1 Nanda Arizqa Setiadi, 2 Aida Saraswati,
3 Christina Dwi Astuti
1,2,3 Fakultas
Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
KEYWORDS Green Human Capital, Green Relational
Capital, Green Structural Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility,
Competitive Advantage |
ABSTRACT Study this aim for
knowing the effect of green intellectual capital (green relational capital,
green human capital, and green structural capital) on competitive advantage
with corporate social responsibility as a mediator. Study this using primary
data collected through questionnaire google forms help. The population in the
study are employees who have involvement with the division of R&D,
marketing, HR, and departments' protection working environment in the company
manufacturing area of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi
(JABODETABEK). The amount of sample used is as much as 260 with the use
convenience sampling method. The analytical tool used in research is SPSS. Result
study with the use of analysis multiple linear regression show that : (1)
Green human capital, green relational capital, and green structural capital
have an effect positive significant on competitive advantage, (2) Corporate
social responsibility, green relational capital, green human capital, and
green structural capital have an effective positive significant to
competitive advantage, (3) Corporate social responsibility can mediate the
effect of green relational capital, green human capital and green structural
capital on competitive advantage |
competition requires every business actor to not only have as much working capital as
possible but also be able to manage the knowledge of their human resources.
Every company is required to develop its capabilities, competencies, and
competitive advantages on an ongoing basis by relying on experience and
intellectual property.
When handling competition in marketing, the company will deploy all
abilities to face competition. That thing is something that can be made reject
measuring how much success a company-run business that.
Should management not only care for the holder's shares (shareholders) only? Should the company
give attention to some other parties such as NGOs, the environment, employees,
and the government? It means the company must also join monitor state society
other than stakeholders.� Problem social including complex problems if
linked with the party who owns the relation company with thinking some Thing
important. Issue responsibility social and caring company to Public as well as
environment will Becomes attention from all party. The emergence of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) will make all
companies compete for the company.
Network Recorded National Mining Advocacy 45 conflicts in
mines occurred in the year 2020. As a result, there is a damaged environment
area of 714,692 Ha. Amount conflicts increased almost five times compared to
2019 recorded have 11 conflicts mine. Detailed 45 conflicts the is from some
cases like 2 cases from disconnection work, 13 cases extortion land, 22 cases
pollution environment, as well as 8 cases denial mining by residents. Until the
end of 2020, the National JATAM recorded there are 3,092 holes abandoned mines
and not have reclamation processes or improvements (source: With the existence of the phenomenon,
the company or organization could do prevention to pollution environment for
protect the environment, as well as improve the business model and thinking
management to increase opportunity and innovation green.
Investing in knowledge is important and will increase intellectual
capital company, as part of management knowledge. Examples of intellectual
capital are knowledge about technology, knowledge about management power work,
and knowledge about the environment. Knowledge about the environment is known
as intellectual capital green, and important because the government has to make
regulations for the company for management and improve the environment. Companies
that are directly active apply management environment To
do enhancement production and fixed minimize waste but the price tree green
will too relatively high, which later could increase the image company and get
superior competitive in aspect awareness environment. Superiority competitive,
or what can be called competitive advantage is an important factor for the company
to create achievement sustainable development. Asset no form will become
reference important for superiority competitive company moment this known as
intellectual capital (Chaudhry & Khan, 2016)
Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) is a mechanism experience by the company to ' clean up ' the
advantages big gain (Huda, 2011) . As we know, the various
methods that a to-do company use get profit however harmful whether on purpose
or not. So from that, CSR is an impact from activities
that can harm others, the thing they use for reverse state people who
experience impact from the company so that Becomes good back. Moment this, the concept
of sustainability becomes the draft most important for implementation in an activity
operational company. Sustainability development (development) sustainable) is
developed to Fulfill the needs of the living generation now without disturbing the
ability next generation to come in and Fulfill their needs live they (Barreca et al., 2019) . As for the regulations
governing related obligation company for could apply not quite enough answer
environment is Law no. 40 of 2007, Law no. 25 of 2007, and Law no. 32 of 2009.
Green intellectual capital has a role in an operating
company with notice continuation, where regulate knowledge custom with practice
or technology used _ for reach destination company. Green intellectual capital Becomes total asset wealth companies
that have saved in form knowledge, assets no form as well as an ability other
related _ with a company (Firmansyah, 2017) . Green intellectual capital Becomes integration knowledge To use increase the ability to compete company. Based on the
study Previously, green intellectual capital was divided Becomes three groups namely
green human capital, green relationship capital, and green structural capital (Arie, Kumalasari, & Manual,
2019) .
Resource-Based View Theory (RBV)
Resources-based theory (RBT) is a theory based on
resources that are intended as a theory to analyze the competitive advantage of
companies that show economic or learning advantages that depend on intangible
assets. This RBT thinks that
the company has superior performance finance as well as
superior good competition because could control, possess, and take advantage of
important strategic assets (Wernerfelt, 1984) . RBT discusses
ownership source power companies and how companies manage source power. Source-owned
power companies could be in the form of whole assets, attributes company,
capabilities, information, organizational processes knowledge, and still many
others (Barney, 1990) Theory this in line with green
intellectual capital, where application source intellectual power based on the environment
will optimally give effect positive to superiority complete company.
Stakeholder Theory
theory holder interest view is not quite enough to answer the manager not just
on the holder company, but to stakeholders' interests
other like suppliers, employees, and partners' business other. The company must
always attempt to balance the interest of all parties. because of that, the company
has a focus on giving the well-being of the holder's interests to others. In
Thing this, the company must ensure that information submitted could be accessed
and accepted with good by owner interests. The company will do its best to
manage the business to increase the welfare of the stakeholders its importance.
Besides that, the company will organize related events and possible environments
that involve holder interests. With so Things, this could add a good rating
from parties external to the company (Chandra, Sabijono, & Runtu,
2020) . CSR is one of the method company for giving not quite enough answers socially above
the impact caused by the activity operational company. The implementation of
CSR can give a positive brand image for future companies and will
increase superiority and have a competitive company.
frame Conceptual
Figure 1
frame Conceptual
reach destination development sustainability, the company must invest more many
source power and effort to improve its GIC. Studies
previously have put forward that the ethics program company have an influence
positive on perceived CSR employee (Singhapakdi et al., 2019) . With thereby is known that green
human capital is something companies have an effective positive on the perception
of the employee towards CSR, as follows (Liao et al., 2019) . Besides that, the more many studies have
shown that companies involved in CSR efforts affect the reaction of general
holder interest in organizations, such as employees, holder stock, and customers
(Ng, Yam, & Aguinis, 2019) .
Green Human Capital Take effect positive on Corporate Social
companies in developing protection to performance environment and innovation
green could minimize waste manufacturing and upgrading productivity, as well as
allocate burden relative price tall for product green them and improve image
company they so that avoid criticism public and punishment government (Chen, 2013) . Companies involved in the management
environment could help to create a culture and climate-green organization by
together Fulfill stakeholder needs and interest main and even the surrounding
community of the company more effectively. After factors this fulfilled, the employee
will consider corporate CSR more good (Liao et al., 2019) . Though the destination main company produces
profit, in green structural capital, the company could together contribute to
the goal of social and the environment with integration not quite enough answer
social company, as investigation strategic, ke in the
core of the business strategy. Companies that develop green intellectual
capital can facilitate enhancement source power and ability to not quite enough
answer social company.
H2: Green
Structural Capital Take effect positive on Corporate Social
green relational capital, be responsible answer social company expand to
an outside company to Public local and involving various holder interests as
well as employees. As a result, if people think of something organization as a development
source of power human, build a structure or internal systems, and maintain
connection friendship with holder interest with a focus on management
environment or innovation green, then the company will get attention more for
green intellectual capital where must push more understanding in about
responsibility social company (Liao et al., 2019) . Not quite enough answer social company
here do have not quite enough answer to employees, community, society, or
customer. Companies that have good corporate social responsibility will be
able to give design products following the desired consumer so which will build
good relationships Among both.
H3: Green
Relational Capital Take effect positive on Corporate Social
social responsibility is a commitment that has company To
use development a sustainable economy where the company must have not quite
enough answer priority social balance to aspect social, environmental, and
economic. The strategy of corporate social responsibility used by the company
will give an impact on branding image. The thing this will give a description
global market economy.
H4: Corporate
Social Responsibility takes to effect positively Competitive Advantage
human capital is innovation
through performance from source power people in the company based on all things
to do. (Chen, 2013) believe that intellectual capital green
has an impact positive to a superior competitive company. Moment this, the company
is capable get superior competition from a friendly HR environment where
knowledge attached environment personal give impact is important inside the company
H5: Green Human
Capital Take effect positive to Competitive Advantage
organizations with structural capital l no will easily fall except
employees leave the company. Green structural capital is one of how to
have surgery companies could compete and last for a period long. Companies can
manage the company with apply oriented rules to prevent damage environment or
regulation protection the environment. With method this, the company could give
a score plus to holder interest specifically Public around the environment
company, so could minimize possible costs will arise more many if no To do prevention. With this method, the company can get
superior competition compared to other competitors. An excellent and
competitive company will be capable organize with good (Chen, 2013) .
H6: Green
Structural Capital Take effect positive to Competitive Advantage
environment could be in the form of an inventory company with holder interest
like customers, suppliers, members company, and partners company, regarding
management environment and innovation green, known as green relational capital.
Green relational capital is the knowledge that comes from interpersonal
interactions that combine internal and external relations something oriented
company to protection environment. Green relational capital is an influential
thing to superiority competition. The existence of good relationship will make the
image company Becomes good so that superiority will be competitive increase.
H7: Green
Relational Capital Take effect on Competitive Advantage
Research design
this testing hypothesis with the use of method study quantitative. Studying
this explains the influence of green intellectual capital which includes
green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational
capital to competitive advantage with corporate social
responsibility as a mediator. Sample on research this as many as 260
samples which are managers, head divisions, and employees in the R&D,
marketing, HR, and protection divisions environment in the company
manufacturing in the JABODETABEK area. retrieval technique the sample used in
the study is purposive sampling.
Variable Research
and Definition Operational
Variable Dependent
Competitive advantage is a quality company organization utilizing
expertise, competence, and resources power efficient which is not could imitate
by competitors. Superiority competitive company as conditions under which
competitors no could imitate the competitive strategy run by the company, as
well as competitors no could get benefits obtained from the company through its
competitive strategy (Porter & Van der Linde, 1995) . Superiority is competitive as a variable
dependent (variable Y) measured with 11 statement items (Chen, 2013) .
Variable Independent
Green Human Capital
Green human capital is the number of skills, abilities,
knowledge, attitudes, experience, creativity, wisdom as well as a commitment to
employees, and so on about the protection environment asta
innovation green (Chen, 2013) . Human capital is assets owned by
a company with a destination for getting solutions best based on knowledge,
experience, and competencies possessed by employees company alone where role
from Huge human capital will make the company must give attention extra
as well as development by always regular adapting to conditions happening
changes in the environment business the (Kasmawati, 2018) . Green human capital as the independent variable (variable
X) measured with 5 statement items (Chen, 2013) .
Green Structural Capital
According to (Chen, 2013) Green, Structural Capital
is backup knowledge system capability management, commitment organizational,
philosophy managerial, ability organizational, image companies, patents and
copyrights, and brand merchandise for protecting green innovation or
environment in the organization _ or environment. There are 9 questions
measured by the Independent Variable (variable x) as Green Structural
Capital (Chen, 2013) .
Green relational capital
Green relational capital is defined as knowledge
based on connection with holder interests. Green relational capital
consists of connections with customers, suppliers, partners strategic,
institutional, and member networks other related _ to the management environment
and innovation green, which leads to operation sustainable (Liao et al., 2019) . Green relational capital as the independent variable
(variable X) measured with 7 statement items (Chen, 2013) .
Variable Mediation
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
is a commitment to a business or company to participate in the development of
an economically sustainable with pay attention a social responsibility company
and focus on balance with attention to social, environmental, and economic
aspects. Corporate
social responsibility as an intervening variable is measured
with 9 statement items (Rahman et al., 2021; Turker, 2009) .
Descriptive statistics
Table 1
Descriptive statistics
Variable |
N |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Mode |
mean |
Std. Deviation |
Green Human Capital |
260 |
1.00 |
5.00 |
4.00 |
Green Structural Capital |
260 |
1.00 |
5.00 |
4.00 |
3.8927 |
0.4292 |
Green relational capital |
260 |
1.00 |
5.00 |
4.00 |
4.3835 |
0.4677 |
Corporate Social Responsibility |
260 |
1.00 |
5.00 |
4.00 |
4.4043 |
0.4761 |
Competitive Advantage |
260 |
1.00 |
5.00 |
4.00 |
4.3941 |
0.4627 |
Source: Data Processed in SPSS 28 (2022)
In table 1, Green Human Capital has
a minimum value of 1.00, a maximum value of 5.00, and a mode value of 4.00
while the mean value is 4.4146 with a standard deviation of 0.4511. Green
Structural Capital has a minimum value of 1.00, a maximum value of 5.00,
and a mode value of 4.00 while the mean value is 3.8927 with a standard
deviation of 0.4292. Green Relational Capital has a minimum value of
1.00, a maximum value of 5.00, and a mode value of 4.00 while the mean value is
4.3835 with a standard deviation of 0.4677. Corporate Social Responsibility has
a minimum value of 1.00, a maximum value of 5.00, and a mode value of 4.00
while the mean value is 4.4043 with a standard deviation of 0.4761. The
competitive advantage has a minimum value of 1.00, a maximum value of 5.00,
and a mode value of 4.00 while the mean value is 4.3941 with a standard
deviation of 0.4627.
Data Quality Test
1. Validity
Table 2
Validity Test Results
Variable |
Sig. |
Decision |
Human Capital |
0.569 |
0.00 |
Valid |
Structural Capital |
0.791 |
0.00 |
Valid |
relational capital |
0.723 |
0.00 |
Valid |
Social Responsibility |
0.797 |
0.00 |
Valid |
Advantage |
0.837 |
0.00 |
Valid |
Source: Data Processed in SPSS 28
Based on
table 2, it can be seen that the variables green human capital, green
structural capital, green relational capital, corporate social responsibility, and
competitive advantage have KMO values (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) greater than
0.50 and have probability values (sig.) less than 0.05 so it can be concluded
that all related statements are valid.
Table 3
Test Results
Variable |
Items |
Cronbach's Alpha. value |
Decision |
Human Capital |
5 |
0.713 |
Reliable |
Green Structural
Capital |
9 |
0.867 |
Reliable |
relational capital |
7 |
0.823 |
Reliable |
Social Responsibility |
9 |
0.868 |
Reliable |
Advantage |
11 |
0.886 |
Reliable |
Source: Data
Processed in SPSS 28 (2022)
Based on table 3, it can be explained that the variables green
human capital, green structural capital, green relational capital, corporate
social responsibility, and competitive advantage have a total
statement of 41 items and have a Cronbach's Alpha value of more than 0.6 which
means that the research instrument used to measure all variables can be said to
be reliable or reliable.
Hypothesis testing
1. Regression
a) Model 1
Test Results (Model 1)
= Corporate Social Responsibility |
Variable |
Expectation |
Coefficient Regression (β) |
Sig (1-tailed) |
Decision |
(Constant) |
-0.435 |
0.635 |
Green Human Capital |
(+) |
0.460 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Green Structural Capital |
(+) |
0.403 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Green relational capital |
(+) |
0.514 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Adjusted R� |
0.886 |
F Uji test |
Sig. |
0.000 |
Significant |
Source: Data Processed in SPSS 28 (2022 )
Based on the processing results listed
in the table above, the magnitude of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted
R�) was obtained at 0.886. This means that the variation of the independent
variable can explain the variation of the dependent variable of 88.6%. In
addition, the F test produces a sig value of F of 0.000, where the value of
this sign is smaller than 0.05 indicating that individual perceptions of the green
human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital variables
can convincingly have a significant effect on the corporate social variable.
responsibilities. The t-test in model 1 is as follows.
Model 1
(Corporate Social Responsibility)
0.460GHC + 0.403GSC + 0.514GRC��������(1)
Based on table 4, it can be seen that the variables of green
human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital have
a positive effect on corporate social responsibility.
b) Model 2
Table 5
Test Results (Model 2)
= Competitive Advantage |
Variable |
Expectation |
Coefficient Regression (β) |
Sig. (1-tailed) |
Decision |
(Constant) |
0.347 |
Human Capital |
(+) |
0.503 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Structural Capital |
(+) |
0.358 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Green relational
capital |
(+) |
0.300 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Social Responsibility |
(+) |
0.365 |
0.000 |
accepted |
Adjusted R� |
0.885 |
F Uji test |
Sig. |
0.000 |
Significant |
Source: Data Processed in SPSS 28 (2022)
Based on
the results processing listed in the table above, the amount coefficient
determination (Adjusted R�) is obtained of 0.885. This thing means that
variation from the independent variable is capable explain variation from the variable
dependent by 88.5%. Besides that, the F test produces a sig value of F
is 0.000, where a score from sig this smaller than 0.05 indicates that the
perception individual to variables of green human capital, green structural
capital, green relational capital, and corporate social responsibility
convincing could take effect significant to competitive advantage variable. The
t-test in model 2 is as follows.
Model 2
(Competitive Advantage)
CA= 1.021 +
0.503GHC + 0.358GSC + 0.300GRC + 0.365CSR���(2)
The results of the research above in table 5 show that the
variables of green human capital, green structural capital, green relational
capital, and corporate social responsibility have a positive
influence on competitive advantage.
2. Sobel Test
Table 6
Test Results ( Sobel Test)
No |
regression (X) against (Z)* |
The standard
error (X) against (Z)* |
regression (Z) against (Y)* |
The standard
error (Z) against (Y)* |
One-tailed Probability Test Results* |
Conclusion |
1 |
0.460 |
0.080 |
0.365 |
0.075 |
Mediate |
2 |
0.403 |
0.046 |
0.365 |
0.075 |
0.00001048 |
Mediate |
3 |
0.514 |
0.056 |
0.365 |
0.075 |
0.0000855 |
Mediate |
Source: Data Processed in SPSS 28 (2022)
X to Z = No
1: Green human capital to corporate social responsibility
����������������� No 2: Green structural capital
on corporate social responsibility
����������������� No 3: Green relational capital
on corporate social responsibility
Z to Y = No
1,2,3,4: Corporate social responsibility to competitive advantage
*In the
appendix, the Sobel Test Results section
In the Sobel test that has been carried out (see attachment),
statistically, the result is that the one-tailed probability value obtained by
the green human capital variable is 0.00010171, green structural
capital has a value of
the one-tailed probability of 0.00001048 and green relational capital
have score one-tailed probability obtained is of 0.00000855 were smaller
from 0.05 so that declared significant or corporate social responsibility
could mediate the third variable that. Therefore,
it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, namely green
human capital, green structural capital, and green relational capital that
can affect competitive advantage through corporate social
responsibility as an intervening variable or a mediating variable.
Test to hypothesis first,
second, and third based on statistical test results obtained conclusion that
there is influence positive from variable green human capital, green
structural capital and green relational capital towards CSR. Based
on stakeholder theory, green human capital, green structural capital and
green relational capital is one aspects
important to holder interests. Companies must be
able to meet the needs of stakeholders regarding financial and non-financial
information that has an impact on the environment and society that arises in
the company's activities that will later increase continuity in the
organization company. The better the company in
disclosing corporate social responsibility, the more positive impact on
stakeholders. Test results in the study this support research conducted
by (Sudibyi &
Sutanto, 2020) which state that green human capital, green structural capital, and green relational
capital have a positive influence on corporate social
Testing the fourth hypothesis based on statistical test results concluded
that there is a positive effect of the CSR variable on competitive advantage.
This shows that the company's ability to be involved in corporate social
responsibility programs can make the public have a positive view of the
company, with the formation of a good reputation and image that has a positive
impact on the company's competitive advantage following stakeholder theory and
resource-based view theory. The test results in this study support research
conducted by (Jaelani, 2021; Rahmawati, Atmoko, & Noor, 2021; Sudibyi &
Sutanto, 2020) which
states that CSR has a positive influence on competitive advantage.
Test to hypothesis fifth, sixth, and seventh based on statistical
test results obtained _ conclusion that there is influence positive from
variable green human capital, green structural capital, and green
relational capital to competitive advantage. According to the resource-based
view theory, human capital, structural capital, and relational
capital should have unique value, be difficult to imitate, and be difficult
for replaced. Test results in a study this supporting study previously
conducted by ( Cahyono &
Hakim, 2020) and (Barreca et
al., 2019) �state that green human capital, green
structural capital, and green relational capital have a positive influence on competitive advantage.
Based on the results analysis power as already explained above,
then could conclude namely Green human capital has an effect positive to
corporate social responsibility. Green structural capital has an effect
positive to corporate social responsibility. Green relational capital is
influential and positive to corporate social responsibility. Corporate social
responsibility has an effect positive to competitive advantage. Green human
capital is an influential positive to competitive advantage. Green structural
capital has an effect positive to competitive advantage. Green relational
capital is an influential positive to competitive advantage. Corporate social
responsibility can mediate the effect of green human capital on competitive
advantage. Corporate social responsibility can mediate the effect of green
structural capital on competitive advantage. Corporate social responsibility
can mediate the effect of green relational capital on competitive advantage.
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Copyright holders:
Nanda Arizqa
Setiadi ,
Aida Saraswati , Christina Dwi
Astuti ( 2022 )
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International