Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Yulli Fety, Princess Kiran

Mandala Waluya University, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]




Knowledge, Abortion, Reproductive Health, And Youth


Based on survey Preliminary done researcher at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari, interview conducted against 15 students there are 9 students not yet knowing about causes and dangers abortion. While 6 students already knowing about causes and dangers abortion. interview conducted about health reproduction of 15 girls there are 8 people who haven't knowing about personal hygiene tool reproduction and personality hygine at the moment menstruation. While 7 girls other already knowing about personal hygiene tool reproduction and personality hygine at the moment menstruation. Destination Research: for knowing description knowledge teenager Princess about abortion and health reproduction in SMA Negeri 2 Kendari. Method Research: using method Descriptive, population in study this totaling 474 students. Taking sample with use formula sampling size. with use technique Stratifeid Random Sampling. Data analysis using Analysis Univariate. Research results: show level knowledge teenager Princess about abortion, obtained as many as 24 respondents (38.1%) have knowledge good, while respondents who know not enough good as many as 39 respondents (61.9%). Whereas level knowledge teenager Princess about health reproduction, obtained as many as 25 respondents (39.7%) have knowledge good, while respondents who know not enough good as many as 38 respondents (60.3%). Conclusion: overview knowledge teenager Princess about abortion and health reproduction at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari districts poasia city vehicle have description knowledge not enough good as many as 39 respondents (61.9%) in knowledge about abortion whereas for knowledge about health reproduction have description knowledge not enough good as many as 38 respondents (60.3%).



Adolescents are parties from a younger era who have a vital role in determining the end of the state. During this period, there are rapid changes in physical, cognitive and psychosocial/behavioral and hormonal development. The flow of information that is increasingly influential today will make the younger generation able to access all information easily, without having to sort out what is right and wrong. This situation can divert the sexual perspective of adolescents so that adolescents carry out deviations from the norms that apply in society, one of which is discrimination that occurs in pregnancies outside of marriage (Ayu & Kurniawati, 2017).

The result of changing times is the number of free sex acts that result in pregnancies outside of marriage. When the adulteress gets pregnant out of wedlock, the perpetrator rarely keeps her womb. As a result, they will try to end their pregnancy prematurely or have an abortion (Akbar, 2019).

Good knowledge directs adolescents to healthy and capable sexual behavior. By extension, information can offer assistance in making critical individual choices regarding sexuality. Unnatural sexual information can lead to misperceptions or adolescent mindsets about sexuality so that in turn it will lead to sexual misconduct behavior in adolescents with all the consequences (Huri & Syofyan, 2019).

�The incidence of abortion is not solely related to health, but also depends closely on the moral, ethical, religious, legal, and regenerative rights of women. Most of the time, individuals carry out fetal removal or abortion in the event of an unwanted pregnancy due to various causes, both internal and external. or outside of marriage. Outside of marriage, the adoption of a fetus or abortion on a regular basis occurs as a result of a lifestyle such as sex once taking place among young people because they are not careful in establishing relationships. Therefore, there are many pregnancies out of wedlock, which causes panic for the woman and her family. In order to bring shame to the community, many of them decide to solve the problems they face, more specifically by having an abortion (Umi et el., 2019).

The World Health Organization (WHO) says 20 million abortions occur in the world every year and 70,000 women die from abortions every year. Abortion cases in Southeast Asia are 4.2 million per year, including Indonesia, which is 10-15% of 6 million pregnancies each year or 600,000-900,000, while artificial abortions are � 750,000-1.5 million that occur every year, 2,500 of them end in death. Nirma Surya Utami et al., 2021).

Indonesia is one area that does not allow abortion. The incidence of abortion in Indonesia is between 2 and 2.5 million cases per year or 43 abortions per 100 pregnancies. In addition, it is estimated that 30% of these abortions are performed by persons aged 15-24 years. Riskesdas 2010 revealed a national miscarriage rate of 4%. Of all miscarriages, 6.54% of them admitted that there was an attempt to terminate their pregnancy. By region, there are 4 regions that have the highest MMR rates, namely Southeast Sulawesi (14.29%), North Sumatra (13.86%), Aceh (13.33%), and West Nusa Tenggara (12.24%).

The exact number of unsafe abortions performed in Indonesia is not yet available, but research from Guttmacher estimates that 4/5 of abortions performed in Indonesia are carried out by traditional birth attendants, who are individuals who are not trained to perform abortions. The method used still uses a lot of foreign objects inserted into the vagina/womb (8%), herbs/other ingredients that are inserted into the vagina/womb (5%), acupuncture (4%), and paranormal (8%) (Ningsi, Aswita, & Wulandari, 2021).

Reproductive health disorders that often occur in adolescents are premarital sex problems that result in unwanted pregnancies, infectious infections, and sexual health problems experienced by adolescents. The results of research by WHO (World Health Organizations) suggest that currently the world's youth are 27% - 3% aged 10-24 years, 83% of them are in developing countries. As many as 80 million adolescent girls stated that they had had premarital sexual intercourse which would cause reproductive problems. 42 million cases of unwanted pregnancy, 20 million abortions, 340 million STIs and 3,174 cases of sexual violence. This is because the source of information obtained by adolescents is not true, therefore adolescents need to get the correct knowledge information, in order to have a correct and appropriate understanding (Sari, Sasanti, & Ningsih, 2021)

In Indonesia, it is clearly seen from several components of reproductive health problems described by the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey where for young births it is quite high, namely 48%, for STDs there are 68% of adolescent girls and 86% of boys know syphilis, 34% of adolescent girls and 33 % of men know about gonorrhea, 21% of girls and 12% of men know about genital herpes in the incidence of juvenile delinquency and free sex >45%, adolescent sex workers are 60%, every year 20% of the 2.5 million abortions are teenagers (Benjamin et al., 2019).

The Indonesian Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey (SKRRI) conducted in 2019 stated that the percentage of women and men aged 15-24 years who were unmarried and had had sexual intercourse before marriage, namely women aged 15-19 years as many as 0.9%, women aged 15-19 years 20-24 years as much as 2.6%, while for males aged 15-19 years as much as 3.6% and aged 20-24 years as much as 14.0% (Liang et al., 2019).

In Southeast Sulawesi Province, based on data from the Indonesian Demographic and Population Survey (IDHS) in 2019, there were 24% of respondents, in 2020 there were 33% of respondents, while in 2021 there were 43% of respondents. So it was recorded that unmarried teenagers claimed to have had an abortion, either intentional or spontaneous (miscarriage) when experiencing an unwanted pregnancy. Meanwhile, some respondents continued their pregnancy until birth, including those who had had an abortion but failed.

According to information from the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) of Southeast Sulawesi, adolescents in Kendari City, both male and female, 71% and 70%, separately admitted to having had a lover. Age starts with starting normal dating at the age of 15 years. Of the teenagers who already have a boyfriend, 74% of men and 75% of women say they still have a girlfriend. Judging from adolescent sexual relations in Kendari City, there are 2% of women and 5% of men who claim to have had sexual relations. In general, out of 14,681 young men and young women who already have a boyfriend, 4% have had sexual intercourse (Rismawati, 2022).

Based on data on abortion cases that have been handled by the police in Kendari City, in 2019 as many as 20% of 3 abortion cases. At that time there was an increase in 2020 by 33% from 5 abortion cases. Meanwhile, in 2021 abortion cases increased to 47% of the 7 abortion cases that occurred in the city of Kendari. (Kendari City Police).

Based on a preliminary study conducted by researchers at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari, interviews were conducted on 15 students, there were 9 students who did not know about the causes and dangers of abortion. While 6 students already know about the causes and dangers of abortion. Interviews were conducted regarding reproductive health from 15 female students, there were 8 people who did not know about personal hygiene of reproductive organs and personal hygiene during menstruation. Meanwhile, the other 7 female students already knew about personal hygiene of reproductive organs and personal hygiene during menstruation.



The type of research used is quantitative research, which describes the knowledge of young women about abortion and reproductive health. Using descriptive research method is a research method that is carried out with the main aim of making an objective picture of a situation . f. Study this has It will be held on July 13 � July 27, 2022. Study this has held at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari, District Poasia , Kendari city . Population in study this is SMA Negeri 2 Kendari student with quantity population of 474 female students.



1.   Analysis Univariate

a.   Characteristics Age

Table 1

Distribution Teenager According to Group Age

At SMA Negeri 2 Kendari in 2022






15 Years




16 Years




17 Years






Source: Primary Data for 2022

Based on table 4.1 above from distribution frequency respondent based on group The age of adolescents at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari shows as many as 63 respondents (100%). Mostly respondent that is as many as 20 respondents (31.7%) aged 15 years, 35 respondents (55.6%) aged 16 years, and 8 (12.7% ) respondents aged 17 years .


Table 2

Distribution Teenager According to Group Age Based on

Knowledge Level About Abortion at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari in 2022







15 Years




Not good


85 %





16 Years




Not good







17 Years




Not good






Source: Primary Data for 2022

Based on table 2 above from distribution frequency respondent based on group age with level knowledge about abortion in adolescents at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari shows as many as 63 respondents (100%). Mostly respondent that is as many as 20 respondents aged 15 years with knowledge good as many as 3 respondents (15%) while the knowledge not enough as many as 17 respondents (85%), 35 respondents aged 16 years year with knowledge good as many as 18 respondents (51.5%) while the knowledge not enough as many as 17 respondents (48.5%), and 8 respondents aged 17 years year with knowledge good as many as 4 respondents (50%) while the knowledge not enough as many as 4 respondents (50%).

Table 3

Distribution Teenager According to Group Age Based on

Knowledge Level About Reproductive Health at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari in 2022







15 Years




Not good







16 Years




Not good







17 Years




Not good






Source: Primary Data for 2022


Based on table 3 above from distribution frequency respondent based on group age with level knowledge about health reproduction in adolescents at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari shows as many as 63 respondents (100%). Mostly _ respondent that is as many as 20 respondents aged 15 years with knowledge good as many as 6 respondents (30%) while the knowledge not enough as many as 14 respondents (70%), 35 respondents aged 16 years year with knowledge good as many as 16 respondents (45.7%) while the knowledge not enough as many as 19 respondents (54.3%), and 8 respondents aged 17 years year with knowledge good as many as 3 respondents (37.5%) while the knowledge not enough as many as 5 respondents (62.5%).

b.       Class Level

Table 4

Distribution Teenager According to Class Level at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari in 2022




























Source: Primary Data for 2022


Based on table 4 above so distribution frequency respondent based on level class in SMA Negeri 2 Kendari as many as 63 respondents (100%). Mostly _ respondent with level class that is as many as 9 respondents (14.3%) in class X IPS, 25 respondents (39.7%) in class X MIPA, while in class XI IPS there are 7 respondents (11.1 %), 20 respondents (31.7%) in class XI MIPA, and XI MIPA OLYMPIAD as many as 2 respondents (3.2%).

2.       Knowledge Teenager About abortion

Table 5

Distribution Knowledge Teenager About Abortion at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari in 2022










Not good






Source: Primary Data 2022


From Table 5 shows that of the 63 respondents studied, can is known quantity respondents who know good about abortion as many as 24 respondents (38.1%) and respondents whose knowledge not enough good as many as 39 respondents (61.9%).

From the question in questionnaire There are 6 questions that have level error enough there is a lot in the question numbers 1, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15, and 20. Where in the question number 1 with 28 respondents (44.4%) who answered incorrectly for question Abortion is the right action to deal with pregnancy out of wedlock where for this answer is a negative answer, for question number 5 there are 28 respondents (44.4%) who answered correctly for the question Abortion can be done if there are instructions from the doctor because of the mother's unhealthy condition, in question number 10 there are 23 respondents (36.5%) who answered incorrectly for question A person who has an abortion does not have an impact on death which is a negative question, for question number 12 there are 23 respondents (36.5%) who answered correctly for the question Barren (not having children) is one of the dangers of abortion, in question number 13 there are 28 respondents (44.4%) who answered incorrectly on the question The impact of psychological abortion is the emergence of high self-confidence which is a negative question, for question number 15 there are 27 respondents (42.9%) who answered incorrectly on the question Sexual trauma is one of the social impacts of abortion which is a negative question, while for question number 20 there are 21 respondents (33.3%) who answered correctly on the question Having an abortion can be subject to imprisonment.

3.       knowledge Teenager About Reproductive Health


Table 6

Distribution Knowledge Teenager About Reproductive Health at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari in 2022










Not good






Source: Primary Data 2022


From Table 6 shows that of the 63 respondents studied, can is known quantity respondents who know good about health reproduction as many as 25 respondents (39.7%) and respondents whose knowledge not enough good as many as 38 respondents (60.3%).

From the question in questionnaire There are 4 questions that have level error enough there is a lot in the question numbers 3, 7, 8, and 9. Seen from question number 3 with 27 respondents (42.9%) who answered Correct to Questions on women usually first time experiencing menstruation ( menarche ) at the age of 12-16 years , in 29 respondents (46.0%) who answered Correct for Questions Women who have experience menstruation means already can pregnant if To do connection sexual , 27 respondents (42.9%) who answered correct on the question Growth bacteria and fungi on tools sex woman occur because humid conditions on the tool gender , 28 respondents (44.4 %) who answered Correct to question Reason whiteness is fungi , bacteria , viruses and diseases .


A.      hasan

1.       Based on Characteristics age respondent

From research this obtained that based on characteristics age respondent with amount most respondents 16 years old as many as 35 respondents (55.6%). Whereas amount the lowest respondent 17 years old that is as many as 8 respondents (12.7%) and for amount moderate respondent is at 15 years old as many as 20 respondents (31.7%).

From result study there is distribution frequency respondent based on group age with level knowledge about abortion in adolescents at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari shows as many as 63 respondents (100%). Mostly respondent that is as many as 20 respondents aged 15 years with knowledge not enough good as many as 17 respondents (85%), while for respondents aged 16 years as many as 35 respondents with knowledge good as many as 18 respondents (51.5%) and for 8 respondents aged 17 years with knowledge currently as many as 4 respondents (50%).

Research results there is distribution frequency respondent based on group age with level knowledge about health reproduction in adolescents at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari shows as many as 63 respondents (100%). Mostly respondent that is as many as 20 respondents aged 15 years with knowledge not enough good as many as 14 respondents (70%), while for respondents aged 16 years as many as 35 respondents with knowledge not enough good as much 19 respondents (54.3%) and for 8 respondents aged 17 years with knowledge not enough good as many as 5 respondents (62.5%).

Research results this in line with what to do Ariyanto D Saputra (2020) who explained that with increase age in adolescence, then knowledge possessed will increase Thing this influenced by pattern think which one the more growing.

Discussion this in tune with study previously according to Pungky (2019), explains that the more increase age, teenager also able to accept information with good so that could influence level the knowledge he has.

2.       Knowledge

a.   Knowledge About Abortion

Research Results from knowledge about abortion with 63 respondents there are 24 respondents or with the percentage (38.1%) shows quantity respondents who know good while for respondents who know not enough good 39 respondents or with percentage (61.9%).

In study this there is a number of things that get in the way at the moment charging questionnaire where respondents who become object study not enough understand about contents questions and when filler many discuss so that must reminded over and over again, still closing or shy at the moment fill in questionnaire. Many of those who know about abortion from watching dramas. At the moment To do study enough difficult for invited work same because many student who doesn't want to enter for fill in questionnaire so that must there is help by the teacher for gather her student.

There are several influencing factors knowledge among them is age, education, environment, social culture, experience, and resources information.

From the research conducted lack of information teenager Princess about abortion this influenced by environment family that doesn't once discuss about abortion or even there is member family ever experience abortion caused from pregnancy that is not desired. So that for embed values positive for teenagers so that they don't easy affected with style free life, thing this is what's next will take effect to his perception must started from closest environment.

Whereas teenager less princess have awareness about abortion because lack of understanding about danger abortion. This thing caused because association always a teenager want to trial and error that causes pregnancy no chill so that choose for To do abortion so as not make his family shame and consequences from mentality teenagers who don't stable.

Other influencing factors is a medium of information. Moment this teenager the more easy access information along development technology. However sometimes access the abused by teenagers so that information obtained from health sites on the internet can changed when motivation open a health site changed that is for Fulfill encouragement sexual. Change this is very possible occur remembering youth is a transition period Among children and adults, and teenagers the relatively not yet reach Step mental maturity as well social so that must face pressure emotional, psychological, and social contradictory. What is considered taboo by parents, as well as school it turns out with easy obtained from the internet.

This thing in line with research conducted by (Nurhafni, 2022) with respondent as many as 79 teenagers Princess obtained that level knowledge majority respondent knowledgeable not enough as many as 36 respondents (45.6%) and minorities respondent knowledgeable good as many as 21 respondents (26.6%).

Study this is also in line with study (Rahardjo & Irawati, 2017) with results study show that of 55 students there are 33 students (60%) have positive perception about abortion, and 22 female students (40%) had negative perception.

b.       Knowledge About Reproductive Health

Research Results from knowledge with 63 respondents there are 25 respondents or with the percentage (39.7%) shows quantity respondents who know good, while for respondents who know not enough as many as 38 respondents or with percentage (60.3%).

In Thing answer question obtained results various endings, this influenced by several factor that is like age, association between friend peer, experience personal and information obtained from counseling and mass media nor social media. All this have influence big to formation opinion and belief somebody so that the more a lot of knowledge gained about health reproduction.

Study this in line with research conducted by (Hayudiyani, Saputra, Adha, & Ariyanti, 2020), Of the 30 respondents studied obtained age respondent the most is 16 years old, with the number of 24 people (80%) and 15 years old with total 6 people (20%). Type sex respondent the most is woman, with the number of 24 people (80%) and men with total 6 people (20%). Knowledge health reproduction showing results category good totaling 21 adolescents (70%), while knowledge enough totaling 8 adolescents (26.7%) and who have knowledge not enough only 1 person (3.3%).

Research results this in accordance with study previously done by Twilight (2020), which says difference results the possible caused by the attitude of the respondents in look for know about health reproduction teenager or media factors, friends, parents, education or age.

On result study this showing that respondents who have description knowledge good because influenced by several factor among them is age, education, environment, social culture, experience, and resources information. View now this the more development technology, youth the morefast access information especially about health reproduction, so that they the moreeasy understand about related problems with health reproduction. Moment this, a lot formed a health forum so that teenager could more obvious get information direct from the expert. Progress technology information has give many benefit to Public large in get information and knowledge far more fast. Although believed contain impact negative in the form of information that is not educating, however everything return to each recipient.

As for the results research that shows knowledge not enough good that caused by abuse information obtained or even in environment school and family no discuss Thing about health reproduction.



Based on destination writing and results study so concluded that description knowledge teenager Princess about abortion and health reproduction at SMA Negeri 2 Kendari districts poasia city vehicle have description knowledge not enough good as many as 39 respondents (61.9%) in knowledge about abortion whereas for knowledge about health reproduction have description knowledge not enough good as many as 38 respondents (60.3%).



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Copyright holders:

Yulli Fety, Princess Kiran ( 2022 )


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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