Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Raihan Febian Bahy1, Muhammad Faris Ruriawan2, Yudha Purwanto3

123 Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3



Cryptography, Base64, MD5, Validation



The physical form of documents has changed a lot, previously documents can only be used if they have been printed, now documents can also be used in digital form only. However, along with the change in the physical form of the document, it also does not close the crimes that occur, such as falsifying documents, especially in the ratification or signing section. The digital document validation process combines digital document signing techniques with cryptographic algorithms, the cryptographic algorithm used is the Base64 algorithm. By combining the Base64 cryptographic algorithm and MD5 hashing, it is hoped that a method will be created to validate secure digital documents while maintaining the C.I.A (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) aspects in the world of cryptography. Henceforth, the result of this final project is the creation of a digital platform or website that functions to validate digital documents by combining Base64 cryptographic techniques and MD5 hashing algorithms as data security protection. This document validation application has features such as user management, input, edit, delete, and the main features of document validation with a success rate of 100% from black box testing and white box testing. As for the performance test, the fastest time is when the system deletes data, with an average time of 0.14s, while the longest time is when the system updates data, with an average time of 0.70s



The prolonged Covid-19 pandemic forces every individual to minimize physical contact with other individuals to reduce the spread. The impact of this restriction is the paralysis of all operational activities from all fields (Johassan, n.d.). All service-based activities such as public services cannot be carried out face-to-face. To maintain existence and complete paralysis, all institutions have begun to switch their operational systems from offline to online (Yuniati & Sidiq, 2020). Due to this pandemic, important activities in the service world such as document validation are also affected. As we also know that this activity is an important process in the service world, because documents are an important tool if we want to make transactions in the serviceworld (Mahrup, 2022).

With the change in this service system, the potential for criminal acts such as document forgery, signature forgery, and various other crimes related to a document is high. Therefore, we need a way so that the document validation process, especially digital documents cannot be falsified. For example, by combining the document validation process with cryptographic techniques, cryptography is a solution to data security problems (Fikriyah, 2011).

Therefore, this research is focused on the design and creation of web-based applications that can be used to validate digital documents by combining the validation process and encrypted cryptographic techniques, as a solution to the secure digital document validation process


In 2008 Budi Maryanto did a research to describes a one- way hash function to encrypt data (Maryanto, 2008). Some examples of one-way hash functions are MD2, MD4, MD4, SHA, RIPMEND, and WHIRLPOOL. The hash function is a common hash function that is often used. Its use also varies depending on the needs and objectives of the application made. An example is MD5 which is often used for the login system of an application (Huda & Kom, 2019). Later in 2012, Saipul Bahri, Diana, and Susan Dian PS explained about data security using MD5 cryptographic techniques (Bahri, Diana, & Dian PS, 2012). This study aims to make data owners to secure their data easier without having to know the queries that need to be typed or run by using MD5 encryption.

Next is from Ahir Yugo Nugroho research in 2015 (Nugroho, 2017). This study discusses the use of the Base64 algorithm in making text data security applications. In this study, it is explained that Base64 is an algorithm that is flexible enough to be used as an application algorithm, especially applications related to data security. Next is from Rachmat Suryadithia research in 2013 (Suryadithia, 2013). This study discuss what factors are the benchmarks in the use of QR Codes in the era of digitalization as it�s today. Wijaya and Rahmat (Wijaya, 2012) did research on Base64 algorithm. This research discusses about making an application that is used to encode and decode using the Base64 algorithm as the algorithm used to perform the encode and decode process.

In this research, we will combine the validation process and encrypted cryptographic technique. In our implementation, the validation was done by converting the data from the document using the MD5 hashing algorithm and save the data into database. The data from database could be converted to QR code and can be used to validate the document, by scanning the QR code. Basically, MD5 is a common hash that can be used on any cryptographic platform. MD5 have enough security to secure any encrypted string for further use. That�s why in this research use MD5 algorithm combined with QR Code to secure any inputted data from user (Fadhillah et al., 2022).



A.    Design System

This system is designed to input the document number along with the supporting data, the results of the inputted data will be displayed along with a QR Code for the validation process. For the document number that has been inputted, it will go through a hashing and encryption process, and then the results of the encryption will be.

Figure 1

Block Diagram

Converted into a QR Code form for the user to use in validation process. In our implementation, we used MD5 hashing and Base64 encoding.

The website is used as a platform to process document data input and validate digital documents, and as a medium for interaction between the user and the system. The Register/Login feature functions as user management when the user will process data input and document validation. The data input feature here functions to input the document number along with its supporting data which will be validated by the user.

The database functions as a storage for user input data that has been hashed and encrypted. The database here also functions as a storage list of users who have registered. The document validation feature serves as a feature to validate documents that have been entered by the user by utilizing the QR Code that has been created based on the document number entered by the user.

Figure 2

QR Code generated Input Data

The data list feature displays all the input results that have been inputted by users. In addition, the user can also save the results of the QR Code that has been created by the system. The QR code generated can be seen at Figure 2.

The validation function was done by scanning the QR code generated. In our implementation, the website, if opened in mobile apps or on a device with camera, could detect the QR code generated from a prior inputted document. In this case, if the document number and QR code matching the data on the database, the document was declared valid. However, if it was not matching any of the data on the database, the document was declared invalid, and further assessment for the document might be required.



Figure 3

A document is matching the database and declared valid


B.    White Box Testing

In this testing, all source code will be analyzed and seen, whether it is in accordance with the application logic and desired expectations. This test focuses on the performance and logic of MD5 hashing, Base64 encryption, and the validation process of documents that has been inputted by the user to check the suitability of the data. Therefore, it must be ensured whether the inputted data can be processed by the system logic or not.

Table 1

White Box Testing Input Data


Expected Results

Results Obtained

User opens input

data page from view data page

Input data page opens

Input data page opens

User fills the form on the input data


The forms on the input data page


The� �forms on the input data

page filled

User click the submit button

Inputted data will be stored in the database, document number is hashed with MD5 and encrypted with Base64 algorithm, then stored in the database and generated into a QR Code

Inputted data will be stored in the database, document number is hashed����� with MD5 and encrypted with Base64 algorithm, then store in the database and generated into a QR Code

User back to view data page

View data page opens

View data page opens


Table 1 shows the white box testing result from input data page. After the user click the submit button, the data will be stored in the database, while the document number data will be hashed with MD5 and encrypted with Base64. Then after that the encryption results will be stored in the database and generated into a QR Code

Table 2

�White Box Testing Documents Validation


Expected Results



User opens documents validation page from view data page

Documents validation page� opens

Documents validation page opens

� Scanner tab opens

Scanner tab can scan the QR Code

Scanner tab can scan the

QR Code

Document number form filled

Document number form filled with encrypted results from database

Document number form filled with encrypted results from database

User�� click� the submit button

The validation page opens and shows the validation results

The validation page opens and shows the validation



Table 2 shows the white box testing result from validate documents page. Users only need to scan the QR Code that was previously obtained, then the contents of the QR Code will be immediately filled in the document number form. Next, when user click the submit button, the application will move to a page that shows the validity of the scanned document.

C.    Black Box Testing

In this testing, all features in the application are tested and seen whether they are in accordance with their functions and can run as expected. This test focuses on the performance of each feature in the application, such as buttons, form fields, tables, and hyperlinks of a page. Therefore, it must be ensured whether all the features can run and can be used according to the instructions from the user.

Table 3

Black Box Testing Input Data


Expected Results

Results Obtained

Input document number

Can input document number

Document number form filled

Input document name

Can input document name

Document name form filled

Input document author name

Can input document author name

Document author name form filled

Input document author identity number

Can input document author identity number

Document author identity number form


Input document signer name

Can input document����������������� signer name

Document signer name form filled

�Signing date

�Can input



�document signing date

Signing date form filled

�Submit button

�Can input the document to

�Database and generate a QR


Inputted result stored in database and

new QR Code showed


Table 3 shows the black box testing result from input data page. Features such as document number form field, document name form field, author name form field, document author identity number form field, signer name form field, signing date dropdown, and submit button can execute all user commands. Therefore, the results of the black box testing on the register page can run smoothly and according to expectations, because the input results can be stored properly in the database.


Table 4

Black Box Testing Documents Validation


Expected Results

Results Obtained


Can scan the QR Code

Scanner�� has successfully

read the QR Code

�Input document number

Can input document number

Document number form filled


Expected Results

Results Obtained

Submit button

Can do document validation process

Validation result appears


Table 4 shows the black box testing result from the document validation page. Features such as scanner, document number form field, and submit button can execute all user commands. Therefore, the results of the black box testing on the validation page can run smoothly and according to expectations.

Based on all the test scenarios carried out using the black

Figure 4

Performance Test Input Data

box testing method, it can be concluded that this application has a 100% success rate, because every existing feature can work according to its functionality based on the testing carried out.

D.    Performance Test

This testing is used to test all the performance from each feature contained in the application. The unit used is (/s)


Figure 5

Performance Test Validate Document


Fig. 4 shows the performance test result from input data feature in this application. In this testing, the system was tested by inputting the data from 30 different documents into the system. The time was measured based on the time data was inputted to the generated QR data. Therefore, there are several processes here: querying the inputted data to the database, queried the data into the hashing algorithm, encode the hashed data to encoded form, and generate the unique QR code from the data. Based on the testing, there are several delays caused by the amount of data. The fastest time is 0.47s and the longest time is 0.99s. The average time is 0.70s.

Fig. 5 shows the performance test result from document validation feature in this application. In this testing, the system was tested by measuring the time it took from the QR code scan until the data was validated. Based on the figure, there were several delays due to the large number of validated data. In document validation, the fastest time is 0.46s and the longest time is 0.73s. The average time is 0.52s.

Figure 6

Performance Test Edit Data


Figure 6 shows the performance test result from edit data feature in this application. Based on the figure, there were several delays caused by the amount of data being updated. In edit data, the fastest time is 0.54s, and the longest time is 0.89s.

Figure 7 shows the performance test result from delete data feature in this application. Based on the figure, there are several delays. This is due to the large number of deleted data. In delete data the fastest time is 0.1s and the longest time is 0.2s. Based on these results, it can also be seen that the editing process data is the process that has the longest time, because the system must update the data in the database against the

Figure 7

Performance Test Delete Data


Data that was previously inputted by the user based on the results of user input on the data edit page. The last performance test is the performance test of delete data. This test has an average time of 0.14s to run the process. Based on these results, it can also be seen that the process of deleting data is a process that has the fastest time, because the system is only ordered to delete the data contained in the database.


Based on the results of all tests that has been done on this application, this application can run as expected without encountering a problem that cause the system or algorithm and logic in this application to fail. Based on white box and black box testing that has been done on this application, the test success rate reaches 100%, this result is obtained because every function, feature, and scenario in this application can run smoothly according to expectations and functionality. In performance test, delete data has the fastest time to process, with an average time of 0.14s, while editing data has the longest time to process, with an average time of 0.70s.


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Copyright holders:

Raihan Febian Bahy, Muhammad Faris Ruriawan, Yudha Purwanto (2022)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International