Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Tiara Indah Sari, Surono, Estrella Arroyo

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]



Instructional Media, English Teaching, Audio-visual, Hardware, Software


In Indonesia, the number of English learners keep growing. Different methoods and effectiveness in teaching English has been experimented to get a better achievement. But still the systems, methods and techniques have some lacks and still need to have improvement and innovation to solve the problems. The problems are different in every schools, one of the problems currently faced by teachers was the new adaptation to the situation where schools activity turned to online activity. Teachers have to adapt into the new situation where all activities need to be handled through online activity and it becomes the problems for most of teachers who had no preparation and facilities during that time. Thus, the way English teachers adapt intstructional media and how teachers utilize and apply the instructional media especially audio visual media will be the main focus of this research. The researcher used suervey as a research design. There will be five junior high schools included in this study. There are 10 English teachers from different junior high schools in Sungai Penuh. The researcher only chose the junior high schools which are A-accredited. The researcher used questionnaire and interview as the instruments of this particular study. The researcher employed quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were taken from close-ended questionnaire while the qualitative data were taken from interview result. The data analysis results shows that the teachers at Junior High Schools in Sungai Penuh used variatif instructional media in teaching. The researcher found types of audio visual instructional media mostly used among the teachers to improve student�s skills are audio recording (9,4) (hints,stories,conversation) and Videos (8,4) (documentaries,tutorials,teaching) which is very good response. The most used to improve speaking is Song (6,1) and Picture (7,3) teachers have good response towards them. Next, for reading is picture (8,8) and last to improve writing skills song (6,4), picture (6,8), flashcards (5,9), charts (5,7), videos (5,1) also have good response. Audio drama, movies, TV programs, news broadcast are the media that have bad response. Additionally, The most used hardware among the teachers are whiteboard (9,7) printed paper (9,1), smartphone (8,4), computer /laptop (7,7). Radio, recorder, CD player are get low response from the teachers. In adapting instructional media, teachers adapting from concrete object surround the classroom and schools, teachers also utilze digital devices like smartphone and software application like Whatsapp and Youtube. Moreover, teachers adapting the existing media and combined with other media that created by their own to assit them in delivering the materials. In addition, Teachers at five different junior high schools in Sungai Penuh have good views towards instructional media.



English learning serve special status in Indonesia for instance as an ability of global communication in practically all fields, as a medium for sciencetific knowledge, and new technologies can be accesed globally, also as a vocabulary resource for expansion and modernization of Indonesian and most crucial is as a way to get to know other�s culture, literature and their language especially in native speaker country as a means of expanding intellectual for the future (Dardjowidjojo, 2003: 32, Huda, 2000: 65-66, Renandya, 2000: 116, Simatupang, 1999: 64).

In Indonesia, the number of English learners keep growing. Different methoods and effectiveness in teaching English has been experimented to get a better achievement. But still the systems, methods and techniques have some lacks and still need to have improvement and innovation to solve the problems. The problems are different in every schools, one of the problems currently faced by teachers was the new adaptation to the situation where schools activity turned to online activity. Schools turned to online activity since the affected cases of Sars-Covid19 in Indonesia got high on march 2019 until the end of 2021. Moreover, schools in rural area which number of cases low were starting the offline schools in the middle of 2021. Teachers have to adapt into the new situation where all activities need to be handled through online activity and it becomes the problems for most of teachers who had no preparation and facilities during that time.�

Teachers need to be creative and innovative by facilitating students with various media where they can found more enjoyable or even entertaining learning activity out of the school. So it�s teacher responsibility to create meaningful activity for students. A junior high school English teacher execute a very urgent responsibility in qualifying a good input because English is firstly taught in junior high school. Thus, the way English teachers adapt intstructional media and how teachers utilize and apply the instructional media especially audio visual media will be the main focus of this research.

The main focus of this research is

      What type of media do teachers use in teaching ?

      How do teachers adapting to instructional media ?

      How do teachers utilize of instructional media in teaching and learning activity ?

      How teacher�s view in using instrucional media ?

A teacher expected to be able to develop the standard and basic of competence into the teaching material and indicator of good achievement, so that the students will be attracted to English, and eventually he/ she will be able to get a good achievement in learning English as well. Unfortunately, it is not an easy work for teacher to develop attractive learning that catch students attention during teaching and learning process and eventually brings the good results as well. Creating a good innovation and being creative in teaching has to be done by those who work in education field. In language teaching and learning, instructional media are used as the aids to explain language meaning and construction, engage students in a certain topic, or as the basis of the whole activity (Harmer, 2001).


Literature Review

A.  English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia

1.   Teacher�s role in English Language Teaching

Changes are continually made in education. The government for instance, in this case, the Ministry of Education still try to find a better solution for education improvement by proposing some curriculum development than can be implemented in teaching and learning activities, including English.� For a long time, a teacher is probably considered as the one and only person in the classroom who knows everything. He/she is viewed as the content expert and source for all (McGhie-Richmond, 2013). The teacher is the one who controls every single activity in the classroom, asks a question and gives direction to the student along the lesson.� But yet, it is all shifted to students-centered learning approach where the teacher and students� �responsibilities� are viewed differently. If students passively wait for all information and direction given by the teacher before, now they have to actively participate in digging out information related to what will they learn in the classroom. The teacher has to know how to put him/herself in a proper position that rather be the one who gives direction and keeps the students on track than the one who acts as a knowledge supplier for the students. However, a teacher should be better known as instructional expert as what is proposed by Woolfolk 1990 than a knowledge source. An instructional expert is the one who has responsibilities in planning, implementing and evaluating the running instruction.

B.  Adaptation in Teaching

Adaptations are teaching and assessment strategies especially designed to accommodate a student�s needs so he or she can achieve the learning outcomes of the subject or course and to demonstrate mastery of concepts (McGhie & Sung 2013). Essentially, adaptations are �best practice� in teaching. A student working on learning outcomes of any grade or course level may be supported through use of adaptations. Adaptations do not represent unfair advantages to students.  In fact, the opposite could be true.  If appropriate adaptations are not used, students could be unfairly penalized for having learning differences, creating serious negative impacts to their achievement and self‐concept.

a)   Determine the Type of Adaptation.

During the material preparation, teachers have evaluated the selected materials and once the possible problem areas are recognized, the type of format adaptation must be considered. Generally, format adaptations can be made by:

1)   Altering existing materials

Rewrite, reorganize, add to, or recast, the information, e.g., leave out things deemed inappropriate, irrelevant, and unproductive; simplify the language (words and sentence structures); reorder and combine activities. This helps to make the classroom teaching smoother and more cohesive. It also helps the teacher to better fulfill the aims of a unit and the students can access the regular curriculum material independently, e.g., prepare a study guide and audiotape,

2)   Mediating existing materials

Provide additional instructional support, guidance, and direction to the students in the use of the materials. Alter the instruction to mediate the barriers presented by the materials so that the students can be directly led to interact with the materials in different ways. For example, have students survey the reading material, collaboratively preview the text, and create an outline of the material to use as a study guide.

3)   Selecting alternate materials and media

Select new materials that are more relevant to the needs of students with disabilities or are inherently designed to compensate for learning problems. For example, use an interactive computer program that cues critical ideas, reads text, inserts graphic organizers, defines and illustrates words, presents and reinforces learning in smaller increments, and provides more opportunities for practice and cumulative review.

C.  Instructional Media�

Using appropriate instructional media is one of the key principles in creating effective instruction (Aini 2013).� Instructional media itself is defined by Scanlan as all materials that can be used by the teachers to conduct teaching learning activities and support students in reaching instructional objectives.

Instructional media whether they are operated digitally or traditionally can be categorized into three forms namely: audio, visual and audio-visual. Each of them has its own role in stimulating the sensory channels in order to process the message delivered by the teachers during English language teaching. Instructional media whether they are operated digitally or traditionally can be categorized into three forms namely: audio, visual and audio-visual.

a.    Audio

Audio media undoubtedly deal with the listening experience. Audio is used in order to stimulate the students� sense of hearing. However, it does not mean that in English language teaching, audio media are merely used in listening comprehension activities. Information that is given by the teacher through audio media to the students supposed to be useful whether in listening itself, as well as speaking, reading and writing.�

Different audio media are made or probably be utilized by English teacher whether in listening, speaking, reading or writing activities. The material can be in the form of audio media such as instruction, narration, dialog, drama, interview, news report or even a song.

1.   Audio recordings

Audio recordings are reliable in practicing pronunciation, as the speaker definitely has a good speaking ability, by listening, the students can improve their speaking ability by repeating the words, phrases or sentences that they just listened.� The students are also introduced to some new words from the recording which the meaning can be figured out as well as learn how to use the words in a sentence.

2.   �Drama

Drama generally consists of narration and dialog. What makes it different from the dialog and narration in audiotapes is that a drama has a more complex plot, mostly has more than two characters and it has longer lines than the audio recordings� dialog. As it is an audio drama, there is no visualization available, it might get the listener bored, but on the other hand, it is able to train the students� imagination in visualizing the characters, plots, and the setting.

3.   News report

Another audio aid that can be functioned as instructional media is news report. Indeed, news report gives worldwide information that becomes new knowledge for the students, but there are many other advantages that can be gained by the use of news report in the classroom. By listening to the news report, the students obviously can enrich the vocabulary as well as improve their speaking ability.

4.   Song

Songs are mostly used to enrich the students� vocabularies. Listening to a certain song and fill in the blank words of the lyric, for instance, can be one of the ways to introduce new vocabularies to the students.

b.   Visual

Visual media are definitely dealing with the sense of sight. They can be generally divided into two categories, whether they contain verbal or nonverbal messages (Munadi, 2010). Verbal messages can be seen in meaningful words that form certain writing. This might be the most common visual media that exist in English language teaching. They exist in the form of books, magazine, newspaper, etc. Whereas nonverbal messages can be seen in pictures, drawings, charts, graphs, posters and cartoons (Ajayi� & Adeniji 2015). They can be presented in the form of printed visuals, presentation software, digital images, and overhead projection.��

Like other media, visual media are also utilizing to assist the teacher in delivering information in the classroom. Along with delivering contained-knowledge information to the students, visual media that used by English teacher are also able to make concrete of abstract ideas, encourage students, and direct attention. (Smaldino et. al 1996) Visual media, particularly that contain nonverbal messages ones, can be objectively used to make English language teaching and learning become more colourful.�


c.    Audio-visual

These particular media are the integration of motion pictures and sound at a time. Smalindo et. al. (1996) claim that these particular media are available for almost all educational topic and able to embrace all of the learning aspects such as cognitive, affective, psychomotor and interpersonal abilities. They are available in the form of videos (documentary, tutorial, and lectures), films (drama, fairy tale, biography) and TV programs (news, series, talk show).� Our recent generation is the generation that cannot stay away from television, computer and the internet. Audio-visual media are expected can be the media that are able to deliver a message (from the teacher) which will be received and processed well by the students.

1)     Video

There are generally three types of video that used in education namely documentary, tutorial and lecture. Its ability to bring various benefits makes video very familiar in English language teaching for such a long time. Corporation for Public Broadcasting 2004, elaborates some benefits that video offers such as reinforce reading and learning material and also develop the students� basic knowledge.� Besides, video is able to augment the students� understanding as well as their ability in discussing ideas to one another. Moreover, video is also proved can facilitate most of the students� learning styles as well as encourage them to be more motivated and enthusiastic.�

2)     Films

Film is one of the artworks that most of the people have interested in. It exists in various genre and theme which facilitate various desires of the audiences. Film, in this context drama, fairy tale, biography can assist English teacher to run the class. A number of studies have proved that film brings significant effect to the development of basic language skills which are listening, speaking, reading and writing (Kabooha, 2016).

3)     Tv Programs

TV program is believed provides some opportunities in gaining more knowledge of English. It actually has been used in education field since 1930�s and take part in English language teaching for about 50 years (Hambrook, 1979) By utilizing TV program in the classroom, the students do two activities at once which are seeing and listening, which means they stimulate more than one sense at the same time.

Instructional media are those media which can deliver a message from the teacher to the students. They play a role as helpful means in stimulating the students to learn (Gagne, 1987). Having media in the English language teaching is believed can bring some benefits for both the teacher and the students. Sanaky (2013) says that media enrich teacher resources and aids. A teacher becomes more creative in delivering teaching material to the children since it is given in many different ways. Media also enable the teacher to use creative and innovative ways in helping the students to reach learning objectives. Whereas for the students, media are helpful in creating a livelier and fun class since the activity does not only focus on the teacher�s preach or explanation.�� The students are also stimulated to think analytically since they get the knowledge not directly from the teacher. Media have a big chance in facilitating the students� different learning styles since they appear in many different forms.



As the objective of this study is to investigate teachers� adaptation in the use of Instructional media, the researcher needs a method that is able to make the result of this study represents the population of English teachers of junior high school in sungai penuh. So, in order to gathered the data the researcher used suervey as a research design. Survey research involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer questions about people�s opinions on some topic or issue (Lodico et. al. 2006). A survey is an instrument to collect data that describe one or more characteristics of a specific population. There will be five junior high schools included in this study. As a respondent in this study, the number of the teachers is different from one school to another. There are two respondents from Mtsn 1 Sungai Penuh, SMPn 1 Sungai Penuh, SMPn 2 Sungai Penuh, SMPn 3 Sungai Penuh, and last SMPn 11 Sungai Penuh. Thus, as the total, there are 10 English teachers from different junior high schools in Sungai Penuh. The researcher only chose the junior high schools which are A-accredited.

The researcher used questionnaire and interview as the instruments of this particular study. The researcher employed quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were taken from close-ended questionnaire while the qualitative data were taken from interview result. The researcher especially used the close-ended questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data of this study. In this section, the researcher used the Likert scale, a scale with a number of points that provide ordinal scale measurement (Bishop et al, 2015). The interview list contains some questions about the use of instructional media anything related to teacher�s activity in the class using instructional media. It covers in�� what condition does the teacher decide to use media, what kind of criteria do the media should have so they can be utilized by the teacher, whether the teacher finds some difficulties in utilizing the media or not and what is the teacher suggestion to make the use of Instructional media is more effective.

Data gathered from the entire provided instruments processed and analyzed to answer the research question. The result of data analysis guided the researcher in drawing a conclusion of this study, which is about teachers� adaptation of media in English language study. Thus, the researcher especially uses Riduwan�s (2009) formula as the guideline in analyzing the gained data which can be seen as follow:

a)   Maximum Index Score: Highest Score x Total of Statements x Total of Samples

b)   Minimum Index Score: Lowest Score x Total of Statement x Total of Samples Interval range: (Maximum Score � Minimum Score) : 4

c)   Final Score: (Total of Score: Maximum Score) x 100

Technically, the researcher will analyze four different data which are the data of teachers� adaptation in the use of instructional media, teacher�s type of instructional media, teachers �action toward software media as well as the hardware, and the last one is teacher�s view about instructional media. Thus, the researcher plans to process those four data separately.

Research Finding And Discussion

To answer the research problems, researcher devided into four sections they are; type of instructional media used by teachers, the way teachers utilized the instructional media, the way teachers adapting instructional media and last teacher�s view on instructional media.





a.    Type of Intructional media used by teachers






I use AV instructional media below in activities that are aims to improve students' listening skills:

- Audio recording (hints, stories, conversations)








Very good/positive


- Audio drama




- News broadcast


Very bad/negative


- Song




- Videos (documentaries, tutorials, teaching)


Very good/positive


- Movies (audio drama, fairy tales, biographies)




- Television programs


Very bad/negative


I use AV instructional media below in activities that are aims to improve students' speaking skills:

- Audio recording (hints, stories, conversations)










- Audio drama


Very bad/ negative


- News broadcast


Very bad/negative


- Song




- Picture




- Flashcards




- Charts




- Videos (documentaries, tutorials, teaching)




- Movies (audio drama, fairy tales, biographies)




- Television programs


Very bad/negative


I use AV instructional media below in activities that are aims to improve students' reading ability:




- Audio drama


Very bad/ negative


- News broadcast


Very bad/ negative


- Song




- Picture


Very good/positive


- Flashcards




- Charts




- Movies (audio drama, fairy tales, biographies)




I use AV instructional media below in activities that are aims to improve students' writing skills:

- Audio recording (hints, stories, conversations)










- Audio drama


Very bad/negative


- News broadcast


Very bad/negative


- Song  




- Picture




- Flashcards




- Charts




- Videos (text of documentaries, tutorials, teaching)




- Television programs


Very bad/negative


0 ≤ x ≤ 2,5 : very bad response, categorized as negative

2,6 ≤ x ≤ 5,0 : bad response, categorized as negative�

5,1 ≤ x ≤ 7,5 : good response, categorized as positive�

�7,6 ≤ x ≤ 10 : very good response, categorized as

a)   Software

1.   Listening

Result shows that the teachers� actions are quite different from one to the other media. There are some media that used frequently in enhancing the students listening comprehension, but there are also some media that are not frequently used. Audio recording-whether in the form of instruction, narration, monolog or dialog- is one of the most frequently used in enhancing the students listening skills. The score of this particular software is 9,4. It is followed by videos (documentary, tutorial and lecture) which score�s is 8,4. Both the software are classified as media with a very good response, which mean most of the teachers have a very good action toward audio recording and videos. On the other hand, there are some media that seemed not to be frequently used in improving the students� listening skill such as� audio drama, news reportand television program. The score for audio audio drama software is 3, news broadcast is 2,5 and Television program is 1,4. That means most of the teachers have a bad response toward those software of media.�

2.   Speaking

There are only two out of ten software which have a good response from the teacher, they are picture and song. The highest in this category is picture by handling 7,3 and for song 6,1. while the rest of them have bad and very bad response.

3.   Reading

The table shows that there are only four media which is seemed to be frequently used by the teachers in improving the students� reading skill. Unfortunately, the other four media are that prior for most of the teachers to be used in English class when it deals with reading skill.�� The result reveals that picture is the teachers� favourite assistant to enhance the students� reading skills. It can be seen from its score which is 88 and it means most of the teachers have a good action toward that particular medium

4.   Writing

The data collection result reveals that nine media proposed by the researcher are used by the teachers in a quite different frequency.� Similar to reading skill, most of the teachers also have a positive action toward picture in enhancing the students� writing skills.

a)   Hardware

As each of the media presented in the previous section needs hardware to be delivered in the classroom, this particular section will especially present teachers� action toward hardware media.

Table 2

Hardware of instructional media










Very bad/ negative



Recorder/Player, cassette, CD player


Very bad/negative





Very good/ positive



Computer, Laptop


Very good/positive



Paper, Printing Paper


Very good/positive





Very good/positive








Smart Board


Very bad/negative


Audio visual



Very bad/negative



VCD player, DVD player


Very bad/negative



Computer, Laptop


Very good/positive








0 ≤ x ≤ 2,5 : very bad response, categorized as negative

2,6 ≤ x ≤ 5,0 : bad response, categorized as negative�

5,1 ≤ x ≤ 7,5 : good response, categorized as positive�

�7,6 ≤ x ≤ 10 : very good response, categorized as


1.   Audio

The result shows that most of the teachers have a very good action toward smartphone and computer in delivering audio software audio visual media. The score of this particular media are 8,8 for smartphone and 7,7 for computer/laptop, which is the highest score for this hardware group.

2.   Visual

The result shows that the teachers have different action toward the hardware. The most highest score is whiteboard; 9,7 and followed by Paper,printing paper; 9,1. It means that teachers are frequently using tradtional hardware to assist them in teaching English.�

3.   Audio Visual

In this category, there is only one audio visual hardware that got very good response, it is computer/laptop by handling 7,7 score. and followed by smartphone; 5,3. the computer is the prior hardware which is used to deliver audio-visual media in the classroom.


b)   The way teacher�s adapting and utilize instructional media

To get information about whether teachers at junior high school in Sungai Penuh adapting instructional media or not, researcher conduct close-ended interview and deep-interview for it. The questions that have been asked are related on the way teacher�s adapt instructional media like what have presented below.

Table 3

Teacher�s adapting instructional media






Are you adapting AV instructional media in teaching?




Are you using AV instructiomal media in teaching English for every topic?




Are you using AV instructional media in teaching English generally ?




Do you usually encounter difficulties in preparing instructional media?




Is improving the learning process in using audio visuals your priority goal?




Is enriching the linguistic aspect becomes your priority goal in using audio-visual media in teaching?




Is improving language skills becomes your priority goal in using audio-visual media in teaching?




Do existing media provide more information than your created audio visual instructional media ?




Do you think a combinationa of both created and existing are the better




Is AV instructional media helping students to get better achivement in learning English ?




`����� Educators are increasingly expected to be responsible not only for helping students to achieve the best possible outcomes, but also for using the most scientifically valid methods to achieve them. One of them is adapting instructional media in teaching.� The first question of the interview was asking about whether the teacher adapting audio visual instructional media or not and surprisingly the results shown that most of the teachers said yes and only three teachers said no. It means that most of the teachers utilize the audio visual instructional media in teaching English by adjusting with the needs of the students and the situation and condition of the schools. Meanwhile, for the three teachers who chose no which means they are not adapting the audio visual instructional media in teaching. It is acceptable because there are still teachers who is still lack in digital devices and they have limited access to it, also the school does not provide the facility of the media. like what Thamrin, et al (2017) found in his study about� problems faced by the teacher in maximizing the use of learning media in padang. From his study he conclude that there are still teachers who do not have the ability to use media. They are not able to determine which media can be used to support their teaching.

Not only adapting, teachers or educators must be able to operate the instructional media. as in the second question, it was about teacher�s utilization of audio visual instructional media in teaching in every topic of the English lesson. The result shown that there are five teachers used it for every topic and the rest are not. It is acceptable that some of the teachers are not referring to instructional media for every topic one of the reason is teachers have limited time in the class, during the Sars-Cov19 pandemic the timing are short and with that short time tecahers are expected to deliver the material and it takes more time for the teachers if they use devices that needs to be set up first. The third question is about using audio visual instructional generally by teachers. same as previous questions five teachers said yes and the rests are no. Using media in a whole lesson probably hard for the teachers in this situation, where schools are not fully normal because of pandemic. Meanwhile, teachers are expected to follow curriculum that has been designed by gornment, it means they have to make sure that every materials delivered on the right time as what have scheduled in curriculum. And here what teacher�s said about are they using audio visual instrcutional media generally ?

Same as at school, we just use the media that is available in school. We don�t really have much time to use hardware media because during the pandemic we only got 40-50 minutes\meeting. If we use hardware media like projector and laptop to show them like video or picture it will take much time. So every classes I just focused on teaching the lesson (R2)

The previous problem is time. Most of the schools using projector if they want to show their students like learning video, clips, slides and et cetra. And to use the projector, teacher needs to make sure that is the power is on in the class, where to plug, make sure the background is clean and need to connect to the laptop. To do all that process with only 40-50 minutes and delivering the materials are not enough. So other teachers have another solution for it.�

Fourth question is asking the teachers if they have difficulties in preparing instructional media. The results show that there are three teachers said yes and seven teachers said no. It means that only three of them have difficulties in preparing instructional media. Next question is about using audio visuals instructional media to improve learning process as their priority goals. This question is formulated to know if audio visual instructional media can make teachers move from old teaching styles to digital technology era. The impact of the digital revolution with its fast-developing information and communication technologies, liberating learning from constraints of time and space, has been the single most force in changing traditional forms of teaching (Harman, 2010).

Using audio-visual instructional media attracted students to learn because it is interesting and also effective for students (Mathew & Alidmat , 2013), the next question of interview formulated to see if enriching liguistics aspect becomes teaher�s priority in using audio-visual media in teaching English. The result show that most of the teachers said yes and only three of them said no. It means that teacher believes that by giving them a fun activity using audio and visual instructional media help students to enrich student�s linguistics aspects which is one of the purposes in tecahing English. For junior high schools, linguistics aspects include pronounciation, vocabulary, meaning of the words and etc.

Besides enriching the linguistics aspects, teacher also need to focus on language skills of the students like speaking, reading, writing and listening. These are the basic skills that students in junior high school begin to learn. For this question of the interview about using audio visual media to improve students language skills as priority goals in teaching and the results are showing that most of the teachers said yes, it s their priority in teaching english by using audio visual. Like what have been implemendted by teacher R6 below,


We use smartphone, because most of the students already have smartphone so we (teachers and schools) asked them to bring the smartphone to the school and open the link, link related to the topic material like rumah belajar then from guruku then we take which topic that we discussed at that day, the link itself we sent from Whatsapp because we have class group chatroom for every single subject ( R6)


The students making video to practice their speaking for instance making a dialoge related to the topic like greetings (R6)


R6 used the hardware smartphone to deliver the materials to students and practicing student�s speaking by making a dialogue and record it. The video that they have made submitted to teachers and teacher can help students to correct their speech in fact, students realize their mistake in it they can practice more to repeat their part. Next question is asking about existing media provide more information than the one that teachers created. The results show seven out of ten choose yes, it means teachers believe that existing media can provide more information. The existing media here could be any sources like youtube video, audio, blogs writing and many more, it is understandable if most of teachers at junior high school in Sungai Penuh choose to adopt the existing media because many sources from internet can provide more information to deliver to students. Teachers at junior high schools in Sungai Penuh agreed that using instructional media help students get better achievement in learning English.

R8 said,

First of all, their motivation of learning. They get motivated if we use visual media and they felt curious about the topic then to check their understanding is more easier for me and it is really good for students. They can remember the lesson that I taught them in long time rather than I just explain the material from the text book. (R8)

Using audio visual media are not just focus on what they see but also they can listen to it and see the movements of it, it is interesting to them in fact, they can remember what happend in the audio visual it self like video.

a.   Teacher�s view on instructional media

Table 4

Teacher�s view towards audio visual instructional media








The use of AV Instructional media is useful in teaching English


Very good / positive


The use se of AV instructional media is useful in students' linguistic activities.


Very good/ positive


The use of AV instructional media is important for student�s outcome in linguistic actevities.


Very good/ positive


The audio instructional media below can be used by teachers in English teaching activities:

- Audio recordings (hints, stories, conversation)




- Audio drama


Good/ positive


- News reports


Good/ positive


- Song




The visual instructional media below can be used by teachers in English teaching activities:

- Picture


Very good/ positive


- Flashcards


Good/ positive


- Charts




The audio-visual instructional media below can be used by teacher in English teaching activities:

-Videos (documentaries, tutorials, teaching)




- Movies (audio drama, fairy tales, biographies)




- Television programs




AV instructional media is a learning aid that interesting to use


Very good/ positive


AV instructional media as a tool is crucial in teaching English


Very good/ positive


I am more confident in teaching English when I use AV instructional media




I find it easier to deliver material lessons using AV instructional media as intermediary.


Good/ positive


Learning objectives are easier to achieved by using AV instructional media in teaching and learning activities




Using AV instructional media in teaching and learning activities is more practical than others media


Good/ positive


Students responds faster when I use AV instructional media in delivering lesson




Students become more involved in using AV instructional media




Students utilize the English language with more facility when using AV instructional media








Based on questionnaire results above, it is clear that most of the teachers have good response toward the statements which is about their experience adapting audio visual media in teaching English . Most of the teachers agree to use audio visual as instructional media for assisting them in teaching English. Most of them also totally agree that using audio visual media is beneficial for studesnt learning process like what have presented from the first statement, the score for this statement is 3,6 where 6 out of ten totally agree with the statements. The next statement, which is statement number 2 stating that using audio visual instructional media is usufel for their linguistics activities especially when it comes to the practice section like speaking, listening, reading and writing. The score of this statement is� 3,5 where 5 respondents totally agree with the statements. Next statement score is 3,4. This statement is stating that audio visual instructional media is important for students outcome in linguistics activities. It means that using audio visual in teaching help students to get better outcome in linguistics aspects.



Based on the results, Teachers in this study adapting several instructional media to assit them in teaching English. The instructional media can help teachers in teaching activities. The media can contribute to the formation of abstract concepts, that the use of appropriate media, improve the quality of learning and teaching English (Winola, 2021). The media that teachers use were variatif for different topics of the lesson. Adapting the instructional media aimed to make better achievement and excitement for students. Teachers who participated on this study generally have the same way in how they were adapting the media.

Situation and conditions of schools, teacher and students affect on how teachers adapt the instructional media. In this study, teachers were facing new normal impact of the Sars-Cov19 pandemic. The schools are partially open in Sungai Penuh around September 2021 and fully open in January 2022, before that they had to deal with online schools and shifted time of offline schools. Consequently, teachers face significant challenges in adapting to online teaching, and maintaining at least a minimum of communication with students and supporting students� learning and development (Johannes, 2020). Teachers have to find a way on how facing this problems and to make sure that students get the knowledge even with minimum communication. That is why adapting instructional is important.

Acoording to the questionnaire and interview data, teachers were adapting the instructional media through concrete object surround the schools and classroom. Teachers claimed that by using media that they can found near to them it will be effective and make students understand more about the context. Moreover, concrete object are used as media because teachers does not have time to prepare so they just use the things that they can grab on the spot. Learning media can be created from any objects, it is the result of teachers�s creativies in accordance with the material. The media can be created on any subject matter by using any object, but the media can also be taken from existing objects such as television, movies, pictures, tapes, and others. As long as it can be matched with a subject matter that will be delivered (Tamrin, 2017).� Another way adapting instructional media that researcher found from the teachers are, teachers were utilizing the smartphone. students are allowed to bring it to the schools during New normal. Teachers sent the assignment online through Whatsapp app (Messangger aplication) or Google classroom and communicate with the students in chattroom then asking students to create video where they can practice their speaking skills by monologue and dialogue, then they discussed the results of video in the class. Using video can affect educational achievement in a positive way.

With reference of the results finding, the researcher noticed that teachers were struggling during online and transition to offline. Teachers believed that using instructional media like audio visual media help them to get students motivation back in learning but somehow it becomes the new problems for teachers because they have limited time to prepare the material using audio visual media. The highly used media by teachers in teaching were printed paper, paper, whiteboard, pictures, song, video, and audio recording. Printed paper itself categorized as textbook or coursebook that teachers mostly use to assist them. Having media in their English class continuously can either make the teachers have a good view or bad view toward media. As Nick (2006) asserts that a view of a particular thing comes from the result of interpretation of facts. Here, the teachers� themselves give their opinion about media based on the fact that they experience while having the media in the classroom and during online schools, and based on the facts that they got, the teachers reveal that they have a good view of instructional media. Teachers agreed that audio visual instructional media is attractive and increasing students motivation in studying also it helps them to get good achievment.



The data analysis results shows that the teachers at Junior High Schools in Sungai Penuh used variatif instructional media in teaching. The researcher found that types of audio visual instructional media that mostly used among the teachers to improve student�s skills are audio recording (9,4) (hints,stories,conversation)� and Videos (8,4) (documentaries,tutorials,teaching) which is very good response. The most used to improve speaking is Song (6,1) and Picture (7,3) teachers have good response towards them. Next, for reading is picture (8,8) and last to improve writing skills song (6,4), picture (6,8), flashcards (5,9), charts (5,7), videos (5,1) also have good response. Audio drama, movies, TV programs, news broadcast are the media that have bad response from teachers in other words, teachers do not really used those media in teaching. Additionally, The most used hardware among the teachers are whiteboard (9,7) printed paper (9,1), smartphone (8,4), computer /laptop (7,7) . Radio, recorder, CD player are get low response from the teachers.

In adapting instructional media, teachers adapting from concrete object surround the classroom and schools, teachers also utilze digital devices like smartphone and software application like Whatsapp and Youtube. Moreover, teachers adapting the existing media and combined with other media that created by their own to assit them in delivering the materials.

In addition, Teachers at five different junior high schools in Sungai Penuh have good views towards instructional media, the results shows that most of the teachers have good response that translated from questionnaire data.



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Tiara Indah Sari, Surono, Estrella Arroyo (2022)


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