategic leadership plays a fairly good role in
managing conflict and managing resistance to change.
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
[ The Role of Strategic Leadership in Managing Conflict and
Resistance to Change at APIPSU Medan Private High School]
965|Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul
Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution
According to Stevenin in (Sitanggang, Lapian, & Soegoto, 2021), there are five steps to
achieve peace in conflict. Whatever the source of the problem, the following five steps are
fundamental in overcoming the difficulty:
1. Introduction. The gap between the state that exists or is identified and how it should
be. The only trap is the error in detecting (ignoring the problem or assuming there is a
problem when it really isn't).
2. Diagnosis. This is the most important step. The tried and true method of who, what,
why, where, and how worked flawlessly. Focus on the main problem and not on the
trivial things.
3. Agree on a solution. Gather input on possible solutions from the people involved.
Filter out solutions that are impractical or impractical. Never finish in a way that is
not too good. Look for the best.
4. Execution. Remember that there will always be advantages and disadvantages. Be
careful though, don't let these considerations unduly influence the choices and
direction of a particular group.
5. Evaluation. The solution itself can give rise to a new set of problems. If the solution
doesn't seem to work, go back to the previous steps and try again.
Meanwhile, (Umar, 2001) said that managers and employees have several strategies
in dealing with and resolving conflicts. These strategies include:
1. Dodge. Avoiding conflict can be done if the issue or problem that triggered the
conflict is not very important or if the potential for confrontation is not balanced with
the consequences. Avoidance is a strategy that allows the conflicting parties to calm
2. The nurse manager involved in the conflict can brush off the issue by saying “Let
both parties take some time to think about this and set a date for discussion.”
3. Accommodating. Providing opportunities for others to develop problem-solving
strategies, especially if the issue is important to others. Thing
4. this enables collaboration by giving them the opportunity to make decisions. Nurses
who are part of a conflict can accommodate the other party by putting the other party's
needs first.
5. Competition. Use this method if you believe you have more information and more
expertise than others or when you don't want to compromise your values. This method
may trigger conflict but is an important method for security reasons.
6. Compromise or Negotiation. Each of them gives and offers something at the same
time, gives and takes each other, and minimizes the shortcomings of all parties that
can benefit all parties.
7. Problem Solving or Collaboration. Win-win solution where the individuals involved
share a common work goal. There needs to be a commitment from all parties involved
to support and care for each other.
Based on this, the Principal of the APPSU Medan Private High School made a
diagnosis of the conflict with a strategic approach. Based on what has been faced by
individuals or groups. By implementing the above steps, conflicts can be prevented and
B. Handling Against Change Resistance
To reduce resistance to changes made by the school, the Principal of the APIPSU
Medan Private High School as a manager must take serious, detailed and targeted handling as
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution |
desired by the opponents who oppose the change.Handling the rejection of change is
something that happens in any educational institution, the problem of course lies with
teachers who have various backgrounds and different intellectual abilities. Besides, resistance
to change can also be caused by the fear of losing one's position and position and position.
Rejection of change will jeopardize school development, so principals must be observant and
immediately provide teachers with an understanding of the importance of change.
There are several strategies used as a way to deal with the negative reactions of
resistance to change. Some of the methods that a manager can choose from generally have
their pros and cons, but in this approach it really depends on the individual situation, as
shown in the table below.
1. Education and communication
As the most basic way/approach to deal with resistance, education and training are
carried out which are the dissemination of knowledge that has been obtained by
change initiative makers through various kinds of education and training to other
members of the organization.
2. Participation and engagement
Low participation in implementing change, as part of the attitude of organizational
members who are members of opposition groups, this kind of attitude is a
manifestation of the fact that people have varying abilities in adapting themselves to
3. Convenience and support
The use of teachers who have high skills and initiatives is very supportive in
implementing organizational change. This kind of thing is very appropriate if the
rejection that is made develops based on his fears and worries.
4. Negotiation and agreement
Negotiating activities with resistance to change is very potential. Through the
exchange of human resources, the provision of sanctions for those who are not
disciplined, accommodation, provision of remuneration in sequence needs to be done.
5. Manipulation and cooperation
In the manipulation process that seeks to distance oneself from potential resistance to
change, the manipulation process is not only a persuasion activity, but in this case it is
used as a tortuous tactic to trick individuals or groups into changing.
6. Explicit and implicit coercion
The last approach is to use explicit and implicit coercion, where the manager coerces
change resisters based on their authority to threaten change resisters. As for the tactics
used, the manager threatened dismissal, postponement of promotion, transfer of
position and others. This method carries a lot of risk and changes in later stages will
make it difficult to obtain support. Threats are used only in very dire circumstances.
Based on this study, strategic leadership can make some of the above efforts to
manage resistance to change. By implementing the above approaches, individuals or groups
of an organization will realize that changes must be followed and carried out. Some
techniques can also be carried out by leaders by carrying out several strategies as presented
by Robbin and Marry Coulter as shown in the following table:
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
[ The Role of Strategic Leadership in Managing Conflict and
Resistance to Change at APIPSU Medan Private High School]
967|Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul
Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution
Table 1 : Techniques for reducing resistance to change
Activity description
Education and
- Communicate with employees to help them
understand the reasons behind the change
- Educate employees through one-on-one
discussions, memos, group meetings, or reports
- Appropriate if done if the source of this
opposition from poor communication or
- There must be mutual trust and credibility
between managers and employees
- Enables those who oppose change to
participate in decision-making.
- Assuming that they have the skills to contribute
- Their involvement can reduce resistance, gain
commitment in realizing a successful change,
and improve the quality of the change decision
Facilitation and support
- Provide support efforts such as counseling or
therapy for employees, training in new skills,
or paid leave
- Can be time consuming and expensive
- Manipulation is a covert attempt to exert
influence such as distorting facts, harboring
negative information, or creating untrue issues
- Co-optation is a form of manipulation and
participation - Easy and inexpensive to attract
the support of opponents
- Can fail miserably if the target feels cheated
Choose people who accept
- The ability to accept and adapt easily to
changes is related to personality
- Choose people who are open to new
experiences, take a positive attitude towards
change, are willing to take risks, and are
flexible in their behavior
- Using threats or coercion
- Easy and cheap to get support
- Could be illegal. Even legal coercion can be
considered as coercion
Based on the table above, the principal can implement various ways in an effort to
manage resistance to change by implementing some of the techniques above. Indeed,
strategic leadership can do various ways and efforts in managing resistance to change.
Resistance to change will only lead to stagnation in the course of school development.
Strategic leadership is also a leadership that has a strategic style and way in dealing
with various conflicts and changes, so it is believed that it will be able to overcome various
problems, both conflict and resistance to change. Strategic leadership is able to convince
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution |
organizational groups to follow all forms and organizational policies. The principal of the
APIPSU Medan Private High School has taken several strategic steps towards teachers who
are involved in conflict and are resistant to change, namely:
First, Anticipating all possibilities. A strategic leader must be able to analyze all the
possibilities that occur at this time and in the future, in this context the leader must prepare
human resources who have an open mindset or mindset. One of the causes of conflict and
resistance to change is because of the mindset that is apathetic and closed thinking, not open
to other people and change. According to Janssen, the mind set encouragespeople do things
differently and at the same time encourage high achievers. By changing the mind set, people
change reality, making the impossible possible.
So the task of strategic leadership is to anticipate all possibilities by always building
the thoughts or mindset of subordinates in an open, straightforward manner and accepting all
changes. In fact, anything can happen at any time and can quickly change people's mindsets,
especially in the current state of technology and information that can quickly change and
influence people's thinking. At that point a strategic leader will be able to anticipate it quickly
by always providing content and changing the mindset of his subordinates.
Second, always provide inspiration.A strategic leader must always be an inspiration in
various ways. Leaders, in fact, must be uswah (examples) in the daily lives of their members.
What the leader does and does will be followed by all his subordinates. Leaders who are not
authoritarian will cause conflicts which will eventually become the beginning of a conflict
with their subordinates. And even subordinates will find it difficult to follow the changes
brought by leaders who are not able to provide inspiration.
In this context, the leader is an agent of social change, namely an agent of change, an
agent who is able to inspire change in a good direction, Kasali said that change will invite
others, see and motivate them to keep moving. A leader who always inspires his subordinates
will create great motivation and self-confidence in his members in the face of the large
current of change that continues to occur.
Third, Maintain flexibility. A strategic leader must be able to maintain the work
flexibility of his subordinates by preparing all the needs of his subordinates. Kasali explained
that in order to reduce or minimize resistance to change, leaders need to prepare resources.
All needs, both facilities and infrastructure, facilities for doing work as well as the
needs and rights of subordinates must be provided. If these rights are not given quickly, then
conflicts will immediately start between the bottom and the leadership of the organization.
Leaders who have a high attitude of flexibility will be able to maintain their organization
creating calm and ease of work for members, at that point conflicts will not occur and change
will be followed with full motivation.
Fourth Empower all individual groups. Strategic leadership will empower the group
to do what is best for the organization. Everyone in the organization will be given the
opportunity and be involved in planning and implementing organizational programs and
providing opportunities for them to evaluate and make decisions together. Conflicts occur
because individuals or groups of people are not involved in the various work programs of the
organization. And some groups refuse to change because they feel left out and are not given
the opportunity to do the same thing with other groups in the same organization.
Strategic leaders must apply the principle of equality to their subordinates, involving
them in various organizational programs will create a sense of belonging to all groups in the
Vol. 3, No. 10, 2022
[ The Role of Strategic Leadership in Managing Conflict and
Resistance to Change at APIPSU Medan Private High School]
969|Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul
Nasution, Abdul Salam Nasution
The role of Strategic Leadership in Handling Conflict in perspective can be carried
out in five steps, namely: Avoiding, dismiss the issue, Accommodating, Competition,
Compromise or Negotiation, Problem Solving or Collaboration. The role of Strategic
Leadership in dealing with resistance to change can be done by; Education and
communication, Participation, Facilitation and support, Manipulation, Co-optation, Selecting
people who accept change, Coercion. Besides that, there areThere are several
recommendations for what leaders can do in the context of strategic leadership, namely: First,
Anticipating all possibilities, Second, Always inspiring, Third, Maintaining flexibility and
Fourth, Empowering all individual groups.
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Copyright holders:
Inom Nasution, Suwandi, Muhammad Akhir, Asrul Nasution, Abdul Salam
Nasution (2022)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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