Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, Desember 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Falimu, Kisman Karinda

Muhammadiyah University Luwuk, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Management, Online Media, Facebook Media



This research is about how online media management sangalu.com in using Facebook social media to be able to provide information that is received by a wide audience. Online media management in this case sangalu.com will describe several management functions in using Facebook as a communication medium, including management functions, namely planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring, the use of Facebook social media. Research findings with the application of management functions to ensure continuity between the facts in the field and the management functions carried out. In its development, the online media sngalu.com has implemented this management function, although some things have not been applied optimally. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive methodology where the researcher tried to review the online media management activities that had been carried out by sangalu.com using predetermined data collection the paradigm used was the constructivism paradigm, the right paradigm in this study where researchers tried to see what was being done. sangalu.com party carries out the management process with various forms of its functions, in managing social media Facebook



The industrial revolution and the development of communication technology have changed the way the media works in news, news distribution, and advertising. Technological advances have led to new media products that have economic value, such as films, radio and television, and the internet. Technological developments also affect the activities of old media which then switch to new media, namely digital media over time.

Online media management is currently becoming important in the digital communication process to meet information needs and the process of interaction between communities. The stages of the development of communication media along with the times are currently popular among the public in finding information through online media using the internet. The internet in the communication process is classified as a new media with different characteristics from other media. The presence of the internet is something that cannot be avoided by the community to meet the need for information in everyday life.

Communication covers all aspects. Starting from the procedures or behavior, and media facilities. In this case, the author wants to apply how to use and how to communicate by utilizing communication media which is growing day by day. With the development of the media that is growing day by day, news tools such as newspapers, books, magazines, radio, TV, etc. have emerged, and the favorite until now is the internet (online media). (Nadin & Ikhtiono, 2019).

Online media management is a term used to describe a collective strategy in business. Online media management is how to develop an online marketing approach that is connected to consumers continuously through internet sites that are always used by the public. Technological developments make people prefer something more efficient, the busyness of most people, especially in urban communities makes them sometimes don't have time to do things that take time. (Setiowati, Cheril, & Sary, 2021).

The emergence of online media sites and the internet can finally expand the sources of information obtained. According to (Martinez, VG, & L�pez-R�o, 2015) that the existence of the internet and technology will bring innovations in new ways of reading. For (Aydemir, Z., & Ozturk, 2012) reading digitally makes an impact, namely the digitalization culture known as reading from the screen.

After the internet began to be accessed via cellular phones, the use of internet media as a means of communication grew rapidly, and even the term smartphone emerged. The facilities offered for communicating are also increasingly diverse, including chat, email, browsing, and social media facilities. According to (Nasrullah, 2015) social media is a medium on the Internet that allows users to represent themselves and interact, collaborate, share, and communicate with other users to form virtual social bonds.

Online media are all forms of interactive communication media that allow two-way interaction and feedback, participation, openness, building trustworthy relationships, and building community. A large number of netizens show that the existence of online media is increasingly inseparable from the real world. Online media has a big influence on human life. Online media comes along with the increasing use of the internet. Online media is a new platform that allows the distribution of information to be carried out without the obstacles that previously hindered many. (Alma Fikhasari, 2019). With the advent of online media, people can view newspapers and magazines digitally through websites. Some forms of graphic media are e-books, e-magazines, online magazines, etc. Visual media in digital form spreads easily. By simply uploading digital visual media to Internet Media, people around the world who are connected to the Internet can download the media.

Media management is very closely related to digital marketing which is currently being discussed. The use of media accounts that are constantly updated and neatly arranged can provide advantages. Media management is a science that studies how to manage media with management principles. In the management process, media management must be able to formulate policies related to the two lines of media management. The two lines are media management as a commercial industry, as well as media management as an institution providing public information that has social responsibilities to people the public. Meanwhile, online media management is almost the same as the definition of media management above, only that the management is in the online realm. Starting from converged media management, online advertising management, and so on.

This is where the role of online media management is needed in reporting information media, especially with the development of technology such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the internet, as a means of delivering information to meet human needs. In this era of globalization, communication media is very important. Compared to the era before technology entered Indonesia, the speed of information dissemination is very fast. The management of mass media is a very important discussion to have a positive impact on the development of today's media. So that it can be a benchmark for the success of online media in conveying information or news that has a positive and educative impact on its readers.

Therefore, the organization of online media management today needs to be considered. Especially in editorial content and online advertisements, because the information contained in online media is easily conveyed, and spread directly to the public. In addition, the emergence of media convergence forced media companies to compete and comply with market demands that sometimes do not contain educational content. Even though in the 4.0 era. Currently, there is a demand for the media to educate by presenting content and advertisements that are beneficial for the welfare of the community. For this reason, this book attempts to provide a guide on how to manage Sangalu.com online media in the digitization of communication media. Based on the description above, the research question is how to manage sangalu.com online media using social media Facebook.



The research method used in this study is qualitative. The qualitative method is descriptive research which means in qualitative research tends to use analysis and tries to describe a symptom to a scientific explanation based on the discovery and collection of facts and data during the research process. According to (Noor, 2009) qualitative research is used to see problems that are not clear, find out the hidden meaning of the problem, understand from social interactions, develop theories and ensure the truth of a problem. The qualitative method refers to research that uses various scientific methods in a particular natural environment to understand the phenomena experienced by the research object as a whole through the description of words and language.

This research is descriptive qualitative, Whitney (Moleong, 2019) argues that the descriptive method is fact-finding with a theoretical view that aims to tell the solution to the current problem based on the data. This type of qualitative descriptive research is used to obtain the desired information and data in detail. The information and data referred to are information and data regarding online management activities from sangalu.com.

Then the data is analyzed by reducing it to a form that is easier to read and interpret. In addition, the data is used to answer the questions posed in the study. This study is based on inductive analysis. The inductive analysis will produce universal interactive propositions. The analysis was carried out based on observations in the field and based on interviews, observations, and documentation then compiled and concluded.



The application of online media management the opinion of Stoner, et al quoted by (Qudratullah & Fattah, 2018) is to implement online media management functions which include planning, organizing, leadership, and controlling in management. So the most important thing here is the effort to manage online media by using management functions. Therefore, in the application of management in this research, the researcher wants to know how the application of online media management is carried out by blokiraya. news in the use of social media Facebook for information or news needs to the general public. According to, management is a framework or process involving the guidance or direction of groups of people based on real organizational goals. Based on the results of the research conducted, the online media management applied in the sangalu.com media organization, which operates based on its functions, includes planning, organizing, leadership, coordinating, and regulating as follows:

1.   Planning for News Spread Through Facebook

Planning is selecting activities and deciding what to do and when to do them. Sangalu.com online media planning is an important element, where planning in online media will be the guideline for every leader in implementing the news program and will have a broad impact on the community. As stated (Djuroto, 2004) that planning is all activities in the media starting from the discussion of initial ideas or ideas to the implementation of the news information search process. The function of planning is to unite the common views, attitudes, and actions that will be carried out in the implementation in the field. The function of publication planning is to analyze the type of information that will be disseminated through Facebook sangalu.com. Then the information/news is arranged in a coherent, structured, and uncomplicated manner so that the intent and purpose of the information/news conveyed will be easily understood by the readers.



2.   Organizing News Dissemination

Organizing comes from the word " organizing " which comes from the Greek language with the root word " organon " which means a tool, or the process of grouping activities to achieve certain goals carried out by a manager by assigning certain people according to their duties. (Edwin B. Flippo, 2002). Organizing is defined as the division of work among individuals involved in an organization. In the organizing function, media management uses maximum resources to carry out each targeted plan. An organization is defined as a working relationship between people who work together to achieve common goals.

Technically, the dissemination of news through the media of Facebook is the job of sangalu.com journalists where every piece of information/news that is conveyed is mainly related to information after it is made, and is forwarded to the editorial department for immediate publication. Given that there are so many Facebook media users, the information must be obtained more quickly by the public.

3.   Implementation of News Dissemination via Facebook

In the implementation of information dissemination, the editor will convey information, using Facebook media as information dissemination. Sangalu.com in publishing information/news, where the use of this media is considered to make it easier for the public to obtain the news delivered. According to (Abdullah, 2014) Implementation is the process of a series of follow-up activities on an online media plan or policy, including the development of decisions, strategies, and operational or policy steps that become reality to achieve predetermined program goals. Therefore, any information related to events or news that occurred in Banggai Regency and its surroundings reaches the community quickly, so social media Facebook is one of the strategies for disseminating information/news through print media and is also still being carried out by sangalu.com.

4.   Supervision Function in Dissemination of Information/News

The supervisory function is carried out by the editor-in-chief to assess whether the news to be delivered is by a predetermined plan, or is by the principles that have been outlined. In sangalu.com online media management, the supervisory system is controlled by the editor-in-chief, this is done because the news output has a very broad impact on the community. According to Prajudi Atmosudirjo, monitoring is the overall activity of comparing or measuring what is being implemented or has been implemented with predetermined standards, norms, standards, or plans. (Muh. Hizbul Muflihin, 2015).

Meanwhile, according to Mockler (Sule, Trisnawati Ernie dan Saefullah, 2007) Supervision is a systematic effort that sets implementation standards by planning goals, designing feedback information systems, comparing actual activities with predetermined standards, identifying and measuring deviations, and taking corrective actions. necessary to ensure that the organization's resources are used most effectively and efficiently for the organization's goals.

This supervisory function is carried out for preventive or preventive actions. With the supervisory function carried out by the editor-in-chief in media management, an error can be detected from the start and corrected before the news is conveyed through Facebook media. This shows that after the publication of information/news, sangalu.com media as the organizer of information/news always monitors the information/news that has been published.


Online Media Management in using Facebook social media

In modern organizations, activities are divided into interrelated parts. Therefore, media management needs to coordinate between departments so that organizational goals can be achieved effectively. Sangalu.com online media management in organizing news delivery, begins with the stages of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. This is evidenced by the systematic dissemination of news that is easily accessible to the wider community. Planning of news delivery, including analysis of published news, namely events that occurred in the Banggai Regency and surrounding areas. The publication media used by sangalu.com are Facebook social media and print media.

In the management of news, delivery becomes very important. The concern of communication through online media management is the sophistication in processing and disseminating news. Therefore, the central point here is the issue of how news is processed and disseminated. (Aswad Ishak, 2012). This news is communicated to the public from the sangalu.com media organization.

Based on the explanation above, the delivery of information/news with the use of Facebook social media is more effective where the use of Facebook social media is more so the delivery of messages through news becomes more optimal. Facebook social media users will try to enter certain communities because they are related to the information products offered (Bambang Supradono, 2011) so Facebook online media is the right choice as the basic media for delivering information.

The purpose of using social media such as Facebook includes pleasure, communication, information, and transactions (N Sopiah, 2013). Many people use social networking sites for various purposes. These goals are divided according to (Sangadji, E.M., 2013) due to the use of social media Facebook as a means of disseminating information. As stated by Cheung et al, one of the main reasons people use social networking sites is to communicate and connect with others instantly. (Cheung, C. M. K., Chiu, P. -Y., & Lee, 2011). Therefore, the Facebook social media used by sangalu.com media makes it very easy for the public to get information. (Alim, Retnawati, & Syamsuddin, 2018) Publishing information through Facebook is more interesting than print media.

This is because the dissemination of information can be accompanied by interesting features, such as images or videos that are synchronized with the news feed that will be published. People who use Facebook to find information can provide convenience as expressed by Davis where someone believes that the use of information technology is an easy thing that does not require hard effort from the wearer. (Agung Budi Prasetyo, 2014). This shows that online media management carried out by sangalu.com media provides an effective effect in delivering information through the media facebook.


Management of network media to organize news delivery, starting from the various stages of planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring, disseminating news, systematically and easily accessible to the public. The use of Facebook online media by sangalu.com media makes it easier for all management in conveying news. The role of Facebook social media in conveying news, with attractive images, is easier to understand than using print media. Besides being easy, the use of interesting features in carrying out the activities carried out by the media editor of sangalu.com, so can attract the interest of people who pay attention to the news.






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Copyright holders:

Falimu, Kisman Karinda (2022)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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