Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
Yandri Nitanel Elia
, Aloysius Liliweri
, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
, aloliliweri2@gmail.com
, melkised[email protected].id
Education, Child,
School, Factor
The problem of children dropping out of school and children's participation in
school are like two sides of a coin that are difficult to separate because they both
talk about the future of children as the nation's golden generation. From the
available data, the School Participation Rate (APS) is distinguished by age group:
7-12 years (SD/Equivalent: 98.45%), 13-15 years (SMP/Equivalent: 95.25%), and
16-18 years (high school/equivalent: 74,92%). This means that with increasing
age, school participation also decreases. Looking at school statistics in Kupang
Regency, it should be able to reach all children in continuing education at every
level. However, the reality is the opposite. The participation rate for each level
continues to decline from time to time, more tragically, the dropout rate is also
increasing. This study aims to analyze the factors causing school dropouts in the
East Kupang sub-district, Kupang district, East Nusa Tenggara province. This
study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach which was
carried out in Kupang Kupang Regency because of the 24 sub-districts in Kupang
Regency, the informants used purposive techniques with the number of informants
as many as 50 people. Based on the results of research conducted by the author, it
is known that the factors that cause children to drop out of school in SMA Negeri
Kupang Timur District, Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Province in 2018, 2019,
2020, and 2021 consist of internal factors. factor. namely promiscuity and low
interest in children to school while external factors are economic factors, lack of
parental attention, culture and history as well as the location or location of the
Completion of the nine-year fair is targeted for completion in 2008/2009 by
implementing the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2006
concerning the National Movement to Accelerate Completion of Compulsory Education for
Nine Years of Basic Education and Eradication of Illiteracy (Wassahua, 2016). Basic
education in Indonesia includes SD/MI/equivalent for six years and SMP/MTs equivalent for
three years. The implementation of basic education is carried out by taking into account the
conditions and the vast territory of Indonesia, with a very heterogeneous population,
background, social, economy and culture. Various policies and strategies have been and
continue to be carried out so that they are expected to touch the very challenging and
complex issues in the completion of the program. This is proven by the launching of various
programs and activities in that direction. For example, the BOS program, BOS Book, PIP, the
one-roof junior high school program, and the socialization program. In addition, the provision
of additional capacity at the basic education level and quality improvement as well as
improvement in the implementation of good education services are carried out
Volume 3, Number 11, September 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
simultaneously and continuously so that optimal results are expected to be achieved. Then,
moving on from there, big cities in various parts of Indonesia have also accepted 12 Years of
Education (Walgito, 2010).
Various efforts have been made by the government to overcome these problems,
including by: Increasing the number of buildings or classes of educational institutions;
increasing the number of education personnel; addition and replacement of a number of
educational facilities/infrastructure; carry out various upgrading for both teachers and other
education personnel; and carry out a 9-year compulsory education program for basic
education. However, the results obtained are still not optimal as expected. Therefore, starting
in the 2013 fiscal year, the Ministry of Education and Culture has started to implement new
policies related to efforts to improve the quality and quality of education in the country
through several programs. Among them are Universal Secondary Education (PMU),
otherwise known as the 12-year Compulsory Tuition Pilot. PMU program rollout is to
succeed the 12-year compulsory education program (Sugihartono, Harahap, Setiawati, &
Nurhayati, 2007).
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 19 of 2016 concerning the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP). Article 2 states the
objectives of PIP: a. increase access for children aged 6 (six) to 21 (twenty one) years to
obtain educational services until they graduate from secondary education units in order to
support the implementation of universal secondary education/pioneering compulsory 12
(twelve) years of education; b. prevent students from dropping out of school or not
continuing their education due to economic difficulties; and/or c. attracting dropouts or
discontinuing students in order to return to education services at schools, learning activity
studios, community learning activity centers, course and training institutions, other non-
formal education units, or job training centers. If you look at this policy, it should make a big
contribution in helping children who are experiencing economic difficulties not to drop out of
school, it can even help attract children who for economic reasons have dropped out of school
(Slameto, 2010).
Every program that has become a government policy, whether in the form of the BOS
Fund, PIP, and various other assistances, as an effort to encourage the improvement of the
quality of education, participation of school-age children in formal education, completing the
dropout rate, and eradicating illiteracy does not seem to have given good results. The BOS
and PIP Funds have not been able to attract children who have dropped out of school to
return to school, on the other hand, compulsory education has not provided the right answer.
Because so far, compulsory education is only a slogan that is carried out without control and
sanctions for those who violate it (Semiawan, 2009). Of course this is also very influential on
parents as the main actors in the success of their children.
The funds allocated to finance the implementation of education in Indonesia are quite
high from the state budget of 20%. The amount of this budget every year always experiences
a significant increase. However, unfortunately, it has not had a significant impact on
improving education services in the country. The use of education funds needs to get serious
attention from all parties, both as budget users and as an audit team so that such large funds
can be used on target. It is hoped that with large funds, educational services will also run
well, then have a positive impact on the quality of graduates. This can be seen from the
increasing number of dropouts from year to year (Saroni, 2011).
The higher the level, the higher the dropout rate. In 2020, 1 in 1,000 residents drop
out of school at the elementary/equivalent level. This percentage is smaller than the dropout
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
rate at the SMP/equivalent and SM/equivalent levels (Prasetijo & Ihalauw, 2005). Of the
1,000 residents who received junior high school education/equivalent, 10 of them had to drop
out of school. Meanwhile, the dropout rate at the high school/equivalent level is slightly
different from that for junior high school/equivalent where 11 out of 1,000 residents with
high school education/equivalent drop out of school (Neolaka, 2020).
At all levels of education, the dropout rate in rural areas is higher than the dropout
rate in urban areas. This difference in education gaps in urban and rural areas can be caused
by households in rural areas that tend to be poor or lack of access to educational facilities.
Another challenge in Indonesia's education development is the high percentage of Out of
School Children (ATS). Handling ATS has become a National Strategy with a focus on the 7-
18 year age group. With the ATS Stranas, it is hoped that every child can receive a quality
education which in the end will have the potential to grow Indonesia's social and economic
development (Mulyana, 2002).
Next, you can see the data on dropout students processed by Bung Iman in May 2020.
The dropout rate in Indonesia is still unresolved even though so many funds have been
disbursed as an effort to solve educational problems. In particular, the province of NTT is
also the largest contributor, with the sixth rank in elementary school, second in junior high
school, fourth in high school, and eighth in vocational school. This means that NTT is not in
good condition, serious attention is needed to deal with the problem of dropping out of
school. Nationally, NTT is in fifth place (Mudjito, 2008).
Based on the level of education completed, the majority of NTT's population aged 15
years and over or 26.57% do not have a diploma, either because they have never received an
elementary school education (SD) or have not completed elementary education/equivalent
(NTT Education Statistics 2017). The number of children dropping out of school in NTT for
the May 2020 period, SD 3,344 children, SMP 2,406 children, SMA 2,010 children, and
SMK 1,478 children (source: Ministry of Education and Culture, processed by Bang Imam
Sharing, May 2020). Of course this number does not please the people of NTT, we do not
want to continue to hold the 3T status (Front, Outermost, and Disadvantaged). So, what is
stated by (Manampiring, 2015)"The existence of the poverty gap can be worrying because
poverty will continue to produce poverty in a vicious cycle of poverty." The issues of
education, poverty, and health are very interesting issues to be discussed. There will be no
end, because the three are like links that cannot be separated from each other.
The issue of children dropping out of school and children's participation in school are
like two sides of money that are difficult to separate, because they both talk about the future
of children as the nation's golden generation. From the available data, the School
Participation Rate (APS) is differentiated by age group: 7-12 years old (SD/Equivalent:
98.45%), 13-15 year old (SMP/Equivalent: 95.25%), and 16-18 years old (high
school/equivalent: 74,92%). This means that with increasing age, school participation also
decreases (Krech, 1948).
Looking at school statistics in Kupang Regency, it should be able to reach all children
in continuing education at every level. However, the reality is the opposite. The enrollment
rate for each level continues to decrease from time to time, even more tragically, the dropout
rate has also increased. So it is not surprising that people often hear the saying "People prefer
to sacrifice their children for the sake of animals, rather than sacrifice their animals for the
sake of children." Sad indeed, heart-wrenching for sure. But this is real, no one can avoid it
(Iswanu & Sutarto, 2016).
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
Things that need to be known further are the rates of no school participation, school
participation, and dropouts in the Kupang Regency area. Based on data processed from BPS
NTT in 2020, it was found that the percentage of the population of Kupang Regency
according to school status, aged 7-24 years tends to decrease:
Table 1 Data on Education Status in Kupang District
No/never been to school
Elementary school/equivalent
Middle school/equivalent
High school/equivalent
Number still in school
No more school
East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Education Office, 2022
According to data processed from the Education Office of East Nusa Tenggara
Province, it was found that the data on children dropping out of school in Kupang Regency
was quite high, especially at the (state) high school level. Of the 48 public high schools in the
Kupang Regency area, 596 people have dropped out of school. The data can be seen in the
following table:
Table 2 Data on the Status of Out of School Children in Kupang Regency (State High
School name
SMA Negeri 1 Semau
SMA Negeri 2 Semau
West Kupang
West Kupang 1 Public High School
SMA Negeri 2 Kupang Barat
East Kupang
SMA Negeri 1 Kupang Timur
SMA Negeri 2 Kupang Timur
SMA Negeri 3 Kupang Timur
SMA Negeri 1 Sulamu
SMA Negeri 2 Sulamu
Central Kupang
Middle School 1 Kupang
Middle School 2 Kupang
Amarasi 1 Public High School
Amarasi 2 Public High School
SMA Negeri 1 Fatuleu
SMA Negeri 2 Fatuleu
SMA Negeri 3 Fatuleu
Takari 1 Public High School
Takari 2 Public High School
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
Takari 3 Public High School
Takari 4 Public High School
South Amfoang
South Amfoang 1 Public High School
North Amfoang
North Amfoang 1 Public High School
Nekamese 1 Public High School
Nekamese 2 Public High School
Western Amarasi
West Amarasi 1 Public High School
West Amarasi 2 Public High School
Southern Amarasi
South Amarasi 1 Public High School
South Amarasi 2 Public High School
South Amarasi 3 Public High School
Eastern Amarasi
SMA Negeri 1 Amarasi Timur
SMA Negeri 2 Amarasi Timur
East Amarasi 3 Public High School
Amabi Oefeto Timur
SMA Negeri 1 Amabi Oefeto Timur
SMA Negeri 2 Amabi Oefeto Timur
SMA Negeri 3 Amabi Oefeto Timur
Southwest Amfoang
Southwest Amfoang 1 Public High
Northwest Amfoang
Northwest Amfoang 1 Public High
South Semau
SMA Negeri 1 Semau Selatan
Taebenu 1 Public High School
Taebenu 2nd High School
Amabi Oefeto
SMA Negeri 1 Amabi Oefeto
East Amfoang
SMA Negeri 1 Amfoang Timur
East Amfoang 2 Public High School
West Fatuleu
SMA Negeri 1 Fatuleu Barat
SMA Negeri 2 Fatuleu Barat
Central Fatuleu
SMA Negeri 1 Fatuleu Tengah
Middle Fatuleu 2 Public High School
Middle Amfoang
South Amfoang 1 Public High School
48 Public High Schools
Source: NTT Provincial Education Office (processed from Dapodik), 2022
Based on document data and observations, the condition of children after dropping
out of school is very worrying. Those who are supposed to be at school with their friends in
neat clothes every day, on the other hand, are in a very poor condition. Most of the children
who do not go to school help dispose of the community's garbage and then earn five thousand
rupiah for their work. By getting wages from each work, the child is complacent and then
tells his experience to his friends which then influences other children to do the same work.
This happens as a result of the weak economy of the community so that they have to go to
find money to help ease the burden on their parents. In addition to disposing of the
community's garbage, they also sell receptacle bags at the fish market where only a small
amount of profit is important, which is important to meet their daily needs. This is what
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
children who drop out of school do in their daily lives without caring about the importance of
education for their long-term future survival.
This condition is very sad. In the process of children's education, parental attention is
a very big factor in the success of children in pursuing their education. With attention, parents
will be willing and able to think about the various needs and needs of children in the
educational process. With attention, parents can receive and choose stimulants that are
relevant to the problems they face. "Attention can make parents direct themselves to tasks
that are obligations that must be met against the demands of children, focus on problems that
must be solved first and ignore irrelevant things (Ihromi, 2004).
Attention from families, especially parents, will determine the sustainability and
success of their children's education. The attention given by parents to children is very
necessary because parents are the first personal coaches in children's lives. The form of
parental attention can be in the form of attention in children's learning activities, providing
motivation or encouragement to stay in school and meet the needs of children's school
facilities and infrastructure (Hartoyo, Latifah, & Mulyani, 2011).
The problem is that there are still some parents who do not pay attention to the
education process of their children. There are parents who do not control and supervise study
hours or just accompany their children while they are studying. Sometimes parents also lack
motivation and do not care about school facilities and infrastructure for children (Destriyani
& Kusumo, 2021). The lack of parental attention is thought to be one of the causes of
children dropping out of school. This is based on the results of brief interviews with several
students who stated that their parents rarely supervise or accompany them when studying at
home due to their busy work to earn a living for the survival of their family so that children's
education is sacrificed (Creswell, 2016).
The lack of parental attention to children's learning activities is due to some parents
who think that learning problems are school matters. When they submit their children to
school, the responsibility lies entirely with the school concerned. “Parents feel that they have
finished their work when they send their children to school and pay tuition fees. They pay
less attention to school needs related to uniform cleanliness, shoe condition, and student
handbooks. Parents also pay less attention to their children's homework” (Baharuddin, 2007).
The parents' perceptions or views indicate that there is still a lack of understanding of
parents about the importance of education for their children. "Parents who have perceptions
and understandings that are in line with the concept of children's education developed in an
educational institution, will voluntarily contribute their energy, thoughts and emotions for
their children's education. On the other hand, if the understanding and perception of parents
about the concept of education is not in line with the concept developed, there will be
hesitation to involve themselves both physically and psychologically and emotionally in
providing education for their children.
This study uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach which was
carried out in Kupang Kupang District because of the 24 sub-districts in the Kupang District,
East Kupang District is the area with the highest dropout rate, namely 89 children (from 3
public high schools). In this study, the informants were determined by using purposive
techniques, which were selected with certain considerations and goals, who really mastered
an object that the researcher was researching with a total of 50 informants. Then the
researchers would carry out the stages of data collection according to Creswell, namely; (a)
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
Qualitative observation, (b) Qualitative interview, (c) Qualitative documents tracing and (d)
Qualitative audio and visual materials, then data -The data will be analyzed using the data
analysis technique proposed by Creswell (2016) related to the terminology used by the
researcher, which is as follows:
1. Researchers begin to process and prepare data for analysis.
2. The second step is to read the data as a whole.
3. The next step is to start coding all the data.
4. Next, apply the coding process to describe the setting (field), people (participants),
categories and themes to be analyzed.
5. The fifth step is for the researcher to describe the themes mentioned above and re-
present them in a qualitative narrative/report.
6. The last step is making an interpretation (interpretation in qualitative research) or
interpreting the data.
The Preamble to the 1945 Constitution states that one of the goals of the Republic of
Indonesia is to educate the nation's life. This means that every Indonesian child has the right
to obtain quality education according to their interests and talents regardless of social status,
race, ethnicity, religion, and gender.
Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection emphasizes several important
things as follows: 1) Article 4 states that every child has the right to be able to live, grow,
develop, and participate fairly in accordance with human dignity and protection from
violence and discrimination. 2) Article 9 reveals two main things, namely; a) Every child has
the right to receive education and teaching in the context of his personal development and
level of intelligence in accordance with his interests and talents. b) In addition to children's
rights as referred to in paragraph (1), specifically for children with disabilities are also
entitled to special education, while children who have advantages are also entitled to special
According to BPS (2021) the main causes of children dropping out of school are due
to lack of parental awareness of the importance of children's education, economic
limitations/no cost, unfavorable geographical conditions, limited access to school, because
schools are far away or lack of educational facilities. (Neolaka, 2020) states that there are still
many students who drop out of school due to several factors, including: “(1) low economic
capacity including the exploitation of child labor as child labor by their parents to help earn a
living for the family; (2) low understanding of the importance of education and lack of
motivational support from the family”.
Observing what was expressed by Mudjito illustrates that family conditions greatly
affect the sustainability of children's schools, one of which is the family's economic
condition. The same thing was also expressed by Ahmad, (2011) that, "The level of the
family's economy is in fact one of the aspects that hinders the opportunity for the education
and learning process. There are many school-age children who are hampered, and even lose
the opportunity to participate in the education process just because of the unfavorable
economic situation of the family”.
Furthermore Ahmad, (2011) states that, there are several factors that cause children to
drop out of school, namely: (1) certain customs and teachings, (2) due to the small income of
parents of students, (3) the distance between home and school. schools (4) weak ability of
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
students to continue learning from one class to the next and (5) lack of attention from the
From various explanations about the problems that cause children to drop out of
school, based on the results of research conducted by researchers in the Kupang Timur
District, especially the SMA Negeri level, it can be seen that what causes children to drop out
of school is influenced by various reasons, both internal and external. child. The factors that
cause children to drop out of school are:
1. Internal factors
a. Free Association Factors (environment)
Promiscuity is a factor that causes children to drop out of school. The tendency of
children to want to live free from various rules both at school and at home, makes
children fall into promiscuity. Promiscuity in question varies, ranging from skipping
school, dating, having free sex, consuming liquor, smoking, committing acts of violence
(fighting), and others.
From the results of the interview, it was found that the impact of promiscuity
makes children lazy to go to school, skipping school, and dating. These three things are
the causes of children dropping out of school. This is where the role of schools, parents,
and the government is expected. Schools do not only take care of educating children in
the classroom, but must build good communication with parents regarding child
development. Then parents also need to control and pay attention to their children. This
means that parents not only fulfill material needs, but also the need for affection. The
principle that at the end of the rattan there is gold needs to be balanced with attention and
affection, so that children do not feel that their parents do not love them.
The parents' perceptions or views indicate that there is still a lack of understanding
of parents about the importance of education for their children. Parents who have
perceptions and understandings that are not in line with the concept of children's
education developed in an educational institution. Lack of cooperation between parents
and the school causes children to drop out of school. Therefore, it is hoped that in the
future the school and parents will continue to build good coordination for the children's
education process. For example, if a child does not go to school, the school is expected to
immediately convey it to parents, there is no need to wait until the end of the semester or
the end of the school year. The goal is that the child is immediately handled by both
parents and school. In addition to the cases above, there is an interesting case found by
researchers in the field where their child is pregnant out of wedlock so that they cannot
continue their education to a higher level.
From the results of these interviews, it can be seen that promiscuity can result in
children having sex outside of marriage and eventually getting pregnant. Pregnant at
school age is the impact of promiscuity. This case certainly needs the attention of all
parties, not only parents and schools, but also the attention of the government and other
social institutions. If this is allowed, it is feared that it will become a plague for schools.
The results showed that the causes of unwanted pregnancies in adolescents were
risky sexual behavior, lack of knowledge about reproductive health and sexuality,
adolescent attitudes towards permissive sexuality, media access to information about
pornography, parental attitudes, and the behavior of close friends.
The occurrence of unwanted pregnancy reviews stories or experiences that occur
which include premarital sexual behavior, the journey during an unwanted pregnancy,
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
and the impact experienced from the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. Children's
lack of knowledge about reproductive health and sexuality includes knowledge about
pregnancy and the process of pregnancy, knowledge about premarital sex and the risks
arising from premarital sex, knowledge about courtship and risky courtship, and
knowledge about sexual relations. Therefore, it is hoped that there should be early
socialization to children regarding courtship, the risk of premarital sex, and knowledge of
sexual relations. This is seen as very important in order to equip children, so that in the
future it is hoped that it can reduce the risk of getting pregnant out of wedlock.
The informant's attitude towards premarital sex discusses the informant's views on
premarital sexual relations and the reasons for the informants to have premarital sex. In
this study, it was found that the informants showed a permissive attitude towards
premarital sexual relations. Although the informants thought that sexual intercourse
should not be done before marriage, they still decided to do it for various reasons such as
on the basis of consensual and sexual desire that suddenly arose as a form of love. Even
the informant said that he did not feel sorry for having sexual relations that led to
pregnancy because it was consensual and eventually married.
Media access to information about pornography includes informants' access to
ponography and discussions on matters related to sexuality. The media are so free to
provide information about sexual behavior. This is certainly suspected as the cause of
children having premarital sex.
In this case the form of parental attention given to informants, parental
monitoring, providing information on reproductive health and sexuality as well as
providing information about the dangers of premarital sex and the prohibition of
premarital sexual relations. The behavior of close friends, where the informants usually
do activities with their close friends in their spare time and the sexual behavior of close
Suggestions for parents are to build closer relationships with children by inviting
children to share or discuss daily activities and problems at school and increase
supervision of their children who are in their teens. Not only that, parents also need to
know their child's close friends, the goal is to be able to control and limit the child's
association if the child chooses the wrong friend.
b. Factors of Children's Interest in School
The low interest of children can be caused by lack of parental attention, the
distance between the child's residence and the far school, lack of learning facilities, and
the influence of the surrounding environment. Lack of interest can be caused by
environmental influences, for example the low level of public education followed by low
awareness of the importance of education. The inability of the family's economy to
support the cost of education which has an impact on children's psychological problems
so that children cannot socialize well in association with their school friends besides that
is the role of the environment.
Children's lack of interest in school is caused by a lack of job opportunities. Lack
of employment opportunities causes many school graduates, both high school and
undergraduate, to be unemployed. When a child sees so much unemployment, he will lose
his passion for school. Not only jobs, many school children do not know their talents and
interests. This happens because the school has not optimally explored the talents and
interests of children.
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
In an effort to find out the talents and interests of children, the school conducts
interest and aptitude tests through a form filled out at the time of initial registration at
school. But unfortunately, the school has not maximally developed the talents and
interests of children. This can be found during interviews with some children who have
dropped out of school in the field. They admitted that they did not know their talents and
interests, and did not even know that there were talent and interest development activities
at school (extracurricular activities).
Therefore, as an effort to develop children's talents and interests, according to
several informants met by researchers. They hope that the school in this case needs to be
serious in fostering children's interests and talents. This is considered very important
because they assume that a child will not develop if he does not know himself well.
Children's interest in school is strongly influenced by the child's introduction to himself,
thus motivation will be born in the child to be serious in school.
From the results of the interview, it is seen that it is very necessary to develop
children's interests and talents. In this case, the school is the party that has the main role.
Therefore, it is hoped that the school will be able and serious in efforts to develop the
talents and interests of each child. The development of these talents and interests needs to
start from a psychological text to find out the talents of each child, then counseling with
the BK teacher, and finally providing a space for fostering interests and talents. The space
in question is extracurricular activities. This activity is considered very important and
schools need to open the widest possible space for children according to the interests of
each child. For example, there is a child who has musical talent, even if it is only one or
two children, the school still prepares the room. So are the others.
Furthermore, as the development of children's interests and talents. The NTT
Provincial Education Office feels that it has an important role. The department has so far
provided a special space for the development of children's interests and talents. The space
in question is that every year there are always OSN, O2SN, FLS2N, and other
It is necessary to develop the interests and talents of children. In this case, the
government has so far always helped the school by providing space for the development
of interests and talents. The space in question is routinely holding OSN, O2SN, FLS2N,
and Cipta Mars Pendidikan competitions.
The development of children's talents and interests by providing a special room is
considered quite effective in generating enthusiasm and interest in children for school. So
that children do not see school as a boring place, a place to only learn to memorize, but
above all, school should be a place for improving life skills.
From the results of interviews and observations in the field, what was done by the
head of SMA Negeri 3 Kupang Timur, Mr. Philipus Nahak Klau, S.Pd., in developing
children's interests and talents was quite successful in reducing the dropout rate. This is
evident from the dropout rate in this school showing a declining trend. Therefore, it is
hoped that the school will be serious in increasing the interests and talents of children.
So far, schools have not optimally sought out the talents and interests of children.
This can be seen from the children who drop out of school on average do not know their
talents and interests, and they are also never directed to take part in extracurricular
activities prepared by the school. It is hoped that in the future, the school will carry out
tests of children's talents and interests at the beginning of entry, even on a regular basis.
The goal is that every child can know their talents and interests, because it is believed that
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Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
every child has talents and interests that are given by God. Many children do not shine or
are not even interested in school because they do not know their purpose in life.
In addition, children's lack of interest in this school is influenced by inadequate
learning facilities. Learning facilities available in schools, such as inadequate learning
tools (tools, materials, and media), inadequate textbooks, and so on. The needs and
learning facilities needed by students cannot be met by students, which can lead to a
decrease in children's interest which ultimately leads to dropping out of school. This was
found by the researcher when he made observations to the schools that were the object of
The low interest of children in school is also influenced by the lack of attention
and care of teachers or schools for children. Teachers show less attitude of being digugu
and imitated. Such an attitude should not occur in the school environment, teachers must
ensure that any form of discipline given to children is a form of attention and affection.
Teachers should not allow children to feel unloved by children at school, let alone let
children feel resentment and hurt because of teacher discipline until they choose to leave
school. Children for whatever reason, teachers should not just let go and let them not go
to school.
Seeing some of the factors above as the cause of children's low interest in school,
it is necessary to have support or encouragement. The support and encouragement in
question is the need for parental attention to children, the availability of schools close to
the children's homes, tracking of children's interests and talents, space for developing
talents and interests for children at school, availability of infrastructure, and schools need
to make children yearn to come. to school all the time. Not only that, the government is
expected to be able to assist schools in providing BK teachers who are linear and meet the
quota according to the ratio of students in each school. Where the BK teacher ratio is
1:150, so far the availability of BK teachers in the field has not been adequate. For
example, SMA Negeri 1 Kupang Timur with 1,300 students only has 3 BK teachers.
2. External Factors
a. Economic Factor
Economic factors are factors that cause children to drop out of school. The
family's inability to finance all the processes needed during education or schooling at a
certain level, even though the government has launched a twelve-year Free Education
Program, has not had a maximum impact on reducing the number of children dropping
out of school.
The family economy is certainly one of the causes of the sustainability of
children's education. Parents/families with good economic backgrounds are more likely to
make good plans and think about their children's education and future. Children's
education is actually a child's right and has become the responsibility of parents, but what
happens is that most parents ignore their children's rights and responsibilities. The result
is that their children have to leave school or drop out of school.
Parents consider children to be responsible for fulfilling the family's economy, so
the risk is that children must be willing to leave school. This was also stated by one of the
children who dropped out of school during an interview at his workplace, so the risk is
that the child must be willing to leave school. Lasarus has taken on the role of parents as
provider for the family. He felt it was his responsibility to take care of his parents.
Holding on to enough money every day and having all his needs met, he felt there was no
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
point in going to school anymore. Lasarus began to learn to manage his finances well. He
has a dream that one day he will have his own business. Therefore, he pursues the fish
business that is currently running. This illustrates that Lasarus' condition after dropping
out of school began to experience economic changes, all personal and family needs were
slowly being fulfilled from the results of his efforts.
The family's economic limitations make one of the informants responsible for
making a living to meet their daily needs. Because he is used to holding money and
focusing on work, Adirio makes school number two and even the umpteenth. This is why
he had to drop out of school. Seeing this condition, parents should pay more attention to
their children's education. If children are forced to help work to meet the needs at home,
then it is the obligation and responsibility of parents to pay attention to their children's
Based on the authors' findings, it can be found that financial factors are the cause
of children dropping out of school. The inability of the family to finance all the processes
needed during education or school at a certain level. Although parents are aware of their
responsibilities in children's education, it cannot be denied that financial problems are a
deadly weapon that makes them helpless. They must surrender to the circumstances and
accept the fate that exists.
It is true as stated by Hasan Faridah, et.al (2005) in Neolaka (2020:3) "The
existence of the poverty gap can be worrying because poverty will continue to produce
poverty in a vicious cycle of poverty." The issues of education, poverty, and health are
very interesting issues to be discussed. There will be no end, because the three are like
links that cannot be separated from each other. Therefore, as an effort to eradicate school
dropouts, the government's attention is needed.
It takes the government's presence and full attention in paying attention to the
education of children who are experiencing economic problems. With the PKH, PIP, BOS
funds, and other assistance, it is hoped that they will be channeled and used on target.
Some of the children above admitted that they had not received assistance from the
government, either PKH or PIP, even though they were very eligible to receive it. The
government in this case needs to review the objectives of government policies regarding
the benefits and objectives of the assistance, so that the goals and expectations of the
existing policies have benefits for the community.
b. Parental Attention Factor
Lack of parental attention is a factor that causes children to drop out of school.
The low parental attention to children can be caused by the family's economic condition
or the low income of parents so that parents' attention is more devoted to efforts to meet
family needs.
As stated above, parents have a very important role in the education of their
children. The form of attention from parents is an important factor in the success of their
children. The role of parents in building the character and future of the child is very
important. A child will not be able to grow well if he does not get the attention and love
of his parents. Integrity in the household is seen as a determinant of children's success.
Children will directly imitate what parents do.
Based on the results of research in the field, it can be found the same thing which
shows that parents are more focused on work and pay less attention to their children.
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Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
Parents only meet the needs of eating, drinking, clothing, and paying school fees. While
other attention is not paid attention.
This condition is very sad. In the process of children's education, parental
attention is a very big factor in the success of children in pursuing their education. With
attention, parents will be willing and able to think about the various needs and needs of
children in the educational process. With attention, parents can receive and choose
stimulants that are relevant to the problems they face. "Attention can make parents direct
themselves to tasks that are obligations that must be met against the demands of children,
focus on problems that must be solved first and ignore irrelevant things" (Sugihartono et
al., 2007).
Attention from families, especially parents, will determine the sustainability and
success of their children's education. The attention given by parents to children is very
necessary because parents are the first personal coaches in children's lives. The form of
parental attention can be in the form of attention in children's learning activities,
providing motivation or encouragement to stay in school and meet the needs of children's
school facilities and infrastructure.
The problem is that there are still some parents who do not pay attention to the
education process of their children. There are parents who do not control and supervise
study hours or just accompany their children while they are studying. Sometimes parents
also lack motivation and do not care about school facilities and infrastructure for children.
The lack of parental attention is thought to be one of the causes of children dropping out
of school. This is based on the results of brief interviews with several students who stated
that their parents rarely supervise or accompany them when studying at home because
they are busy making a living for their family's survival so that children's education is
The parents admitted that they had been busy with work so they did not pay
attention to their children to go to school properly. They have to work hard to meet the
needs of the children and the daily needs of the home. Due to busy work, attention to
children is reduced. The attention in question is to accompany while studying, discuss
problems faced at school, and other matters related to education and children's future.
The lack of parental attention to children's learning activities is due to some
parents who think that learning problems are school matters. When they submit their
children to school, the responsibility lies entirely with the school concerned. “Parents feel
that they have finished their work when they send their children to school and pay tuition
fees. They pay less attention to school needs related to uniform cleanliness, shoe
condition, and student handbooks. Parents also pay less attention to their children's
The parents' perceptions or views indicate that there is still a lack of understanding
of parents about the importance of education for their children. "Parents who have
perceptions and understandings that are in line with the concept of children's education
developed in an educational institution, will voluntarily contribute their energy, thoughts
and emotions for their children's education. On the other hand, if the understanding and
perception of parents about the concept of education is not in line with the concept
developed, there will be hesitation to involve themselves both physically and
psychologically and emotionally in providing education for their children.
c. Cultural and Historical Factors
Vol. 3, No. 11, 2022
[Analysis of Factors Caused out of School in Kupang Timur District,
Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province]
http://devotion.greenvest.co.id | Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh
Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka
Culture and history are factors related to the habits of the surrounding community.
The low awareness of parents or the community about the importance of education. The
behavior of rural communities in sending their children to school is more influenced by
environmental factors. They think that even without going to school their children can
live decently like other children who go to school, because in the village there are more
children who go to school and they can live properly, such conditions are used as the
basis for determining their children's future. Vice versa, views will change if school
children also have the same lifestyle as children who generally do not go to school.
The view of many children with lots of fortune makes people in rural areas more
directing their children who are still of school age directed to help their parents in earning
a living. This habit makes the benchmark for a child's success lies in the extent to which a
child works while attending school. This condition is also slowly becoming the cause of
children dropping out of school. This happens because children no longer focus on
school, children will help their parents work more. When a school-age child is forced to
work, of course he will lose time to study or do his homework at night.
The measure of a child's success is when he is still at school age, he is accustomed
to working to help his parents earn a living. This view is the measure of a child's success
in the extent to which a child works while attending school. This condition is also slowly
making children drop out of school. This happens because children no longer focus on
school, children will help their parents work more. When a school-age child is forced to
work, of course he will lose time to study or do his homework at night. This is
experienced by Adirio, he does not only focus on school, but he spends most of his time
working to help his parents earn a living.
Not only that, the low awareness of parents or the community about the
importance of education. People's behavior in sending their children to school is more
influenced by environmental factors. They think that even without going to school their
children can live decently like other children who go to school. They always compare
with their personalities who are considered not to go to school, but can live like other
people who go to school.
In addition, historical factors are also the cause of children dropping out of school
because many parents still adhere to anti-smart people. They adhere to this understanding
because they look at the history of the Indonesian nation where smart people have always
colonized the people. Finally they became anti-smart people, they were afraid that
someday the children would be smart, then they returned to colonize their own area.
d. School Location Factor
The location or location of the school is a factor that can cause children to drop
out of school. Long distances with difficult access are things that must be considered by
the community to be able to send their children to school. Lack of means of transportation
and the distance between home and school is quite far. In addition, with access that is
considered difficult, safety is also considered not guaranteed.
From the results of the study, it was found that the location of the school that was
far away was also the cause of children dropping out of school. There are still children
who live far from the school location, some even come from the village and live with the
supervisor. Due to this condition, children are often late and skip school.
To overcome the problem of children dropping out of school because of the
distance or the far location of the school, the government's attention is needed. The
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Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius Neolaka |
zoning system needs to be tightened with good control from the government through the
system that has been built. So that in the future there will no longer be the term favorite
school or family closeness to the school. In addition, there is a need for equitable
distribution of education development throughout the region, especially in the East
Kupang District. Kupang Timur sub-district with a fairly large area, with a population of
around 50,901 people, where most of the population is of school age, so it is urgently
needed to add more schools to provide educational services that are close to the residents.
Based on the findings above, it can be concluded that to solve the dropout rate,
cooperation from all parties is needed. As parents, it is expected to build intensive
communication with the school regarding the development of children's education.
Likewise the school, the school is expected to build coordination and communication
with parents regarding children's education while in school. Schools are also expected to
have empathy for children, if children experience problems or are indicated to have the
potential to drop out of school, follow-up actions are immediately carried out by
discussing with parents to find solutions to the problems faced. So far, it seems that the
school is still indifferent in solving children's problems. Many children claimed that they
had never been contacted by the school since they had not been to school.
Even though the government's policy direction pays so much attention to the
development of education, with the allocation of APBN funds reaching 20%, it will still
be in vain if it is not supported by adequate human resources. From the results of existing
research, it shows that there is a lack of understanding of parents and children about the
importance of education, the role of the government is less effective, and the management
or distribution of aid is not right on target.
Based on the results of research conducted by the author, it is known that the factors
causing children to drop out of school in SMA Negeri Kupang Timur District, Kupang
Regency, Nusa Tenggara Province in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 consist of internal factors,
namely promiscuity and low interest in children to school, while the External factors are
economic factors, lack of parental attention, culture and history as well as the location or
location of the school.
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Copyright holders:
Yandri Nitanel Elia, Aloysius Liliweri, Melkisedek Noh Bernabas Cervesius
Neolaka ( 2022 )
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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