Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah |
Sri Yunita
, Jamaludin
, Feriyansyah
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
GL 4.0 application ,
Learning Management
System , Blended
Civics learning innovation in meeting the profile of future teacher candidates in
the cyber pedagogy space with Honey and Mumford's theoretical approach with 4
student learning styles, namely theoretical, reflector, pragmatic, and activist. This
study aims to describe civics learning in the 4.0 education era through a self-
organized learning environment on student learning styles in the PPKn
Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Medan. This study
uses a qualitative method, the informants are lecturers of Civics Innovation
courses at the PPKn Department of FIS Unimed; 2018 students, 2019 and 2020 as
well as PPKn learning content. Obtaining data by observation, documentation
study, and focus group discussion were then analyzed by data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that
student learning styles tend to show reflector characteristics because they are
influenced by the student learning environment with existing policies and rules,
starting from the pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic environments the
birth of the MBKM program policy. Students with three learning climate
anomalies, namely pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic, have an impact
on the learning styles of students who feel that face-to-face learning in the
classroom has a significant difference compared to online learning. Citizenship
learning in the 4.0 era requires readiness and establishment as users (lecturers and
students) on internet-based digital platforms. Civics content has experienced
significant development due to the influence of the era of fast-paced change,
access to information and communication goes hand in hand and is renewable in
sharing citizenship issues both on ethnicity, national and global scale.
Education is a conscious and planned effort in creating an atmosphere of learning ,
learning process and achievement . Based on Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System, Article 3 states that the purpose of national education is to
develop capabilities, shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in order to
educate the nation's life, develop the potential of students to become human beings who
believe and fear God. The Almighty, has noble character, is healthy, knowledgeable, capable,
creative, independent, and becomes a democratic and responsible citizen.
The national education system consists of educational components that are
interrelated and integrated to achieve national education goals. The synergistic components
consist of students, lecturers, curriculum, administration, learning support facilities, and
learning environment. Each of these components has an important role and function to
achieve the goals of education and learning.
The era of education 4.0 has seen a paradigm shift in learning. Learning is no longer
seen as a process of transferring knowledge from lecturers to students . But lecturers who
help students to learn by providing facilities and supportive situations so that students can
build concepts and understanding independently. students have a responsibility to learn,
Volume 3, Number 11, September 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ Citizenship Learning Through Self Organized Learning
Environment on Students' Learning Styles]
1055 |Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah
while teachers and lecturers have a responsibility to create learning situations that encourage
student initiative, motivation, and responsibility for lifelong learning.
One of the relevant learning design approaches applied online and offline at the
tertiary level is SOLE self-organized learning environments . SOLE learning is learning that
focuses on independent learning by utilizing media that is connected to the internet network.
In the context of learning on campus , SOLE learning can be used by lecturers in exploring
the depth of understanding of the material to students by utilizing the curiosity possessed by
these students based on the characteristics of their learning styles.
Self organized learning environments have a positive impact on students getting other
benefits besides increasing learning independence, namely: students are able to provide
independent learning experiences for students , train literacy in the use of computers
(internet), and train readiness in making presentations. That is, the SOLE Model can be
applied as a solution in learning in the digital era that is able to increase learning
independence (Firdaus, Pratiwi, Riyani, & Utomo, 2021) .
The SOLE learning model is a learning model designed to help lecturers encourage
students to develop their inner curiosity by conducting learning centered on students' needs
and styles . The components contained in student-centered learning are curiosity, cooperative,
self-organized, included, social, and facilitated by adult encouragement (Mitra, 2014).
the SOLE learning method research which is a new breakthrough is very helpful in
the learning process. Students become more enthusiastic and creative when the lecturer asks
questions. Lecturers are expected to be able to choose, determine, and use appropriate
learning models during online learning so that students don't get bored easily (Arum Putri
Rahayu, 2021).
Student-oriented learning is related to independent learning, student independence in
adapting to advances in theory and technology openly, implementation of distance learning,
e-learning, and so on are educational trends in the digital era. Independent learning in a
digital classroom or cyber pedagogy space aims to foster student independence in learning.
Independent learning is developed so that students are able to manage their own learning
process according to their learning style.
Learning style according to Cullingford states that knowledge about the
characteristics of students that most helps an educator in understanding students is learning
style (Cullingford, 1995) . In line with Dunn and Dunn, learning style is the way humans
begin to concentrate, absorb, process, and accommodate new and difficult information
(Prashnig, 2007) . Furthermore Pask defines learning style as knowledge about learning that
is associated with a consistent strategy that a person does in learning (Marjoribanks, 1996) .
If the learning styles of students and lecturers' teaching styles are appropriate, then
many positive things can be achieved optimally, such as a pleasant learning atmosphere,
increased student motivation and interest, and increased learning outcomes. On the other
hand, Davis revealed that if the learning styles of educators and students' learning styles are
not appropriate, it will make both parties dissatisfied and frustrated (Davis, 1988) .
In the digital space in the era of open access to information and communication,
student activities in their learning styles can be identified through involvement in
participating in virtual spaces, both through the LMS provided and the means of
communication used. According to Cushla Kapitzke, in the education dimension, which looks
at government policies in universities, namely the educational process in universities that
experience shocks under the influence of shifts in the order of social, economic, and
technological change in the era of disruption, in the post-industrial information technology
community. With the massive circulation of up-to-date information and communication
technology, which is a constitutive factor, it has an impact on the shift in educational
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Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah |
philosophical values and pedagogical dimensions that occur within the classroom walls
(Kapitzke, 2000) .
So in this study, referring to some of the literature arguments presented, the
researchers tried to describe how students' learning styles in an independent learning
environment in a virtual space. The stability of students in integrating the SELO strategy and
lecturers' skills in organizing virtual spaces in an independent learning environment are the
main focus studies in this research plan.
This study uses a qualitative approach by describing a phenomenon with language and
words using scientific methods (Moleong, 2014). Data collection techniques through
observation, interviews, FGD (focus group discussions) and documentation studies to obtain
data related to student learning styles in the virtual era through a self-organized environment
approach in the implementation of civic education learning at the Department of Pancasila
and Citizenship Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Medan.
Observations are made by observing facts that occur in the field related to the process of
implementing learning using a blend learning system (online and offline). Interviews were
conducted to find out how the self-organized learning environment approach can describe the
characteristics of students' learning styles. Informants in this study were lecturers who
support Civics learning innovations and lecturers in the field of expertise in education
midwives by conducting FGDs related to the problems studied. Documentation studies are
carried out by collecting data in the form of documents related to online and offline learning
activities as the readiness and maturity of students in the era of technological advances and
open access to information and communication as well as literature documents from relevant
research sources. The data analysis technique proposed by Miles and Hubermen consists of
three patterns, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing (Almanshur
& Ghony, 2016). The validity of the data is tested by triangulation , namely checking data or
information obtained through different sources such as comparing observations with
interviews or comparing observations with existing documents (Bachri, 2010) .
The research carried out in the early stages was by observing and conducting
interviews with lecturers in the PPKn department, especially the group of lecturers in the
field of expertise (KDBK) related to education. Civics learning innovation as one of the main
courses in the PPKn FIS UNIMED department , which has an important contribution in
achieving student graduates, with a comprehensive learning design that has been prepared
covering competencies: attitudes, knowledge and skills . However, from observations it was
found that the application of learning in the network or establishment as a user in a virtual
room in lecture activities in the Civics Department has taken place with a platform provided
by the university called SIPDA (online learning system) the LMS device for internet-based
learning activities and The website used is the principle of social constructionist pedagogy in
implementing an online learning system . Civics learning in the Civics Department in the
digital era requires careful preparation so that 3 aspects of learning outcomes can be carried
out properly, namely leading to issues and technological updates that are focused on the
internet. Seeing the era of digital establishment that is connected and communicates with
internet access, in this case the tendency has not been maximally applied to the Civics
Department, the learning design must be integrated and integrated in the 3 achievements so
that 6 student competencies are profiles of future teachers, namely communication,
collaboration, compassion, critical thinking, creative thinking, computational logic . Starting
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[ Citizenship Learning Through Self Organized Learning
Environment on Students' Learning Styles]
1057 |Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah
from the Internet of Things, IoT leads and races on the internet of everything IoE because the
agenda connects all lines of learning needs to self-organized learning environments from
data, processes and implementation of learning activities.
Civics learning innovations that should be implemented in an integrated manner
include: aspects of attitude, knowledge and skills achievement and trends in 21st century
educational competencies . Therefore, it is necessary to develop Civics learning innovations
in an integrated manner , Civics learning is designed with the aim of developing students'
knowledge by linking the concepts that exist in Civics science with 21st century educational
trends in the era of cyber pedagogy.
Self-organized learning environment or called SOLE is a learning model in an effort
to create independent learning in organizing itself in an organized learning environment. The
learning environment is designed based on situations and conditions that affect student
activities in daily life, one of which is the internet. So that the lecturer is able to read the
situation that is being experienced by the student activity by using it as an excuse for
managing the implementation of the teaching and learning process in an ideal classroom.
The student learning environment is projected in virtual or digital spaces, as
organizing independent learning in a digital environment is called educational activity 4.0 by
showing that the use of the internet and multimedia technology is able to overhaul the way of
delivering knowledge and can be an alternative to learning carried out in traditional
classrooms (Baym , Zhang, & Lin, 2004) .
The learning environment can affect student learning styles seen from the agenda on
campus, variations in academic activities as a space to facilitate student learning styles.
Learning styles through self-organized learning environments are designed to assist lecturers
in encouraging student learning motivations based on their inner curiosity by conducting
learning centered on student needs. The components contained in student-centered learning
are curiosity, cooperative, self-organized, included, social, and facilitated by adult
encouragement (Mitra, 2014).
Strengthened by the SOLE learning model which is a new breakthrough, it is very
helpful in the learning process. students become more enthusiastic and creative when the
lecturer asks questions. Lecturers are expected to be able to choose, determine, and use
appropriate learning models during online learning so that students do not get bored easily
(Arum Putri Rahayu, 2021) .
According to Honey and Mumford's theory, each individual student's learning style
has a tendency to use a specific part of the learning cycle as the main learning approach.
There are four types of learning styles, namely Activist, Reflector, Theoretical and Pragmatic.
And connected in stages when a person learns (Yunita & Tambunan, 2021) .
Post-test data shows an increase in students' learning of citizenship through a self-
organized learning environment in the cyber pedagogy space on student learning styles by
studying innovation and up-to-date content , learning and learning, 21st century education
4.0, cyber pedagogy, Civics learning models and ICT-based Civics learning innovation with
an approach to increasing student competence in preparing profiles of future teacher
candidates who are competent in the digitalization arena ; and the ability to put himself in
preparing the maturity of digital teacher candidates in realizing 6 competencies, namely,
Communication, Collaboration, Compassion, Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking,
Computation Logic to 29 6th semester students of the Department of Citizenship Education,
Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Medan, which became the test group in
developing Civics learning innovation books . This step was carried out in a virtual classroom
and interviews with 12 students who took part in the MBKM program by doing learning as a
treatment and then distributing post-test questions as an evaluation or measuring tool.
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Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah |
The results of interviews and observations in online and offline classes can be seen
the readiness and maturity of students who in fact will become future teacher candidates in
the era of digital technology, researchers conducted interviews with 12 students who
participated in the independent learning campus program placed in schools that incidentally is
requiring the involvement of students to observe and gain direct learning experiences. Civics
learning through self-organized learning environment research by combining student
learning styles with 4 strong characteristics, namely activist, reflector, theoretical and
pragmatic as well as student skills as future teacher candidates in the era of cyber pedagogy
by presenting 6 competencies of communication, collaboration, compassion, critical
thinking, creative thinking, computational logic c
Contribution to the development of Civics learning innovation books with 6
competencies or 21st century human skills in the era of cyber pedagogy by applying
communication, collaboration, compassion, critical thinking, creative thinking, computational
logic so as to prepare teachers in the future, the readiness of these provisions becomes
supporting skills in carry out innovations in schools both in preparing the learning flow to the
achievements in the profile of Pancasila students, especially in Civics subjects in schools at
the junior high/equivalent and high school/equivalent levels.
The rationality of learning civics based on information and technology-based
communication (ICT) is influenced by a change in the 21st century education paradigm,
namely the skills of prospective teachers in the framework for 21st century learning , namely
life and career skills, learning and innovation skills , information media and technology skills
(P21, 2007) . So that it can be seen the readiness and maturity of teachers with 4.0 character
(the era of cyber pedagogy) in the provision of their profession when educating and teaching
Borrowing Thomas Lickona's thoughts, there are three main elements in strengthening
the character of teachers 4.0 in the future in the era of cyber pedagogy , namely involving
knowledge (moral knowing), feelings (moral feeling), and action (moral action ) , then
inculcating habits (habituation) . When compared with the narrative of research results on 6
competencies and student learning styles, it can be concluded that the old habituation habit,
namely the teacher paradigm tends to be conventional , but the transformation of new
habituations that occur due to pandemic symptoms and technological/information
developments where educational activities are carried out online then there is interaction .
between teachers and students individually and in groups so that they can contribute
significantly in adjusting existing developments "adaptation of new routines" or post-
Borrowing thoughts from research conducted by (Hermann, Pentek, & Otto, 2016)
that the education of the day and the future that will be expected to be influenced by the four
design principles of Industry 4.0, the First, interconnection (connection) namely the ability of
machines, devices, sensors, and people who connect and communicate with each other via the
Internet of Things (IoT) or Internet of People (IoP). This principle requires collaboration,
security, as well as standards. Second, information transparency is the ability of information
systems to create virtual copies of the physical world by enriching digital models through
sensor data including data analysis and information provision. Third, technical assistance
which includes; (a) the ability of the assistance system to support people by consciously
combining and evaluating information to make informed decisions and solve urgent problems
in a short period of time; (b) the ability of the system to support people by performing tasks
that are unpleasant, overly exhausting, or unsafe; (c) includes visual and physical assistance.
Fourth, decentralized decisions which is the ability of virtual physical systems to make their
own decisions and carry out tasks as effectively as possible .
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[ Citizenship Learning Through Self Organized Learning
Environment on Students' Learning Styles]
1059 |Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah
In order to prepare students who have 21st century skills in the era of globalization as
future teacher candidates, they must get used to actively participating in interaction and
communication. Skills in utilizing information and communication technology are a necessity
for students who register their names as guests in the era of open access and information.
Demonstrate maturity of attitudes and skills in the form of action to respond to problems that
take turns in the era of disruption (change) that is unavoidable and inevitable. So how to
prepare the mentality to become a survival student, it is necessary to prepare independence
and collaboration skills with seriousness to become a mindset for students in the era of
To be able to survive in the face of this swift current of globalization, education 4.0
releases students as prospective teachers who really need soft skills and hard skills. The
opinion of Trilling And Fadel (Trilling & Fadel, 2009) explains that citizens in facing
challenges in the 21st century must have 3 (three) skills, namely: 1). Skills in innovation and
learning. 2). Digital literacy skills. 3). Life and career skills.
Judging by the phenomenon of education 4.0 in the era of blended learning, it requires
mental independence and collaboration so that the 6 competencies that are expected to be
able to carry out all aspects of life by paying attention to rights and obligations globally as
well. In general, the components of the nation's citizens must be able to place humans
according to their position. This means that humans must be able to position themselves
when it is time to become a citizen of the nation and when to become a global citizen
(Jamaludin et al., 2021) . So that students must realize that teachers have a responsibility to
educate and teach not only in the scope of schools, families and communities but in virtual
activities (ICT advancements) must be able to contribute and participate in utilizing them so
as to foster creativity and innovation.
The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the rapid development of information
and communication technology prompted the government to launch a program known as the
independent MBKM program to learn independent campuses with the aim of improving the
quality of students as agents of change through their experiences. One of the MBKM
programs is the Teaching Campus program. This program is a forum for students, especially
the 12 selected PPKn students to participate in the program who were used as sources of
informants in this study. This program has the aim of providing learning and learning
experiences outside of campus and applying the theories that have been obtained during the
lectures. The Teaching Campus Program invites students to assist in the development of
learning, especially to improve literacy and numeracy competencies, adapt technology,
actualize students' interests and potentials according to their field of study . According to
Dewi Kesuma Nasution, the birth of an independent learning regulation for the education
system provides an opportunity for educational institutions to develop educational patterns.
The most important thing that is considered real is the development of digital learning
(Henny Zurika Lubis et al., 2021) .
. The learning environment resulting from the policy made 12 PPKn students in
semester 5 who take part in the Campus Teaching program to find interesting experiences
related to the role of teachers in the use of technology. The results of the MBKM student
observations concluded that many teachers stuttered and lacked the use of technology. There
are still many teachers who do not understand how to use a computer or laptop as well as
those related to ICT. Even though the use of information technology in schools has many
benefits in the learning process, because with information technology students can see the
latest information and phenomena that occur at this time which are then linked to the subject
matter. Students can also use information technology as a medium in conveying information
so that students become motivated to learn and the teaching and learning process is not
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Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah |
monotonous . According to (Ahmad, Ilato, & Payu, 2020) . it can be said that the use of
information technology has an influence on students' interests and learning styles. So it can
be concluded that technology is very important today. Even though it is already in the new
normal era , technology should not be forgotten because its essence will always be attached.
In this case, the ability of students in the 4.0 education era requires having digital
literacy skills that can be developed in the world of service later after graduating to become a
bachelor of education. The campus becomes a laboratory for students to be printed into
profiles of future teachers who have character. These characters can be seen based on
learning styles whether they are theoretical, reflector, pragmatic and activist . According to
Ghufron and Risnawita that learning style is a consistent way of how students can capture a
stimulus or information and remember, think, and solve problems” (Ghufron and Risnawita,
2014) .
Based on Honey and Mumford's theory, Campus Teaching students tend to have a
reflector learning style character because students like to review what they have experienced.
Therefore, usually students like discussion, and have good questioning qualities. Students
with this learning style usually tend to be implementational of the previously obtained theory.
This is in line with one of the objectives of the Teaching Campus program, which is to apply
the theories that have been obtained during lectures in teaching and learning activities in
placement schools.
In contrast to students who are not involved in the experience of the MBKM program,
which incidentally is a final semester student, with the experience of teaching and learning
activities initially conventional (face to face) are forced to go online or online at the end of
semester 5 lectures (online). Students' perceptions spontaneously experience symptoms of
concern due to discomfort in online learning. According to Saragih, et al (2020) it was found
that students find it difficult to access technological devices such as: 1) not understanding
how to use interaction and communication tools (Video Conference), 2) network constraints
on learning media devices such as cellphone and laptop communication tools, and 3) power
outages that can stop the means of interaction and communication. But on the other hand, the
pandemic also has a positive impact on students because it facilitates learning activities, such
as: 1) learning activities do not have to meet in person in class 2) saving time for study
meetings, 3) saving student expenses, and 4) online learning. not limited by space and time.
Informants from semester 8 or final students who directly experience learning or
lecture activities both online and offline by experiencing three learning climate anomalies,
namely pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic. This change has an impact on the
learning styles of the 2018 class of students . Students feel that face-to-face learning in the
classroom has a significant difference compared to online learning. Transfer of knowledge
conventionally shifts to online learning, interactions in the classroom are carried out virtual
using internet technology or interaction and communication tools with the internet, which
becomes a stutter for students who undergo it at the beginning of the adaptation, but
adjustments and alignment do not take long, students are quick and responsive. in response to
these changes .
post-pandemic, learning is slowly re- adopting the conventional way. Although not as
before, the use of face-to-face learning has not been fully used. This phase resulted in a shift
in the learning space with a combination of conventional learning and online learning
(blended learning) . Hussin, Z et al (2015) explain Blended Learning or mixed learning,
namely the concept of learning with a combination of two elements, namely face-to-face
learning and online learning. Learning to use the internet is identical to online learning.
Responses from final semester students in the preparation of the final thesis.
Supervising lecturers with students conduct face-to-face and online guidance. Sometimes
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[ Citizenship Learning Through Self Organized Learning
Environment on Students' Learning Styles]
1061 |Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah
there are needs that must be met in person, such as proposal seminars and thesis court
hearings. It can also be done online, but the essence of what the lecturer conveys is easier to
understand with face-to-face conditions. The student experience was conveyed by the
proposal seminar that there were deficiencies where the examiner lecturer provided input on
the proposal results, sometimes it was not understandable due to network disturbances.
Besides, seminar activities can be recorded online, but not all lecturers' voices from the
recordings can be heard properly.
When looking for the advantages of both learning with a managerial learning
environment in a self-organized learning environment (sole) , which one is effective and
efficient. students prefer and tend to be guided learning because in certain cases face-to-face (
conventional ) is a necessity that cannot be replaced by technological media, for example the
mentoring process, be it academic consultations, proposals as well as research and lecture
practices such as micro teaching, learning model practices, PLP and KKN because with direct
meetings students build emotional relationships so that they can absorb messages about
meaning and value. However, in online activities, students feel quite optimal by utilizing
existing digital facilities. Unimed has provided a second space both online and offline, online
tools through LMS sipda have been massively used by students and lecturers as a learning
management system and offline activities are made policies while still respecting the
procedures and rules of lecture rules on campus. In line with what research is doing
(Anggrawan, 2019) Regarding the analysis of learning outcomes from face-to-face learning
with online learning, it was found that students with auditory and visual learning styles (face
to face) were more dominant than students with face-to-face learning models.
At the end of the semester students tend to reflector learning styles and theoretical
learning styles. This is because the student has a learning experience in class analyzing
material or lessons or when faced with a group discussion, here students collect various
points of view and then finally make a decision. However, it is possible that theoretical
learning styles are used because they are combined with reflector learning styles. Because
there is a tendency for students The teacher implements a theoretical learning style in
classroom learning activities with discussion, analyzing and finding the gifts of
argumentative theory . But at a certain point students are found in the real world ( scientific
practice ). students reflect back and open the experience of the theory that has been learned so
that they try to apply their understanding, in this case categorized on the characteristics of the
reflector style.
When reviewing the student learning environment and how the pattern of student self-
management in this digitalization era with all its activities , it is always side by side with
access to access, upload and download and other things that support the learning process and
results. So all student routines are required to master technology in accordance with
educational needs that experience innovation and trends in field competencies in 21st century
education. Modified education according to future knowledge needs that accompanies
learning material facilities that are designed authentically with this is education in the 21st
century in developing a framework that requires students to play a role and become actors
who are engaged in improving the welfare of the nation by serving as a national development
forum that gives birth to intelligent, humanist and noble people with skills, knowledge and
abilities in the field of technology, media and information, learning and innovation skills and
life and career skills.
As a student , this situation and condition is not an ordinary thing or just a discourse
to realize educational progress in improving the standard of living, but rather as a goal to be
able to realize the development of a framework in the 21st century for real because students
must be aware of their future with all the skills they have prepared, especially prospective
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Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah |
students. teacher who educates and teaches . The momentum that comes along with the
pandemic and the era of accelerating technological change is unavoidable. The
unpreparedness of all aspects of learning activities becomes an obstacle in creating learning
effectiveness, both offline and online. Especially in online teaching and learning activities,
this is something that has just been done since the pandemic took place and this still tends to
be incomplete in maximizing online learning. Of course, the impact of the quality of
education will decrease sharply along with limited facilities and infrastructure. The lack of
knowledge in understanding the advantages of technology that is growing is increasingly felt
and one of them is utilizing electronic books or digital books as a source of vehicle for
student knowledge and it is a part of online and offline learning (Jamaludin, 2020) .
Broadly speaking, this study describes the construction of a student learning style
approach in the 4.0 education era which packs blended learning with a self-organized
learning environment. of data, processes and implementation of learning activities . With
student informants majoring in PPKn Stambuk 2018, 2019 and 2020 in general, they have the
ability to reflect on learning styles where the knowledge taught by lecturers is theoretically
obtained by students and is realized in good practice according to the demands of the KKNI
task which includes routine assignments, critical book reviews, critical journals. review, idea
engineering, research and project work can make students realize knowledge in the field , be
it PLP and KKN activities as well as the MBKM Government Program in Campus Teaching
activities which become a forum for equipping students to know how the reality in the
workplace is to become a teacher . educate and teach with their profession.
In the pre-pandemic period, 2018 students felt normal learning conditions with face-
to-face conventional systems. The tendency of student learning styles during the pre-
pandemic period led to reflectors and theories. This is because in face-to-face learning
situations, it is easier to reason and get information through observation, listening and small
discussions with friends in two directions. Likewise, it is possible, in supporting learning ,
students tend to analyze information based on more rational and objective theories. The
tendency of students ' learning styles to be reflectors and theoretical actually did not find so
many obstacles when adjusting to learning styles during the pandemic. This is because during
the pandemic, Medan State University has implemented a free learning policy. The
independent learning program provides flexibility for the teaching system that has been
dogmatic for learning in the classroom is now open outside the classroom. The program
certainly supports the implementation of education during the pandemic and provides
opportunities for students to explore their critical and analytical skills related to actual and
factual contexts .
The pandemic period has sent students to limit their space so that the most widely
practiced learning activity is reading and the enthusiasm for discussion with colleagues is
limited to face-to-face so that these situations and conditions support theoretical learning
styles , some of the obstacles that students feel when freely seeking policy information
independent learning during the pandemic because some students have difficulty
understanding the correct information and sometimes require verification from the lecturer in
the midst of limited interaction .
Post-pandemic or post-pandemic, Medan State University has tried to hold face-to-
face learning again. However, the concept is collaborated between face-to-face and virtual
meetings in turns (blended learning) . Students feel learning conditions like this are better
than the previous learning conditions. Because it can minimize the bad impact of online
learning for students, one of them is reducing the misalignment of learning styles with
learning conditions. Students again get space in exploring information that can only be
obtained in their interactions in the community. Furthermore, it triggers the adaptation of
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[ Citizenship Learning Through Self Organized Learning
Environment on Students' Learning Styles]
1063 |Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah
national education to a more modern education system. It is undeniable that education during
a pandemic is actually a picture of future education. Seeing the shortcomings of the
implementation of education during the pandemic has an impact on students' difficulties in
adjusting their learning styles .
Emerging a new era of augmented reality technology that allows individuals to
interact with other individuals virtually so that it can give birth to a unique experience. For
example , in experience-based education, it is certainly not enough to just see and read but
also feel, meaning that learning will be better when there is a direct or simulated learning
experience process. The learning experiences gained through the era of open access and
information in the cyber pedagogy space can help students develop soft skills and better self-
perception thanks to simulations and authentic reasoning (practice).
Students need to be made aware of the presence of the 4.0 education era so that self-
organized learning environments can support maturity and skills in soft skills and hard skills.
It is hoped that in supporting the realization of future teacher profiles in 21st century
education , namely by developing 6 competencies of communication, collaboration, critical
thinking, citizenship , creativity, and character . From data literacy, technology literacy and
human literacy. Soft setup skills and hard skills with the implementation of the independent
learning curriculum with one of the student exchange programs is actually one of the ways
that the Medan State University has done in welcoming an era that continues to develop. The
end result of implementing education 4.0 , namely developing soft skills and better self-
perception, is actually in line with the motto of Medan State University "The Character
Building University". Students are agents of change in addition to having knowledge, they
must have a qualified attitude character so that they can pass it on to society in the future. In
the era of revolution 4.0 and smart society 5.0, students will be able to answer demands in
carrying out changes for the better.
The identification of the reflector learning style for students by containing
characteristics known as good listeners, being careful , and especially in deciding or drawing
conclusions without rushing and taking full consideration so that it is very suitable for the
human figure of prospective teachers as teachers and educators who can become teachers and
educators. a humanist figure to his students who is able to patiently listen to the complaints,
or learning barriers of his students and provide learning that is in accordance with the needs
of his students (SCL). The hope is to create a sense of comfort in learning, especially with
feedback as the interaction between teachers and students , building a sense of belonging the
self- confidence of teachers and students becomes the embryo of the forerunner to achieving
a character learner profile .
Especially with teachers who contain learning materials with realities and examples of
problems that can support learning activities directly with the concept of role playing, it can
be done in the reflector learning style. Therefore, as prospective teachers, it is important to
know the learning styles of their students before designing learning so that the designed
learning can help students learn and develop competencies in accordance with the objectives
or learning flow. This is the initial capital for giving birth to Civics learning innovations after
understanding each student's learning style with the help of 21st century educational attribute
tools that can strengthen enthusiasm and up-to-date learning innovation . Seeking to
understand Civics learning more easily and simply and attractively requires teacher creativity
to be able to innovate in Civics learning so that by utilizing science and technology as a
positive side to educate the nation's life and deliver the gates of a noble level of human
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah |
Borrowing ideas from Honey and Mumford's Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ)
about learning styles, there are 4 popular learning styles, namely theoretical, reflector,
pragmatic and activist. However, in this study, the tendency appears in the reflector style
because it is influenced by the student learning environment with existing policies and rules,
starting from the pre-pandemic, pandemic and post-pandemic environments then the birth of
the MBKM program policy. Students with three learning climate anomalies, namely pre-
pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic. This change has an impact on the learning styles of
2018 , 2019 and 2020 students Students feel that face-to-face learning in the classroom has a
significant difference compared to online learning. Transfer of knowledge conventionally
shifted to online learning, interaction and communication face-to-face or on screen with
internet technology media to be a surprise for students who underwent it at the beginning of
the adaptation, but the adjustment and alignment did not take long, students were quick and
responsive in responding to these changes. . Students with learning experiences and exploring
their knowledge directly synergize with reflector learning styles because students often
review what they have experienced or learning experiences and explore their critical and
analytical abilities related to actual and factual contexts . If you look at the learning
environment in the post-pandemic era by combining online and offline (blended learning)
lecturers and students in civics learning through self-organized learning environments, they
already have mature skills as users because the spirit of independence, collaboration and
seriousness is forged through pandemics and the development of information and
communication technology communication.
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Copyright holders:
Sri Yunita, Jamaludin, Feriyansyah ( 2022 )
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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