Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Tri Kumala Dewi, Nurkamelia Mukhtar

Universitas Islam Negeri Suska Riau, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Quadcopter, Parrot Drone, Support Package, PID, Simulink




This research at developing bowling letters game as learning media in increasing the early childhood language development, and knowing the feasibility of bowling letters as a learning media in developing early childhood language. It was a research and development (R&D) which derives from Borg and Gall. The subject of this research was Play Group of State Kindergarten Perttiwi, Kecepatan Hulu district, Rokan Hulu Regency. Questionnaire validated by material and media experts, principal, and teacher was used for collecting the data. The data obtained was qualitative that was analyzed by the guidelines assessment criteria to determine the quality of bowling letter developed. This research produced a product like bowling letters as learning media based on media expert assessment was 82.6% in very proper category, 85% was from media expert assessment in very proper category, 84.37% was from teacher assessment in very proper category, and 83.75% was the limited trying out in very proper category. And for early childhood language development in the play group, it can be stated as developing because children are able to Pretend to read illustrated stories in books in their own words, Begin to understand two commands given at the same time, Begin to express a desire by saying simple sentences (6 words) and Start telling your experiences with simple stories



For Young Child (NAEYC), early childhood is a child who is between the ages of 0 to 8 years. Early childhood is a group that is in the process of growth and development. So, early childhood is a human being who has extraordinary abilities and potential which at this time is a period of providing a foundation in developing abilities, from aspects of religious values, cognitive, language, social emotional, art, gross motor and fine motor skills so that children can prepare him for the next level of education.

�� Childhood education (PAUD) is a way to develop the potential of every child. Early childhood is seen as having different characteristics based on age so that education needs to be specialized. Early childhood education is basically an effort to facilitate the development that is taking place in children. Development in early childhood is increasing the ability and awareness of children in knowing themselves and interacting with the surrounding environment along with the physical growth experienced.

�� According to Mansyur, early childhood education is a process of fostering the growth and development of children from birth to entering elementary school education, which includes all physical and non-physical aspects, by providing stimulation for physical motor development, reasoning, social emotional and appropriate language so that children can grow and develop optimally.

�� At this time early childhood is synonymous with joy, fun, and excitement. At this time, we often hear the word "Golden Age" or the golden age where the child's brain is already working and is marked by rapid changes in every development both in physical, motor, language, cognitive, social emotional, moral, religion and art. Language development is part of the aspects of child development that must be stimulated optimally. According to Ahmad Susanto, language development is a tool for thinking, expressing oneself and communicating. Language skills are very important in order to form information, concepts and problem solving. And through language can understand the communication of feelings and thoughts. So with language, humans can communicate and interact with other people, both verbally, in writing, symbols, body language, and so on.

Language is a means of communication acquired by humans from birth. Mastery of a language by a child begins with the acquisition of the first language which is often called the mother tongue. Language is essentially a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of social groups to work together, communicate, and identify themselves.

�� Language is closely related to every individual development. Discussion development. It is also very influential on other developments such as cognitive development. In addition, language development can make children interact with the surrounding environment. In Santrock, according to Vygotsky, children use speech not only for social communication, but also to help them complete tasks. Therefore, early childhood education is the right target in developing every aspect of child development optimally.

�� Based on a preliminary study at the Pertiwi State Kindergarten, Kecepatan Hulu District. When teachers explain letters to their students, teachers only use media, such as picture books, letter posters and language books. The learning process like this makes children feel unhappy because the media used by the teacher is not interesting so that children are less interested in learning to recognize letters.

�� It can be seen that in the kindergarten there are good facilities and infrastructure. which have not been able to be adequate and varied. For example, media blocks made of wood, children can only arrange they cannot introduce colors from the media, media poster letters, picture books, books to thicken letters and reading books (language books), in this case children can only see, and thicken letters. and read what's in the book. This causes children to become unfocused in learning because the media used by the teacher is not attractive to children so that children are less interested in learning to introduce letters. The right learning process for early childhood is learning while playing or playing while learning.

�� The Pertiwi State Kindergarten School, Kecepatan Hulu District has an activity that is carried out once a month, namely a monthly meeting that discusses child development and the learning system carried out at school. During the meeting process, the school always provides consumption and drinking, after finishing this meeting I noticed that the garbage from drinking bottles was not immediately thrown away but the teacher distinguished between drinking bottles and bottle caps, based on what I saw I asked the principal why the bottles and the lid was separated and the principal replied that the bottle cap was used as a medium for learning to count.

�� The media used by educators as a means of introducing letters and developing the language of children aged 3-4 years. for an early age in the Playgroup TK Negeri Pertiwi Kec. Fullness Hulu Kab. Rokan Hulu is listed in table 1 (attachment). With this media, the research saw that children looked bored while carrying out the process of learning activities that developed children's language. Because children can only see and only do the instructions given by the educator. This kind of learning process makes children's language development not develop optimally and it will be a little difficult to make children interested during the learning process.

�� Furthermore, the results of Pre-observation that the development of language in each child, namely there are 3 children who have not developed in the language aspect, namely Abrisam Reynand, language development has not developed, seen in the question and answer activities often do not answer, Ghofar Abiyasa language development has not developed, it can be seen in the lack of enthusiasm In answering every question the teacher and Abi tend to be very quiet when the activity takes place, Annisa Ufaiha has not developed as seen when singing activities she tends to be silent and when answering questions is very less enthusiastic, then there are 4 children who are starting to develop in the language aspect, namely Alica Savita, language development began to develop seen when doing questions and answers the child began to answer the teacher's questions, Ahmad Taufikul Hakim language development began to develop where children often asked the teacher, Laura Qorry Ayuna language development began to develop seen when Tany activities The answer is starting to answer questions from the teacher, Azka Nailul Zam-Zam language development begins to develop where children are very enthusiastic when ordered to sing and tell stories about their experiences. And there are 2 children who have developed as expected, namely Anggun Permata Sari and Gian Abdillah Pratama who have developed as expected where the children look very enthusiastic when answering questions and always ask questions to the teacher.

�� Childhood language development needs a learning media that can be applied in language development. Learning media is a tool (intermediary) in providing material to students in the learning process. The learning media used in PAUD are usually printed media (magazines, story books), educational game tools (APE), audio visuals, and posters, in fact the application of media in learning is not applied by educators in developing aspects of child development.

�� Based on the description of the problem, the researcher wants to conduct research and develop a letter bowling game product that is inspired by the research of Wiranti Aprilinda Diyah Permata and Nur Ika Sari Rakhmawati from PG-PAUD, Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya. The research that became the reference was "The Modification of Bowling Game on the Ability to Recognize Words for Early Childhood 5-6 Years in TK Pertiwi Jampes Pace Nganjuk ".

�� Bowling is a game that aims to train coordination of movements, concentration, and estimate the power to drop cans / boto. In this case, the researcher developed the letter bowling learning media which was developed in the introduction of consonants and vowels. After that, the previous bowling learning media discussed word recognition which focused on the age of 5-6 years. The update that the researchers did was to develop the language of children aged 3-4 years and match vowels and consonants according to the theme of transportation equipment.

�� In connection with this, the authors are motivated to conduct research and development with the title "Development of Letter Bowling Learning Media to Develop Early Childhood Language in Playgroup TK Negeri Pertiwi Kec. Fullness Hulu Kab. Rokan Hulu�


A.    Product Initial Design

The development of the resulting product in the form of educational game tools from used goods, namely aqua bottles from the smallest size to the largest size with the theme of transportation equipment, as a learning medium in improving early childhood language development which will be tested in the Pertiwi State Kindergarten play group, sub-district fullness of Hulu Rokan Hulu district. From the results of observations and interviews that in the playing group of the Motherland Kindergarten, the use of bowling letter learning media has never been used as a learning medium. From the potential and existing problems, researchers want to develop letter bowling as a medium of learning in early childhood language development.

Then the researchers also collected data through observations, literature studies in collecting theories about letter bowling as a learning medium that can be applied during the learning process. In this study, the researchers made observations at the Pertiwi State Kindergarten, Kecepatan Hulu sub-district, Rokan Hulu district, that the learning media used had not varied, namely only print media in letter recognition.

Then the researchers also collected data about bowling letters from the internet about the differences in the development of bowling letters that had been done by previous researchers. The following are pictures that the researchers took from the internet:

Image 1

Image of bowling letters from the internet


Based on the potential and problems as well as data collection that has been done, the researchers designed the Letter Bowling learning media product for early childhood language development. In this educational game tool, I want to introduce children to various transportation tools, the letters AZ, and the introduction of vowels and consonants. Bowling letters are made from used goods, namely used bottles that are painted with attractive colors, modified the way the game is played and designed as unique as possible so that children can be interested in playing this game. This letter bowling is expected to develop the language of early childhood , the making of this letter bowling is designed directly by the researcher.







Table 1

Bowling Letters

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III


B.    First Test Results

childhood language development. Then the product was validated by several experts, namely: learning media experts, material experts. The product validation used by the expert was carried out twice, namely initial product validation and product validation after repairs for product refinement that had been revised. The product validation by experts is as follows:

1.   Validation By Material Expert

The finished initial product is then validated, for the material to be validated by one material expert, namely Mrs. Nurkamelia Mukhtar AH, M. Pd. The results of the validation by a material expert on the initial product are presented in the following table:

Table 2

Material Expert Validation Assessment Results

Rating indicators





Theme/ educational aspect

1.      Compatibility with PAUD curriculum




2.      According to the child's ability level


3.      Can encourage children's creativity and children's activities


4.      Helping smooth and teaching and learning activities







Fill in the bowling letters

1.      This letter bowling media provides lessons for the development of AUD




2.      the design is presented clearly


3.      the material on bowling letters is related to everyday life



1.      suitability of the media with the material




2.      Colors on media attract attention to children


3.      media are easy to distinguish between one another


4.      shape in bowling is clear.






Average score





Very worth it


Based on table 2 of the material expert's assessment above, it is known that aspect 1 about the theme or aspect 1 regarding the theme/educational aspect gets a feasibility percentage of 75%, in aspect 2 regarding the contents of the Busy Book it gets a feasibility percentage of 91.75%, in aspect 3 about presentation gets the percentage of eligibility 81.25%. Total assessment score 36 out of 11 assessment indicators. The average assessment of material expert validators is 3.30 with a feasibility percentage of 82.6 % .

  1. Validation By Media Expert

The finished initial product is then validated, for media that is validated by one media expert, namely Mrs. Heldanita, M.Pd, the results of the validation by media experts on the initial product are presented in the following table:

Table 3

Media expert rating table

Rating indicators



Average aspect



1.     Elastic shape




2.     Attractive colors used


Aesthetics or beauty

3.     size fit




4.     color combination


5.     precision


Manufacturing technique

6.     durability




7.     endurance


8.     security


9.     size determination


10.  flexible


11.  easy for kids to use


12.  game procedure






Average score





Very worth it


Based on table 3 the assessment by media expert validation above, it is known that aspect 1 regarding cover gets a feasibility percentage of 87.5%, in aspect 2 regarding aesthetics/beauty it gets a feasibility percentage of 82.5%, in aspect 3 regarding manufacturing techniques it gets a feasibility percentage 85 %. Total assessment score is 41 out of 12 assessment indicators. The average assessment of material expert validators is 3.41 with a feasibility percentage of 85%.

C.    Product Revision

After the product assessment was carried out by material expert validators and media experts, suggestions were obtained from the validators, then the suggestions given were used as input for revising the product design. The results of the revision can be explained as follows:

1.   Material Expert

The result of the revision from the material expert is in the form of improvements and suggestions for this bowling letter, namely the need for an explanation of the means of transportation in accordance with the picture placed on the first page.

2.   Media expert

The results of the revision from media experts are in the form of improvements and suggestions for bowling letters, namely the addition of designs, more attractive colors, and game procedures.

D.  Stage II Test Results

1.   Teacher Assessment Validation

The stage of the experiment carried out by the researcher was limited testing. However, before carrying out the trial, the researchers also involved the Pertiwi State Kindergarten Playgroup teacher, Yatini, S.Pd. AUD and Mrs. Titik Handayani S.Pd to assess the products developed from various aspects. The consideration of researchers to involve teachers in assessing products is because teachers are prospective users and implementers of learning. The results of the teacher's assessment of the developed product can be seen in the following table:







Table 4

Assessment of teachers and principals

Rating indicators



Average score



1.     This letter bowling provides learning for early childhood language development












2.     The letter bowling design is presented in a simple and clear way



3.     The material in bowling letters is related to everyday life


4.     Compatibility with AUD language development



1.     The design used is attractive




2.     letters on bowling clear letters


3.     the color catches the attention of AUD


Rating indicators






4.     the game process that is applied is very attractive to children











84, 37


Very worth it


Based on table 4 the assessment by the play group teacher above, it is known that aspect 1 regarding the material gets a feasibility percentage of 87.5%, in aspect 2 about presentation it gets a feasibility percentage of 81.25%. Total scoring score is 27 out of 8 assessment indicators. The average teacher assessment is 3.75 with a feasibility percentage of 84.37 %. The teacher's assessment of the product from aspect 1 of the quality of the material received a percentage of 87.50% with the "Very Eligible" category, the assessment of aspect 2 of the quality of the presentation got a percentage of 81.25% in the "Very Eligible" category.

2.   Limited Trial

The limited trial was carried out by students on Monday, June 04, 2021 in the Playgroup of the Motherland Kindergarten. At this stage students are asked to try the product and give an assessment of the product developed through the student responses. The results of the limited trial can be seen in the following table:



Table 5

Limited Trial

Rating indicator

Perspective value

Average Eligibility Percentage














Very worth it


From the table above, it can be seen that 2 aspects assessed by students are the presentation and display of an average 91 percentage of eligibility 83.75% with the "Very Eligible" category. 2 aspects that were assessed by students, aspect 1 of the display got a percentage of 82.5% with the "Very Eligible" category and aspect 2 of the presentation received a feasibility percentage of 85% in the "Very Eligible" category.

3.   Interview Results and Observations

Based on the results of interviews that the researchers conducted with one of the teachers as a playgroup teacher for TK Negeri Pertiwi, namely Mrs. Titik Handayani. S.Pd regarding the feasibility of the Letter Bowling media, it can be concluded that this media is very suitable for children aged 3-4 years. This media is in accordance with the development of children and this media has clear pictures according to the theme and makes children very happy and enthusiastic in learning activities.

Then the researchers collected data in the form of observations made in the Pertiwi State Kindergarten playing group regarding the effect of the letter bowling learning media on the language skills of children aged 3-4 years.

Based on the results of observations made by researchers, it can be concluded that the use of letter bowling media in learning makes children feel happy during the teaching and learning process. This letter bowling media is also very influential on children's language development, namely increasing children's vocabulary, capable children, children are able to pretend to read picture stories in books in their own words, begin to understand two commands given at the same time, for example: take a toy on the table then give it to the caregiver or educator, Begin to express a desire by saying simple sentences (6 words), and Begin to tell the experience experienced with a simple story. and children directly recognize the letters when the game matches letters on the letter bowling media. The table of observations made in the research in the playgroup of the Pertiwi State Kindergarten, Kempahan Hulu District, Rokan Hulu Regency is as follows.


Table 6

Data from the results of the research in the Pertiwi State Kindergarten Playgroup, Kecepatan Hulu District, Rokan Hulu Regency


child's name

Achievement indicators



Abrisam Reynand







Ahmad Taufikul Hakim







Alica Savita







Elegant Gem Sari







Annisa Ufaiha







Azka Nailul Zam-Zam







Ghofar Abiyasa







Gian Abdillah Pratama







Laura Qorry Ayuna






  1. Indicator skills of early childhood language development in the Pertiwi State Kindergarten Playgroup

1)   vocabulary mastery

2)   start the story with short sentences (1-2)

3)   mention the name of the object around it

4)   reading by mentioning the object of the image.


  1. BB: Not Developed (Score 0%-25%)

If the child does it must be with guidance or exemplified by the teacher.

  1. MB: Starting To Grow (26%-50% Score)

If the child does it still must be reminded or assisted by the teacher

  1. BSH: Developing as Expected (Score 51%-75%)

If the child is able to do it independently and consistently without having to be reminded or exemplified by the teacher.

  1. BSB: Very Well Developed (76%-100% Score)

If the child is able to do it independently and has been able to help his friend who has not achieved the ability in accordance with the expected indicators.

Based on the table, there are 4 children whose language development has developed as expected, namely Ghofar Abiyasa, Abrisam Reynand, Alica Savita and Annisa Ufaiha. This can be seen when children begin to tell stories about the pictures used when using letter bowling and answer questions from the teacher. Then there are 5 children who have developed very well, namely Ahmad Taufikul Hakim, Laura Qorry Ayuna, Azka Nailulu Zam-Zam, Anggun Permata Sari and Gian Abdilla, seen when they often ask questions to the teacher, answer the teacher's questions and tell stories according to the child's experience. as well as mentioning the various pictures that existed during the application of the letter bowling game.

E.    Performance Test Results

The results of the performance test for TK Negeri Pertiwi students in the play group are as follows:

1.   Children who are said to have not developed when applying this letter bowling learning media, children have developed according to expectations because children are able to pretend to read illustrated stories in books in their own words, Begin to understand two commands given at the same time, for example: take a toy on the table and then give it to the caregiver or educator, Begin to express a desire by saying simple sentences (6 words), and Begin to tell the experience experienced with a simple story.

2.   Children who are said to start developing when applying this letter bowling learning media, children develop their language very quickly, because children are interested in the learning process because children are able to pretend to read illustrated stories in books in their own words, Begin to understand two commands given together, for example: take the toy on the table and give it to the caregiver or educator, Begin to express a wish by saying simple sentences (6 words), and Begin to tell the experience experienced with a simple story.

3.   While children who have developed according to this expectation, when the application of letter bowling is very fast, children's language development develops because it can be seen that children can tell stories, children can express what they feel, children's vocabulary increases.

It can be concluded that the language development of students in the playgroup of TK Negeri Pertiwi develops in accordance with expectations, it can be seen that the children's learning process is more enthusiastic, the children are more active in the learning process, and the children are able to express the things they feel, and the children can tell things. seen.

F.     Product Revision

After the product assessment was carried out by the group teacher playing TK Negeri Pertiwi when the trial was limited, suggestions were obtained from the teacher, then the suggestions given were used as input for revising the product. The results of the revision can be explained as follows.

The results of the teacher's revision in the form of improvements and suggestions in this Busy Book are to be more creative in making pictures and not to be too monotonous for each image and color sample, more complete with color gradations.

G.   The final product

Figure 2

The final product of bowling letters


H.   Discussion

Research and product development is carried out with an early stage of planning which is carried out by observing the playgroup school of TK Negeri Pertiwi. It is known that in TK Negeri Pertiwi the learning media used are less varied so that children are not enthusiastic in participating in learning, then letter bowling has never been done as a learning medium.

The product that has been developed is then validated by several experts before being tested, validation is carried out by 2 experts, namely one material expert and one media expert who is an expert in their field and the following is a description of the language development of children in the playgroup.

1.     The results of the Material Expert Assessment, In the validation carried out by the material expert validator, there are 3 aspects that are assessed, namely: the theme/educational aspect, the content of the busy book, and the presentation of the results of the assessment getting an average value of 3.27 with a percentage of eligibility criteria of 82.6% and the assessment category is " Very Worthy".

2.     The results of the Media Expert Assessment The validation carried out by media experts includes 2 aspects, namely: aesthetics/beauty and manufacturing techniques from media experts getting an average score of 3.41 with a percentage of eligibility criteria of 85% with the assessment category being "Very Eligible".

3.     Product Trial The product trial carried out is a limited trial in the aspect of the display assessment getting a percentage of 82.5% and the presentation assessment aspect getting a percentage of 85.0% in both these aspects getting the "Very Eligible" category

4.     The development of the language of the children in the playgroup of this State Kindergarten Kindergarten is capable of children Pretending to read a picture story in a book in their own words, Begins to understand two commands given at the same time, for example: take a toy on the table and give it to the nanny or educator, Start express a desire by saying simple sentences (6 words), and begin to tell their experiences with simple stories. This shows that children are very excited about the learning process, and children are more active during the learning process.

I.      Strengths and weaknesses

  1. Advantages

a.      This learning media makes it easier for children to recognize letters

b.     This learning media will make children more active in learning

c.      This learning media makes children more interested when learning begins

d.     This learning media can not only be used on the theme of transportation tools but can be used on any learning theme , such as plants, animals and others.

e.      Learning media can develop various children's developments such as fine motor skills (children are able to drop bowling letters), children's social (children are able to share or take turns when playing with friends), and others.

  1. Deficiency

f.      This learning media can only be used in approximately 5 months if the media nurse is not good



The conclusion from research and development is that a letter bowling product has been developed as a learning medium in improving early childhood language development, this letter bowling is made with an aqua bottle containing the theme of transportation equipment available with letters from AZ. With the activities in Bowling Letters, you can introduce various letters of the alphabet to children and can improve speaking skills by mentioning letters, recognizing colors, recognizing vowels and consonants, and recognizing transportation equipment.

Children's language development in the play group in TK Negeri Pertiwi capable children are able to pretend to read a picture story in a book in their own words, Begins to understand two commands given at the same time, for example: take a toy on the table and give it to the nanny or educator, Begins to state desire by saying a simple sentence (6 words), and Begin to tell the experience experienced with a simple story.

The average material expert validator rating gets a feasibility percentage of 82.6% so that the assessment achieved by the material expert validator gets the "Very Eligible" category while the media expert validator average scorer gets a feasibility percentage of 85% so that the assessment achieved by the media expert validator gets "Very Eligible" category then the average results of teacher assessments get a feasibility percentage of 84.37% so that the assessment achieved by teachers gets the "Very Eligible" category, the assessment of the limited trial gets a feasibility percentage of 83.75% so that the assessment achieved in the test limited try get �Very Eligible� category.


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Copyright holders:

Tri Kumala Dewi, Nurkamelia Mukhtar (2022)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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