Volume 3, Number 13, November�2022

e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Andyan Pradipta Utama, Aprilia Ningrum Ambarwati

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected]




Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Trust, Repurchase Interest


This study is to analyze the effect of brand awareness , brand image and trust on consumer repurchase intention of PT Astra International Isuzu Warung Buncit Branch. The object of this research is Isuzu truck customers who have bought at least 2 times. Determination of sample size using the formula Hair et al., so that the sample used is 150 people. The research method used is quantitative research and the data analysis method used is PLS ( Partial Least Square) technique through SmartPLS 3.2.9 software, using survey method, with research instrument is a questionnaire. This study proves that brand awareness has a negative effect with a value of -0.147 and is not significant on consumer repurchase interest with a T-statistic value of 1.283. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on consumer repurchase interest and trust has a positive and significant effect on consumer repurchase interest..



Currently, Indonesian automotive is one of the important pillars in the country's manufacturing sector because of the large number of well- known car companies opening their businesses in this country (Mandala, 2017). Marketers try to meet consumer needs by upgrading them so that consumers are satisfied with the products they buy. Their goal is to upgrade so that the resulting product has a name in the hearts and minds of consumers.

By increasing brand awareness in the minds of consumers, a marketer can increase brand awareness by creating something different in their products, the goal is that consumers can recognize and know a brand just by looking at the logo, image , and so on. The creation of brand awareness on a product indicates that the product has good quality because with brand awareness in a product, consumers already know about the product. In addition, brand awareness is considered as a one of the factors that influence interest in purchasing (Sustainable, 2021).

Creating brand awareness to consumers is important in marketing because consumers are formed in advance with information about the product, thus consumers become interested and want to try the product . High brand awareness will increase brand memory in consumers' minds when consumers think about a product (Kumalasari & Sugiarto, 2013).







Table 1

Data by Brand Year 2019-2022

Source: gaikindo.or.id


It can be seen in the table, that the Toyota, Daihatsu and Honda brands are competitors of the Astra Isuzu Brand , we can see from the table above that Toyota in 2019 totaled sales of 331,797, in 2020 it was 161,256, in 2021 it was 295,768 and in 2022 the data obtained up to April amounted to 108,874. Total sales at Daihatsu in 2019 were 177.284, in 2020 it was 90,724, in 2021 it was 164,908 and in 2022 sales until April were 66,473.

Furthermore, sales at Honda in 2019 amounted to 137,339, in 2020 amounted to 73,315, in 2021 amounted to 91.122 and in 2022 sales until April amounted to 45,414. And for the Isuzu Brand, total sales in 2019 were 25,270, in 2020 it was 16,422, in 2021 it was 26,636, and in 2022 sales up to April amounted to 11,897.

Isuzu, is one of the mainstay products of PT Astra International, Tbk where Isuzu is one of the companies engaged in the automotive sector, especially four-wheeled vehicles or more that use Diesel Direct Injection engines and one of the largest company in Indonesia (Timoty, Mandey, & Ogi, 2018).

In its business activities, Astra Isuzu is in contact with PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia (IAMI) as the sole agent for Isuzu's Brand Holders (ATPM). Astra Isuzu currently has 52 outlets (consisting of VSP outlets � serving buying and selling and servicing vehicles as well as 1 V outlet) spread across almost all of Indonesia. In addition, to ensure customers get genuine Isuzu spare parts, Astra Isuzu also cooperates with 2,297 part ner shops spread throughout Indonesia. (www.astraisuzu.co.id).

Table 2

Isuzu Sales Data for 2018-2020

Source: gaikindo.or.id


It can be seen that Isuzu managed to increase sales from 2018-2020, namely 2018 by 2.3%, 2019 by 2.5% and 2020 by 3.2%. Seen from the data above proves that the data does not experience problems because every year it has increased. It's different in the showroom located at PT Astra Isuzu, the distended stall branch, which has ups and downs in sales.

Table 3

�of Sales Data for Astra Isuzu Warung Buncit

Source: PT Astra International Isuzu Warung Buncit branch, 2021


From the data in the table, it can be seen that sales data at Astra Isuzu Warung Buncit decreased in 2018 and increased again in 2019 and decreased again in 2020. Thus it can be concluded that at Astra Isuzu Warung Buncit there is sales instability which increases and decreases every year. year.

When marketers have a new product in it, of course, the main priority in marketing and introducing their products is to create brand awareness for the product. If the brand and the basic product concept have not been understood or not yet known by consumers, then brand awareness must be formed first before consumers can have a positive attitude towards the brand (Sudaryono, 2016). Attention to advertising develops brand awareness, which can be assessed through brand recall and recognition (Grigaliunaite & Pileliene, 2016).

Therefore, brand awareness is very influential in attracting consumer interest. Apart from brand awareness, brand image is also an influence in marketing a product, products that already have a good brand image are of course more in demand by consumers than products that do not yet have a good brand image. Because if the brand image of the product is good, it means that the quality is also good. If the product already has a good brand image then in marketing the product it becomes very easy to remember. Trust is built because of the expectation that the other party will act in accordance with the needs and desires of consumers (Putra & Heriyanto, 2017).

Apart from creating brand awareness which is a top priority in introducing new products, brand image is also a problem for consumers when they buy a product because, brand image is a strong variable in companies and is very important in purchasing decisions for consumers (Nigam & Kaushik, 2011). in (Savitri & Wardana, 2018). Therefore, the seller will think about how to make the product have a good brand image, and vice versa, if the brand image is negative, consumers tend to consider further when buying the product (Sangadji & Sopiah, 2013) in (Dennisa & Santoso, 2016).

As in Isuzu why sales can increase because of a good brand image of Isuzu products. The brand image is obtained because the product is well known and has a lot of fans. A good combination of supporting factors will be able to produce a strong brand image for consumers (Aryadhe & Rastini, 2016).

In addition to the above factors, the company also needs to pay attention to other factors that can influence consumers to do business repurchase such as trust (Hamdan, Kurniawan, Imaningsih, & Samudro, 2021) ; (Wijayajaya & Astuti, 2018), personal selling (Prihatini & Gumilang, 2021), perceived quality (Izzudin & Novandari, 2018), security (Samudro & Hamdan, 2021), product knowledge (Della Fitriana, Hamdan, & Imaningsih, 2021); utilitarian values (Hamdan & Raharja, 2020), brand awareness and brand association (Chinomona & Maziriri, 2017), risk perception (Hamdan & Yuliantini, 2021). This is one way for companies to know what they need and want and provide satisfaction to consumers. Repurchase interest is created because consumers feel that the quality of the product and the quality of service provided is in accordance with what they expect so that consumers will intend to buy our products at the next time (Faradiba, 2015).

To find out and test further on the variables that are thought to influence repurchase intention, the researchers used the variables of brand awareness, brand image, and trust as independent variables to be tested further.

According to (Luarn & Lin, 2003), trust exists when consumers have confidence in the integrity, benevolence, competency, and predictability of the seller. Consumer trust is built because of the trust in the product. Consumers believe that the products they buy are of good quality.

According to research conducted by (Utama et al., 2021), a good brand image will make consumers feel satisfied with the products used and this satisfaction will have implications for consumer loyalty to repurchase the product. While the research conducted by (Chae, Choi, Kim, Sung, & Cho, 2020) explains that brand trust achieved through shared experiences and activities is a necessary concept for a successful relationship between a company and its customers.

Brand Awareness

a.   Definition of Brand Awareness

According to (Bilgin, 2018), brand awareness is a reflection of concrete indicators of a brand such as names, signs, symbols, and slogans, while brand image is the position of the brand in the minds of consumers outside of these signs. Brand Awareness is a situation where consumers associate brands with obtaining or seeking information about brands and brands that have a higher level of awareness that can be considered to be used to meet their needs (Agnes, 2020). Consumers usually get brand awareness through various kinds of existing marketing, for example communication channels, namely smartphones, television, and an online advertisement that can make consumers feel they have a guarantee for product quality and can reduce risk in evaluating and selecting products when consumers want to buy a product. (Sasmita & Suki, 2015).

According to (Kotler & Keller, 2016) Brand Awareness relates to the strength of the brand node or imprint in memory, which can be measured as the ability of consumers to identify the brand under different conditions .

According to (Yuliati & Maulidi, 2017) said that brand awareness is one of the most important elements for companies , consumers tend to use brands that are known because consumers assume that the brand is safe for consumption.

So from some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that brand awareness is an ability where prospective buyers have the ability to recognize or remember a brand because they have the assumption that the brand is safe for consumption.

Following is the level of brand awareness according to (Aaker, 1997)

Picture 1

Levels of Brand Awareness

Source: Aaker (2018)

1.   Top Of Mind

At this stage, consumers remember the brand as the first thing that comes to mind when talking or being asked about a particular product category. For example, when consumers are asked to name 5 brands of cellphones, or 5 brands of cars. The first name that appears and is mentioned by consumers is the brand that occupies the top of mind for consumers . In fact, because a brand is so strong with a certain product category, consumers can mistake the product category by referring to me the account. For example, when we hear people say "I bought Aqua" which actually means " I bought mineral water".

2.   Brand Recall

Are the brands that are called later after top of mind . A condition in which consumers can associate a brand with a particular product category. For example , when consumers hear the word "Suz u ki " then what is being discussed is "Motorcycle".

3.   Brand Recognition

At this stage, consumers can only remember a brand when someone else mentions the brand. For example, when consumers are asked to name various brands of cellphones and consumers have mentioned all known brands until no more brands appear in the minds of consumers .

4.   Unaware of Brand

At this stage, consumers really do not know or have never heard of the brand.

b.   Brand Awareness Goals

In increasing brand awareness, companies usually have their own ways to make consumers aware of the company's brand. And usually in creating brand awareness, one of the ways used to make consumers aware of the company's brand is by using advertising. With advertising, consumers can see whether the products offered through the advertisement are attractive or not, besides that, using advertisements aims to make consumers aware of their needs. The most important goal of a company is to build a strong brand that not only affects short-term revenue but is also beneficial in the long-term (Shahid, Hussain, & Zafar, 2017).

There is also an opinion from (Heryanto, 2018) that consumers will be more likely to buy goods or use services from a name that they trust and is easily recognizable, for example from the company's logo and business tagline , the company's brand is the first thing that will appear in consumers' minds when they buy. something.

Meanwhile, according to (Roziq, 2020) brand awareness is usually used by companies as a tool to measure (monitoring) how effective and large the performance of the brands they launch in the market is, so that if there is a decrease in brand awareness in consumers, companies will carry out new strategies (usually through advertising agencies) as an effort to increase brand awareness in the minds of the public.

So the purpose of brand awareness after looking at some of the research above it can be concluded that brand awareness has a goal so that consumers are aware of their needs and one way is by doing advertising.

c.  Brand Awareness Dimensions and Indicators

According to (Kertamukti, 2015) dimensions and indicators of brand awareness is as follows:

1)  Unware of brand (not aware of the brand), namely a situation where consumers are not yet aware of the existence of a brand. 

2)  Brand recognition (brand recognition), is the ability of consumers to recognize a product when they see the product.

3)  Brand recall (recall of the brand), occurs if consumers have remembered the name of a brand only based on the product type category or only at a glance, this means that the brand has been in the brand recall level .

4)  Top of mind , is the degree to which the brand is the first to be remembered when consumers think of a product category that can be recalled spontaneously without assistance.

(Brand Image)

a. Definition of Brand Image

Brand image is one of the dimensions of consumer-based brand knowledge, which represents certain associations when thinking about a particular brand (Shimp, 2014). In recent years due to technological developments, buyers are much more aware and as a result they only buy brands that are well known and suit their needs (Shabbir, 2017) . Brand image is taken into consideration for consumers in determining their choice of various products on the market today (Utama, Kosasih and Trisnawati, 2021).

According to Kotler and Keller (2016) brand image is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, to identify and differentiate it from competitors' goods/services .

According to Permana et al. , (2018), stated that brand image is related to attitudes, beliefs and preferences for a brand. Consumers who have a positive image of a brand will be more likely to make a purchase .

Based on the understanding of brand image presented by the experts above, it can be concluded that brand image is a perception held by consumers in assessing and believing in a product that is in the consumer's memory.

b. Dimensions and Indicators of Brand Image

Dimensions and indicators of brand image according to (Keller 1993) in Utama et al., (2021), namely :

1)     Functional benefits ; where the brand has a relationship with profits in the consumption of goods/services,

2)     Symbolic benefits ; related to the need for social recognition and self-esteem,

3)     Experiential benefits ; Discuss how customers feel after using goods/services.

4)     Social benefits ; emphasize social needs when using the product,

5)     Appearance enhances ; discusses improving the appearance of consumers when using the product.

Consumer Trust

a.    Definition of Consumer Trust

Consumer trust is a consumer's belief that other people have integrity and can be trusted, and the person he trusts will fulfill all his obligations in conducting transactions as expected (Nurrahmanto, 2017).

According to Chinomona (2016), brand trust is defined as consumer trust in a particular brand that can satisfy their desires, so that when consumers have trust in the brand, a close relationship between the brand and the customer can be built.

According to Mowen (2002) in Yusuf Fitra Mulyana (2016) he state that trust consumer is all Thing or information which is known by consumer and all conclusions made by consumers about their attributes, objects and uses.

Whereas according to Cakmak (2016) states that brand trust has the ability, capability, capacity needed to obtain consumer wants, and needs which are described as consumer intentions towards brands and solutions to problems.

So from some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that consumer trust is a consumer's belief in others, and that trust is formed in 2 ways, namely, by direct and indirect formation.

b.   Dimensions and indicators of Consumer Confidence

Dimensions and indicators of consumer confidence according to Adji and Samuel (2014) , namely :

1)  Trust is a skill possessed by both individuals and groups who use the emotional side, because what one party does can have an influence on the other party based on the agreement of both parties.

2)  Intention to trust, is a deliberate thing where a person is ready to depend on others in a situation, this happens personally and leads directly to others.

Repurchase Interest

a.   Definition of Repurchase Interest

The definition of purchase intention is a greater willingness to buy a product means a higher probability of buying it, but not necessarily actually buying it . Conversely, lower willingness does not mean absolute impossibility to buy (Wang, 2014) . While the definition of repurchase interest according to Nurhayati and Wahyu (2012) is the desire or action of consumers to repurchase a product, because of the satisfaction received as desired from a product. The repurchase intention involves an individual's judgment about repurchasing a designated service from the same company, taking into account his current situation and possible circumstances (Chinomona, 2017)

According to Corin, et al (2004) in Hendarsono and Sugiharto (2013) the notion of repurchase interest is customer behavior where customers respond positively to what has been given by a company and are interested in making return visits or re-consuming the company's products.

Makens (2014), buying interest arises after an alternative evaluation process. Meanwhile, according to Kotler and Kevin (2012), states after consumers buy the product, consumers are usually satisfied or dissatisfied and engage in buying behavior

So from some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that repurchase interest is a desire from consumers to repurchase a product that arises after an alternative evaluation process that makes consumers have a satisfied or dissatisfied perception of the purchase.

b.   Dimensions and Indicators of Repurchase Interest

According to Ferdinand (2014), repurchase interest has the following dimensions:

1)     interest, namely the tendency of consumers to buy a product.

2)     Referential interest, as a person's tendency to be able to provide product references to others.

3)     Preferential interest is an interest that reflects the behavior of someone who has a primary preference for the product. This preference can only be replaced if something happens with the product preference.


1.   Influence Brand Awareness to Interest Buy Repeat

Saputro (2015), states that Brand Awareness has a positive effect on Purchase Intention in making elections. This also means that if brand awareness of a product brand will have a role in helping consumers decide how to obtain the highest benefits or uses expected from the product. In his research Khan et al ., (2014) said that some researchers revealed that brand awareness has a significant influence on buying interest. Meanwhile, according to Saleem, et al (2015) brand awareness also allows consumers to recognize product categories in helping consumers to make the buying decision. According to research conducted by Anggraini (2017) which states that brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention . In other words, creating brand awareness in consumers makes consumers aware of the brand on the product so that when consumers recognize the products of the company.

It can be concluded from the above statement regarding brand awareness has a positive effect on repurchase intention. Then based on the statement, the following hypothesis can be formulated:

H1. Brand Awareness has a positive effect on Consumer Repurchase Interest.

2.   The Influence of Brand Image on Repurchase Interest

Fakaubun (2019), suggests that if the brand image is getting better followed by higher customer satisfaction, the repurchase interest will increase. Hamdan et al. (2021) Brand image is closely related to packaging which can lead to the purchase of money for certain products and will increase sales .

Randika (2019), stated that brand image has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. These results indicate that if the consumer's perception of the brand image increases, the repurchase intention will also increase, and conversely if the consumer's perception of the brand image decreases, the purchase intention will also decrease.

The results of this study are also the same as research conducted by Arifin (2016) where brand image also has a significant positive effect on repurchase interest .

It can be concluded from the above statement that brand image has a positive influence on repurchase interest. Then based on the statement, the following hypothesis can be formulated:

H2. Brand Image has a positive effect on Consumer Repurchase Interest

3.   The Influence of Trust on Interest Buy Repeat

Arifi (2016) put forward that build element trust consumer to brand make it easy process taking decision in choosing a brand. Apart from that, trust brand give consumer flavor safe and next consumer will believe that brand will could reach needs or desire �them (Goh et al ., 2016).

Idirs (2018) and Fandiyanto and Ratih (2017) suggest that trust is wrong one the variable take effect significant to interest buy repeat consumers, the higher the consumer's trust in the brand, the higher the intention to repurchase.

It can be concluded from the statement above that consumer confidence has a positive influence on repurchase interest. Then based on the statement, the following hypothesis can be formulated:

H3. Consumer Confidence has a positive effect on Consumer Repurchase Interest


Brand Awareness





Repurchase Interest (Y)




Brand Image (X2)







Consumer Trust (X3)








Information :

H1 : There is an Influence of Brand Awareness (X1) on Consumer Repurchase Interest (Y)

H2 : There is an influence of Brand Image (X2) on Consumer Repurchase Interest (Y)

H3 : � There is an effect of Trust (X3) on Consumer Repurchase Interest (Y)



The target of this research is consumers who have made purchases at least 2 times and consumers who have used products from Isuzu for at least 1 year at PT Astra International Isuzu, Warung Buncit Branch.

This research was conducted at PT Astra International Isuzu Warung Buncit Branch which is located on Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 9, Kalibata, South Jakarta. This study covers the influence of brand awareness, brand image, consumer trust on consumer repurchase intention at Astra Isuzu Warung Buncit.


Research design

The research conducted is causal research. Causal research is a study to determine the effect of one or more independent variables ( independent variable ) on the dependent variable (dependent variable). This study aims to determine the effect of brand awareness, brand image, and trust on consumers repurchase intention (study at PT Astra International Isuzu, Warung Buncit Branch, South Jakarta).

Variable Operations

In this study the researchers used the following variables:

Table 4

Operational Brand Awareness Variable




Measurement Scale



Unaware of brand (not aware of the brand)


1.      Creating a broad level of awareness to be known by consumers

2.       Promote products to be known by consumers





Brand Awareness (X1)



Brand recognition (brand recognition)

1.     Mention traits to help consumers identify the brand in question

2.     Knowing how many consumers are reminded of the brand




Brand recall (recall of the brand)

1.      The second brand that consumers remember

2.      Mention the second brand after mentioning the first brand unaided



Top of mind

1.      The first brand mentioned by consumers

2.      Consumers only give the best one answer


Source: Kertamukti (2015)



Operational Variable Brand Image




Measurement Scale

Brand Image (X2)

Functional Benefits

1.      Isuzu is very tough and easy to drive .

2.      Isuzu is a safe and comfortable car.

3.      Isuzu is a durable product



Symbolic Benefits

1.      Using the Isuzu brand , the car looks elegant.

2.      brand enhances the perception that I have the lifestyle I want.



Social Benefits

1.      brand helps me feel accepted in all groups of people.

2.      Isuzu brand can improve who I am in the eyes of society



Experiential Benefits

1.      Isuzu brand makes me feel safe and comfortable

2. Isuzu brand can increase the frequency of use



Appearance Enhances

1. Using the Isuzu brand is said to be more effective for my needs than other brands

2.    brand makes a good impression on me


Source: Keller (1993) in Utama et.al (2021)


Table 6

Operational Variable Consumer Confidence




Measurement Scale




1.      Ability (Abilities)

2.      Confidence (Benevolence)

3.      Integrity (Integrity)



Intention to believe

( trusting intention)

1.      Willingness to depend


Source: Adji and Samuel (2014)






Table 7

Variable Operational Repurchase Interest




Measurement Scale

Repurchase Interest



Explorative Interests

1.     Information Updates

2.     Responding to route innovation







Preferential Interest

1.     Excellent Service

2.     Openness


Referral Minar

1.     Recommend

2.     Social media


Source: Ferdinand (2014)

Measurement Scale

The Likert scale is a method used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about a phenomenon social (Sugiyono, 2017). Various measurement scales can be in the form of: nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale, and ratio scale, from the measurement scale nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data will be obtained. The scale used for this study is the Likert Scale. The Likert scale according to Sanusi (2014) is based on the sum of attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people in responding to questions related to the indicators or variables being measured.

Table 8

Likert Scale Instruments


Items Instrument



Very Agree






Doubt- R doubt



Not Agree



Very Not Agree


Source: Sugiyono (2017)


Population and Sample Study

1.   Research Population

In this study, the population selected by the researcher was from PT Astra International Isuzu, Warung Buncit branch.

2.   Research Sample

In this study, the researcher used a non- probability sampling with the Purpos ive Sampling method according to Sugiyono (2017)

Purposive Sampling is a technique for determining the sample by considering certain criteria. The criteria set by the author as a respondent are as follows:

1). Respondents are consumers who have purchased products from PT Astra International Isuzu.

2). Respondents have used Isuzu products for at least 1 year.

Determination of the number of samples used in this study refers to the statement by Hair et al ., (2017) that the number of samples as respondents must be adjusted to the number of statement indicators used in the questionnaire, assuming nx 5 observed variables (indicators) up to nx 10 observed variables . (indicator). In this study, the number of items was 29 question items used to measure 5 variables so that the number of respondents used was 29 x 5 = 145 and rounded up to 150 respondents.

Method of collecting data

The data collection technique used in this study was using a questionnaire.

Questionnaire can be given personally to the respondent. In this study, the researcher used the convenience . technique sampling. According to Sekaran and Bougie (2017) convenience sampling is the collection of information from members of the population who happy to be willing to give the answer and considered suitable with the specified sample characteristics

Data analysis method

The data that has been collected, processed and analyzed in advance to make it easier to make decisions. The data analysis used by this researcher aims to answer the questions listed in the problem identification. The analysis analysis used is as follows

1.   IBM SPSS Static 20

a.   Descriptive Statistical Analysis

According to Sugiyono (2017) descriptive analysis is analyzing data by describing or describing the data that has been collected as it is without intending to make conclusions that apply to the public or generalizations. Descriptive statistics are used to analyze and present quantitative data with the aim of making a systematic, factual and accurate description, picture, or painting of the facts, characteristics and relationships between the investigated phenomena. In other words Descriptive analysis is a part of statistics that is used to describe or describe data without the intention of generalizing or making conclusions but only explaining that group of data.

b.   Respondent Description

In this study the researchers described the respondents with the following categories: age, gender, occupation, and income.

c.   Description of Answers or Questionnaires

Describe the answers to the questionnaire from respondents by looking at the average answers and how many respondents answered by choosing the weights provided, namely 5 (SS), 4 (S), 3 (RR), 2 (TS), and 1 (STS).

2.   Partial Least Square Analysis (PLS)

PLS ( Partial Least Square ), is a Component analysis method or Variance Based Structural Equation Modeling where the data processing is a Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS ) version 3. 2.9 program . PLS ( Partial Least Square ) is an alternative model of covariance based SEM. PLS is intended for causal-predictive analysis in situations of high complexity and low theoretical support (Ghozali, 2014). The purpose of PLS is to find the optimal predictive linear relationship in the data. Although PLS can also be used to confirm theory, it can also be used to explain whether or not there is a relationship between latent variables. As stated by Ghozali (2014) Partial Least Square (PLS) is a powerful analytical method, therefore it is not based on many assumptions, so the data does not have to be normally distributed multivariately , and the sample does not have to be large.



A.  Research Object Overview

PT Astra International Isuzu Warung Buncit Branch is located at Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No.9 RT.7/RW.5, South Jakarta. PT Astra International Tbk. � Isuzu Sales Operation or commonly referred to as Astra Isuzu is a network of sales, maintenance, and repair services as well as the supply of spare parts for Isuzu products, which was established in 1990 . Astra Isuzu currently has 52 outlets (consisting of VSP outlets � serving buying and selling vehicles and servicing vehicles as well as 1 V outlet) spread across almost all of Indonesia. In addition, to ensure customers get genuine Isuzu spare parts, Astra Isuzu also cooperates with 2,297 partshops spread throughout Indonesia. (www.astraisuzu.co.id).

B.  Descriptive Statistical Analysis Results

1.   Respondent Description

a.   Description of Respondents by Age

Following this is table statistics descriptive results management characteristics respondent by Age:

Table 9

Respondent Age Table




20-30 Years



31-40 Years



41-50 Years






Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of data processing in table 9 above shows that of the 150 respondents who have the highest to lowest number are as follows: respondents aged 21-40 years as many as 127 respondents or 84.7%; respondents aged between 41-50 years as many as 18 respondents or 12%; and respondents 20-30 years as many as 5 respondents or 3.3%

b.   Description of Respondents by Gender

The following is a descriptive statistical table of the results of processing respondents' characteristics by gender:

Table 10

Respondent Gender Table













Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of data processing in table 10 above, it shows that from 150 respondents there are 127 respondents or 84.7% of respondents are male. And the rest, as many as 23 respondents or 15.3% of respondents are female. So the majority of respondents in this study were male respondents.

c.    Description of Respondents by Type of Work

The following is a descriptive statistical table of the results of processing respondents' characteristics by occupation.

Table 11

Respondent Job Table




Private sector employee









Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of data processing in table 4.3, it shows that from 150 respondents there are 138 respondents or 92% with jobs as entrepreneurs; and there are 12 respondents or 8% with jobs as private employees. So the majority of respondents in this study are respondents who work as entrepreneurs.

d.   Description of Respondents Based on Education

The following is a descriptive statistical table of the results of processing the characteristics of respondents based on education:

Table 12

Respondent Education Table












0.7 %




Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022

Based on the results of data processing in table 4.4, it shows that from 150 respondents there are 137 respondents or 91.3% with undergraduate education; there are 12 respondents or 12% with master's education; and there is 1 respondent or 0.7% with doctoral education. So the majority of respondents in this study are respondents whose education is S1.

e.    Respondent 's description Based on Income

The following is a descriptive statistical table of the results of processing respondents' characteristics based on income:

Table 13

Respondent Income Table







>10,000,000 - 20,000,000









Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022

Based on the results of data processing in table 4.5 shows that from 150 respondents there are 85 respondents or 56.7 with a monthly income of Rp. >10,000,000-20,000,000; there are 63 respondents or 42% with an income of Rp. 20,000,000; and there are 2 respondents or 1.3% with an income of Rp. 10,000,000 . So the majority of respondents in this study are respondents who have a monthly income of Rp. >10,000,000-20,000,000.

2.   Variable Description

a.   Brand Awareness (KM) Variable


Table 14
Description of Respondents' Answers Brand Awareness Variable (KM)





Std Deviation


Isuzu is an automotive company that uses Diesel Direct Injection mesin





Isuzu conducts promotions so that their products can be known by consumers





By looking at the logo consumers can immediately recognize that the product is an Isuzu product



0, 746


I remember the Isuzu brand when someone suggested a truck



0, 822


I have knowledge of the products and prices offered by Isuzu products



0.8 00


I will think about repurchasing products from Isuzu over other products





When asked about the truck product category, the brand that comes to your mind is the Isuzu brand





The characteristics of Isuzu products have their own characteristics


3.9 0


Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of table 14 above, the instrument for the brand awareness variable has the highest Mean value in the statement " Isuzu does promotion so that its products can be known to consumers" with a mean value of (4.26) with a deviation value of 0.806. Meanwhile, the lowest mean value is found in the statement "The characteristics of Isuzu products have their own characteristics" the mean value (3.90) with a deviation value of 0.873.

b.   Brand Image Variable

Table 15
Description of Respondents' Answers Brand Image (CM) Variable





Std Deviation


I think Isuzu is very tough and easy to drive





Isuzu products are safe and comfortable cars





I think Isuzu is a durable product





I think by using the brand from Isuzu, the car looks elegant





brand enhances the perception that I have the lifestyle I want.





I think the Isuzu Brand helps me feel accepted in all groups of people





By using the Isuzu Brand I feel I can improve who I am in the eyes of society





I feel safe and comfortable when using Brand Isuzu





I feel that the Isuzu Brand can increase the frequency of its use





I feel more effective using the product Isuzu for my needs than other products





I think Isuzu products make me feel comfortable in myself




Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of table 7 above, the instrument for the brand image variable has the highest Mean value contained in the statement "I think by using the brand from Isuzu, the car looks elegant" which is equal to (4.17) with a standard deviation value of 0.746. Meanwhile, the lowest Mean value is in the statement "Isuzu's product is a safe and comfortable car" which is equal to (3.81) with a standard deviation of 0.849.

c.        Consumer Confidence Variable

Table 16
Description of Respondents' Answers Confidence Variable (K)





Std Deviation


I feel that the Isuzu brand has a good ability to maintain the quality of its products





I believe Isuzu products have the benefits according to consumer expectations.





I believe that Isuzu products are superior and competent in meeting consumer needs





I feel that I depend on Isuzu products




Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of table 8 above that the instrument for the confidence variable has the highest Mean value contained in the statement " I feel that I depend on Isuzu products " which is equal to (4.25) with a standard deviation of 0.707. Meanwhile, the lowest Mean value is found in the statement " I feel the Isuzu brand has a good ability to maintain the quality of its products " which is equal to (3.85) with a standard deviation value of 0.564.

d.   Variable Repurchase Interest


Table 17
Description of Respondents' Answers for Repurchase Interest Variables (MBU)





Std Deviation


I will tell you about my recent experience after buying a product from Isuzu





I want to repurchase products from Isuzu because the products are always doing the latest innovations





I feel that Isuzu provides the best service for customer satisfaction





I chose the product from Isuzu because of the openness to the machine used





I don't hesitate to recommend Isuzu products to friends and family





Before I buy a product from Isuzu, I will first look at it from social media




Source: Processing Output with SPSS 20, 2022


Based on the results of table 17 above, the instrument for the variable of repurchase interest has the highest Mean value contained in the statement " I will tell you my latest experience after buying a product from Isuzu " which is (4.26) with a standard deviation of 0.806. Meanwhile, the lowest mean value is found in the statement " I want to buy back products from Isuzu because the products always carry out the latest innovations " which is equal to (3.98) with a standard deviation value of 0.746.

C.  Results of Partial Least Square (PLS ) Data Analysis

Partial Least Square is method analysis Component / Variance Based Structural Equation Modeling where the data processing uses Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS) program version 3. 2.9 . PLS (Partial Least Square) is model alternative from variance Based SEM. Pls meant for casual- predictive analysis in situation complexity which tall and Support theory which low (Ghozali, 2014). Pls have destination for look for linear relationship optimal predictive value in the data. Although PLS can also be used for confirm the theory, but can also be used to explain the presence or absence of connection between variable latent. Like declared by Wold in Ghozali (2014), Partial Least Square (PLS) is method analysis which powerful because no based on many assumptions, the data do not have to be normally distributed multivariate , and sample no must big.



This study is intended to determine the effect of brand awareness, brand image and trust on consumer repurchase intention at PT Astra International Warung Buncit Branch. Based on the data analysis and discussion presented in the previous chapter, this research can be concluded as follows:

Brand Awareness has a negative and insignificant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the level of brand awareness from consumers does not affect consumers in repurchasing a product.

Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on Repurchase Interest. This shows that the higher the brand image of consumers towards products from Isuzu, the higher the repurchase interest of consumers to repurchase products from Isuzu.

Trust has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. This shows that the higher consumer confidence in products from Isuzu, the higher the repurchase interest from these consumers to repurchase products from Isuzu.



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�Copyright holders:

Andyan Pradipta Utama, Aprilia Ningrum Ambarwati (2022)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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