[ Citizenship Learning Through Self Organized Learning
Environment on Students' Learning Styles]
Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah | http://devotion.greenvest.co.id
Borrowing ideas from Honey and Mumford's Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ)
about learning styles, there are 4 popular learning styles, namely theoretical, reflector,
pragmatic and activist. However, in this study, the tendency appears in the reflector style
because it is influenced by the student learning environment with existing policies and rules,
starting from the pre-pandemic, pandemic and post-pandemic environments then the birth of
the MBKM program policy. Students with three learning climate anomalies, namely pre-
pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic. This change has an impact on the learning styles of
2018 , 2019 and 2020 students Students feel that face-to-face learning in the classroom has a
significant difference compared to online learning. Transfer of knowledge conventionally
shifted to online learning, interaction and communication face-to-face or on screen with
internet technology media to be a surprise for students who underwent it at the beginning of
the adaptation, but the adjustment and alignment did not take long, students were quick and
responsive in responding to these changes. . Students with learning experiences and exploring
their knowledge directly synergize with reflector learning styles because students often
review what they have experienced or learning experiences and explore their critical and
analytical abilities related to actual and factual contexts . If you look at the learning
environment in the post-pandemic era by combining online and offline (blended learning)
lecturers and students in civics learning through self-organized learning environments, they
already have mature skills as users because the spirit of independence, collaboration and
seriousness is forged through pandemics and the development of information and
communication technology communication.
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