Text Box: Volume 3, Number 13, November 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Warni Tune Sumar, Intan abdul Radjak, Nina Lamatenggo

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], intan.razak@ung,ac,id,[email protected]




Archive management; digital-based; appliances


Telaga Jaya Sub-district is one of the sub-districts in the Gorontalo Regency which consists of 5 villages namely: Bulota Village, Buhu Village, Bunggalo Village, Luwooo Village and Hutadaa Village whose area conditions are in flood-prone areas need to be aware of various possible flood disasters that can occur. can destroy residential residents and government offices. One of the important assets to be saved before being hit by a flood disaster is assets in the form of archives in government offices. Implementation Method The method of implementing the activity is to provide an understanding of the management and storage of archives manually and digitally. Submission of material is carried out by resource persons and lecturers who are members of the team proposing community service activities. In addition, activities in the context of community service use two methods, namely 1) Lectures or counseling. In this method, lecturers or extension workers deliver material about Introduction to Archives and Digital Archives Training. On that occasion the participants were freed to ask questions with the material giver. The details of this method are an explanation of how to manage archives with a digital system. 2) Interactive dialogue, in this case participants are positioned as subjects who can provide reviews related to problems in archive management. This dialogue serves as brainstorming from participants to obtain input in the form of problems, aspirations, proposals, ideas and solutions. 3) The distribution of questionnaires before and after the implementation of the counseling (pretest and posttest questionnaires). The purpose of distributing this questionnaire is to get a comparison of participants' knowledge and insights about Archive Management.



Telaga Jaya sub-district is one of the sub-districts in the Gorontalo Regency which consists of 5 villages, namely: Bulota Village, Buhu Village, Bunggalo Village, Luwooo Village and Hutadaa Village. can destroy residential residents and government offices. One of the important assets to be saved before being hit by a flood disaster is assets in the form of archives in government offices, including sub-district and sub-district/village offices. Sub-district and village office employees are responsible for saving archives that are very important for the sustainability of the government and the interests of its citizens. Awareness and ability to save archives is a very important aspect for government officials at the sub-district and village levels (Sukoco, 2020). One of the efforts to save archives is to manage digital-based archives. To manage digital-based archives, special knowledge and skills are needed for sub-district employees and village officials. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct digital-based archive management training for employees of the Telaga Jaya sub-district and villages in the Gorontalo district (Barthos, 1990).

Law No. 43 of 2009 concerning archives is meant by archives are recordings of activities or events in various forms and media in accordance with the development of information and communication technology made and accepted by state institutions, regional governments, educational institutions, companies, political organizations, organizations society and individuals in the implementation of social, national and state life (Sugiarto, 2018). Archive is a data used for planning in the implementation and decision making by the leadership in carrying out the main tasks of the organization. Every government needs a reference to the archives that it has created or received in carrying out its duties (Ardyawin, 2017).

In the management of records that are not good can result in the use of the time it takes too long to find the files that are needed. Instead, archives are stored systematically, maintained, organized and described, so quickly find the files you need. As government employees in public services, sub-district and village officials do not only carry out their duties orally but also develop skills in archive management (Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, 1999). One proof of the ability to develop archive management skills is by understanding and mastering digital or electronic based archive management. However, the facts show that most of the sub-district and village officials are still unable to process digital or electronic-based archives to prevent loss and damage to archives (Handayani, 2019). To improve the knowledge and skills of sub-district employees and village officials, many problems faced in archive management are archive loss, unsystematic archive storage, and archive damage. The problem was caused by several things, such as the absence of adequate storage space, not understanding how to store archives properly, so the team from UNG Faculty of Education, especially the Education Management Department, could carry out digital-based archive management training (Indrawan, 2015). To achieve this goal, the method used in this activity is training for employees and village officials in the Telaga Jaya sub-district, Gorontalo Regency. Telaga Jaya sub-district was chosen as the target of this training activity, considering that Telaga Jaya sub-district is a flood-prone area which can result in very high levels of damage and loss of archives (Sholeh, 2018). The training activity began with the provision of materials to increase the motivation and understanding of sub-district employees about digital-based archive management (Fatimah & Septiana, 2021). After giving the material, the sub-district employees were given demonstrations on the use of electronic archive applications, namely the Digital File Cabinet (DFC) application program and provided opportunities for participants to practice archive processing using computers/laptops, namely by transferring archival media from paper archive media to electronic archives, here's how to store and recover archives by operating the Digital File Cabinet (DFC) application program. The training was held at the Telaga Jaya sub-district office, Gorontalo Regency (Amsyah, 2003).



Implementation Method The method of implementing the activity is to provide an understanding of the management and storage of archives manually and digitally. Submission of material is carried out by resource persons and lecturers who are members of the team proposing community service activities. In addition, activities in the context of community service use two methods, namely 1) Lectures or counseling. In this method, lecturers or extension workers deliver material about Introduction to Archives and Digital Archives Training. On that occasion, participants were free to ask questions with the material giver. The details of this method are an explanation of how to manage archives with a digital system. 2) Interactive dialogue, in this case participants are positioned as subjects who can provide reviews related to problems in archive management. This dialogue serves as brainstorming from participants to obtain input in the form of problems, aspirations, proposals, ideas and solutions. 3) The distribution of questionnaires before and after the implementation of the counseling (pretest and posttest questionnaires). The purpose of distributing this questionnaire is to obtain a comparison of participants' knowledge and insights about Archive Management.



1.   Place and Time of Activity

��The training activity was carried out in the Telaga Jaya District, Gorontalo Regency, one of the fostered villages of the Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo, namely Bulota village, Talaga Jaya District, Gorontalo Regency, but the implementation of the activities took place in the Hall of Telaga Jaya District, Gorontalo Regency and was carried out from June-July 2020. includes preparation activities to the reporting stage (Martoatmodjo, 1999).

1)  Stages and Methods of Implementation of Activities

a.   Program Implementation Approach

Implementation Method The method of implementing the activity is to provide an understanding of the management and storage of archives manually and digitally. Submission of material is carried out by lecturers who are members of the team proposing community service activities (Ross, 2012). In addition, activities in the context of community service use two methods, namely 1) Lectures or counseling. In this method, lecturers or extension workers deliver material about Introduction to Archives and Digital Archives Training. On that occasion the participants were freed to ask questions with the material giver. The details of this method are an explanation of how to manage archives with a digital system. 2) Interactive dialogue, in this case participants are positioned as subjects who can provide reviews related to problems in archive management. This dialogue serves as brainstorming from participants to obtain input in the form of problems, aspirations, proposals, ideas and solutions. 3) The distribution of questionnaires before and after the implementation of the counseling (pretest and posttest questionnaires). The purpose of distributing this questionnaire is to get a comparison of participants' knowledge and insights about Archive Management.

b.   Work procedures

The work procedure will be carried out in several stages, namely First, the preparation stage. This preparation is focused on preparing all the equipment needed to carry out this activity, studying literature and coordinating with the relevant local government to carry out activities. Second, site visits to determine the place (location) of training activities. Third, the design of materials for introducing digital archives and training for sub-district employees and village officials by preparing materials that will be displayed in the activity. The module was reproduced by a number of participants who were involved in the activity. Fourth, the implementation is carried out by the Service implementation team from the State University of Gorontalo, Faculty of Education, Department of Education Management. As for the measure of the success of this activity, namely 1) The realization of cooperation between the executor of the activity and the government of the Telaga Jaya sub-district, Gorontalo Regency and the Gorontalo State University, especially in the service implementation team, 2) The number of participants who attend is at least 50% of the invitees, 3) There is a two-way interaction in activities between speakers and participants so that there can be an increase in knowledge and understanding of archive management, 4) Increased understanding of participants related to the material presented so that when in the field they can implement theory and practice, 5) Increased understanding of activity participants is measured by distributing questionnaires before and after the activity

c.    Activity Program Implementation

Program Implementation This activity was carried out on June 10, 2022 in the Telaga Jaya District Office Hall, Gorontalo Regency, which was attended by 30 people. Based on the activities that have been carried out, several things have been obtained. In the first stage, participants were distributed pretest questionnaires to be filled in by participants, after which the instructor (resource) explained how to manage digital archives and archives (Sulistyo‐Basuki, 2004). In the second stage, participants were invited to understand the material presented and presented by the resource person (Fahrudin Akadji. S, Pd. MPd), then in this session a question and answer session was also opened, for those who still did not understand the management of digital archives and archives. resource persons answered questions posed by participants. On average, participants already understand archives manually or conventionally, but most of the participants do not understand managing archives digitally. In the last stage, after participants were given briefing on digital archives and archive coding, they could understand the digitizing of archives and encoding of these archives. The training materials are: 1. The scope of electronic archives, 2 documentation and archiving, 3 document filing systems, 4. Electronic Document Management, 5 Digital Filing System and Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Application. 6. Automation of Office Administration Activities (Republik Indonesia, 2009).








Image 1

Opening of the Implementation of Training Activities


Training activities for digital-based archive management materials can be seen in Figure 2 below.



Figure 2

Training Activities on How to Coding on Each Type of Letter




d.   Outcomes Achieved

This evaluation was obtained from the processed questionnaires given to 30 participants before and after the training. Then from the participants' answers it can be seen the comparison of knowledge before and after carrying out the training. The results of the initial evaluation showed that: the number of participants who attended was 30 people; as many as 25 people or 83% of participants from both sub-district employees and village officials did not know the coding procedure for each type of letter they used one letter code or what was called the general code and 5 as many as 17%. Can only find out part of the letter encoding. So it can be concluded that most sub-district and village officials do not understand the coding of each type of letter and letter code nationally. And do not understand how to store archives both manually and digitally because the level of understanding of participants does not yet understand the classification system and encoding types of letters and every agency, both sub-district and village governments, does not yet have an application or WEB in archive storage (Mooduto, Wulansari, & Riyadi, 2021).



Based on the results of the service activities that have been carried out, it can be concluded that digital-based archive training activities can run well and smoothly at the Head of the Telaga sub-district, Gorontalo Regency. The obstacles faced in this activity were that most of the participants had not been able to document archives both manually and digitally and the internet connection was not smooth.

Electronic archive management training is carried out by using Google Drive as a medium for storing letters or files owned by the village office. But the problem is that as participants do not understand the coding system for each type of letter, participants only use one letter code in general. Participants have not been able to distinguish the types of letters

Village officials and sub-district employees can participate in training activities properly until the end of the activity. With this electronic archiving training, it is hoped that it can improve the performance of village officials and sub-district employees, especially in searching for files or letters that have been archived.


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Copyright holders:

Warni Tune Sumar, Intan abdul Radjak, Nina Lamatenggo (2022)

First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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