Text Box: Volume 3, Number 14, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Ali Afif, Febriati, Reni Dwi Widyastuti

Universitas Panca Bhakti, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
, [email protected], [email protected]




Sharia Entrepreneurs, Learning Models, Orphanages, Santri, Faith



Orphanages as places of learning and Islamic character building, have empowerment programs to help improve the quality of foster children's skills through formal education, religious education and entrepreneurship training. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strategies for encouraging entrepreneurial spirit in Islamic boarding schools and the factors that form the entrepreneurial spirit of students at Islamic boarding schools, especially in the Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan province. The method used is behavioral observation, direct interviews with students and managers and caretakers at Islamic boarding schools. Then the results of the answers will be processed using triangulation data and to be concluded. The research was conducted at Mu'inul Islam and Darul Fikri Islamic boarding schools, Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan province. The results of this study indicate that the main strategies and factors in building an entrepreneurial spirit are faith and piety. It was also found that Islamic boarding schools have a major role in molding Islamic entrepreneurial spirit, namely creating business units by empowering students and the community through entrepreneurship programs so that they can support and improve the welfare of students and the community in creating many jobs. Through the involvement of students in entrepreneurship in Islamic boarding schools, they have succeeded in educating alumni to establish business fields. namely creating business units by empowering students and the community through entrepreneurship programs so that they can support and improve the welfare of students and the community in creating lots of jobs. Through the involvement of students in entrepreneurship in Islamic boarding schools, they have succeeded in educating alumni to establish business fields. namely creating business units by empowering students and the community through entrepreneurship programs so that they can support and improve the welfare of students and the community in creating many jobs. Through the involvement of students in entrepreneurship in Islamic boarding schools, they have succeeded in educating alumni to establish business fields.



Orphanages in the form of Islamic boarding schools, hafiz houses and schools are educational locations that integrate Islamic-based science and life skills. Pesantren is a traditional learning which has students living together in a place called a dormitory, which is a place for students to stay and these students study under the guidance of a teacher who is better known as a kiai. The students are in the same place and the pesantren provides a mosque for worship, study rooms and other religious activities. The place is generally surrounded by a fence or wall to be able to monitor the entry and exit of the students according to the regulations in force (Suarni, Haanurat, & Arni, 2021). Empowerment to improve human resources, especially for the nation's children through orphanage donations (Audretsch, B�nte, & Tamvada, 2013). Orphanages as intermediaries for neglected children have empowerment programs to help improve the quality of skills of foster children through formal education, religious education and entrepreneurship training (Bramantoro, Basiroh, Berniyanti, Setijanto, & Irmalia, 2020). This empowerment is carried out by utilizing donations from donors through zakat, infaq and shadaqah. Entrepreneurship education (Edu-preneurship) is an effort to develop all potential students and form an attitude that is independent, creative, dare to take risks, has a leadership spirit, hard work, honest, disciplined, innovative, responsible, able to seek opportunities and find solutions and never give up so that he is ready to live in the midst of society and is able to actualize this attitude into the business world (Imam Mahali, 2012).

For this reason, orphanages are required to be independent in managing zakat, infaq and shadaqah funds optimally. Based on observations at Islamic boarding schools located in Kubu Raya district, West Kalimantan province, some of the following information was found:

-The average orphanage which is also a boarding school depends on donations and at the same time is forced to be independent through empowering the residents of the orphanage.�����

-The average age of students is 7-18 years���

-Children are very obedient to the principles of orphanages according to Islamic rules����������� Data from the Ministry of Religion until 2021 shows that in Indonesia there are 33,218 Islamic boarding schools (Ditpdpontren, 2021).

Pondok Pesantren as well as the concept of forming an Islamic soul, is an institution that is used as a model for forming an entrepreneurial spirit based on Islamic sharia. This research is so important because Islamic boarding schools cannot depend on donors, so both Islamic boarding schools and orphanages must be economically independent by empowering foster children so that Islamic boarding schools must form an entrepreneurial spirit in students as foster children. This goal will encourage the orphanage's economic independence and form the entrepreneurial spirit of the foster children, so that after graduation the foster children will have a persistent spirit with Islamic principles, tenacious and strong with Islamic rules and full of gratitude. Supported by (Dewi Fatmasari, 2014) gratitude is proven to have a significant contribution to well-being by contribution. One of the possible causes of unemployment is the fact that there are a large number of graduates from various places of formal education and higher education who have skills and expertise, but do not get a proper place for their abilities as a result of the education process because there are no jobs (Muhammad Jufri, 2014).

There needs to be a sense of gratitude to feel satisfied living in a boarding school, which can increase subjective well-being. This is in line with research conducted by (Robustelli & Whisman, 2018) shows the influence between gratitude and subjective well-being, namely the components of life satisfaction in the domains of social relations, work, and health as well as global life satisfaction in the United States and Japan. Gratitude is an important factor for increasing subjective well-being. One strategy that needs to be done to maintain the existence of Islamic boarding schools is by being able to produce a variety of quality human resources (HR) by developing their human resources (Haromain, 2013). Islamic boarding schools are a part that is involved in the process of social change that is understood by the community in the midst of changing times. Islamic boarding schools have very strong roots and traditions in the midst of society, their existence is very important in increasing human resources (Mukhibat, 2012).

The functions and objectives of education above are the responsibility of every educational institution to make it happen. Islamic boarding schools are Islamic religious education institutions that have special characteristics in the perspective of national education, this is stated in law number 20 of 2003 (Sisdiknas, 2003). Entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) is a magic science that makes money in an instant, but a science, art and expertise to manage all the limitations of available resources, data and funds to survive, make a living, or reach the top position in a career (Hendayana, Yana, 2017). In contrast, in Islam, entrepreneurship is part of the aspects of life that are grouped into muamalah problems. The problem that is closely related to horizontal ties is the bond between humans which will be held accountable in the hereafter. Islamic entrepreneurship is something of worship that will get a reward if it is carried out (Hendro, 2012).

Comparison of research results and previous research researchers took two samples of previous research to compare the current research and the first research (Noviyanti, 2017) The results of the study state that the creative economy is related to the development of entrepreneurial spirit in the Islamic boarding school learning system that practices entrepreneurship learning as a means to train the financial independence of its students. While research conducted by (Karnawati. N., and Soraya, 2020) Islamic boarding school research results equip students with religious and general knowledge.

Based on the description of the background, the formulation of the problem in this study is What are the factors that drive the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools and what are the strategies for forming the entrepreneurial spirit of foster children at Islamic boarding schools. The objectives of this research are as follows: to find out what factors drive the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools and to describe strategies for utilizing zakat, infaq and shadaqah to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools.


In this study the authors used a qualitative descriptive type which was intended to provide an overview of the phenomenon and to analyze the strategy for forming a sharia entrepreneurial spirit. The subjects of this study were the Mu'inul Islam and Darul Fikri Islamic boarding schools in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Province.

The data collection method used in this research is the first observation, namely the data collection method in the form of direct observation of the object being observed. Observation is an activity of observing field conditions by systematically recording the symptoms being studied (Ahyar; Hardani, 2020). The second method is interview, which is a way of collecting data that is used to obtain information directly from the source. Interview is a question and answer activity between two or more people with a specific purpose to obtain the required data (Ahyar; Hardani, 2020). The interviewer is an information collector who is expected to be able to convey questions clearly to informants in order to obtain accurate data in research. In the research, the managers, leaders, ustadz and students of Islamic boarding schools will be interviewed directly.

Data analysis techniques use the Miles & Huberman model (Sugiyono, 2013), namely data collection is done in the form of data presentation, and is followed by data reduction, then verification is carried out. This is done repeatedly like a cycle, then stopped when the repetition of data occurs.

Data validity is used to determine the validity of research data. The technique of checking the validity of the data is carried out using the triagulation method. The triangulation technique used to check the validity/validity of the data includes: source triangulation, method triangulation and data triangulation (Bachri, 2012).


Strategies for forming an entrepreneurial spirit in Islamic boarding schools

After conducting observations and interviews, a lot of information was obtained about life in a boarding school. Seeing the background of the formation of Islamic boarding schools and the goals to be achieved by a boarding school as well as an orphanage, it is clear that this institution is very focused on empowering people. Not only focusing on religion and its affairs with Allah SWT, but including how students who are adults or even about to leave the outside world can survive independently but cannot be separated from sharia guidelines according to Islamic rules and the values ​​of independent Islamic life. In this case, one of the efforts of managing Islamic boarding schools is through instilling an entrepreneurial spirit.

Based on interviews and information gathering through the management of Islamic boarding schools and students who are called students at Muinul Islam and Darul Fikri Islamic boarding schools, several programs were obtained that were carried out in a Islamic boarding school. In these programs, there are special ones that are oriented towards Islamic law, there are programs in the field of entrepreneurship to empower students.

This special program is to instill an independent soul and mentality in learning to play an entrepreneurial role. At the Mu'inul Islam and Darul Fikri Islamic boarding schools, there are several fields that play a role in forming an independent soul and mentality in entrepreneurship. Starting from plantations, fisheries, animal husbandry, cafe management to carpentry.

The institutional strategies developed in Islamic boarding schools include:

1.   Compliance and Obedience

Everything starts from within the soul. This is the basic and main strategy for forming an entrepreneurial spirit in Islamic boarding schools. The ustadz prioritizes how a santri obeys not only the ustadz but is obliged to the creator, namely Allah SWT. If the Santri is obedient, then the santri will try to obey His commands. And if these two things are carried out and are well instilled in the soul of the santri, all processes will be easier because they are based on belief in each soul. Mentally well formed and ready.

2.   Strengthening HR and Field Groups

Of course, before educating students, in this case the santri, managers need to provide strengthening of human resources and their field groups. For example, an uzstad who is entrusted with managing gardens, fisheries and animal husbandry through direct guidance from experts. When the ustadz is able and able to do without a companion, then the ustadz will pass on his knowledge to the students as initial guidance.

3.   Integrated Entrepreneurship Education in Activities

In line with the above, when the ustadz is successful, in the routine of managing their respective fields, the manager and the ustadz try to invite the santri to help in the hope that the santri will not only carry out instructions but also indirectly learn to understand and interpret each of their activities.

4.       Entrepreneurship Education through Self-Development

The process of entrepreneurship education at Islamic boarding schools is indeed somewhat different from public schools which focus on entrepreneurship in general, which are economically oriented and materialistic. At Islamic boarding schools, deepening is truly from the personal soul and begins with the obedience of the students to choose to develop themselves and believe that every living creature must have the sustenance that has been arranged by Allah SWT.

5.   Implementation of Entrepreneurship Learning from Theory to Practice

In its implementation, Islamic values ​​are still instilled and in practice students are always accompanied by ustadz and even managers often bring in experts to handle management. Of course this is aimed at students getting real knowledge and experience directly properly and correctly. And indeed there is added value for students who learn from direct practice.

Factors that drive the entrepreneurial spirit of Islamic boarding schools

Islam becomes the belief of rahmatan lil'ālamīn spreading normative origins related to work, work values, & work outlooks on life. This is also closely related to being a driving factor for the entrepreneurial spirit, especially among students at Islamic boarding schools. According to Islamic law, the outlook on work life must be based on three factors, namely monotheism, piety, and worship. Islam controls human life in the fields of politics, culture, beliefs and the economy and studies buying and selling business transactions and trade debts. In character education in Islamic boarding schools, the primary factor is indeed based on the administrators and ustadz who try to teach taqwa, monotheism and worship through the faith and obedience of the students to Allah SWT. if the soul & mentality of the students have been formed, the ustadz will only be an encouraging mediator for the students. Santri who are given personal guidance and practice also receive rewards or sanctions if they do not carry out obedience and obedience as a result of consciously and personally thinking of the santri periodically like this. Of course being a boarding school as well as an orphanage, management activities are not dated based on sustenance that continues to flow through infaq, charity and donations from donors to become mediators of Allah's sustenance that continues to flow. And behind all of the beliefs based on faith & piety to the creator, namely Allah SWT. The entrepreneurial spirit is the spirit of independence in channeling one's creativity to find a source of income by starting a business. The formation of an entrepreneurial spirit does not occur in a short period of time, but requires time along with the development process (Hanifah, 2018). The formation of an entrepreneurial spirit is not the activity of forming children so that they become individuals as entrepreneurs, but more emphasis is placed on the process of internalizing positive characters such as honesty, discipline, independence, self-confidence, & positive thinking. These characters are to be taught, but will be internalized through the educational process (Anggi Jatmiko, 2017). Factors supporting the application of entrepreneurial values ​​in students who are independent & successful in the future, the perseverance of students in carrying out all activities. Entrepreneurial values, which always inspire the spirit of students with patience, and the example he provides, providing facilities and infrastructure for the application of entrepreneurial values ​​and the existence of cooperation and donations based on the people individually or through organizations/forums to foster the independence of students. While the inhibiting factor is the background of the students who have lazy character & character and are difficult to manage as a result requiring patience, the limited funds owned by the pesantren so that business development plans in order to foster students' knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship experience obstacles.


Based on the results and reviews that have been prepared and conveyed after conducting research and studying carefully so that the author can draw the following conclusions the strategy for forming an entrepreneurial spirit in Islamic boarding schools is based on faith and piety to Allah SWT. All the strategies start from that. Then comes the development of human resources, in this case managers and ustadz. In general, education at Islamic boarding schools does not specialize in economic and entrepreneurial methods like usual education. Islamic boarding schools naturally teach the true meaning of faith and faith and set a real example to students that with piety and faith there is always a way for entrepreneurship with a mental and soul that is guided by Islamic law.

The factors that encourage the entrepreneurial spirit are formed naturally. In accordance with the process, the students are educated with a mental steel and believe in the way of Allah SWT. Prior to finishing and becoming alumni, the students already have direct knowledge and experience in entrepreneurial activities. So that the routines that have been carried out in Islamic boarding school education make students automatically continue these activities in the outside world and they believe in Allah's sustenance.

Islamic boarding schools have a major role in molding the spirit of sharia entrepreneurship, namely creating a business sector by empowering students and the community through entrepreneurship programs so that they can support and improve the welfare of students and the community in creating many jobs. Through the involvement of students in entrepreneurship in Islamic boarding schools, they have succeeded in educating alumni to establish business fields.


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Copyright holders:

Ali Afif, Febriati, Reni Dwi Widyastuti (2022)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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