Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem |
, Muhammad iqbal
, Jamaludin
, Windawati Pinem
Medan State University, Indonesia
GL 4.0 application,
learning management
system, blended learning
The implementation of the e-learning teaching and learning process using
commercial media still has limited access and some focuses on the knowledge
aspect, so that it becomes an obstacle for teachers in assessing aspects of students'
attitudes and character. This article aims to describe the development of a blended
learning platform in order to develop students' readiness to use the internet as a
learning mode in the era of internet-based technology openness. The research
method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a case study
approach. Through the object of research teachers and students. Obtaining data by
observation, documentation study and focus group discussion were then analyzed
by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this
study indicate that there is user readiness in accessing the LMS platform through
optimal use of GL 4.0, the establishment of teachers presenting KBM planning in
virtual managerial has been achieved by being shown to be able to prepare and
upload learning resources (teaching materials and enrichment materials),
assessment of student achievement and interaction. and communication of
teachers with students or students with colleagues. GL 4.0 provides a space for
teacher creativity so that the learning space is facilitated properly and is fun for
students. Teachers in the maturity of mixed learning management between online
and offline (blended learning) are the main requirements to be able to carry out
these learning activities . The conclusion is that GL 4.0 is the platform of choice
for blended learning KBM adaptation in schools because the simplicity of the
platform makes it easy for users to complete media attributes or features that
facilitate the conditions for blended learning to take place.
Education has entered a new arena after exploring virtual activities in the
implementation of learning and is now starting to question the ideal of the transition period in
face-to-face, some say blended learning is based on a blend of online and offline and some
offer a total face-to-face and then rest the old digital internet facilities. , instead of being
consistent with the internet of everything with the argument that from era to era, humans will
develop their new organs, namely the internet. (Andira, 2021) .
Apart from that, the government has a major role in making policies that are effective
and target accuracy, this of course leads to the curriculum, strategies and achievements of the
teaching and learning process. It should be realized that in the education dimension, new
turmoil has emerged for all elements of the education system, starting from routine learning
activities that are usually carried out face-to-face, now turning to face-to-face or virtual. The
question is, is this because of the pandemic virus problem or because of the era of open
internet access, so education must adapt to a new thing called the industrial revolution 4.0.
Volume 3, Number 11, September 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 3 , No. 11 , 2022
[Using the Technical Teacher Application (Gl 4.0) in the Post
Pandemic ]
1046 | Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati
even post 4.0 signs have given a signal about the presence of 5.0. Of course this is a joint PR
for every element of education (Asha, 2021) .
In this paper, the author sees these two things as momentum that comes together as
the pandemic situation and the era of accelerating technological change are unavoidable
(Budianingsih & Kustiwi, 2022). The unpreparedness of all aspects of learning activities
becomes an obstacle in creating learning effectiveness, both offline and online. Especially at
the school level where online learning activities are new things that have been done since the
pandemic took place and this still tends to be incomplete in maximizing online learning. Of
course, the impact of the quality of education will decrease sharply along with limited
facilities and infrastructure. the lack of knowledge of teachers and students in understanding
the advantages of technology that is growing from day to day is increasingly felt and one of
them utilizes electronic books or digital books as a source of vehicle for student knowledge
and it is a part of offline learning (Prayetno, Jamaludin, & Pinem, 2022).
Research findings that discuss online learning readiness using web and android-based
LMS show changes in student achievement, teachers can easily manage digital classes to the
fullest, starting from communicating with students, presenting material for assessment.
teacher creativity can be implemented through a platform in the virtual world pedagogical
space (Khoiridah, Ferriswara, & Augustinah, 2020). Students have facilitated their study
space well and fun. Teachers in virtual maturity are the main requirement to be able to
organize distance learning activities, so that students can respond with the learning process
that has been prepared by the teacher to teach and learning activities effectively and optimally
(Prayetno et al., 2022).
The online learning process carried out at home has an impact on the quality of the
learning process, the assessment process, and graduates. Although online learning has been
carried out, problems still occur, for example, an educator is required to be able to master
LMS technology and social media to be able to innovate in learning, but from the other side,
the facilities and infrastructure that support learning must also be available properly, so that
the learning process runs as expected. . Students also experience boredom and longing for
meetings with teachers and their peers because on the emotional development side of
students, which leads to affective and psychomotor aspects, it is necessary to present direct
physical meetings.
The educational discourse tries to answer the changes that occur by seeking the
sustainability of the digital arena to become the main media in teaching and learning
activities, so that managerialism requires the principles of authority and collaboration. The
principle is that in order to be able to organize blended learning optimally, the authority in
question is that teachers and students have the independence in choosing and sorting teaching
materials (sources and materials), flexibility in learning time, the media used (synchronous
and asynchronous) (Pillai et al., 2021). Collaborative in the sense that to be able to carry out a
responsibility towards students, students are required to continue to interact and establish
communication with colleagues, teachers or tutors and other available learning resources. In
responding to these changes, educational institutions should have the determination and
motivation to build independence in seriousness and responsibility, integration and mutual
cooperation which ultimately can achieve the desired harmony towards mental readiness in
the aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills that are needed. efficient, productive and
competitive at the level of basic education to higher education (Jamaludin, 2020).
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Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem |
Several massive platforms are used in schools, both primary and tertiary levels, to
facilitate the development of students' affective and psychomotor values, which tend to be
unclear about learning outcomes and indicators of success. Whereas the character values of
students can be translated through these 2 important aspects, not only focusing on cognitive
aspects. So that the 3 aspects become a unified whole in shaping the character of the nation's
generation, it requires an ideal platform so that these important components are facilitated
through an educational platform that has meaning, value, and character (Prayetno et al.,
Offline and online learning or blended learning requires the readiness of authority and
collaboration from both parties involved, namely teachers and students. In addition, in the e-
learning-based learning process, students certainly need supporting facilities and
infrastructure so that learning can take place and have better learning quality (Rustiani,
2014). The most important thing in online learning activities is the use of online media in its
implementation. Based on the results of Sabran & Sabara's research, the use of new media is
an adaptive use because it is able to deliver a series of solutions in teaching and learning
methods. Online learning activities prioritize the use of online media in their implementation.
There are many platforms that can be used during online learning, such as google meet,
zoom, webex, and others. However, it turns out that not all schools are able to use the
existing online platform. Various reasons arise such as inadequate online facilities and
infrastructure in schools, and unsupportive human resources (Sabran & Sabara, 2019).
Several schools in the city of Medan have implemented distance learning (PJJ) which
should compare offline and online during the unfinished pandemic period, then the continuity
of learning activities continues by utilizing existing technology as a blended learning facility.
For students at the high school (SMA) level, the learning method used is the WhatsApp group
social media, learning management system with the Google Classroom platform (Rustiani,
2014). Through the WhatsApp group , the teachers provide instructions regarding learning
materials and assignments ( offline and online ). Assignments that have been given by the
teacher are done in each student's workbook offline . Usually the teachers will set a time for
submitting assignments to school. While students work on online assignments and collect
them directly through the platform that has been provided (Prayetno et al., 2022).
The author's assumption about the term offline learning does not mean total face-to-
face, but learning activities carried out outside the network, can use electronic books,
television, textbooks or other media that are not connected to the internet or offline. Likewise
with PJJ, distance learning is carried out the same as offline but still uses LMS or social
media as a means of interaction and communication between teachers and students.
Therefore, online, offline and PJJ learning requires application devices that can facilitate
student learning activities both online and offline ( blended learning ) (Zurika & Lainnya,
Based on these online and offline learning activities, it can be seen that the technology
used to support learning activities is still very limited. So we need a platform that will make it
easier for teachers and students in blended learning activities, in the era of digitalization,
teachers actually have the establishment of cyber pedagogy as knowledge and are able to
apply smart education that adheres to 4 cutting-edge technology references, then can be
tracked through the teacher's activities, because being a teacher in the digital era requires
competence in the field of pedagogical technology and learning content (Kemendikbud,
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[Using the Technical Teacher Application (Gl 4.0) in the Post
Pandemic ]
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The author seeks a learning management system platform that can answer the issue of
readiness and maturity in the era of blended learning, through a web and android-based
application with the name GL 4.0 created to facilitate empty spaces on commercial platforms
and massively used, the platform seeks to simplify and facilitate users both teachers and
students so that their use can run effectively and efficiently so that learning outcomes run
The type of research used is qualitative with a case study approach. This research
basically wants to see the application of the web and android-based GL 4.0 Application
platform at Gadjah Mada Private High School. During online learning activities switch to
offline with a blended learning approach, the school only uses whatsapp group applications
and commercial LMS in managing learning activities. As for what makes this research
interesting, the students of class X because in fact are students who are new to education at
the high school level, the new space for them requires readiness and maturity to be able to
follow the curriculum at that level of education. The GL 4.0 application is an LMS platform
that is equipped with features. The most significant difference is the presence of offline
feature loads that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, as well as a feature in measuring
the formation of character values for high school students, so that the role of the teacher
should be in shaping values. student character can only be done face-to-face total, through
this application can be facilitated. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case
study approach, so that the stages in conducting research are as follows: determining the
problem, design and research instruments, collecting data, analyzing data and presenting the
findings. The final result of this research is to interpret and draw conclusions on the research
results. Because this research method uses qualitative methods, after the data is obtained and
processed analytically using theories that have been used in previous research, or developing
a new theory (Creswell, 2009).
The results of direct observations made by researchers with the identification of
problems in the Gajah Mada private high school the use of online learning with LMS is a
routine learning activity that is adapting for its users , teachers and students. User
involvement is not only the main requirement in expertise and managerial teaching and
learning activities (KBM) but facilities and infrastructure in schools are tools that must be
facilitated so that online learning can run optimally. However, there is still a lack of
maximum achievement in student learning, seen from the maturity and skills of teachers in
preparing massive LMS media devices used either through Google Class or separate
interaction and communication media via WhatsApp. (Sabran & Sabara, 2019).
The analysis of these reasons for optimizing student learning achievement is due to
the use of LMS and WhatsApp that tend to be separate even though learning media with
learning interactions should be integrated and integrated in one complete component. The
teacher prepares the KBM planning from the beginning of the activity, the core and closing
are facilitated by the LMS but the interaction media is carried out separately via whatsapp.
This condition sometimes experiences problems due to different time levels and miss
communication between commands on WhatsApp and LMS media. This has an impact on
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Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem |
students being surprised by the implementation of learning so that students' motivation and
enthusiasm for learning are hampered by commands in interaction (Suryati et al., 2021).
Furthermore, the details of these problems appear in online learning activities where
in fact teachers and students experience digital stuttering technically and online space
management management which tends to have not been fully touched. Either by using
conventional platforms such as google met, zoom, webex, google classroom. This finding
concludes that human resources are one of the causes of inefficient online learning activities
for both teachers and students (Zurika & Lainnya, 2021).
The post-pandemic era of education 4.0 leads to how to design learning that involves
the attributes of the 21st century (digitalization) comprehensively. Teachers are forced to
have digital skills so that they can be applied to KBM, so that teacher skills in digital, data
and human literacy are important components that teachers must have in addition to
educating and teaching conventionally, but other components in the 4.0 education era are a
necessity that are the main requirements for teachers in technological advances and the era of
open access and information.
The situation and conditions of the current era, post-full online events, each school is
trying to make new adjustments to the start of the implementation of direct (offline) meeting
activities, but this is a new problem for the organizers, because of the new adaptation by
combining online/offline or online/offline . This learning is called blended learning by
combining both learning systems together with flexible time management. So that the
principles of learning shift to the conditions and situations that occur, but do not ignore the
theory of student learning outcomes.
Through the application of the GL 4.0 application with blended learning nuances
designed by researchers using Android and web-based internet digital media with simpler
principles and of course based on learning theory to be able to achieve achievements in
aspects of students' knowledge, attitudes and character. Of the 12 teachers who teach in class
X, several teachers quickly and easily become capable as users. With an average teacher age
of less than 50 years, this proves that the GL 4.0 application can be accessed with the
principle of simplicity and convenience. Starting from registration use, planning the
preparation of teaching and learning activities from learning resources (teaching materials
and enrichment materials), learning models to assessments. Meanwhile, class X students have
the ability and grasping power, the majority of which tend to be well-established because
students' habits in using smartphones are one of the supports in understanding of online
learning platforms.
The purpose of this blended learning learning platform technology was created in the
classroom walls of teachers and students as users, namely to facilitate the achievement of
student learning competencies and assist teachers in carrying out these achievements both
online and offline. Although there are obstacles that are often encountered, for example, some
students do not have smartphones and laptops to be able to study online. The level of
economic stability of students' parents is a logical reason for this. Likewise, schools that tend
to not support teacher skills in the use of digital pedagogy technology, schools and skilled
teachers are self-taught because there is no special training organized by the school.
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[Using the Technical Teacher Application (Gl 4.0) in the Post
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Figure 1. Flowchart of GL 4.0 platform
Source: researcher
The implementation of the use of the GL 4.0 platform describes several activity flows
starting from teacher and student registration, initial activities (attendance, prayer and
apperception), core activities (teaching material services and enrichment materials),
assessment/assessment (student learning experience and evaluation), closing ( strengthening
the teacher in the narrative of learning achievements and prayer) then continued with the
discourse of learning meetings.
Furthermore, it is uploaded and presented in the web-based GL 4.0 platform. provided
for teachers because they have complete tools in accessing data, uploading data and
downloading data. The device is equipped with student learning sheet project features, the
teacher can easily recap each activity starting from attendance, online duration of students in
using the application, student interaction and communication, student comments or responses
to each video (teacher greeting videos, material videos, video enrichment, closing video or
teacher narrative).
Teacher activities in using the GL 4.0 web-based application
by registering to fill out a complete teacher profile, creating class and class codes, uploading
student names so that attendance can be clicked by students, making teacher greeting videos
with a maximum duration of 5 minutes containing class opening, apperception and learning
agendas, video material prepared by the teacher in packaging the material that is described in
a simple way, a maximum of 10 minutes, enrichment videos that can be integrated with
YouTube or other online videos, videos of reinforcement or teacher narratives, namely videos
containing learning conclusions and material messages. which is oriented to the values of
students' attitudes and behavior.
The Android-based GL 4.0 platform offers several display features, ranging from
student registration features, attendance, prayer displays that have been presented
automatically by selecting religion and belief, video teacher greeting features, material source
features (material videos, pdf or word teaching materials, video enrichment), student stability
features (students present their learning experiences in written, audio or video form and there
are student practice questions), reinforcement features (teacher's video narrative contains
validation of material summaries and closes by connecting the material at the next meeting)
and the last feature is closed by prayer (Fassetta, Al-Masri, & Phipps, 2020).
Student activities in using the Android-based GL 4.0 application, namely,
downloading the GL 4.0 application on the playstore for free and then registering. After
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Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem |
registration, fill in the student's profile completely and then ask the class code from the
subject teacher to become a user . Then pay attention, listen and click on every command on
the platform. Students are asked to provide responses or responses from each session either
through typing on the platform but can also provide feedback in offline sessions (face to face
in class). The android-based platform is presented with rigidity and regularity, meaning that
students cannot skip or skip views, or duplicate smartphone screens. This application was
created so that it cannot be duplicated or ignored by opening other applications when the
operation of the Gl 4.0 application is in progress but it is done by students so they have to
start from the beginning, in that situation the teacher can see the history of student learning
activities (teacher-centered online learning control).
Figure 2. Workshop on Using the GL 4.0 Platform
Source: researcher
The results of the evaluation conducted by researchers on the readiness and
establishment of teachers and students as GL 4.0 users have weaknesses and strengths;
weaknesses include school facilities and infrastructure from supporting resources including
internet access devices and computers/smartphones that are not yet optimal, but on the plus
side, teachers and students have a good digital knowledge base, the introduction of web and
android-based LMS is easy to understand and implement. directly, the ability to be
independent to pursue learning media is often something that the teacher must master, the
teacher's awareness of lifelong learners can be seen in the enthusiasm and motivation to learn
in the use of the GL 4.0 platform. as well as students, online activities forge students'
mentality and seriousness in using smartphones as the main media for learning in the era of
digital technology advancements. However, on the issue of overall learning achievement
from the aspect of knowledge, attitudes and skills of students requiring direct assistance in
the assessment, the GL 4.0 application seeks to integrate online and offline into a unified
whole and cannot be separated, the role of the teacher cannot be replaced and represented by
the platform. The existing digital technology requires the active role of teachers in personal,
social, pedagogic and professional competence abilities.
Blended learning has become a learning trend after the pandemic and is supported by
massive technological developments used in every school, but some principles in learning
theory must still be studied and measured in student learning achievements, starting from
aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Combining a digital platform with a classroom
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[Using the Technical Teacher Application (Gl 4.0) in the Post
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wall is something new for teachers so that it requires readiness and skills in designing
teaching and learning activities, not only being proficient in using digital platforms but also
packaging the platform with optimal effectiveness and achievement of learning in class. GL
4.0 seeks to present features with complete blended learning facilities for both teachers and
students, while continuing to prioritize the principles of learning theory by building student
learning motivations, student interests and talents, student learning outcomes (knowledge,
attitudes and skills) and values. the value of meaningfulness so that the platform can be used
optimally in the process of teaching and learning activities. However, this is not only based
on the role of the teacher alone, the education delivery system must be able to respond by
supporting the implementation of policies, facilities and infrastructure, human resource
training based on pedagogy content learning technology, training in information-based
learning models and communication technology.
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Copyright holders:
Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem ( 2022 )
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0