Text Box: Volume 3, Number 14, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Rufran Zulkarnain, Herman

Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
[email protected], [email protected]




Benefits, Models, RPPH


This research is to describe the duties and responsibilities of the Bengkulu Province PAUD and Dikmas Development Center (BP PAUD) which must be carried out by tutors and teachers, namely, the development of learning models. The Bengkulu Province PAUD and Dikmas Development Center (BP PAUD) has created a development product entitled social-financial learning through Audio Visual for Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education to support children's learning from home. This research method uses descriptive qualitative research methods, data collection techniques use interview techniques, observation and documentation, data validation techniques use time triangulation techniques, subject triangulation and technical triangulation, the subjects in this study are Non-Formal PAUD managers and Basic Education managers who implement development the Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH) model in Non-Formal PAUD and Basic Education. To ensure the benefits of the model development product by the manager, this research was carried out. The purpose of this study was to find out the benefits of teaching materials about financial social learning strategies in the Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH), namely to help educators and students focus on learning in accordance with the teaching materials that have been provided, and the benefits of financial learning activities through Audio Visual for PAUD Children Non-formal and Basic Education in the Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH), namely to support learning from and make the implementation of learning more focused, directed because it takes advantage of children's hearing and sight so that children become interested and active in learning while the benefits of RPPH content are about Audio Visual learning for identity because in the RPPH there are already themes and sub-themes, another benefit of the Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH) is to make the implementation of learning more focused and directed, especially for Non-formal PAUD Children and Basic Education.



Development in the field of education is an effort to educate the life of the nation and improve the quality of Indonesian people who are faithful, pious and have knowledge, technology and art in realizing an advanced, just, prosperous and civilized society.
According to Law no. 20 of 2003 Article 13 paragraph 1 concerning education pathways in Indonesia there are 3 namely
Formal education is a structured and tiered educational path consisting of elementary, secondary and higher education, non-formal education is an educational pathway that is implemented outside of formal education that is carried out in a structured and tiered manner and Informal education is an educational pathway carried out within and outside surrounding environment.
The social-financial literacy learning model aims to provide a reference for non-formal PAUD and Basic Education educators in carrying out learning in educational units. Furthermore, this model also provides references for Non-Formal PAUD and Basic Education educators in stimulating social-financial literacy knowledge to students from an early age.
Financial literacy is a basic need to avoid financial problems. Financial intelligence is absolutely necessary so that someone can continue to enjoy prosperity. The sooner one has high financial intelligence, the more prosperous one's life will be (Erika, 2019).
The ability to manage finances is not possible to achieve only through financial education and financial access, but also requires changes in the financial behavior of each individual (P2PAUD & Dikmas West Java, 2018). This means that financial education does not necessarily change a person's financial behavior. Therefore financial education must be integrated with social education.
The final product of the development of this model consists of model scripts and teaching materials in the form of CDs, flash drives, laptops, infocus as audio-visual media that can be viewed anytime and anywhere. This is because this model is in the form of learning media that can help the learning process in conveying messages and lesson content effectively.
The background of this research is the function of the PAUD and Dikmas Development Center of Bengkulu Province to carry out the development of learning models for Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education. The person in charge of developing this module is the Pamong Learning BP PAUD
In 2022, a model has been developed entitled the benefits of developing a financial social learning model through early childhood audiovisuals to support learning from home. (case study for model users). Which was carried out by Pamong Learning BP PAUD Dikmas. Trials of this model of learning products were produced in Non-Formal IT PAUD, Baitul Izza PAUD and Bengkulu City 5 Public Elementary School. The product of this model development is expected to be useful for PAUD institutions and elementary schools. To ensure the benefits of module learning products on financial social learning through Audio Visual for Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education, to support learning from home, by product users, namely Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education, it is necessary to conduct this research.


This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. According to Moleong (2017), qualitative research is research that intends to understand phenomena about what is experienced by research subjects, for example behavior, perceptions, motivations, actions, and others holistically and by way of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a context. naturally and by utilizing various natural methods.

Qualitative research is research that uses a descriptive approach where the researcher is placed as the main instrument or key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out by aggregation and data analysis is qualitative in nature, which can be interpreted as research that describes something.

The subjects in this study were managers of Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education who implemented model development. To guarantee data validation, the researcher used a triangulation technique, that is, the researcher compared the results of interviews by interviewing different subjects at different times so that the data obtained was truly valid. To get validity,

Subjects in this study have been selected and determined by the researcher, according to the data and information needed and the subject is considered to have mastered the objectives of this research in order to answer the problems that have been formulated. The research was carried out by focusing on several important questions that referred to the formulation of the problems posed to the participants.

This research was conducted within 4 weeks. The place where the research was carried out was BP PAUD Dikmas, PAUD Baitul Izza, TK IT and SD Negeri 5 Bengkulu City. The implementation of this study aims to examine and describe the benefits of the content of the RPPH model in AudioVisual learning for Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education

Data collection techniques are used in general, namely using:

1.   Interview Techniques

The reason researchers use this technique is that researchers can meet face to face with respondents. So that respondents can submit answers asked by researchers to the managers of Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education who apply the development model made by the Center for Development of PAUD and Dikmas (BP PAUD) Bengkulu Province

2.  Observation Techniques

Observations made by researchers while in the field were visiting two Non-Formal PAUD and one Elementary School that applied the development model and saw the process of learning activities using the Daily Learning Implementation Plan (RPPH) made by the Bengkulu Province PAUD and Community Education Center (BP PAUD)

3.   Documentation Techniques

The documentation technique used aims to obtain direct data at the research site, such as the documentation in this study shown to obtain data directly from the research site, in the form of learning materials, learning identities and learning competency standards.

To test data validation, the researcher uses a triangulation technique in accordance with the opinion of (Moleong, 2021) a triangulation technique is a data collection technique that combines various data collection techniques and existing data sources.


Based on research findings that RPPH is beneficial for educators in learning so that educators do not need to look for or find teaching materials from other sources, while the benefits for children can focus on learning according to the material that has been provided. With this teaching material, children's potential can be developed optimally in learning at home, then learning methods and learning evaluation can be designed earlier with the teaching materials that have been prepared.

Referring to the Policy of the directorate of Community Education and Special Education of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia that the duties of the PAUD Development Center and PNF are:

1)   Expand and improve the quality of the equality program to reach non-school children (ATS) and adults.

2)   Increase access to PAUD and improve the quality of learning.

3)   Increasing access to illiteracy for illiterate enclaves and 3T areas.

4)   Improving the quality of education units to meet national education standards.

5)   Increasing the role and competence of the family in educating children to have character and a culture of achievement.

6)   Strengthen UPT capabilities as model development, quality, guidance and evaluation of NSPK implementation.

7)   Improving the quality of course and training services in order to win global competition.

8)   Strengthening central, regional and partner cooperation as PAUD and Dikmas ecosystems.

9)   Maintaining a corruption-free area and continuing to improve accountable and transparent governance.

According to Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 28 paragraph 4 that early childhood education in non-formal education is in the form of Playgroups (KB), Child Care Centers (TPA) or other equivalent forms. Furthermore, the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2010 concerning Management and Implementation of Education, this regulation forms the basis for the implementation of Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education.

According to the 1945 Constitution, the definition of elementary school education is an effort to educate and print the life of a nation that is pious, loves and is proud of the nation and state, is skilled, creative, has good character, is polite and is able to solve problems in their environment. Elementary school education is education for children aged 7 to 13 years as education at the basic level which is developed in accordance with educational units, regional potential, and socio-culture.

In accordance with the Duties and Functions (TUSI) of BP PAUD Dikmas, PAUD studies have produced several products in the form of several Non-Formal Education learning models. Particularly in the PAUD study in 2020, a learning model has been created, one of which is a financial social literacy learning model through AudioVisual to support learning from home.

� Based on the results of this research, (Sartono, 2010) suggests that learning models are patterns that are used as guidelines for planning learning in classes and tutorials. Therefore the development of the model must be carried out and applied.

Meanwhile, according to (Trianto & Pd, 2007) states that the learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve certain learning goals and serves as a guide for learning designers and teachers in planning teaching and learning activities.

�� Using audio-visual learning strategies is also useful for implementing learning from home, strategies that use audio-visual also make it easier to use appropriate learning methods and evaluate learning that is suitable for learning from home.

�Based on research findings that financial social learning is useful and supports early childhood learning from home, the competencies in social financial learning through Audio Visual can be useful to support children learning from home

�� The main material in social-financial learning is also useful for making learning more concrete, not spreading everywhere

Thus the benefits of teaching materials in model development products are to help educators and students focus on learning according to the teaching materials that have been provided, because educators do not have to look for or find teaching materials from other sources.

�� Learning activities through Audio Visual are also useful for making children more active in learning, children are not passive because they can see and while listening to the teaching materials provided, so that the indicators in the subject matter of learning can be digested by students.

��� Regarding this research, according to (Wahyuni & Reswita, 2020) that social financial education is a long process in supporting individuals to learn through devices or audio-visual. Financial social education must start from an early age, when children are in the golden age. That is the period of growth and development which is very influential and determines the next developmental periods. When entering elementary school, the role and understanding of parents and educators greatly determines the success of financial education for children. Implementation of financial social education adapted to children

Meanwhile, according to (Putri & Asrori, 2018), financial literacy according to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is knowledge and understanding of concepts, skills, motivation and self-confidence. Financial literacy can simply be interpreted as the ability to make effective informed judgments and decisions.

Based on the research findings that teaching materials or subject matter are useful for educators in learning so that educators do not need to look for or find teaching materials from other sources, while for the benefits for children, children can focus on learning according to the material that has been provided. With this teaching material, children's potential can be developed optimally in learning at home, then learning methods and learning evaluation can be designed earlier with the teaching materials that have been prepared.

Regarding the results of this research, according to (Aisyah, Noviyanti, & Triyanto, 2020) teaching materials have benefits that have a major influence on the success of achieving learning objectives, the benefits of teaching materials are grouped for teachers and students. teaching materials that are in accordance with the demands of the curriculum and in accordance with student learning needs, b) do not depend on textbooks which are sometimes difficult to obtain, c) enrich insight because they are developed using various references, d) add to the repertoire of knowledge and experience of teachers in preparing teaching materials, and e) building effective learning communication between teachers and students, because students will feel more confident in their teacher and in themselves. Then for students, the benefits of teaching materials are a) learning activities become more interesting, b) the opportunity to study independently and reduce dependence on the presence of teachers, and c) get convenience in learning each competency that must be the forms and instruments are useful for the implementation of audio-visual learning which is more focused and not widened. Time allocation is still useful for being a guide in the implementation of learning so that it is in accordance with the actual time for implementing learning, another benefit is that materials and tools in financial learning through audio-visual are useful for supporting and directing the implementation of learning so that it is in accordance with learning objectives.

Regarding this research, according to (Sari, Setiawan, & Novitawati, 2022) the benefits of financial literacy are being able to educate people to be aware of and understand the procedures for managing finances wisely according to their needs. Financial literacy itself should be given early on, especially to pre-primary school-age children so that children can get to know about financial literacy which is useful for children to be able to manage their finances properly and correctly in the future, especially for themselves.

The benefit of the contents of the model regarding RPPH audio-visual learning strategies for Non-Formal PAUD Children and Basic Education at home is that there is a learning identity to be controlled and guided by educators in the implementation of learning.

Learning activities through Audio Visual are also useful for making children more active in learning, children are not passive because they can see and while listening to the teaching materials provided, so that the indicators in the subject matter of learning can be digested by students.

In the RPPH of module development products there is a learning identity which is useful as a benchmark for educators that there are limitations in the implementation of learning. There are also themes and sub-themes in the RPPH which are useful to be the focus of educators in the implementation of learning according to the competence of children after an early age.

In the RPPH there are also learning indicators, learning objectives that are useful for educators to be used as an orientation or direction for learning outcomes. These indicators and learning objectives are useful for educators to measure the success of students in participating in learning.

Based on findings related to (Sukarmi, n.d.) Daily learning implementation plans can be developed in a group learning model with observational activities and daily learning implementation plans based on interest learning models. The daily learning implementation plan based on self-interest learning models can be developed through three models, namely: the daily learning implementation plan model and according to Government Regulation Number 46 of 2011 that the Preparation of Daily Learning Implementation Plans (RPPH) or daily activity plans is one of the indicators in preparing reports performance goals

Based on the findings associated with the theory according to Suryadi (2013: 142) The benefits of RPPH data see student learning success, develop learning activities, describe types of assessment, and determine learning resources. By preparing a lesson plan, learning will be more clearly and systematically arranged.

The time for providing learning is also organized. methods and media, educators are assisted in carrying out learning to be more effective in achieving learning objectives, as well as students becoming more active and enthusiastic in learning.

In the RPPH there are also the main points of learning material, learning methods and Audio Visual learning media that can be used as a reference for learning from home, this is very useful to help educators find their own main points of material, methods and media that are suitable for Audio Visual learning , so that learning becomes more effective in achieving learning objectives


Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the benefits of teaching materials about social-financial learning strategies at RPPH are to help educators and students focus on learning in accordance with the teaching materials that have been provided, because educators do not have to look for or find teaching materials from other sources.

� The benefits of financial learning activities through Audio Visual for early childhood at RPPH are to support learning from home by making the implementation of learning more focused, directed because it takes advantage of children's hearing and sight so that children become interested and active in learning

In the RPPH there are also learning indicators, learning objectives that are useful for educators to be used as an orientation or direction for learning outcomes. These indicators and learning objectives are useful for educators to measure the success of students in participating in learning.

While the benefits of the contents of the RPPH regarding Audio Visual learning for learning from home are, because in the RPPH there is already a learning identity, there are learning themes and sub-themes, there are competency standards and basic competencies, there are indicators, there are objectives, the main material, methods and media, educators are assisted in carrying out learning to be more effective in achieving learning goals, as well as students becoming more active and enthusiastic in learning, because they can learn with Audio Visual or auditory and visual or see in learning from home.


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Copyright holders:

Rufran Zulkarnain, Herman (2022)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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