Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Augustin Rina Herawati1, Endang Larasati Setianingsih2, Dyah Hariani3

Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia1,2,3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Penta Helix, Tourism, Collaborative Management



This research is a literature study on the penta helix model. This study aims to analyze the penta helix model of tourism development in the city of Palembang. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely primary data and secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library research techniques (library study) which refers to sources available both online and offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. The results of the study conclude that there are five important things or indicators that need to be considered in using this analysis. These five lines are, among others, shortened to ABCGM. The results of the pentahelix analysis on tourism in the city of Palembang, as for the roles and duties of each line/field that synergize with one another, among others, Academics in the Penta Helix model act as drafters, the private sector in the Penta Helix model acts as an enabler, Community in the Penta Helix model Penta Helix acts as an accelerator, the government must act as a regulator as well as a controller, the media must be able to act as an expander.


Tourism is potentially profitable if managed professionally. In addition, in Indonesia, tourism is growing every year. (Simanjuntak et al., 2017) . National tourism is very attractive to a large number of local and foreign tourists, which drives Indonesia's economic growth. Most of Indonesia's territory has extraordinary tourism potential, rich in ethnic diversity, culture, customs and history, thanks to its strategic location as a tropical country with natural beauty and fauna (Hidayah, 2015) .

Table 1

Tourist Visits in

Palembang City 2013 � 2018


Source: Palembang City Tourism Office, 2019.


The amount of tourism potential needs to be accelerated, and deserves to be studied based on the acceleration of tourism development. In addition to the general problems that arise in achieving accelerated tourism, the community is less involved in the development of tourism destinations as core stakeholders. Ideally, in addition to the government, stakeholders who can be involved in tourism development are the community, as stated (Muliawan et al., nd) , Indonesian tourism is people-oriented, people-centered, and for the people, so that the core strength of Indonesia's tourism is in the hands of the people. or called tourism development (Wibowo et al., 2022) .

The Pentahelix concept is one of the proposals given by the Ministry of Tourism regarding tourism development in Indonesia. Regulation of the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia (Permen) Number 14 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism Destinations (Luturlean & Se, 2019) . The aim is to ensure the quality of activities, facilities, services, create experiences and value tourism benefits.

Previous research related to tourism by (Hermawanto & Nurlia, 2021) found that tourism is often less than optimal in improving the economic sector due to lack of coordination between various elements. Then Amira Fathimath (2015) also revealed several challenges ahead, competitiveness stems from barriers to collaborative participation, lack of clear communication and reluctance to cooperate. It is important to have collaboration between stakeholders consisting of business, government, community, academia, and the media (Maturbongs & Lekatompessy, 2020) .

Based on this background, this study aims to analyze the development of tourism in the city of Palembang based on the application of the pentahelix model . As mentioned above, the community as core stakeholders does not participate in the development of tourism destinations, as a strategy launched by the government in developing tourism projects, one solution is cooperation through the pentahelix model.


If managed professionally, tourism is a potential that has advantages. Especially in Indonesia, tourism is growing every year. National tourism is very attractive to a large number of local and foreign tourists, which has led to Indonesia's economic growth. Most of Indonesia's territory has extraordinary tourism potential, rich in ethnic diversity, culture, customs and history, thanks to its location as a strategic tropical country with natural beauty and fauna.

The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is divided into two categories, namely primary data and secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library research techniques refer to sources available online and offline, such as scientific journals, books and news from trusted sources. These sources are collected based on discussions and links from one message to another. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and research. Analyze data and draw conclusions.


A.    Tourism in Palembang City

Palembang city consists of many tourism, Palembang city consists of 28 tourist and food cities, which can be visited by tourists from Palembang city and other areas (Sabrina & Mudzhalifah, 2018) .

The report or data will describe the location of tourism and gastronomy in the city and various conceptual reviews that support the research, including travel agency reviews, tourist reviews, satisfaction reviews, service quality reviews, and an overview of the city of Palembang, especially Pempek culinary tourism in Palembang (Abbas , 2020) . It is well known in various provinces in Indonesia. Tourist location in the city of Palembang.




1.     Ampera Bridge and Musi River

2.     Captain's Village

3.     Fantasy Island

4.     Songket Craft Center

5.     Kuto Besak Fort

6.     Monpera

7.     Jakabaring Sport City

8.     Pempek saga

9.     SMB II Grand Mosque

10.  Kemaro Island

11.  Gerong River

12.  Al-Quran Akbar

13.  Mayor's Office Building

14.  Martabak Har

15.  Bala Son of God Museum

16.  Chreng Ho . Mosque

17.  Kambang Iwak

18.  Culinary Pempek Candy

19.  Textile Museum

20.  Siguntang Hill

21.  Wood Punt

22.  Waterboom Opi Jakabaring

23.  Al-Munawir Arab Village

24.  SMB II Museum

25.  Sriwijaya Archaeological Park

26.  Amanzi WaterPark

27.  Pusri Fertilizer Factory

28.  Fountain Roundabout

B.    Penta Helix Model

(Al Amin, 2021) Pentahelix is an innovative model for the development of the QuadrupleHelix model that connects academics, practitioners/businesses, communities, government and the media to create an ecosystem based on creativity and knowledge, the concept is intended to answer the development of ideas in the creative field. industry, innovation and technology (Sari et al., 2020) .

Figure 1

Pentahelix Model Table

The Pentahelix Model is a collaborative management model that connects the activities of 5 stakeholders in the context of tourism management. pentahelix implies synergy or cooperation between elements (government, academics, media, communities and business people) (Sari et al., 2020)

The Penta Helix collaboration is a collaborative event between the fields of academia, business, community, government, and media, or ABCGM, which is known to accelerate the development of great potential in rural areas. The pentahelix element which was originally a triple helix with elements of academia, business, government, then added elements of civil society (or community in this study) to become a quad helix to accommodate people's perspectives, in this context, "media and culture-based society" also has become an integral part of 21st century innovation (Yunas, 2019) . In addition, community elements provide interdisciplinary configuration and networking opportunities to free the concept of �innovation� from economic considerations and goals, but also to include creativity as part of the knowledge production and innovation process (Muhyi et al., 2017) . Because art-based research and innovation makes it possible to rethink or overhaul existing models of economic and market development. Then this quadruple helix adds another element, namely media, because in the context of the development of Indonesia's creative economy, media (traditional and social media) play an important role, although it is still an independent element or does not directly affect other elements. element. When performing its part or function (Rahu, 2021)

According to (Vani et al., 2020) , sustainable tourism is one of the development sectors that gets the government's attention and continues to grow, and is considered to have the potential to improve the community's economy. This potential is based on the socio-cultural characteristics of the community, geographical conditions and the potential for natural beauty in tourism development. As a strategy launched by the government of Kediri Regency in the development of tourism projects, one solution is cooperation through the pentahelix model.

C.    Tourism Development in Palembang City Through the Penta Helix Model

To build a sustainable tourism industry, serving tourists is an important aspect in providing satisfaction, which can be achieved through the basic infrastructure of tourism. Palembang City's basic tourism infrastructure in the form of public facilities is needed to provide services for tourism activities and support tourism destinations. The pentahelix analysis is one of the analytical tools to see the potential for the sustainability of the Palembang tourism industry. There are five important things or metrics to consider when using this analysis, these five elements are abbreviated as ABCGM. The results of the analysis of the five tourism helixes in Palembang, regarding the roles and tasks of each synergistic line/field, include:

1.     Penta Helix model academics serve as drafters. Such as identifying the potential and certification of products and human resource skills that support the improvement of Palembang's tourism potential. In this context, academics are a source of knowledge for current concepts, theories, and relevance to the development of Palembang's tourism potential.

2.     The private sector in the Penta Helix model acts as a facilitator. The private sector is an entity that carries out business processes to create added value and maintain sustainable growth. The private sector can act as an enabler to provide technology infrastructure and capital. Along with the shift in the digital era, it can help develop Palembang's tourism potential more effectively, efficiently and productively.

3.     The community in the Penta Helix model acts as an accelerator. In this case, the community is people who have the same interests and are relevant to the development of the potential to be developed. Act as an intermediary or a liaison between stakeholders to assist the community in the whole process and facilitate the adoption of the economic process. In addition, the community also has a role to promote products or services owned by Palembang tourism.

4.     The government must act as a regulator and controller with regulations and responsibilities in the business development process. In this context, it involves all types of activities such as planning, implementation, monitoring, control, promotion, financial allocation, licensing, planning, legislation, development and knowledge, public innovation policy, innovation network support and public-private partnerships. The government is also responsible for coordinating stakeholders who contribute to the development of Palembang's tourism potential.

The media must be able to act as an extender. The media plays a role in supporting publications to promote and shape the Palembang tourism brand.



The city of Palembang consists of a lot of tourism, the city of Palembang consists of 28 cities of tourism and culinary that can be visited by tourists both in the city of Palembang and in other areas. There are five important things or indicators that need to be considered in using this analysis. These five lines are, among others, shortened to ABCGM. The results of the pentahelix analysis on tourism in the city of Palembang, as for the roles and duties of each line/field that synergize with one another, among others, Academics in the Penta Helix model act as drafters, the private sector in the Penta Helix model acts as an enabler, Community in the Penta Helix model Penta Helix acts as an accelerator, the government must act as a regulator as well as a controller, the media must be able to act as an expander.


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Copyright holders:

Augustin Rina Herawati, Endang Larasati Setianingsih, Dyah Hariani (2022)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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