Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti |
Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik
, Muhammad Maulizar
, Christina Dwi Astuti
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
muhammad0230[email protected]
, m.maulizar023[email protected]
Professionalism Index;
Quality of Public
Service; Achievements
of Strategic Goals;
This study aims to examine the effect of four dimensions of the SCA (Civil
Servant) Professionality Index on public service quality and the achievement of
strategic goals other than public service quality. The independent variables in this
study are educational qualification, competency, performance, and discipline.
Meanwhile, the dependent variables in this study are public service quality and the
achievement of strategic goals other than public service quality. The population in
this study is all of the work units in the State Civil Service Agency which are
located throughout Indonesia from 2020 to 2021. The type of data used is
secondary data, namely IP SCA calculation evaluation report and performance
report. The analytical model used in this study is a multiple linear regression
analysis using IBM Statistics 26. Based on the results of the analysis that has been
carried out, it can be concluded that competence and performance have a positive
effect on the quality of public services, while educational qualifications have a
positive effect on the achievement of non-public-service-quality strategic goals.
But, discipline does not affect the quality of public services and the achievement
of non-public-service-quality strategic goals. This research implies that civil
servants and government institutions must pay attention to educational
qualifications, competence, and performance because these 3 things affect
government performance.
In many aspects of human life since ancient times until now, public services have
never been separated and are closely related to the community, especially related to meeting
their needs. The provision of quality public services is a form of government commitment
that is mandated by law to carry out public services seriously in meeting the expectations and
needs of the community. Among all existing countries, Indonesia and many other countries
make public services as one of the criteria for determining the performance of the
implementation/administration of the state related to the duties of functions in accordance
with the law (Suryani, 2021) . The declining quality of public services will directly harm the
community/public because it causes the services provided to be convoluted, expensive, slow,
not guaranteed, the process is not transparent, and so on (Sedayu, nd) .
Until now, the people regret that there are still many unsatisfactory public services
ranging from time, employee attitudes, service quality, extortion, and so on. In addition, in
several government agencies providing public services, it is still found the practice of KKN
(collusion, corruption, and nepotism) (Schlesinger, 1990). The practice of KKN like this will
certainly have an impact on the operational performance of the government agency so that in
the end it causes the community to not be able to get optimal services. Public services are
Volume 3, Number 11, September 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ The Effect of the Professionality of the State Civil Apparatuson the
Achievement of Strategic Objectives]
1098 |Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar,
Christina Dwi Astuti
very likely to be carried out with deviations that override the proper service standards if there
are still corrupt practices in them. The forms of misappropriation of public services that are
still often encountered are agencies that do not carry out services, long-winded service
suspensions, not according to service SOPs, favoritism to certain groups/classes, abuse of
office authority, requests for bribes and discriminatory treatment (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, &
Berry, 1988).
Optimizing public services is a homework that must be completed by the organizers
in every situation and condition that can quickly change. Public service providers are required
to be able to adapt appropriately and quickly under any conditions so that public service users
do not have trouble when they need services that should be provided by the state in order to
improve people's welfare. The development of the quality of public services must be
accompanied by the addition of SCA competencies (Organization, 2019). Professional and
competent SCA in providing services to stakeholders is very much needed in relation to
achieving national goals as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, one of which is to
create a prosperous society or nation. To create a professional and quality public service, a
professional SCA is also needed (Mattis, 2018).
According to the Regulation of the State Civil Service Agency Number 8 of 2019
concerning Guidelines for Procedures and Implementation of the Measurement of the SCA
Professional Index, professionalism means the level of quality/quality of a member in a
particular profession who also demonstrates his ability and knowledge in carrying out tasks
related to his profession in accordance with the specified provisions. in the professional group
(Lazzarato, 2009). In this bandage, it is stated that the degree of professionalism of SCA can
be assessed through the dimensions of educational qualification, competence, performance,
and discipline. The higher the score obtained by an SCA in each dimension indicates that the
level of professionalism of the SCA is also higher. In Article 3 of the Bandage, it is stated
that the results of the calculation of the SCA Professionality Index (IP) can be used as an
instrument of social control for people who are recipients of public services so that civil
servants always behave professionally, especially when providing/delivering services to the
public (Hendrawardani, 2020).
The level of quality of public services can be measured by the degree of community
satisfaction with these services. The measurement of the Community Satisfaction Survey
(SKM) is a form of people's involvement in measuring the level of quality of public services
where the results can later be used by the organizing institution as the basis for determining
policies related to steps to improve services to the public. Based on the Regulation of the
Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Number 14 of 2017,
a survey of public satisfaction with the services provided needs to be carried out on an
ongoing basis so that it can become the basis for agencies in improving innovation and the
quality of their public services (Gordon, 1996).
Government agencies other than as public service providers that must develop or
improve the quality of services to the people, also have an obligation to carry out all the
duties and functions assigned to them. Each government agency, based on Presidential
Regulation Number 29 of 2014 concerning the Performance Accountability System for
Government Agencies, is required to measure the performance of its agency by comparing
the realization of performance with the performance targets (targets) that have been set before
the current year. At the beginning of 2017, the Minister of PAN RB stated that there were at
least 425 government agencies in Indonesia with poor performance (source: The poor performance of government agencies can certainly
lead to the possibility of a large waste of the state budget because the existing budget will be
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Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti |
used for unproductive activities (Desa & Transmigrasi, 2014). Therefore, it is important for
every government agency to be able to optimize its performance by maximizing the
realization of each target/target that has been set so that every rupiah of the budget used can
be accounted for and the benefits are felt directly by the community (Davis, Schoorman, &
Donaldson, 1997).
Many factors can affect the performance of a government agency, especially related
to the quality of public services provided and the achievement of organizational goals/targets.
Good governance, the amount of remuneration, the influence of the leadership, and the level
of professionalism of employees are factors that can influence it all. According to the results
of research conducted (Dariansyah, 2018), leadership and apparatus competence have a
positive influence on the quality of public services. This explains that the better leadership
and competence of employees makes the quality of public services also better. Likewise with
the results of research conducted (Breitbarth & Harris, 2008) where employee integrity and
work professionalism have a significant influence on the quality of public services. Then in
relation to the performance of government agencies, the research conducted (Bebbington &
Unerman, 2018) resulted in the conclusion that professionalism has an influence on the
performance of government agencies. However, the results of the three studies contradict
research (Amin, 2020) which states that the level of education and educational background of
the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (which is also part of the State Civil
Apparatus) has no effect on the performance of the institution.
The quality of public services and the achievement of organizational targets/targets
which are indicators of the good/bad performance of a government agency have always been
a concern of the community because of course the community wants every rupiah spent by
the government to be accounted for and can provide real benefits. So, it is important for the
leaders and employees of SCA government agencies as public service providers who are
annually provided with APBN funds sourced from tax payments to be able to continue to
evaluate and improve their performance in order to improve the welfare of the community. IP
SCA whose measurement uses the four dimensions previously mentioned is a new tool used
to measure the quality of a person/group of SCA so it is also interesting to study, especially
regarding its influence on the quality of public services held and the achievement of
organizational targets/targets (Amalia, 2017).
In accordance with Law Number 5 of 2014, one of the duties and functions of the
SCA is to provide public services, so in this study, the strategic objectives of public service
quality and non-public service quality will be separated so that later it can be seen a more
specific relationship between independent variables and variables. quality of public services.
This study takes the object of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) with an analysis unit of
all work units at the head office and all work units throughout Indonesia in 2020 to 2021.
BKN is one of the government agencies (LPNK) which is also a service provider unit. public
especially in the field of SCA Management. Based on the SCA Law, BKN has the function of
fostering and administering SCA Management, storing information for SCA Employees, and
holding responsibilities related to the management and development of the SCA Information
System. The National Civil Service Agency was chosen as the object of research because as
the initiator of measuring the level of professionalism of SCA nationally, BKN also measures
IP SCA on its internal employees, so it is interesting to examine how the measurement results
of IP SCA affect the variables mentioned. This study aims to prove whether the four
dimensions of IP SCA really affect the quality of public services and the achievement of
strategic goals set by the work unit .
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ The Effect of the Professionality of the State Civil Apparatuson the
Achievement of Strategic Objectives]
1100 |Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar,
Christina Dwi Astuti
The main purpose of this research is hypothesis testing or testing the accuracy of the
hypothesis by collecting, processing, and analyzing data. Hypothesis testing is carried out to
obtain empirical evidence whether there is an influence on each IP SCA dimension consisting
of educational qualifications, competencies, performance, and discipline on the quality of
public services provided and the achievement of other strategic goals in a government
agency, namely the State Civil Service Agency. . This study uses an influence test approach,
namely to prove whether the independent/independent variable has an effect on the
dependent/dependent variable being tested and how it affects it. The final result of this
research is the conclusion regarding the acceptance or rejection of the formulated hypothesis
(Arikunto, 2019).
The unit of analysis tested in this study is all work units at the State Civil Service
Agency in 2020 to 2021. The research can only be carried out for a two-year period because
the SCA Professionality Index instrument itself has only just been set by the end of 2018 and
its measurement guidelines only released in mid 2019.
The data used in this study is secondary data consisting of the Evaluation Result
Report (LHE) of IP SCA Calculation and Performance Reports of all work units/work units
within the State Civil Service Agency. LHE IP SCA calculations are obtained from the BKN
Human Resources Bureau, which is the personnel management unit at BKN, while the
Performance Report is obtained from the BKN Planning and Organization Bureau, which is
in charge of preparing performance reports within BKN.
This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with the help of the IBM SPSS
Statistics 26 application to determine the effect of each independent variable (educational
qualification, competence, performance, and discipline) on the dependent variable (quality of
public services and achievement of non-quality strategic goals). public service). The tests
carried out included descriptive statistical tests, classical assumption tests (data normality
test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, and heteroscedasticity test), and hypothesis
testing (multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination test, F test, and t test).
Descriptive statistics
In this test will be discussed about the description or description of the existing data starting
from the amount of data used in this study as well as the results of processing other
descriptive statistical data from all the variables studied.
Table 2
Descriptive statistics
Educational Qualifications
Quality of Public Service
Achievement of Strategic Goals of
Non-Quality of Public Services
Source: processed data (2022)
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti |
Based on table 2 above, it can be seen that the standard deviation value is smaller than
the average value for all variables, so it can be said that in each variable the data is
homogeneous, which means the data is accurate.
Classic Assumption Test Results
Data Normality Test
Table 3
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) One Sample Normality Test Results
First Data (Quality of Public Service)
asymp. Sig.
Second Data (Achievement of Non-Quality Public Service
Strategic Goals
asymp. Sig.
Based on table 3 above, the significance values are 0.200 and 0.051 (greater than
0.05). So it can be taken a decision that the research data is normally distributed.
Multicollinearity Test
Table 4
Multicollinearity Test
Collinearity Statistics
Educational Qualifications
There is no multicollinearity
There is no multicollinearity
There is no multicollinearity
There is no multicollinearity
Based on the results of the multicollinearity test in table 4 above, it can be concluded
that all the independent variables in this study had a VIF value below 10 so that there were no
symptoms of multicollinearity between each of these variables.
Autocorrelation Test
Table 5
Autocorrelation Test
Durbin Watson
DU value
First Data
Runs Test
Second Data
There is no autocorrelation
Based on the results of the autocorrelation test in table 5 above, the Durbin Watson
(DW) value in the first data was 1.680 which was then compared with the DU value in the
DW table (α=5%) of 1.7478 (k=4, n=86) , as well as the DL value of 1.5536, the DW value is
between DL and DU so that it cannot be concluded with certainty whether autocorrelation
symptoms occur or not. To ensure that there are symptoms of autocorrelation or not on
variable data, it is necessary to run a test . While in the second data, the DW value is 1.988,
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ The Effect of the Professionality of the State Civil Apparatuson the
Achievement of Strategic Objectives]
1102 |Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar,
Christina Dwi Astuti
the DU value in the DW table (α=5%) is 1.7478 (k=4, n=86), and the 4-DU value is (2.2522)
so that the data Second, it can be concluded that there is no autocorrelation because DU <
DW < 4-DU.
Table 6
Test Runs Test
Unstandardized Residual
Test Value
Cases < Test Value
Cases >= Test Value
Total Cases
Number of Runs
asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on table 6 above, the results of the Runs Test with the Asymp value were
obtained. Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.515, greater than 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is no
autocorrelation symptom.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Here are the results of the scatterplot test :
Figure 2
Scatterplot Test Results
From the picture above, it can be seen that the data points spread at the top and
bottom or around zero, do not gather in only one part, do not form a wavy pattern, and the
spread of the points does not form a certain pattern. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
regression model in this study does not have heteroscedasticity and is feasible to be used in
this study.
Hypothesis testing
Table 7
Hypothesis Test Results
Multiple Linear Regression Model
KPP = a + b
+ b
+ b
Knj + b
Dsp + e
Prediction Direction
Unstandardized Coefficients (B)
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti |
Adjusted R
F Uji test
Multiple Linear Regression Model
PSS NKPP = a + b1 KP + b2 Kmp + b3 Knj + b4 Dsp + e
Prediction Direction
Unstandardized Coefficients (B)
Adjusted R
F Uji test
Regression Model Equation
Based on the results of the calculation of the linear regression analysis of the research in the
table above, it can be made a linear regression equation as follows:
Model 1
KPP = 40,649 + 0,102 KP + 0,225 Kmp + 0,545 Knj + 4,554 Dsp
Model 2
PSS NKPP = 114.384 + 0.755 KP + 0.022 Kmp + 0.018 Knj - 5,462 Dsp
Quality of Public Service
Achievement of Strategic Goals of Non-Quality of Public
Educational Qualifications
Residual variable / error
Coefficient of Determination Test (R
above, it can be seen that the value of the first Adjusted R2 is 0.162, which means that
16.2% of the variation of the public service quality variable can be explained by educational
qualifications, competence, performance, and discipline. Meanwhile, the remaining 83.8% is
explained by other variables outside the regression model. The
Adjusted R2 value is
0.173, which means that the capability of educational qualifications, competence,
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ The Effect of the Professionality of the State Civil Apparatuson the
Achievement of Strategic Objectives]
1104 |Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar,
Christina Dwi Astuti
performance, and discipline simultaneously on the achievement of the Non-Quality Public
Service Strategic Goals is 17.3% while the remaining 82.7% is explained by variables outside
the model. regression.
F Uji test
The results of the F test analysis listed in table 7 show that the significance values are 0.001
and 0.001 with a significance level of 5% or 0.05. So it can be concluded that the two values
of statistical significance are less than 0.05, meaning that both regression models are
appropriate to be used to predict the quality of public services and the achievement of
strategic goals of non-quality of public services. Educational qualifications, competence,
performance, and discipline together have an influence on the quality of public services and
the achievement of strategic goals of non-quality of public services.
t test
Based on the test results contained in table 7, the following decisions can be taken:
1. The variable of educational qualification on the quality of public services has a
significance of 0.527 (> 0.05) with a coefficient of 0.102. So, the hypothesis is rejected,
the educational qualification variable has no effect on the quality of public services.
2. The competence variable on the quality of public services has a significance of 0.004
(<0.05) with a coefficient of 0.225. So, the hypothesis is accepted, the competence
variable has a positive effect on the quality of public services.
3. The performance variable on the quality of public services has a significance of 0.049
(<0.05) with a coefficient of 0.545. So, the hypothesis is accepted, the performance
variable has a positive effect on the quality of public services.
4. The discipline variable on the quality of public services has a significance of 0.187 (>
0.05) with a coefficient of 4.554. So, the hypothesis is rejected, the discipline variable has
no effect on the quality of public services
5. The variable of educational qualification on the achievement of non-quality strategic
targets of public services has a significance of 0.000 (<0.05) with a coefficient of 0.775.
So, the hypothesis is accepted, the educational qualification variable has a positive effect
on the achievement of non-public service quality strategic goals
6. The competency variable on the achievement of non-quality strategic targets for public
services has a significance of 0.793 (>0.05) with a coefficient of 0.022. So, the hypothesis
is rejected, the competence variable has no effect on the achievement of the non-quality
strategic goals of public services
7. The performance variable on the achievement of non-quality public service strategic
targets has a significance of 0.950 (>0.05) with a coefficient of 0.018. So, the hypothesis is
rejected, the performance variable has no effect on the achievement of non-public service
quality strategic goals
8. The discipline variable on the achievement of strategic targets of non-quality of public
services has a significance of 0.139 (>0.05) with a coefficient of -5.462. So, the hypothesis
is rejected, the discipline variable has no effect on the achievement of non-public service
quality strategic goals
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti |
A. The Effect of Educational Qualifications on the Quality of Public Services
In table 7 above, the educational qualification variable has a significance value greater
than 0.05. So it can be concluded that educational qualifications do not affect the quality of
public services held. This shows that the good and bad quality of public services is not
influenced by the last level of education that has been taken by the SCA employees. In reality
what is happening in the field, the public does not know the condition of the SCA employees
who serve them, whether the employee is a high school graduate or equivalent, diploma,
undergraduate, or postgraduate. The community assesses whether public services are of
quality or not based on how these services can be carried out in accordance with the
expectations and needs of the community. Government agencies whose employees are mostly
undergraduate or postgraduate graduates will not be considered capable of providing quality
services if they cannot meet the expectations and needs of the community. On the other hand,
government agencies with many employees with low education will still be judged by the
public as being able to provide excellent service if the service is in accordance with what the
community expects. This does not support the previous research conducted by
(Hendrawardani, 2020) which stated that education had a positive effect on the level of public
services. This happens because the size used in this research variable is different from
previous research. In this study, the size of the last formal education level taken by SCA
employees as an independent variable.
B. The Influence of Competence on the Quality of Public Services
Based on table 7 it can be seen that the significance value of competence is less than
0.05 so it can be concluded that competence has a positive effect on the quality of public
services and supports SCA in achieving agency targets according to stewardship theory .
Competence as measured by the history of competency development that has been followed
by SCA employees is a factor that determines the quality of public services held. SCA
employees who have attended training/seminar/workshop/courses in accordance with their
job duties will increase their knowledge, abilities, and expertise in carrying out their duties
and functions. In the end, SCA employees can meet the expectations and needs of the
community in the implementation of their public services. Someone who has a lot of training
hours will have an advantage over people who have never/rarely participated in competency
development activities in fulfilling the services expected by the public. Therefore, this study
is in line with research from: Pradana et al. (2022); Indarwati (2020); Wakhidah &
Pramusinto (2020); Kurniasari & Oktarina (2020); Lussi (2018); Setiadi (2018); Safitri
(2017); Ikhsani (2017) which states that employee competence has a positive effect on the
quality of public services.
C. The Effect of Performance on the Quality of Public Services
Based on table 7, the significance value of performance is less than 0.05, so it can be
concluded that performance has a positive effect on the quality of public services and shows
that SCA according to stewardship theory is driven by organizational targets in providing
good service to the community. The performance value obtained by SCA employees in a one-
year assessment period can be used as a determinant of quality public services that are held or
not. Performance appraisal is carried out based on performance planning by taking into
account the targets, achievements, results, and benefits achieved as well as the behavior of
civil servants in a year. The performance of an SCA employee in one year is his work
achievement in accordance with the targets set at the beginning of the year, all of which will
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ The Effect of the Professionality of the State Civil Apparatuson the
Achievement of Strategic Objectives]
1106 |Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar,
Christina Dwi Astuti
lead to the results/benefits of the quality of public services held by the agency. Someone who
performs well will be able to provide quality services because they are able to meet the
expectations of the people who receive the service. Therefore, this study is in line with the
results of research from: Pradana et al. (2022); Nureny MR & Aqsa (2021); Akbar (2019);
Seruni & Kanian (2018); Surya (2018) which states that performance has a positive effect on
the quality of public services. This shows that performance planning has been carried out in
accordance with the agency's ultimate goal, namely providing quality services according to
stakeholder expectations so that SCA's good performance will have a positive influence on
the quality of services provided.
D. The Effect of Discipline on the Quality of Public Services
From table 7, it is found that the significance value of discipline is greater than 0.05
so it can be concluded that the dimension of discipline does not affect the quality of public
services or does not support SCA in achieving organizational targets to provide quality public
services. The discipline value of SCA employees cannot be used as the basis for the quality
or not of the public services provided. This is because the discipline measure used in the SCA
professionalism index is a history of disciplinary punishments that SCA has received in the
last five years, which means it will stick with employees for a relatively long time. A person
who has been sentenced to disciplinary action will have low scores on this dimension of
discipline for five years so the data becomes irrelevant at different times. SCA with a history
of disciplinary punishment may provide poor service to the public but it is also possible that
the service will improve/increase over time. SCA, which has never been sentenced to
disciplinary action, also does not guarantee that it will be able to provide excellent service to
the community because it is the measure of community satisfaction with meeting their
needs/expectations that determines whether the service is quality or not. Therefore, this study
contradicts the results of research conducted by Ikhsani (2017); Safitri (2017); Panjaitan et al.
(2019); Akbar (2019); Kurniasari & Oktarina (2020); Wakhidah & Pramusinto (2020);
Indarwati (2020); Soetjipto et al. (2021); Pradana et al. (2022) which states that discipline
affects the quality of public services.
E. The Effect of Educational Qualification on the Achievement of Strategic Goals of
Non-Quality of Public Services
In table 7 the significance value of educational qualifications is less than 0.05 so it can
be concluded that educational qualifications have a positive effect on the achievement of non-
quality strategic goals of public services or affect work performance according to goal setting
theory. The last education level of SCA employees is one of the factors that determine the
success or failure of achieving predetermined strategic targets where the higher the education,
the better the achievement of organizational targets/targets. The achievement of good
performance also shows that the performance planning process is also good. People who have
higher levels of formal education will be better at planning their organizational performance
which in turn will also have an impact on achieving performance according to planning.
Thus, the results of this study are not in line with the results of the first study where
educational qualifications do not affect the quality of public services, in the fifth hypothesis,
educational qualifications have a positive influence on the achievement of strategic targets
other than the quality of public services.
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti |
F. The Influence of Competence on the Achievement of Non-Quality Public Service
Strategic Goals
From table 7, it can be seen that the competency significance value is greater than
0.05 so it can be interpreted that the competency variable has no influence on the
achievement of non-quality strategic goals of public services and does not support SCA in
achieving organizational targets according to goal-setting theory . Many/at least, whether or
not an SCA has participated in competency development activities such as training, seminars,
workshops, courses, and similar activities is not a factor that determines the success of the
organization in achieving the strategic targets/targets that have been set. Many factors affect
the success of an organization to achieve its targets such as good governance, organizational
culture, organizational commitment, leadership, and others. In reality, an organization that
contains people who diligently participate in competency development activities does not
guarantee that all organizational goals can be achieved. Because if in their daily life
employees are more busy with competency development activities and are not optimal in
achieving agency targets, it will actually hinder the achievement of organizational goals.
Employees who rarely or even never participate in competency development activities so that
they get low scores on this dimension also do not necessarily cause the organization to have
difficulty in achieving the goals it has set. This is not in line with the results of the second
study where competence has a positive effect on the quality of public services, competence
does not affect the achievement of other strategic targets besides the quality of public
G. The Influence of Performance on the Achievement of Non-Quality Public Service
Strategic Goals
Based on table 7, the significance value of performance is also greater than 0.05,
which means it can be concluded that performance does not affect the achievement of
strategic targets for non-quality public services. This does not support Locke's concept of
goal setting theory. Performance cannot explain its effect on the achievement of non-quality
strategic goals of public services because an employee's performance appraisal in reality on
the ground may not reflect the achievement of the organization's overall performance. If the
targets/targets of the organization are in line with the targets of employees within the
organization, the achievement of these organizational targets is a contribution from the
performance value of the employees. In fact, some targets/targets of work units at BKN are
not passed down to employees, but some stop at the leadership level only and some other unit
targets are the responsibility of an employee alone so that the combined performance value of
one unit's employees does not affect the achievement of goals. strategic. These results
contradict the results of this third study which states that performance has a positive effect on
the quality of public services. In this study, it was found that the achievement of non-quality
strategic targets of public services was not affected by performance.
H. The Effect of Discipline on the Achievement of Non-Quality Public Service Strategic
Based on table 7, the significance value of discipline is greater than 0.05, so it can be
concluded that discipline has no effect on the achievement of strategic targets for non-quality
public services. As explained in the discussion of the results of the fourth study, the
dimension of discipline is measured based on a history of disciplinary punishments that have
been received by an SCA employee in the last five years. This measurement becomes
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[ The Effect of the Professionality of the State Civil Apparatuson the
Achievement of Strategic Objectives]
1108 |Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar,
Christina Dwi Astuti
irrelevant for a long period of time considering the many factors that can cause a person to
change his level of discipline. Employees who have been disciplined in the past cannot be
interpreted in the coming year as an undisciplined person so that the achievement of current
strategic goals cannot be related to a history of disciplinary punishment in the past. In line
with the results of this fourth study, where discipline has no effect on the quality of public
services, discipline does not affect the achievement of strategic targets for non-quality public
Based on the data processing and analysis that has been done, it can be concluded
that; Educational qualifications do not affect the quality of public services; Competence has a
positive effect on the quality of public services; Performance has a positive effect on the
quality of public services; Discipline has no effect on the quality of public services;
Educational qualifications have a positive effect on the achievement of strategic targets for
non-quality public services; Competence does not affect the achievement of strategic targets
for non-quality public services; Performance does not affect the achievement of strategic
targets of non-quality of public services; Discipline has no effect on the achievement of
strategic targets for non-quality public services.
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Copyright holders:
Muhammad Amien Rais Rofik, Muhammad Maulizar, Christina Dwi Astuti
( 2022 )
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0