Solagratia Angelita Fiera Maga, Susana Prapunoto
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana,
[email protected],
[email protected]
KEYWORDS job satisfaction, organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) |
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine job satisfaction as a predictor of
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in employees of PT. X in Cirebon.
The population in this study amounted to 31 people who were also the sample
in this study also taken using total sampling technique. The analytical
method used is simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that job
satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees of PT. X in Cirebon. The value of the
determinant coefficient obtained is 13%, which means that job satisfaction
contributes 13% to the OCB of employees of PT. X in Cirebon. The magnitude of
the influence is indeed relatively small, namely 13% but this finding can
still confirm that in general the employees of PT. X in Cirebon, OCB can be
built with or in conjunction with job satisfaction |
Human resources become one of the important things
in supporting the achievement of a goal and success in the organization.
Organizations that succeed in realizing change are characterized by the
characteristics of being able to move faster and realizing the importance of a
commitment to improving product quality within the organization, increasing
involvement of organizational members, customer orientation, and organizations
whose structures lead to an increasingly flat shape rather than pyramidal (Nahrisah & Imelda, 2019). Organizations
need strategic planning that is appropriate and in accordance with existing
needs, so that success can be achieved, where this achievement is largely
determined by the behavior of the individuals in it (Nashori, 2009).
Organizational individual behavior is not only
learning about actions in organizations, but is a form of application of
knowledge about actions in organizations (Angelika, Natsir, & Kornelius, 2019). The behavior that
is demanded by organizations today is not only in-role behavior, but also
extra-role behavior which is better known as Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB), which is the behavior of performing tasks that exceed the
requirements of formal behavior. (Kelana, 2009) emphasizes the
importance of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) for organizational
success because basically organizations cannot anticipate all organizational
behavior only by relying on conventionally stated job descriptions.
(Robbins, Chatterjee, & Canda, 1999) state that if
employees do not feel that supervision, organizational procedures, and pay
policies are fair, employee job satisfaction tends to decrease significantly.
However, when employees feel that organizational processes and outcomes are
fair, it can make employees' self-confidence grow. In addition, when employees
trust their employers, employees are more willing to voluntarily engage in
behaviors that exceed their formal job requirements. (Novliadi, 2007) say that OCB can
improve organizational performance because this behavior is the
"lubricant" of the social engine in the organization. In other words,
this behavior makes the social interactions of organizational members feel
(Podsakoff, Whiting, Podsakoff, &
Blume, 2009), say that OCB is
usually seen from the presence of indicators of loyalty, support for others, and
compliance within the organization. OCB's contribution to organizations has
received much attention in the business world (Lee, Kim, & Kim, 2013). The OCB concept
emerged more than 20 years ago. Many studies have been carried out, especially
in the United States which have enabled multiple understandings and
interpretations of this concept (Podsakoff et al., 2009). The interest in
investigating OCB issues is based on the consideration of the importance of
influential OCB, so that it can thus contribute to the effectiveness and
efficiency of team work and the organization as a whole (Sharma, Bajpai, & Holani, 2011).
According to Organ, (Podsakoff et al., 2009), Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an individual behavior that is explicit and
recognized by formal reward techniques, and in aggregate promotes
organizational functions that are considered efficient. Stated that OCB can arise from various factors within
the organization, among others due to leadership factors, organizational
commitment and job satisfaction from employees. According to (Zeinabadi, 2010), job satisfaction is the dominant variable that
influences Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
According to (Dewi, 2021), job satisfaction is the main determinant of OCB.
Furthermore, (Dewi, 2021), said that job
satisfaction is about what is felt and feels that makes employees happy with
their work and will create a willingness to put forth maximum effort in
completing their work assignments and employees who get satisfaction will
create enthusiasm to work on a larger portion. high. Job satisfaction is
basically a very subjective thing because each individual has a different level
of satisfaction according to the value system that applies to himself (Sujati, 2018). When employees are satisfied with the work they are
doing, they will work optimally. do some things that may be outside of their
duties and responsibilities or even repay the positive experiences they have
had before (Robbins et al., 1999). According to (Safitri & Astutik, 2019), employee
dissatisfaction is the starting point for problems that arise in the
organization, such as absenteeism, conflicts between superiors and subordinates
and even interpersonal conflicts, as well as other problems that can be the
cause of disruption of the process in the organization.achieve organizational
According to (Smith, 1969) job satisfaction
is a feeling or affective response to parts of the work situation. Job
satisfaction is an individual thing. Satisfied employees are more likely to
speak positively about the organization, make their performance exceed normal estimates,
and moreover satisfied employees will be more obedient to the call of duty. (Weiss, 2001) assert that job
satisfaction is the result of a positive or negative evaluation of a job and the
situation experienced by the individual.
PT. X in Cirebon, which is one of the industry
players engaged in the distribution of daily necessities products that always
implement various strategies to be able to maintain competitiveness against
other companies. Management is aware that reliable and credible Human Resources
(HR) can shape the company to excel in facing the competitive world in the
industrial sector. Currently, the behavior that is demanded in the company is
not only in-role behavior but also extra-role behavior, namely behavior that
exceeds the demands of work or role demands while in the office. This behavior
is also called Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB), which is an attitude
that tends to see employees as social beings, not individual beings.
Based on interviews that the researchers conducted
in the initial pre-research on June 3, 2022 to two of the company's employees,
the first employee said that doing work tasks outside the given standard had
often occurred which resulted in the emergence of emotional reactions from
employees and less than optimal results. of the work done because employees are
no longer focused on their work. Furthermore, employees discussed more about
rules or instructions in the workplace which were often not understood and not
well organized which sometimes made themselves emotional and according to him
it was very possible that this would affect their work throughout the day.
On the other hand, other employees said the same
thing, that assignments that exceed standards have often happened, but
reflecting on the reality that happened there, he said that there are several
employees, including himself who still often complain about this because of
pressure. working there which he judged was quite heavy, especially in terms of
sales. However, they also say that the pressure they get is quite commensurate
with the pay. Another thing that is more specific relates to whether or not
employees there are satisfied based on the results of an initial interview from
one of the employees of the PT with reference to the communication aspect, it
appears in the results of interviews which say that there is often poor
communication between divisions due to several external factors. This also
causes that each employee is reluctant to help each other because they think
that this is not included in the description of the tasks they have to do.
Furthermore, the employee explained that in certain circumstances they were
forced to step in to help if there was an order from their superiors, but not
on the basis of sincerity of solidarity.
�� Research on
job satisfaction with Organizational Citizenship Behavior has previously been
conducted by (Nahrisah & Imelda, 2019), which was conducted on employees of PT. Bank Sumut
Tbk Medan. The results obtained show that employee job satisfaction has a
significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and
organizational performance development. These results are in line with research
conducted by Angelika, (Angelika et al., 2019) at KSP Bina Sejahtera, where the implementation of
OCB which goes hand in hand with job satisfaction is very important for the
progress of the organization supported by a very good work climate. In
addition, research conducted by (Kim et al., 2021) on employees in a
metropolitan city, North China. The results obtained are dominantly oriented
towards changes in the employees themselves, where the work pattern of
employees who become more diligent. The very influential role of job
satisfaction is also supported by the results of research by (Lestari & Ghaby, 2018) and research by (Anwar, 2021), which states that
job satisfaction has a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB) and employee work performance. Meanwhile, different results are shown
from the results of the research by (Sudarmo & Wibowo, 2018), which says that job satisfaction has no significant
effect on OCB.
�� Referring to
the explanation that has been described and the previous research that shows
different results, of course more than that, each has its own characteristics
related to job satisfaction and OCB variables. So, the researcher intends to
review the role of job satisfaction as a predictor of OCB in employees of PT. X
research is a quantitative research that emphasizes
the data to be processed statistically. This study uses the regression methodsimple linear. Through this approach, researchers
want to see the amount of effective contribution given by the variable job
satisfaction (X) to the variable organizational citizenship behavior (Y) on
employees of PT. X in Cirebon. The population is a generalization area
consisting of objects, subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics
determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn conclusions (S. Sugiyono, 2015). The population in this
study were all employees of PT. X in Cirebon, as many as 31 people and the
sampling technique used by the researcher is a total sampling technique, that
is, all members of the population are used as samples. This sample is used if
the population is relatively small (Prof Sugiyono, 2011). So
from the statement above, the researchers took as many as 31 employees at PT. X
Cirebon corresponds to the total existing population to be used as research
In measuring job
satisfaction, researchers used the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) measuring
instrument which had been developed by (Spector, 1997), totaling 36 items which were adapted again by Tsounis
and Sarafis (2018). The answer choices used in this
study are based on a Likert scale model, which is made up of 4 answer choices:
very appropriate (SS), appropriate (S), not suitable (TS) and very
inappropriate (STS).
Table 1
Blueprint Job Satisfaction Scale
Aspect |
Favorite |
Unfavorable |
Total |
Salary/reward |
1.28 |
10,19 |
4 |
Promotion |
11 |
2.33 |
3 |
Supervisor |
3.30 |
12.21 |
4 |
Award |
13,22,23 |
4,14,32 |
6 |
Additional allowance |
5 |
29 |
2 |
Work procedures and rules |
15 |
6,18,24,31,36 |
6 |
Work colleague |
7,20,25 |
16 |
4 |
The work itself/type of work |
17,27,35 |
8.26 |
5 |
Communication |
9 |
34 |
2 |
Total |
36 |
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale
Measurement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) uses a
measuring instrument developed by (Podsakoff et al., 2009) and adapted into Indonesian by Grasiaswaty
& Setyasih (2016). The answer choices used in
this study are based on a Likert scale model, which is made up of 4 answer
choices: very appropriate (SS), appropriate (S), not suitable (TS) and very
inappropriate (STS).
Table 2
Blueprint Organizational Citizenship
Behavior Scale
Aspect |
Favorite |
Total |
Altruism |
1.2 |
2 |
Conscientiousness |
3.4 |
2 |
Sportsmanship |
5,6,7 |
3 |
Courtessy |
8,10,11,12 |
4 |
Civic Virtue |
9,13,14 |
3 |
Total |
14 |
Characteristics of Research
�� Subjects in the study were employees of PT. X
in Cirebon with the number of subjects as many as 31 employees. The following
are the characteristics of the subjects in this study:
Table 3
Characteristics of Research Subjects
No |
of Respondents |
Frequency |
Percentage |
1 |
Gender Man Woman |
21 10 |
68% 32% |
2 |
Age 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49
year 50-59 years old |
23 3 3 2 |
74% 10% 10% 6% |
3 |
of work 1-5 years 6-10 years >10 years |
24 2 5 |
77% 6% 16% |
Based on the data collected, the total respondents
based on male gender, namely 21 people with a percentage of 68% and female sex
10 people with a percentage of 32%. Respondents aged 20-29 years are 23 respondents
with a percentage of 74%, 30-39 years are 3 respondents with a percentage of
10%, 40-49 years old are 3 respondents with a percentage of 10% and 50-59 years
are 2 respondents with a percentage 6%. From the results of the questionnaire
obtained based on the length of work showed that respondents who worked for 1-5
years amounted to 24 respondents with a percentage of 77%, 6-10 years amounted
to 2 people with a percentage of 6% and for those who worked >10 years there
were 5 respondents with a percentage of 16 %.
Data Analysis Method
Item Discrimination Power Test
validity test in this study was processed using SPSS Statistics Version 28 with
a total score of 5% significance level and a total sample of 31 people. The
level of validity can be seen by comparing the person correlation of each item
with the table r product moment. If rcount > rtable, then the statement item is declared valid where rtable is 0.355.�������������.�
Reliability Test
The reliability test was used to measure the
questionnaire and to show the extent to which the measurement results were
considered relatively consistent when measured over a period of time. The
reliability test can be seen from the criteria of Cronbach's Alpha value, where
a measuring instrument is said to be reliable or reliable if Cronbach's Alpha
value is > 0.60. On the other hand, if Cronbach's Alpha < 0.60 means that
the measuring instrument is not reliable.
Table 4
Reliability Test Results
Reliability |
Cronbach's |
Job Satisfaction (X) |
36 statement items |
0.929 |
Reliable |
Organizational Citizenship Behavior(Y) |
14 statement items |
0.863 |
Reliable |
on table 4 above, it shows that Cronbach's Alpha variable job satisfaction (X)
is 0.929 and Cronbach's Alpha variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Y)
is 0.863. This means that each statement item in each variable on the scale is
declared reliable because it has a Cronbach's Alpha value > 0.60.
Hypothesis Test
Linear Regression
This study uses a simple linear regression analysis
test which aims to predict how much positive relationship is produced between
the variable job satisfaction (X) and the variable organizational citizenship
behavior (Y). The analysis of the calculations in the regression test involves
several statistical calculations such as significance tests (t-test, F-test),
ANOVA and hypothesis determination. The results of the analysis or regression
test in the form of a regression equation. The results of the simple linear
regression analysis test can be seen in the following table:
Table 5
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.365a |
.133 |
.103 |
3.71519 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), X |
Based on table 5
(a) explains that the value of the relationship (R), which is 0.365, so that
from the output the coefficient of determination is obtained (R square) is
0.133 which means that the effect of job satisfaction variable (X) on
organizational citizenship behavior (Y) is 13.3%.
Model |
Sum of Squares |
Df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
1 |
Regression |
61.401 |
1 |
61.401 |
4.448 |
.044b |
Residual |
400,276 |
29 |
13,803 |
Total |
461,677 |
30 |
a. Dependent
Variable: Y |
b. Predictors:
(Constant), X |
Value Test
significance test table above is used to determine the level of significance or
linearity of the regression. Decision making is determined based on the
significance value test, provided that the value of sig < 0.05. Based on
table 4.6.1 (b), the value of sig = 0.044, which means sig < from the
significant criterion of 0.05. Thus the regression equation model based on
research data is significant and meets the criteria.
Regression Coefficient
Coefficients |
Model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
13,529 |
6.680 |
2.025 |
.052 |
X |
.133 |
.063 |
.365 |
2.109 |
.044 |
a. Dependent Variable: Y |
The table above
shows the results of the constant (a) value of 13,529, while the value of job
satisfaction (b/regression coefficient) is 0.133. The results obtained can be
included in the regression equation as follows:
Y= a + bX + Y= 13,529 + 0.133X
The results of the
above equation can be translated that the constant of 13,529 means that the
consistency value of the OCB variable is 13,529 and the X regression
coefficient is 0.133 which states that the addition of 1% of the value of job
satisfaction causes the OCB to increase by 0.133. The regression coefficient is
positive, so it can be said that the direction of the influence of job
satisfaction (variable X) on OCB (variable Y) shows a positive direction. Then,
based on the significance value obtained, which is 0.044 <0.05, it can be
concluded that the job satisfaction variable has a positive effect on OCB.���
The t-test was conducted to show how far the influence that exists
between the independent variable and the dependent variable. If the significant
value (Sig) generated is less than 0.05, it can be said that there is a
significant influence between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior variables. The criteria for acceptance and
rejection of the hypothesis are:
a. If tcount > ttable then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted
If tcount < ttable
then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected
results of the t-test can be seen in the following table:��������� .........
Table 8
T-Test Results Table
Coefficients |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
13,529 |
6.680 |
2.025 |
.052 |
X |
.133 |
.063 |
.365 |
2.109 |
.044 |
a. Dependent Variable:
Y |
����������� In table above it is known that the
resulting tcount value is 2.109 which indicates that it is greater
than the ttable value of 2.048 with a significance value of 0.04 <0.05.
Based on these results, it can be concluded that job satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
because the tcount > ttable and the significant value
is less than 0.05 which states that the variable job satisfaction of employees
at PT. X in Cirebon has a positive and significant influence on
the variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
Coefficient of
Determination (R2)
����������� The
coefficient of determinant r2 is made to determine how much
influence the variable X has on Y which is expressed as a percentage.
Table 9
Determinant Coefficient
Model Summary |
Model |
R |
R Square |
Adjusted R Square |
Std. Error of the Estimate |
1 |
.365a |
.133 |
.103 |
3.71519 |
a. Predictors: (Constant), X |
����������������������������������� R2=
(0,365)2 x 100%
= 13,322 x 100%
= 13.3% rounded up
From the results of the above calculations, it can be
concluded that there is an effect of the X variable on Y by 13% and the
remaining 87% is influenced by other factors.
Based on the results of the
analysis, it is known that job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on organizational citizenship behavior in employees of PT. X in Cirebon.
This means that every time there is satisfaction in the work done by the
employee, it will increase the OCB of the employee as well. If there is no job
satisfaction, it will make OCB decrease.
�� This is reinforced and supported by a significant value which is
smaller than the value of Cronbach's alpha for the t test (partial), namely
0.044 < 0.05, meaning that job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on OCB in employees of PT. X in Cirebon, so that the proposed
hypothesis, namely job satisfaction is a predictor of organizational
citizenship behavior in employees of PT. X in Cirebon is acceptable.
Furthermore, the contribution of the percentage of the effect of job
satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior at PT. X in Cirebon is 13%
with the remaining 87% influenced by other factors. That is, the influence
given is small and not too strong. where this is in accordance with the theory
that has been described in the previous chapter which explains that job
satisfaction is an important factor that plays a role in the emergence of
organizational citizenship behavior, but besides job satisfaction there are
other factors such as organizational commitment, employee personality, employee
morale and motivation, leadership style, trust in leaders and organizational
culture that also influence the emergence of OCB in employees.�
�� In a situation where the employee feels good satisfaction, the
employee will also feel that the place where he works is the best place. When
employees think that their workplace is the best place, they will tend to
maintain the good value of the company, thus expanding the company to get OCB
workers. Given the very essential role of OCB to support the achievement of company
targets through employees, the dimensions that contribute to OCB must continue
to be improved so as to create an orientation towards optimal work results
within the company. The findings of this study also confirm the need to build
OCB in employees. Companies can adjust regulations or policies based on
employee needs.
�� The results of this study are also supported by empirical evidence
from previous research conducted by (Prasetio & Hayuningrat, 2017). The results of this study prove that job satisfaction
has a significant positive effect on OCB for general daily employees at a
company in West Java. This is again reinforced by the magnitude of the effect
of job satisfaction on OCB, which is 70.9% with the promotion dimension being
one of the important factors in shaping the job satisfaction. In addition,
research conducted by (Sukanto & Gilang, 2018) shows that job satisfaction has a positive and
significant effect on OCB for employees of PT. PLN (Persero) APJ Bandung. In
his research also said that job satisfaction given by PT
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded
that job satisfaction is a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior
(OCB) in employees of PT. X in Cirebon because the results of testing and
analysis showed a positive and significant effect of job satisfaction on the
OCB variable for employees of PT. X in Cirebon. The magnitude of the influence
is indeed relatively small and not too strong, namely 13% but this finding can
still confirm that in general the employees of PT. X in Cirebon, OCB can be
built with or in conjunction with job satisfaction
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Copyright holders:
Muhammad Ravi, Hadri Mulya (2022)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
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