Text Box: Volume 3, Number 12, October 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915






Roky Apriansyah, Hermanto, Fitria Ningsih, Abdul Hairudin, Said Afriaris

STIE Indragiri, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Covid 19; economy and business; impulse buying stimulus


The study was conducted on the refillable water of three brothers. Consumers ' buying interest in three�� brothers' refillable water has decreased every year, this is due to the price offered is still less competitive with competitors who sell The same product and the quality of service that is felt is still not suitable by consumers, thus consumers move to other places.� The research uses a quantitative approach with primary data. The number of samples is 100 people, random sampling with accidental sampling.�� The results showed that the price� and quality of service simultaneously� affected� consumers� ' buying interest in the� refillable water� of the� three brothers,� the� price partially affected the consumers' buying interest in three brothers' refillable water� and� the quality of service partially� affect consumers'� buying interest in� three� brothers'�� refillable water.�



The form of buying interest consumers is potential consumers, namely consumers who have not made a purchase action in the present and are likely to make a purchase action in the future or can be called a potential buyer. Buying interest is something of a psychological force that exists within the individual, which has an impact on an action. Buying interest is considered as a measurement of the likelihood of consumers buying a particular product where the high buying interest has an impact on a considerable probability� of making �a purchase decision� ( Schiffman and Kanuk, 2009). �According to Engel in Nih Luh Julianti (2014) argues that buying interest as a �driving force or as an� instristic motive ��that can encourage a person to put Attention spontaneously, reasonably, easily, without coercion and selectively on a product to then make a buying decision. This is made possible by the existence of conformity with the interests of the individual concerned and �giving pleasure �and satisfaction to him. So it is very clear that buying interest is defined as an attitude of liking which is shown by a tendency to always buy that suits� the pleasure� and� its importance.

Consumer buying interest is inseparable from the price. Price is the amount of money that consumers have to pay to get a product. Griffin (2006) said that price is one of the important factors that influence the� marketing of� a product. High and low prices are always the main concern of consumers when they are looking for a product, so the price offered is a special consideration, before they decide to buy goods or use a service. From the habits of consumers, pricing strategies greatly affect the sales and marketing of the products offered. According to kotler (2005) Price is the most customizable element of the marketing mix; Product traits, channels, even promotions take more time. Price also communicates the company's intended value position to the market about its products and brand.

Furthermore, consumers' buying interest is also influenced by the quality of service.� Tjiptono (2012)�� service quality is a dynamic condition closely related to products or services as� well as human and environmental resources� that are at least accepted or� can exceeding the expected quality of service. According to Tjiptono (2012), the meaning of� service quality is� an effort to meet customer� needs which� is carried out with the� desire and accuracy of the� way� it� is delivered so that it� can meet� the� expectations of�� customer� satisfaction

In Indragiri Hulu Regency, there are many business activities, be it food, beverage, agriculture, plantations, fisheries, services and others. One of the businesses that are in great demand by business actors is refillable gallons of water, every subdistrict in the upstream indragiri district must have business actors who run� the effort.� In particular, there is a refillable gallon water business called three gallons of water. This business has been established since 2008. Since this business moved, there has been a decrease in consumer buying interest. Consumer buying interest�� is the key to the success of the business being run. However, the business that is carried out if this decline is allowed to continue will have an impact on the company's activities. A survey conducted on business actors said that the businesses they run in a few years have decreased consumer purchasing power. This, of course, is not what the business actor wants.

�Buying interest is influenced by the price. The price offered by the three brothers' gallon water is still less competitive than its competitors. Where competitors are able to provide discounts to �their customers in order to �attract consumers, and they� are able to provide� prices that are far from the �three gallons of water actors. This is certainly one of the determining factors for� three-gallon water� business actors� in reducing consumer buying interest. �Similar research conducted by Faradiba (2013) with the results of research shows that price affects consumers' repurchase interest, as well as research conducted by Utami (2015) that price affects consumers' buying interest. Thus, the determination of the price on the product sold will affect the consumer's buying interest.

The quality of service provided to consumers will have a big impact on consumers' buying interest.� Consumers really want the services provided in accordance with their expectations, if the services provided are not in accordance with their expectations,� the� impression left behind from the services provided� will be impress� and consumers only get there to choose� products sold� by business actors. Furthermore, the results of research conducted by anas (2019) show that service quality affects buying interest and research conducted by wulandari (2017) shows the quality of service to buying interest. Thus, it can be seen that good service quality will affect consumers' buying interest.



LITERATURE REVIEW [Times New Roman 12 bold]

�Buying interest is a consumer mental statement that reflects the purchase plan of a� product with� a certain brand, knowledge� about consumers' purchase intentions� towards the product needs to�� be known by marketers� to� describe future consumer�� behavior.� Buying interest is formed from consumer attitudes towards a product, it comes from consumer confidence in product quality. The lower consumer confidence in aproduct will lead to a decrease in consumer buying interest.� Interest is described as a situation where the consumer has not performed an action, which can be used as a basis for predicting the behavior or action. Interest is an emerging behavior.

According to Priansa (2017) purchase interest is a mental statement from consumers that reflects the purchase plan of a certain number of products with a certain brand. Meanwhile, according to ��Assael (2002) buying interest is the tendency of consumers to buy a brand or take actions related to purchases as measured by the level of likelihood consumers in making purchases.

�Buying interest is part of buying behavior� so that the factors that influence� buying interest are�� more or less� the� same as the� factors that influence buying�� behavior. According to Kotler and Susanto (2001) the factors that influence buying interest are:

a.        �Cultural Factors

1)     Culture, is the most basic determining factor of a person's desires and behavior.� Obtaining a set of values, perceptions, preferences and behaviors through his family and other institutions.

2)     Sub-Culture, that is, it has smaller sub-cultural groups that provide more specific identification and socialization of its members. There are four kinds of sub-cultures, namely nationality, religion, racial groups and geographical areas.

3)     �Social Class, that is, a group�� within a society, which is hierarchically composed� and its members tend to have the same values, interests and�� behaviors.

b.       �Social Factors

1)     �Reference Groups, groups that have a direct or indirect influence on a person's stance or behavior.� All these are groups with which the person is located or interacts.

2)     Family, family members can have a strong influence on buyer behavior. The family is distinguished into two parts. The first is a family known as family orientation, which consists of a parent. From one's parents, one acquires an orientation towards religion, politics, and economics as well as a sense of personal ambition, personal appreciation and love.� Second, a person's procreation family, that is, spouse and children. The family is the most important consumer purchasing organization in society and has been extensively researched.

3)     Role and Status. The position of people in each group can be defined in terms of roles and statuses.� A role consists of activities that are expected to be carried out by a person, where each role will affect part of his buying behavior.

c.        �Personal Factors

1)     Age and Life Cycle Stage, people's purchases of goods and services will be different throughout their lives. Recent research has identified stages in the psychological life cycle. An adult undergoes a transition or transformation throughout his life. Marketers pay special attention to the changing circumstances of life, divorce, widowhood, widowhood, remarriage and their influence on consumption behavior.

2)     Work, a person's workers also influence his consumption patterns. Marketers seek to identify job groups that have more than average interest in their products and services. Economic Circumstances, including disposable income (income level, stability, and time patterns), savings and wealth, debt, the power to borrow, and establishment towards shopping and saving.

3)     �Lifestyle, can be interpreted as a person's lifestyle that is revealed in one's activities, interests and opinions. Lifestyle describes the "whole person"interacting with their environment, marketers will look for the relationship between the product and the lifestyle of the group.

4)     ��Personality and Self-Concept, everyone has a different personality.� Personality is defined as the psychological characteristic that distinguishes each person that causes a relatively consistent and fixed response to his environment.

d.       �Psychological Factors

1)     Motivation, that is, a need that is strong enough to lead a person to seek gratification of that need.

2)     Perception, which is the process of individuals choosing, formulating, and interpreting information input from the five senses to create a meaningful picture of the world. Perception is also an interpretation of the sensations and processes of selecting information about certain things that are meaningful to the consumer. Psychological factors of�� perception are factors that can influence buying behavior.� The perception of a product becomes one of� the� basic characteristics in marketing through giving more attention and the creation of a strong� product� will be perceived by consumers in� make a purchase.

3)     Learning, including changes in one's behavior arising from experience. Most human behavior results from learning.

4)     Beliefs and attitudes, that is, a picture of�� a person's thoughts about something that is believed.

The buying interest indicators that Priansa (2017) said are as follows:

a.        �Transactional Interests. Transactional interest is the tendency of consumers to always buy products and services produced by the company, this is based on high trust in the company. Referential Interests. Referential interest is the tendency of consumers to refer their products to others.� Such interest arises after consumers have experience and information about the product.

b.       �Preferential Interests. Preferential interest is an interest that describes the behavior of consumers who have a primary preference for these products. Those preferences can�� only be replaced if something happens with the product of its preference.

c.        �Exploratory Interests.�� Exploratory interest is an� interest that describes the� behavior of consumers who are always looking for information� about the� products they are interested in and looking for information to support the� positive properties�� of the product said.

Price is something that is given in exchange for obtaining goods or services.� In the process of determining purchase decisions, consumers tend to be moreinterested in information about prices, which�� is an indispensable thing, because consumer perceptions Regarding the price of a product, it can be used as a standardization of product quality based on the price value of the product. According to Tjiptono (2006), price is an amount of money that has certain benefits that are used to obtain a certain service or product. According to Swastha and Sukotjo (2000) Price is a certain amount of money (plus some products if possible) needed to get a certain number of combinations of its products and services.�

�Price indicators according to Kotler and Amstrong (2008) are:

1.       �Affordability Price. Consumers can reach the price that has been set by the company. There are usually several types of products in one brand, the price is also different from the cheapest to the most expensive.� With the�� price set, many consumers buy products.

2.       �Compliance of price with product quality. Price is often used as an indicator of quality for consumers people often choose a higher price between two goods because they see a difference in quality.� If the price is�� higher people tend to assume that the quality is also better.

3.       The suitability of price to benefits. Consumers decide to buy a product if the perceived benefits are�� greater or equal to those that have been spent to obtain it. If consumers�� feel that the benefits of the product are less than the money spent, consumers will assume that the product is expensive and consumers will think twice about making a� purchase reset.

4.       Price according to the ability or competitiveness of the price. Consumers often compare the� price of a product� with other products, in this case the high cost of a product� is highly considered by consumers when� buying� the� product.

�Service quality is a form of service that provides results, both in the form of service quality and�� service� quality, in its presentation� carried out by each company is very� diverse, but the goal is basically the same as customer satisfaction. According to pujawan (2010) service quality is the result of perception and comparison between customer expectations and�� actual service performance which there are two main factors that affect quality services, that is, the expected experience and� the services received.

Service quality indicators according to Tjiptono and Candra (2011) state that:

1.       Reliability. In this component, it relates to the company's ability to provide accurate services from the first time without making any mistakes and delivering its services in accordance with the time� agreed.� In this element, marketers are required to provide reliable products or services.� The product or service should not be damaged or failed. In other words, the product or service must always be good. The members of the company must also be honest in solving problems so that customers do not feel cheated.� In addition, marketers must be on the right promise when promising something to customers. Again, it should be noted that promises are not just promises, but promises must be kept. Therefore, the time schedule needs to be carefully compiled.

2.       �Responsiveness. With regard to the willingness and ability of employees to help customers and respond to customer requests, as well as inform when services will be provided and then provide services quickly. The members of the company must pay attention to specific promises to customers.� Another element that is also important in this quick response element is that� company members� are always� ready to� help customers, regardless of a person's position in the company should always pay attention to customers who contacted the company.

3.       Warranty. Namely beliefs that include the� behavior of employees are able to foster customer trust in the company� and the company can create a sense of security for�� its customers. At a time when competition is highly competitive, company members must appear more competent, meaning they have knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. The security factor, which is to provide a sense of security and security to customers is important.� Marketers are expected to pay attention to the credibility of the company and not just deceive customers.� In addition, company members must be friendly by greeting customers who come.

4.       Empathy.� This means that the company pays attention to and understands the problems of the customers and acts for the benefit of the customers, a.s well as providing personal attention to the customers. Each member of the company should be able to manage their time for easy contact, either by phone or in person. Ringing the phone try to be a maximum of three times, then immediately answered. The time that customers have is so limited that it is impossible to wait too long. Try to do individual communication so that the relationship with customers is more familiar. Company members must also understand the customer.� By understanding the customer, it does not mean that the company members feel "defeated" and must "agree" with the��� customer's opinion, but at least try to make a compromise not putting up a fight.

5.       Physical evidence. �Includes the attractiveness of physical facilities from the quality, equipment and materials used by the company, building cleanliness, neatness, room comfort, and employee appearance. Infrastructure related to customer service must also be considered by the company's management. A magnificent building with cooling facilities (AC), sophisticated telecommunications equipment or quality office furniture, and others are considered by customers in choosing a product or service.



The research was conducted using quantitative research. Quantitative research is a pro-cess of finding knowledge that uses data in the form of numbers as a tool to analyze infor-mation about what you want to know. Where the data source used is primary data. Where primary data is data taken from direct respondents, in order to get the results of the study. The population in this study was all consumers who bought�� three�� gallons of water and samples in the study were 100 people with the accidental sampling method.� randomly.� Data collection used with interviews and questionnaires.� Furthermore, the data analysis used uses the istrument test (validity test and reliability test), classical assumption test� (normality test, linearity test, heterochedasticity test, multicholinearity test), Regression linear multiple (Multiple correlation� and coefficient determination)� and hypothesis test� (F Test and t Test).�



1.   Test Instruments

a.   Validity Test

The validity test is used to see if the entire statement item made can be used or valid. From 13 statement items, it can be known that the statement items are said to be valid, along with the �validity test results� of the price variables, service quality� and� buying interest.


Table 1 Validity Test

Statement Items

r count

r table

Validity Test

Price 1




Price 2




Price 3




Price 4




Quality of Service 1




Quality of Service 2




Quality of Service 3




Quality of Service 4




Quality of Service 5




Buying Interest� 1




Buying Interest� 2




Buying Interest� 3




Buying Interest� 4




b.   Reliability Test

Reliability Test is the extent to which the measurement results using the same object, will produce the same data. �The reliability test results showed three variables, �namely price, service quality� and buying interest� with Cronbach's alpha value > 0.7, so all variables are said to be reliable.� �The following can be seen the results of the reliability test.

Table 2 Reliability Test

Statement Items

Cronbach's alpha

Reliability Test




Quality of Service



�Buying Interest




2.   Test Classical Assumptions

a.   Normality Test

Normality tests are carried out with the aim of assessing the distribution of data in a group of data or variables, whether the distribution of data is normally distributed or not. The results of the normality test showed that the value of Asymp Sig (2-tyled) > 0.05, so the data is said to be normally distributed. Here are the results of the normality test.

Table 3 Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


Unstandardized Residual



Normal Parametersa,b



Std. Deviation


Most Extreme Differences







Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z


Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)


a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

b.   Linearity Test

The linearity test aims to determine whether the two or more variables tested have a linear relationship or not significantly. The results of the dilinearity test showed that the sig value of Deviation From Linearity > 0.05, then each free variable, namely price and service quality, has a linear relationship with the bound variable, namely buying interest. Here are the results of the linearity test.

Table 4 Linearity Test



Sum of Squares


Mean Square




Buying Interest * Price

Between Groups















Deviation from Linearity







Within Groups

















Sum of Squares


Mean Square




Buying Interest * Quality of Service

Between Groups















Deviation from Linearity







Within Groups















c.   Heterochedasticity Test

The heteroskedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression model there is a variance inequality from the residual of one observation to another. The results of the heterochedasticity test showed that in this study there were no symptoms of heterochedasticity where the significant value of the price and service quality variables was greater than 0.05. The following can be seen the results of the Heterochedasticity test.

Table 5 Heterochedasticity Test



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients




Std. Error















Quality of Service






a. Dependent Variable: RES2

d.     Mulitikolinearity Test

This multicholinearity test is intended to test whether or not there is a high or perfect correlation between free variables in the regression model. The results of the multicholinearity test showed that in this study there were no symptoms of multicholinearity, with a tolerance value of > 0.1 and a VIF of < 10. �The following can be seen the multicholinearity test.

Table 6 Multicholinearity Test



Collinearity Statistics










Quality of Service



a. Dependent Variable: Buying Interest

3.   Multiple Linear Regression

The result of multiple linear regression obtained the following equation ��:

Y = 9.457+0.351X1+0.326X2

The value of the constant 9.457 means that, if all free variables are equal to� zero then the buying interest� is 9.457.� The coefficient value of price� regression is 0.351� , meaning that if the price increases by one unit and� the service� quality variable� is fixed, the�� price will increase by� 0.351 units.� The coefficient value of service quality� regression is� 0.326, meaning that the quality� of service increases by one unit and� the price remains then the quality of�� service will increase by 03.26 units.��� Thus, it can be seen that� price and service quality� have a positive relationship with consumers' buying interest.

�Multiple Correlations and Coeeffesient Determination

�Multiple correlation� aims� to� see how closely related or influenced the� variables of price and� service quality� together are to the variables of buying interest� . Where the results of multiple correlations can be seen in the table below.



Table 7 Model Summary



R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate






a. Predictors: (Constant), Quality of Service, Price

b. Dependent Variable: Buying Interest

The result of the R value summary model is 0.400, which means that the� variables of� price and service quality together have a relationship or influence on the variable of buying� interest is moderate.

Coefficient determination is carried out to see how much contrinsity the influence that the variables of price and service quality have together on the variables of buying interest. The results of the summary model above show that the value of R Square� is� 0.160, which means that the effect of price and service quality on buying interest is16% while the remaining 84% is influenced by� other variables that were not studied in this study.

4.       Hypothesis Test

This hypothesis test is used to see if the hypothesis that has been made is correct or not. The results of the hypothesis test� used are� seen from the tests� together and respectively. The results of the F test showed that the price and quality of service simultaneously corresponded to buying interest, with a significant� result of 0.05. The following is a table of F test results.

Table 8 Test F



Sum of Squares


Mean Square






















a. Dependent Variable: Buying Interest

b. Predictors: (Constant), Quality of Service, Price

The price and quality of service simultaneously affect consumers' buying� interest in� three� gallons of water, this is� because the� value is significantly less than� 0.05. Where this research is in line with research conducted by Hermanto and Hapsila (2020) with the title The Effect of Price and Service Quality on Consumer Buying Interest in Anugrah Photocopy Rengat, with the results of research� showing that price and service quality� affect consumers' buying� interest.

The test results partially show that the variables of price and service quality affect buying interest. Where the significant value of the price is small from 0.05 and the significant value of service quality is small from 0.05, then the two variables have an influence on the variable of buying interest. Here's a table of t-test results.









Table 9 t-test


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients





Std. Error


















Buying Interest







a. Dependent Variable: Quality of Service

The price partially affects consumers' buying interest in three gallons of water, where the significant value is small from 0.05. �This research is in line with what Wirayanthy and Santoso (2019) conducted with the title The Influence of Price, Brand Image and Quality on Interest in �Buying Private Label� Products, �the results of the ��study show the price� affects� buying interest. �Furthermore, the research conducted by irawan (2020) with �the� title The Influence of Price, Brand Image and Quality on Buying Interest �in �Private Label� Products, with the �results of the study showing that �prices have an effect to buying interest. �Furthermore, Suroso and Iriani (2014) with the title the influence of product innovation and �price �on the interest in �buying Mie sedaap cup, with the results of research� showing �that price� affects interest ��buy. Thus, it can be seen that price ��greatly affects consumers' buying interest, determining the selling price of products needs to be considered by business actors so that ��buying interest consumers may increase.

The quality of service affects consumers' buying interest in three gallons of water, where the significant value is small from 0.05. This research is in line with what Rosita (2016) conducted with the title of the influence of location, product completeness, product quality, service, price, and shopping comfort on interests ��Repurchase consumers at Lotte Mart Bekasi Junction, with the results of research showing that service quality affects buying interest. furthermore, the research conducted by Sabran (2020) with the title The Influence of Sales Promotion, Product Variations and Service Quality on Repurchase Interest in Kanabini Boutique in Tenggarong, the results of the study showed that service quality� affects buying interest. �Research conducted by Purnawati et al (2020) with the title of the influence of service quality, product quality and price perception on repurchase interest in Bandung collection north Kuta district, Badung, the results of the study showed that service quality�� affects interest buy. �Thus, it can be seen that the quality of service greatly affects consumers' buying interest, as business actors, of course, they must pay attention to the quality of service�� that given.



Price��� and quality of service simultaneously and partially affect consumers' buying in-terest in three gallons of water.

The results of multiple correlation show the� closeness of the relationship / relationship of� free variables to� bound variables,� namely medium, with the� results of coefficient determination showing the� magnitude of the influence of price and�� quality� variables�� Service to buying interest was� 14� % while the remaining 86% was influenced by� other variables that were not studied in this study.





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Copyright Holders:

Roky Apriansyah, Hermanto, Fitria Ningsih, Abdul Hairudin, Said Afriaris (2022)


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