Text Box: Volume 3, Number 13, November 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Reni Dwi Widyastuti, Febriati, Ali Afif

Universitas Panca Bhakti, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




islam, spirit development, entrepreneurship, santri


This study intends to determine the method of developing the values of independence of the students of Mu'Inul Islam Kubu Raya Islamic boarding school. This type of research is qualitative research, with primary data sources, namely data obtained directly from the object of research, namely the Mu'Inul Islam Kubu Raya boarding school and secondary data sources in the form of articles and research reports) and interviews. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive analytical methods. The results showed: the Islamic boarding school method in developing the independence values of Mu'Inul Islam Kubu Raya students is based on the philosophy of gusjigang (a good boy, good character, good at reciting the Koran, good at trading) Sunan Kudus, the process is carried out using observation methods, practical methods, theoretical studies, motivation, facilitation, and exemplary. It can be seen from an Islamic economic perspective, the method for developing the values of independence of students at the Mu'Inul Islam Kubu Raya Islamic boarding school is taken from the values of Islamic teachings about entrepreneurship contained in the Koran, hadith and the life practices of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. the process is carried out using observation methods, practical methods, theoretical studies, motivation, facilitation, and exemplary. It can be seen from an Islamic economic perspective, the method for developing the values of independence of students at the Mu'Inul Islam Kubu Raya Islamic boarding school is taken from the values of Islamic teachings about entrepreneurship contained in the Koran, hadith and the life practices of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. the process is carried out using observation methods, practical methods, theoretical studies, motivation, facilitation, and exemplary



Islamic boarding schools in the form of Islamic boarding schools, hafiz houses and schools are educational locations that integrate science and Islamic-based life skills. Empowerment to increase human resources, especially for the nation's children through donations from Islamic boarding schools (Saepudin, 2019). Islamic boarding schools as intermediaries for neglected children have empowerment programs to help improve the quality of foster children's skills through formal education, religious education and entrepreneurial spirit training (Khoirur, 2021). Based on initial observations:

-      The average Islamic boarding school for education costs depends on donations and

-      The average age of Islamic boarding school children is 7 years � 18 years

-      Children are very obedient to Ustadz and ustadzah with the principles of Islamic boarding schools / Islamic rules

Based on the description of the background, the problem formulation in this study is to analyze the values ​​of Islamic entrepreneurial independence in Islamic boarding schools and what factors drive the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools (Jayadi, 2021). The aim of this research is to find out what drives the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools and to describe the values ​​of the independent entrepreneurial spirit of foster children in Islamic boarding schools. Pondok Pesantren as well as the concept of character building, is an institution that is used as a model for the formation of an independent spirit based on Islamic sharia (Oktari & Kosasih, 2019).

This goal will encourage economic independence and shape the entrepreneurial spirit of the students according to sharia, so that after graduation the students have a persistent spirit with Islamic principles and are full of gratitude. Supported by (Dewi, Tentama, & Diponegoro, 2021) gratitude is proven to have a significant contribution to well-being by contribution.

There needs to be a sense of gratitude to feel satisfied living in a boarding school, which can increase subjective well-being. This is in line with research conducted by (Robustelli & Whisman, 2018) shows the influence between gratitude and subjective well-being, namely the components of life satisfaction in the domains of social relations, work, and health as well as global life satisfaction in the United States and Japan. Gratitude is an important factor for increasing subjective well-being.

Spiritual Intelligence

Adjusting to life in Islamic boarding schools can be a very unique experience, many students struggle and try to cope with this new situation (Laely, 2017). Attempts to solve self-adjustment problems require that they are expected to have good spiritual intelligence, with indicators of student participation in predetermined activities and rules, without encouragement from other people and also solving problems, by thinking positively and they are not in a hurry to make decisions. (Khamida, Mubarak, & Budury, 2019).

Values ​​of Independence

Study (Fathoni et al., 2019) produce initiatives to provide insight to Muslim entrepreneurs in obtaining the widest possible access to alternative financing that is free of usury and gharar. It is proposed that Muslims can be independent to try and generate income by seeking alternative financing that is free of usury and gharar.


In general, empowerment comes from the word power which means the ability to do something or the ability to act. So that self-empowerment is a process, method, act of empowering. According to (Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, 1999) (in Fahrudin, 2012) Empowerment denotes the process by which individuals and groups gain power, access to resources and control over their own lives. In doing so they acquire the capacity to achieve their highest personal and collective aspirations and goals.


Islam is a religion that also encourages entrepreneurial activity (Audretsch, B�nte, & Tamvada, 2013). To start the business must have a mental as strong as steel. In order to achieve success in entrepreneurship, great motivation is needed. Entrepreneurial tips from an Islamic point of view include entrepreneurial intentions, namely to worship Allah SWT, have a positive mindset, build a business vision, build a business with an orientation towards fashion and hobbies, make business plans, establish relationships, and think creatively and innovatively. In carrying out entrepreneurial activities, one must pay attention to the halal aspects and stay away from harm.

Islamic boarding school

Pondok Pesantren is an educational institution that aims to meet physical, mental and social needs and the formation of Islamic sharia character for foster children so that foster children get broad, appropriate and adequate opportunities for personality development as expected as part of the next generation of the nation's ideals and as a person who will participate actively in the field of national development (Ministry of Social RI, 2010).



�The author uses a qualitative descriptive which is intended to provide an overview of the phenomenon and analyze the values of the independence of the Islamic entrepreneurial spirit. The subject of this research is Islamic boarding schools in Kubu Raya Regency.

The data collection method used in this study is through observation, namelydata collection method in the form of direct observation of the observed object. Then proceed with the interview which is a way of collecting data that is used to obtain information directly from the source. Information collectors are expected to be able to convey questions clearly to informants to obtain accurate data in research.

Data analysis techniques use the Miles & Huberman model (Saldana, 2014) that is, data collection is carried out in the form of data presentation, and is followed by data reduction, then verification is carried out. This is done repeatedly like a cycle, then stopped when the repetition of data occurs



Based on the results of research on the formation of independent values in the students of the Mu'inul Islam Kubu Raya Islamic boarding school, it was found:

The implementation of the formation of the values of independence at the Kubu Raya Mu'inul Islam Islamic Boarding School is carried out through self-development, including waking up at dawn and dawn prayers, congregation, reciting the Koran, pickets to practicing skills in accordance with the direction of the ustad. Then also with direct activities according to the ustad's instructions when receiving reprimands and advice.

The process of forming independence values for students, this is directly supported by Islamic boarding schools including supporting facilities for the implementation of independence, namely providing plantation practices through vineyards, fisheries through rearing and raising arowana fish, koi fish, gold fish and tilapia, so that students are taught in terms of carpentry in Islamic boarding schools.

The stage of forming the values of independence through the values of independence in the students of the Mu'inul Islam Kubu Raya Islamic Boarding School is carried out through 3 steps, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. At the planning stage there are functions and objectives, programs and implementation, as well as provisions and rules. The implementation stage is through self-development which is carried out by: first, the routine activities of Islamic boarding schools which include getting up early, congregating, reciting the Koran, picketing, and practicing six skill areas. Second, spontaneous activities which include reprimands and giving advice. Third, exemplary, namely examples of good behavior from caregivers and senior students as role models for students. And fourth, conditioning, namely the provision of six areas of skills as facilities for entrepreneurial practice for students.

The results of the establishment of the values of independence through the values of independence in the students of the Mu'inul Islam Kubu Raya Islamic boarding school are the students who have characters that reflect the spirit of an entrepreneur, including self-confidence, task and result orientation, courage to take risks, Leadership, Oriented to the future, creativity and innovative. The last stage is the evaluation stage which is carried out by means of assessment and observation by the Ustadz/supervisor, questions and answers, reprimands, advice, and at the same time rewards as well as directing and reducing facilities.

Factors supporting the implementation of the values of independence in independent and successful students in the future, Perseverance of the students in carrying out all activities of the values of independence, which always raises the spirit of the students with patience and the example he gives, provision of facilities and infrastructure in the implementation of the Values -the value of independence, and the existence of cooperation and assistance from the community individually or through organizations/institutions in fostering the independence of students (Hikmah, 2011). While the inhibiting factors are the background of the students who have a lazy and difficult character and character so they need patience, the limited funds owned by Islamic boarding schools so that business development plans in order to foster students' knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship experience obstacles.


Based on the research results, the factors that drive the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools are formed through mentality and direct practice from the ustad to the students starting with instilling obedience and obedience to the ustad. Then coupled with direct practice in the existing field through applied examples by experts. So that with these activities it directly instills the values of independence in students at Muinul Islam Islamic boarding schools.


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Copyright holders:

Reni Dwi Widyastuti, Febriati, Ali Afif (2022)

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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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