Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Rafly Prasetyo Ramadhan

Persada University of Indonesia Y.A.I

Email: [email protected]


Control Self, Achievement, Students


The destination study this to analyze control self with performance study students at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog Jakarta, of course, can make as a reference in making school policy _, especially at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog. Many are found in school, especially high school, students often have common problems _ that occur in school fighting, enmity, cheating, each other ridicule, and declining grades _ as well as academic stress, change demands study from the past also caused appearance stress symptoms. The method of research used _ in a study is method descriptive qualitative. Obtained results that connection control self student with performance study each other get in touch. The facts found at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog class XI, some students can't control themselves so which results in low-performance study students. Desire every indicated individual _ through the achievements he has made. Success for a student if capable show performance through results good study _



Education is the most important part of aspects of life as a provision to form intelligent and quality human beings. Following the Law on the National Education System of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2 of 2003 Chapter II Article 3, namely national education aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have a noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic and responsible citizens. answer (Komara, 2016).

School is an educational institution that prepares students to develop their potential (Munadlir, 2016). Law Number 20 of 2003 Article 1 paragraph 1 concerning the National Education System states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential. Developing the potential of these students requires an atmosphere and learning process that supports these activities.

(Syah, 2011) explains that learning achievement is the success of students in achieving the goals that have been determined according to the program. The learning achievement achieved by students is according to the criteria that have been set. This learning achievement is used to assess the results obtained by students. (Hamalik, 2006) explains that achievement is the final formulation value that can be given by the teacher regarding the progress/achievement of students during a certain period. From the opinion above, it can be concluded that learning achievement is the result of students' efforts that can be achieved in the form of mastery, knowledge, abilities, habits and skills, and attitudes after following the learning process which can be proven by test results.

Often found in schools, especially high school, students who often have problems that are common in schools are fights, hostility, cheating, mutual ridicule, and declining grades as well as academic stress, changes in learning demands from the past also cause stress symptoms to appear. (Fitri, Zola, & Ifdil, 2018) . Academic stress is not completely negative but can be positive in the sense that it can be a challenge to overcome (Barseli, Ahmad, & Ifdil, 2018). This condition is partly due to high demands on student achievement where such a thing will hurt student achievement at school (Barseli et al., 2018). The problem that often occurs is because of the weakness of students' self-control which will result in these students being easily offended, lacking in confidence, and having difficulty controlling themselves. Self-confidence is a person's belief in all aspects that exist in him and is manifested in daily behavior and how individuals can evaluate themselves and their environment positively (Fitri et al., 2018).

Based on this background, this research is very important to analyze the relationship between self-control and student achievement at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between self-control and student achievement at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog which of course can be used as a reference in making policies in schools, especially at SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog.


The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely primary data and secondary data (Sugiyono, 2019). Sources of data obtained through library research techniques (library study) refer to sources available both online and offline such as scientific journals, books, and news sourced from trusted sources. These sources are collected based on discussion and linked from one piece of information to another. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and research. This data is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn. The results show that MSME actors are required to be part of the global community by utilizing information technology through e-commerce because they have.



A.  Brief Profile

SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog Jakarta was Established on the initiative of the Principal of SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Jakarta, Drs. SUYITNO (deceased) and the Management of the Kemala Bhayangkari Delog Foundation (Ms. SIS). Initially established on July 16, 2001/2002 led by Drs. SUYITNO and School Representative Drs. Zainuddin.

The origin of the establishment of the Kemala Bhayangkari Delog Jakarta Vocational School is to Maximize the School Building during the day after being built by the Foundation at that time. Then on the way, there was a change in the leadership of Kemala Bhayangkari Delog where the Kemala Bhayangkari Delog Foundation appointed to be the principal of the school Mrs. Hj. SUTAMI, MM, M.Pd. Served from 2002/2003 to 2012/2013 and Deputy Principal Drs. ZAINUDIN. M.Pd.

To anticipate the interest of new students who tend to choose new majors, then SMK KEMALA BHAYANGKARI DELOG opens a new department "Computer and Network Engineering" with the initial acceptance of new students as many as 2 classes with a total of 70 students.

Then in the 2013/2014 school year, there was a reshuffle in the leadership ranks of the Kemala Bhayangkari Delog Vocational School, where the Principal remained in the position of Mrs. Hj. Sutami, MM, M.Pd and Deputy Principal Mr. Drs. Hartono Joko S, SE. Then in the 2013/2014 academic year, Mrs. Hj Sutami MM. M.Pd finished his term of office and was replaced by the vice principal, namely Drs. Hartono Joko S. SE and the Deputy Principal are occupied by Mr. Buntaran Budiyanto, SE, and assisted by several leadership staff.



B.  Conditions of Student Self-Control in General

1.   Behavior Control

Adolescence is also known as the transition period. During this period, many changes occur in him. Some teenagers are ready to experience that change and some are not ready. This is by what was stated (Santrock, 2007) that adolescence is a period of developmental transition between childhood and adulthood that involves changes in biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes.

Students who are at the level of education concurrently have two functions in their lives, namely students who receive education at school and as teenagers. As students who carry out the learning process at school, they are required to be able to succeed in learning.

Students' self-control in this aspect of behavior control needs to be improved and developed in a better direction so that students can control themselves both by controlling attitudes and actions. This is supported by the opinion (Ghufron & Risnawita, 2010) that self-control is defined as the ability of individuals to control and manage behavior so that they can present themselves as people who can relate well to others.

Furthermore, according to (Djaali, 2011) students who control themselves in learning can guide their behavior, undergo the learning process well, contribute to the learning process and follow the rules in the learning process.

Students Furthermore, according to (Djaali, 2011) students who control themselves in learning can guide their behavior, undergo the learning process well, contribute to the learning process and follow the rules in the learning process. Furthermore, according to (Djaali, 2011) students who control themselves in learning can guide their behavior, undergo the learning process well, contribute to the learning process and follow the rules in the learning process.

2.   Cognitive control

Cognitive control is the ability or capability of individuals to control or control themselves to process unexpected information by interpreting and giving values (Maulana, 2022). Cognitive control itself is divided into 2 elements, namely getting data or information and evaluating or giving values. The way it works is with information or data owned by individuals, can take into account the circumstances that are not good or unpleasant, then give a response with all considerations.

3.   Decision control

Student self-control needs to be improved and developed in a better direction so that students can choose and determine the desired goals with good consideration and pay attention to positive and negative effects. This is supported by opinion.

(Thalib, 2010) suggests that: "making a decision is a person's ability to choose a result of an action based on something that is believed and approved". Self-control in making choices will function on the possible actions that students choose to determine their future.

C.  Analysis of the Relationship of Self-Control with Student Achievement

Learning achievement is the success of students in achieving the goals that have been determined according to the program. The learning achievement achieved by students is according to the criteria that have been set. This learning achievement is used to assess the results obtained by students. there is a relationship and interrelationship between self-control and student achievement. Weak self-control of students can be seen from the results of research (Astari & Widagda, 2014) there are 25.06% of students have moderate self-control, and 15.93% of students have low self-control, Then research (Aroma & Suminar, 2012) student self-control is in a low category 39.1% very low 13.8%.

The desire of each individual is shown through the achievements he has obtained. Success for a student is if he can show achievement through good learning outcomes and achieves the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) and is far from primarily academic (Reski, Taufik, & Ifdil, 2017). Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that the relationship between students' self-control and learning achievement is interrelated. The fact that was found in SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog class X, some students could not control themselves, resulting in low student achievement. The desire of each individual is shown through the achievements he has obtained. Success for a student if he can show achievement through good learning outcomes.



Based on the results of the analysis related to the relationship between self-control and student achievement, it can be concluded that the relationship between student self-control and learning achievement is interrelated. The fact that was found in SMK Kemala Bhayangkari Delog class X, some students could not control themselves, resulting in low student achievement. The desire of each individual is shown through the achievements he has obtained. Success for a student if he can show achievement through good learning outcomes.


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Rafly Prasetyo Ramadhan (2022)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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