[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
rate at the SMP/equivalent and SM/equivalent levels (Prasetijo & Ihalauw, 2005). Of the
1,000 residents who received junior high school education/equivalent, 10 of them had to drop
out of school. Meanwhile, the dropout rate at the high school/equivalent level is slightly
different from that for junior high school/equivalent where 11 out of 1,000 residents with
high school education/equivalent drop out of school (Neolaka, 2020).
At all levels of education, the dropout rate in rural areas is higher than the dropout
rate in urban areas. This difference in education gaps in urban and rural areas can be caused
by households in rural areas that tend to be poor or lack of access to educational facilities.
Another challenge in Indonesia's education development is the high percentage of Out of
School Children (ATS). Handling ATS has become a National Strategy with a focus on the 7-
18 year age group. With the ATS Stranas, it is hoped that every child can receive a quality
education which in the end will have the potential to grow Indonesia's social and economic
development (Mulyana, 2002).
Next, you can see the data on dropout students processed by Bung Iman in May 2020.
The dropout rate in Indonesia is still unresolved even though so many funds have been
disbursed as an effort to solve educational problems. In particular, the province of NTT is
also the largest contributor, with the sixth rank in elementary school, second in junior high
school, fourth in high school, and eighth in vocational school. This means that NTT is not in
good condition, serious attention is needed to deal with the problem of dropping out of
school. Nationally, NTT is in fifth place (Mudjito, 2008).
Based on the level of education completed, the majority of NTT's population aged 15
years and over or 26.57% do not have a diploma, either because they have never received an
elementary school education (SD) or have not completed elementary education/equivalent
(NTT Education Statistics 2017). The number of children dropping out of school in NTT for
the May 2020 period, SD 3,344 children, SMP 2,406 children, SMA 2,010 children, and
SMK 1,478 children (source: Ministry of Education and Culture, processed by Bang Imam
Sharing, May 2020). Of course this number does not please the people of NTT, we do not
want to continue to hold the 3T status (Front, Outermost, and Disadvantaged). So, what is
stated by (Manampiring, 2015)"The existence of the poverty gap can be worrying because
poverty will continue to produce poverty in a vicious cycle of poverty." The issues of
education, poverty, and health are very interesting issues to be discussed. There will be no
end, because the three are like links that cannot be separated from each other.
The issue of children dropping out of school and children's participation in school are
like two sides of money that are difficult to separate, because they both talk about the future
of children as the nation's golden generation. From the available data, the School
Participation Rate (APS) is differentiated by age group: 7-12 years old (SD/Equivalent:
98.45%), 13-15 year old (SMP/Equivalent: 95.25%), and 16-18 years old (high
school/equivalent: 74,92%). This means that with increasing age, school participation also
decreases (Krech, 1948).
Looking at school statistics in Kupang Regency, it should be able to reach all children
in continuing education at every level. However, the reality is the opposite. The enrollment
rate for each level continues to decrease from time to time, even more tragically, the dropout
rate has also increased. So it is not surprising that people often hear the saying "People prefer
to sacrifice their children for the sake of animals, rather than sacrifice their animals for the
sake of children." Sad indeed, heart-wrenching for sure. But this is real, no one can avoid it
(Iswanu & Sutarto, 2016).