Tiara Sekarwati
Ariadi, Johny Malisan, Endang Sugiharti
Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Institut Transportasi dan Logistik Trisakti, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
KEYWORDS Inaportnet,
Variable Piece Framework (performance, information and data, economy,
control and security, efficiency, and service) |
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at identifying the variables of the Indonesian Port
Integration (Inaportnet) System Performance Based on the Piece Framework
Variables in 2021. The built model includes explanations. Six independent
variables (independent) and one dependent variable (dependent). Variables
that have positions as independent variables are performance, information and
data, economy, control and security, efficiency, and service. The variable
that acts as a variable is user satisfaction. Data analysis was performed
using the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis approach. The data used are
primary, quantitative, and cross-sectional data. The data were collected from
80 respondents by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale with five
answer choices. Data analysis was carried out with the help of the SPSS
application. The results of testing variables, namely performance, and
economics, show that there is a significant influence on the user
satisfaction variable, while for the variables, information and data, control
and security, efficiency, and service do not have a significant effect on the
user satisfaction variable, it is evident from the results of the T test
where the performance variable, and economics showed a significant level less
than 0.05, and was positive for user satisfaction, and the information and
data, control and security, efficiency, and service showed variables a
significant level greater than 0.05 , and declared no positive effect on user
satisfaction. |
In the era of globalization,
causing technology to advance rapidly so that it has an impact on the progress
of technology-based information systems. The abundance of facilities caused by
the development of information technology, which directly affects the
activities of the organization. The position of information systems in various
business fields has become a pillar in the company's daily operational
activities, one of which is the Indonesian port integration system (inaportnet)
which is used in port service activities.
of Inaportnet Services, Port of Gresik, East Java
Ministry of Transportation (2022)
Picture 1
explained Amount Service Inaportnet Port of Gresik ,
East Java in January 2022 where PKK (notification arrival ship) with total
service reached 135. SPM (Entry Approval Letter) with a total of services
reached 132. RKMB (Plan Activity Lift Load) for a total of 120 services. PPK
(Determination Leaning Ships) with a total of 325 services . SPOG (Approval
Letter though Motion) with a total of 323 services . KP ( Ship Move ) with a
total of 171 services . MT (Extended Overtime) with a total of 11 services .
LKK (Report Departure Ships) with a total of 149 services . LK3 (Report Arrival
and Departure Ships ) with a total of 149 services . SPB (Approval Letter
Sailing) with a total of 148 services. LAB ( Report Transport goods ) for a
total of 0 services . BMBB (Unload Load Goods Dangerous ) for a total of 18
services . BUNKER (Charging Fuel), Welding, SHSOP (Ship to Ship (OP) and SHSSB
(Ship to Ship (Syahbandar) with a total of 0 Services
Inaportnet Port of Gresik East Java in January 2022.
Moment operate system inaportnet
needed device software, device hard , as well source power man or user system inaportnet as the operator. Component the expected could
walk each other relating to activity order service system inaportnet
could walk with fine and smooth . related with Thing the satisfaction user as
one factor for catch advantages and disadvantages from system inaportnet.
Figure 2
Amount User Inaportnet
at the Port of Gresik , East Java
Source : processed writer
Figure 2 shows that amount user system inaportnet in port gresik Java
east where color green symbolize amount Agent Cruise
as many as 217, meanwhile color green symbolize
service management transportation as many as 36 and the last color yellow symbolize amount company demolish fit a total
of 116 counts user system inaportnet in port gresik Java east.
As for the constraints in system inaportnet,
online service via inaportnet this considered still
experience a number of constraints on the Service Level Agreement and on the
Standard Operating Procedure, besides that form application Inaportnet
conducted by agents cruise cause friendship work for users service transport
sea, frequent obstacles experienced is
Disturbance Network Becomes frequent obstacles felt
user in apply system inaportmen. Disturbance network
could cause user feel make a loss that affairs his job will Becomes more slow,
consuming time to come too result in obstruction affairs licensing ship.
The low quality service. quality low service, arise consequence from
procedure operations contained in the system inaportnet.
Hope, user inaportnet could feel quality good
service, but in fact, the system owned by inaportnet
often no in accordance with hope the. In problems encountered, several user
sigh that system inaportmen still hard for operated,
user no knowing method use system the. Such
constraints this, be form not quite enough answer fully for Director General Communication
so you can fix it.
The problems faced by PortGresik
East Java later remember in study this as reason as well as interesting thing
for researched i.e. , Height Amount Service Inaportnet
at Gresik Harbor, Instability or there is a problem
during the management process document boat nor goods, the service level
agreement has not yet been arranged and the lack of it quantity power work in
the Port Authority of the controlling server operator technology information as
well as exists risks that arise consequence instability or trouble.
Figure 3
Gresik Port passengers , East Java
Source: East Java Port of Geresik
Figure 3 is one of the data from amount passenger
ships that rise and those that don't controlled caused by from minimal quantity
power work in the controlling port authority technology information that has an
impact on increasing and decreasing amount passengers at Gresik Port, East
Java. See current passengers that happen, can be Gresik Port is said to be a
bustling port will passenger. Recorded current passenger there always over
30,000 people each the year.
Figure 4
Error East Java Gresik Port System
Source: East Java Port of Geresik
Figure 4 shows trouble in the East Java Gresik Port
system p this caused because not yet arrangement of service level agreements
that control technology information so that impact on presence risks that arise
consequence instability or trouble both on the server system and on other risks.
The low Outlook Knowledge as well as Technology,
insight knowledge technology is internal vitals service inaportnet.
Whole service inaportnet will each other connected,
fine that internet network as well network computer. So that if a user no have
broad insight about knowledge as well as technology naturally will experience
trouble, because in system Inaportnet, will there is
notification about arrival or departure ship, all at once letter relevant permits with affairs
shipping. The difficulty Procedure Usage, complexity appearance in system inaportnet could confusing user in operate it, especially
for part uninformed beginners usage.
inaportnet implemented in develop service, however in in fact
still there is obstacle certain as has been described above. In Thing this
writer want to monitor the other side of implementation inaportnet
that is with see how system inaportnet work with
method analyze system inaportnet. Analyze a
system could held with several analytical models. The PIECES Framework tool is
something device To use study system information kiss computer, which applies
on useful fundamental points for guidelines or reference in study system the. In study this writer use things important from the
PIECES Framework as variable research . kindly in summary , the PIECES
Framework includes internal vitals analyze system for
example: information, data, performance, efficiency control, security, service,
and economics.
PIECES as a research variable
is expected to provide special concern, so that the weaknesses and strengths of
the system can be found. Later it is expected to be able to form a reference
for system progress and be able to understand things that need to be fixed so
that the inaportnet system can run properly, and meet user needs. This matter
inspired the author to take the title of the research entitled
"Performance Analysis of the Indonesian Port Integration (Inaportnet)
System based on the PIECES Framework Variables in 2021 (Case Study of
Inaportnet System Users at Gresik Port"
Information Systems
System Quality
Pratolo et al,
Performance or known as performance according to Mahsun
Information is data that has been processed or
processed into a type that is very important to the recipient and is a decision
that is now or in the future, actual size or understood in action
According to Agustina
Supervision and
control of the application is carried out by the Directorate of Traffic and Sea
Transportation, and assisted by the Center for Information Technology and
Communications Communications. Meanwhile regarding service operations in the
Inaportnet application are given to each Technical Implementation Unit at the
Efficiency, namely
the standard level of implementation of resources in a process. The use of
fewer or more efficient resources means that the process is more efficient.
Efficiency in the process is marked by improving the process so that it becomes
faster and cheaper
Service or so-called services, namely any activity that can be offered
by one party to another, and in essence does not have a form nor does it cause
a transfer of ownership
This research
is a quantitative research. Quantitative research is
an effort to investigate problems, existing problems are the basis used by
researchers in collecting data. Then determine the variables and measure them
with numbers for analysis according to the procedures of the applicable
statistics. The population in this study was 369, while the sample in this
study was 80 respondents. The sampling technique used was probability sampling
with the simple random sampling method in which the respondents were taken
In this
study, data were obtained through questionnaires to 80 respondents who used the
inaportnet system at Gresik Port, East Java. The author classifies the results
of the questionnaires that have been distributed to 80 respondents (n = 80) and
the respondent data analyzed in this study are respondent data according to
gender percentage, respondent data according to age, and respondent data
according to education. The following are the results of the characteristic
data of each respondent:
Table 1
Respondent Data Based on Gender
Source: data processed by the author
Table 1 shows
that the number of respondents who use the inaportnet system at Gresik Port,
East Java, is male with a total of 74 people (92.5%) and female with a total of
6 people (7.5%). It can be seen that the majority of respondents' gender is
Table 2
Data Based on Age
Source: data
processed by the author
Based on
table 2 it shows that respondents who have an age range <25 years are 12
people (15%), respondents who are in the age range 26-35 years are 41 people
(41%), respondents who are in the age range 36-45 years are 17 people (17%),
respondents with an age range of 46-55 years totaled 10 people (12.5%), and
respondents who were in the age range > 56 years a total of 0 people (0%).
It can be seen that the majority of respondents who use the inaportnet system
at the Port of Gresik are aged 26-35 years.
Table 3
Data Based on Education
Source: data
processed by the author
Based on
table 3 it shows that respondents who have an education level equivalent to
elementary school are known to be 0 (0%), respondents who have an education
level equivalent to junior high school are known to be 0 (0%), respondents who
have an education level equivalent to high school are known to be 20 (25%), and
respondents who have an educational level equivalent to a
Diploma/Bachelor/Masters degree are known to be 60 (75%). It can be seen that
the majority of respondents who use the inaportnet system at the Port of Gresik
are Diploma/Bachelor/Master graduates.
assumption test
Table 4
Normality Test Results
Source: data
processed by the author
significance value is 0.152, this value is more than 0.05 (sig > 0.05) so it
gives a decision to accept H0, which means that there is not enough evidence to
say that the residual data does not follow a normal distribution or that it can
be assumed that normality is fulfilled.
Table 5
Test Results
Processed by the Author
Based on the
data above, it can be seen that the VIF value of each variable is less than 10,
namely for the performance variable of 2,314, the information and data variable
of 5,660, the economics variable of 3,550, the control and security variable of
1,547, the efficiency variable of 1,901, and the service variable of 1,469,
then it gives a decision to accept H0 which means that there are no symptoms of
multicollinearity in the data.
Table 6
Test Results
processed by the author
To perform
autocorrelation testing, testing is carried out using test runs. Based on the
test results, a significance value of 0.169 is obtained, this value is more
than 0.05 (sig > 0.05) so it gives a decision to accept H0, which means
there is not enough evidence to say that there is autocorrelation in the data
or in other words the non-autocorrelation assumption is fulfilled.
Table 7
Test Results
processed by the author
assumption testing was carried out using the White test. Based on the above
values, it is known that the value of χ_hit^2 < χ_(0.05 ; (k-1) )^2 , then it fails to reject Ho, which means
there is sufficient evidence to state that there is no heteroscedasticity in
the model.
Table 8
Linearity Test
processed by the author
Based on
table 11 above, it shows that Deviation from Linearity has a Significant
value > alpha value of 0.05 thus all performance, information and data,
economics, control and security, efficiency and service variables have a linear
relationship with the variable user satisfaction.
Linear Regression Test
Table 9
Linear Regression Test Results
processed by the author
regression equation model can be written in the same form as follows:
̂=2.811+0.410 X1+ 0.084 X2+ 0.614 X3-0.218 X4+0.252 X5+0.024 X6
Based on the
results of the analysis in table 12 above, it shows that the system Performance
and Economics variables have a positive and significant influence on user
satisfaction, this can be seen in the significant value less than 0.5 so that
the 2 variables are positive and significant. While the variables information
and data, control, security, efficiency and service do not have a positive and
significant effect on user satisfaction, it can be seen that the significant
value is greater than 0.5 so that the 5 variables are not positive and
The influence
of the inaportnet system performance on user satisfaction
The results
of testing the hypothesis of the effect of the inaportnet system performance on
user satisfaction in this study, has a direct influence. The researcher found
that there was a positive and significant influence between the inaportnet
system performance (X1) on user satisfaction (Y). 5.512 > from 1.66600 with
a significant level of 0.000.
system performance is an assessment of system users regarding throughput,
system response time, audibility or computational power, completeness,
consistency and fault tolerance. This is in accordance with previous research
The influence
of information and data on the inaportnet system on user satisfaction
The results
of testing the hypothesis of the effect of information and data on the
inaportnet system on user satisfaction in this study, have no influence between
X2 and Y. It can be seen in table 4.6 with the results of t table of 0.456
<1.6660 with a significant level of 0.649. Thus it
is known that X2 has no effect on Y.
inaportenet information and data system is said to perform well if the user
feels satisfied when using the system in operational activities because
information is important to be able to take the next step in carrying out an
between the economics of the inaportnet system on user satisfaction
The results
of testing the hypothesis in this study, the researchers found that there was a
positive and significant influence between the economics of the inaportnet
system (X3) on user satisfaction (Y) where t count 2.452 > t table 1.66600
with a significance value of 0.017. The effect of the economics of the
inaportnet system on user satisfaction based on the table above is 0.614 or
61.4%. This shows that 61.4% user satisfaction of the inaportnet system is
determined by the economics of the system.
the inaportenet system is said to perform well if it can affect minimal cost
control and increase the perceived benefits when using the inaportnet system.
This is also in accordance with previous research
Influence between control and security of
the inaportnet system on user satisfaction
The results
of testing the hypothesis of the influence of control and security of the
inaportnet system on user satisfaction in this study, have no influence between
X4 and Y. It can be seen in table 4.6 with the results of t table of 1.481
<1.6660 with a significant level of 0.143. Thus it
is known that X4 has no effect on Y.
Control and
security of the inaportenet system is said to perform well if users are
satisfied in accessing the system and there is security that can protect data
from the inaportnet system. However, in
this study the control and security of the inaportenet system has no effect on
customer satisfaction, this is in line with the research conducted by Setyono
between the efficiency of the inaportnet system on user satisfaction
The results
of testing the hypothesis of the effect of inaportnet system efficiency on user
satisfaction in this study, there is no influence between X5 and Y. It can be
seen in table 4.7 with the results of the t table of 1.597 <1.6660 with a
significant level of 0.115. Thus it is known that X4
has no effect on Y.
efficiency of the inaportnet system is the assessment of system users regarding
usability or ease of use of the system, interpreting output and maintainability
or being able to find and fix errors very quickly so that later it does not
have an impact on the time allotted for ship service. However, in this study
the efficiency of the inaportnet system has no effect on user satisfaction,
this is in line with the research conducted
The influence
of the inaportnet system service on user satisfaction
The results
of testing the hypothesis of the effect of the inaportnet system service on
user satisfaction in this study, there is no influence between X6 and Y. It can
be seen in table 4.7 with the results of the t table of 0.272 <1.6660 with a
significant level of 0.786. Thus it is known that X6
has no effect on Y.
inaportenet system service is said to perform well if it meets expectations and
even exceeds the expectations of inaportnet system users. The inaportnet system
service is a system user's assessment of the accuracy or level of security;
thoroughness, reliability or level of trust and simplicity or level of user
understanding in using the inaportnet system
From the results of the research and analysis as a
whole, it can be concluded that the system Performance and Economics variables
have a positive and significant influence on user satisfaction. Meanwhile,
information and data, control, security, efficiency and service variables do
not have a positive and significant effect on user satisfaction. The results of
this study can be used as material for consideration for related parties, both
for the people of Gresik Port, East Java and for subsequent researchers to be
used as references and suggestions that researchers give for further research in order to add variables and use other analytical
tools to produce research that is wider.
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Copyright holders:
Tiara Sekarwati Ariadi, Johnny Malisan, Endang Sugiharti (2022)
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service
article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International