Text Box: Volume 3, Number 14, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




M. Yusuf, Cecep Haryoto, Nazifah Husainah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




self-efficiency; justice on lecturers'; variable mediation


This study aims to determine the effect of self-efficacy and organizational justice on the career development of lecturers with work motivation as a mediating variable at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. This study uses an associative method with a quantitative approach, with a total of 179 lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta. The results of the study show that (1) self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on the work motivation of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, (2) organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on the work motivation of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, (3) Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on the career development of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education DKI Jakarta, (4) Organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on lecturer career development at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, (5) Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on lecturer career development at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, (6) Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on lecturer career development through work motivation at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, and (7) Organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on lecturer career de development through work motivation in a Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta



Today human resources are the main capital in national development, therefore human resources must be increased so that they become highly competitive in supporting the nation's growth, especially the Indonesian nation. As one of the efforts to improve human resources, namely through education, because with a good education can be a basic capital in facing various kinds of competition, especially business competition which is increasingly full of challenges with changes that are also increasingly dynamic. Education is very important because it plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources. Education is a series of learning processes that must be passed by everyone in order to achieve a better life. The essence of education as stated in Law number 20 of 2003: "education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-development, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills what he, society, nation and state need. The process of coordinating various human resources in the field of education, one of which is through lecturers. Lecturers have a very important role because they not only transform their knowledge to students, and carry out the tridarma of higher education, namely education, research, and community service.The role of the lecturer is very broad and professional, thus making it a very significant element in higher education.To support the extensive duties of lecturers, one of the important factor considered by universities is the career of lecturers.The development of a lecturer's career as one of the elements states that lectu rers are increasingly professional in carrying out their duties as educators.

Career development is an effort to improve one's self in order to achieve one's career plans. According to (Mangkunegara, 2011) career development is a staffing activity in helping employees plan their future careers in the company so that the company and employees can develop themselves to the fullest. Then according to (Dessler, 2015) career development is the process and activity of preparing someone to occupy a position in an organization or company that will be carried out in the future. Furthermore, it was stated by (Rivai, 2016) that career development is a process of increasing individual work ability achieved in order to achieve the desired career. Meanwhile, according to (Siagian, 2009) which states that career development is personal changes made by someone to achieve a career plan. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that career development is a staffing activity to help employees plan their future careers where they work. The goals of career development according to (Mangkunegara, 2011) include assisting in achieving individual goals as well as organizational/company goals, being able to improve welfare which impacts on loyalty, helping employees realize their potential abilities, being able to strengthen employee relationships and towards the organization/ the company, as a form of organizational or corporate social responsibility attitudes, can assist the organization/company program in achieving goals, can make low turnover and staff costs more efficient, can avoid professional and managerial obsolescence and boredom, can integrate work plans and staffing, and to help with long-term thinking. Then to measure career development, namely through several dimensions, according to (Rivai, 2016) the dimensions of career development are (1) career needs, namely helping employees in adjusting their career needs, (2) training, namely increasing employee abilities or skills in the operational field, (3) fair treatment in a career, namely providing equal opportunities in a career for employees to develop themselves, (4) Career information, namely providing information needed to find out the possibility of positions achieved by employees to develop their careers, (5) promotions, namely giving recognition, positions, and greater compensation for services, and (6) workforce development, namely providing educational programs to increase their potential. Some of the elements of lecturer career development are increasing the educational level of lecturers from master to doctoral and increasing the functional position of lecturers from Expert Assistant to Professor. Data on the career development of higher education lecturers in Indonesia can be presented as follows.

Table 1

Higher Education Lecturer Education in Indonesia


Level of education

Number of Lecturers



Diploma � 4 (D4)




Level � 1 (S1)




Level � 2 (S2)




Level � 3 (S3)



Source : https://pddikti.kemdikbud.go.id/dosen

Based on the data above, it shows that the career development of lecturers in Indonesia is still low, including lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta because lecturers with Masters degrees are still very high, reaching 73.27%, while those with Doctoral degrees are only 15.11%. Factors that are thought to influence lecturer career development are self-efficacy and organizational justice through work motivation.

Work motivation is an encouragement from within a person to do work in achieving goals. According (Stephen Robbins, 2015) motivation is a process carried out by individuals in an effort to achieve goals which includes three important things, namely intensity, direction, and persistence of effort to achieve the desired goals. Meanwhile, according to (Rivai, 2016) motivation is a series of attitudes and values that can influence a person to achieve things that are specific to their goals. Furthermore, (Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2016) states that work motivation is a condition or energy that drives individuals who are directed towards achieving organizational goals. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that work motivation is something that encourages an individual, so that he has the enthusiasm to do something to achieve goals. The purpose of work motivation according to (Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2016) is to increase employee morale and job satisfaction, increase employee work productivity, maintain employee stability, increase discipline, make employee procurement effective, create an atmosphere and good working relationships, increase loyalty, creativity, and employee participation, improve employee welfare, heighten the sense of responsibility of employees towards their duties, and increase the efficiency of the use of tools and raw materials. Then there are several dimensions used to measure work motivation, according to (Wibowo, 2017) the dimensions of work motivation are (1) the need for achievement with indicators: work targets, work quality, responsibility, and job risk; (2) the need for affiliation with indicators: communication, cooperation, and friendship; (3) the need for power with indicators: influencing others, supervising, and changing situations.

Self-efficacy (self-efficacy) is an individual's belief in his ability to perform a task or job. With self-efficacy in a lecturer, of course they will carry out their duties properly which will have an impact on improving their careers, including in terms of carrying out further education studies and managing functional promotion. However, motivational factors are also part of the determining factors that can encourage a lecturer to want to carry out further studies and seek promotion to a lecturer's functional position. So if lecturers have self-efficacy and are supported by high motivation, it will certainly have an impact on increasing their careers. Self-efficacy is a belief or belief in a person's ability to do a job. The term self-efficacy was introduced by a shop named Albert Bandura. According to him, as quoted by Gufron, self-efficacy is an individual's belief about his own skills in carrying out tasks or acting to achieve certain results. Then according to Baron and Byrne also cited by Gufron that self-efficacy is an evaluation of a person regarding his ability or competence to perform a task or job to achieve goals and be able to overcome obstacles (Gufron & Risnawita, 2016). Furthermore, (Yusuf & Nurikhsan, 2013) that self-efficacy is a person's confidence in his own ability to demonstrate behavior that can provide expected results. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that self-efficacy is a belief or belief in an individual's ability to be able to perform a task or job, in order to achieve a goal. According to Zimmerman in Flora Puspitaningsih (2016: 77) Self-efficacy is measured by three dimensions, namely (1) Magnitude (level of task difficulty), with indicators: avoiding situations and behaviors beyond ability limits, analysis of behavioral choices to try, and solving and dealing with direct difficult tasks; (2) Generality (broad field of behavior), with indicators: beliefs that are spread in various fields of behavior, belief only in special areas; (3) Strength (degree of confidence or appreciation, with indicators: weak efficacy beliefs, judging himself unable to complete the task, a steady belief in staying in his business, and having confidence in the success of what he does .

Organizational justice is a form of attention and fair treatment of the organization towards its employees. With the existence of organizational justice or the attention of the organization or tertiary institution to lecturers, it will certainly motivate lecturers to carry out further studies and take care of promotion to their functional positions. So with organizational justice, lecturers will be motivated and ultimately lecturer career development will increase. Organizational justice can be interpreted as a concept that shows a person's perception of the extent to which he is treated fairly in an organization. According to (Stephen P. Robbins & Judge, 2015) that organizational justice is a broader concern on how workers feel that the authorities and decision makers at work treat them and most workers will evaluate how fairly they are treated. Meanwhile, according to (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2005) that organizational justice reflects the extent to which workers see how they are treated fairly in the workplace. Then (Gibson, Ivancevich, & Donnelly, 1996) defines that organizational justice is the degree to which a worker feels equal treatment within the organization in which he works. Based on the understanding above, it can be concluded that organizational justice is the perception of a worker what he feels about fair treatment from the organization in his workplace. To measure organizational justice there are several dimensions that can be used. According to (Stephen P. Robbins & Judge, 2015) there are three dimensions of organizational justice, namely (1) distributional justice, namely the perception of fairness in the amount and awarding of awards received between individuals or employees, such as equality of rewards received, (2) procedural justice, namely referring to employee perceptions of fairness in the company against the rules and procedures governing in carrying out a process, such as impartiality and the opportunity to hear, (3) interactional justice which includes various actions within the company that show social sensitivity, such as supervisors treating their subordinates with attention, respect and dignity as well as honesty and understanding from superiors.

Some research results that are relevant to the title of this study, namely (Ermy, 2022) that self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on work motivation, that self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on career planning, that work motivation has a positive and significant effect on career planning, that work motivation mediates the influence between self-efficacy and career planning. (Syafira, Ardiani, & Putra, 2020) that self-efficacy has no effect on career development. Rika Rebriyansi, et al (2020) that there is a very significant relationship between self-efficacy and career development. (Silalahi & Silvianita, 2021) that self-efficacy has a significant effect on work motivation. Wiwiek & Aliandes Sondakh (2015) that organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on work motivation. (Mada, Sintaasih, & Subudi, 2017)\that organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on work motivation. (Lukiyana & Arsinta, 2020) that organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on career development.

Based on the research background above, the problems in this study are (1) does self-efficacy affect the work motivation of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education DKI Jakarta? (2) does organizational justice affect the work motivation of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education DKI Jakarta? (3) does self-efficacy affect the career development of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta? (4) does organizational justice affect the career development of lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta? (5) does work motivation affect the career development of lecturers at Muhammadiyah University in DKI Jakarta? (6) does self-efficacy affect the career development of lecturers through work motivation at Muhammadiyah Higher Education DKI Jakarta? and (7) does organizational justice affect lecturer career development through work motivation at Muhammadiyah Higher Education DKI Jakarta?.



In this study the method used is associative method with a quantitative approach. The associative method is used to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. As (Sugiyono, 2014) argues that the associative method is a method that aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables. Meanwhile, the quantitative research approach according to (Sugiyono, 2014) is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, which is used to research in certain populations or samples, data collection uses research instruments, data analysis is quantitative or statistical in nature , with the aim of testing the established hypotheses . The population in this study is permanent lecturers at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta 1,425 lecturers from 5 universities, namely UMJ as many as 587 lecturers, UHAMKA as many as 622 lecturers, ITB Aahmad Dahlan Jakarta as many as 154 lecturers, STIE Muhamamdiyah Jakarta as many as 32 lecturers, and STMIK Muhammadiyah Jakarta as many as 30 lecturers. The number of samples is determined using the slovin formula with e = 7% so that the number of samples is 179 lecturers. Yes, the technique for determining the number of samples is Stratified Random Sampling. The data source is primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires through the Google form. While the analytical method used is Path Analysis where the path coefficient is basically a correlation coefficient. The variables analyzed are independent variables, namely self-efficacy (X1) and organizational justice (X2), while the dependent variable is career development (Y). In this study what will be tested is how much influence self-efficacy and organizational justice have on the career development of lecturers through work motivation at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta. The Path Analysis Model can be described as follows.







Figure 1

Path Analysis Model


From the picture above the path coefficient can be calculated with two structural equations, namely the regression equation which shows the hypothesized relationship. In this case there are two equations viz:

Y1 = β1X1 + β2X2 + e1 ��������. (1)

Y2 = β3X1 + β4X2 + β5Y1 + e2 ����� (2)


β1 � β5 : Variable path coefficient

X 1 : Self-Efficacy

X 2 : Organizational Justice

Y 1 : Work Motivation

Y 2 : Career Development

e1 & e 2 : Standard Error values


Hypothesis Test Results

1.     The Path of Influence Model efficacy Self and Justice Organization to Motivation Work Lecturer

Table 1

Equation Path Analysis Results First

Coefficients a


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients Beta




std. Error









efficacy Self (X1)







Justice Organization (X2)






a. Dependent Variable: Motivation Work (Y1)

Source : Data processed


T table value counted with level 95% confidence and degrees free nk-1 = 179-2-1 = 176 is of 1.974.

a.     Influence efficacy self to motivation work lecturer

Based on results calculation like the table above, is known mark t count for variable efficacy self is of 5.497, meanwhile mark t table of 1.974. So rate t count obtained more big from t table (5.497 > 1.974) and a sig value of 0.000 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. With thereby could displayed that efficacy self influential positive and significant to motivation work lecturer . So the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then motivation work they will too the more increase.

b.     Influence justice organization to motivation work lecturer

Based on results calculation like the table above, is known mark t count for variable justice organization is of 2,478, meanwhile mark t table of 1.974. So rate t count obtained more big from t table (2.478 > 1.974 and sig value 0.010 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. With thereby could concluded that justice organization influential positive and significant to motivation work lecturer. So the more good justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then motivation work the lecturer will too the more increase.

2.     The Path of Influence Model efficacy Self, Justice Organization, and Motivation Work to Development Career Lecturer


Table 2

Equation Path Analysis Results First

Coefficients a


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients Beta




std. Error









efficacy Self (X1)







Justice Organization (X2)







Motivation Work (Y1)






a. Dependent Variable: Development Career (Y2)

Source : Data processed


T table value counted with level 95% confidence and degrees freedom is nk-1 = 179-2-1 = 176 is of 1.974. With thereby mark t table is 1.974.

a.     Influence efficacy Self To Development Career Lecturer

Based on results calculation like the table above, is known mark t count for variable efficacy self is 2.001, meanwhile mark t table of 1.974. So rate t count obtained more big from t table (2.001 > 1.974) and sig. 0.045 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. With thereby could concluded that efficacy self influential positive and significant to development career lecturer. So the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then development career they will too increase.

b.     Influence Justice Organization To Development Career Lecturer

Based on results calculation like the table above, is known mark t count for variable justice organization is 2.087, meanwhile mark t table of 1.974. So rate t count obtained more big from t table (2.087 > 1.974) and sig. 0.033 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. With thereby could concluded that justice organization influential positive and significant to development career lecturer. So the more good justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then development career the lecturer will too increase.

c.      Influence Motivation Work To Development Career Lecturer

Based on results calculation like the table above, is known mark t count for variable motivation work is 3.723, meanwhile mark t table of 1.974. So rate t count obtained more big from t table (3.723 > 1.974) and a sig value of 0.000 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. With thereby could concluded that motivation work influential positive and significant to development career lecturer. So the more tall motivation work lecturer, then development career they will too increase.




Testing Influence No Live

Table 3

Influence Direct and Influence No Live

efficacy Self and Justice Organization To Motivation work and

Development Career Lecturer

Influence Variable

Influence Live

Influencer No Live through Motivation Work


X1 Y1




X2 Y1




X1 Y2




X2 Y2




Y1 Y2




X1 Y1 Y2


0.621 x 0.519 = 0.322


X2 Y1 Y2


0.667 x 0.519 = 0.346


Source : Data processed


Based on results the above calculations, then influence direct and not live could explained as following:


a.     Influence efficacy Self (X1) Against Development Career (Y2) Through Motivation Work (Y1)

Based on results test in the table above, it is known mark coefficient track influence live efficacy self (X1) against development career (Y2) of 0.318 with sig. 0.042. Whereas mark coefficient track influence efficacy self (X1) against motivation work (Y1) of 0.621 with sig. 0.000 and influence motivation work (Y1) against development career (Y2) of 0.519 with sig. 0.000. Influence no live efficacy self (X1) against development career (Y2) through motivation work (Y1) is of 0.322 (0.621 x 0.519). Because of value coefficient path X1 Y1 is significant and Y1 Y2 is also significant, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. As for value coefficient track live more small compared to with influence no direct (0.318 < 0.322), then motivation work (Y1) is strong intervening variable in improve development career lecturer. With thereby could concluded that efficacy Self influential positive and significant to Development Career through Motivation Work Lecturer. So the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then development career they will too increases, with through motivation high work.

b.     Influence Justice Organization (X2) Against Development Career (Y2) Through Motivation Work (Y1)

Based on results test in the table above, it is known coefficient track influence live justice organization (X2) against development career (Y2) of 0.311 with sig. 0.025. Whereas mark coefficient track influence justice organization (X2) against motivation work (Y1) of 0.667 with sig. 0.002 and influence motivation work (Y1) against development career (Y2) of 0.519 with sig. 0.000. Influence no live justice organization (X2) against development career (Y2) through motivation work (Y1) is of 0.346 (0.667 x 0.519). Because of value coefficient path X2 Y1 is significant and Y1 Y2 is also significant, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So rate coefficient track live more small compared to influence no direct (0.311 < 0.346), then motivation work is strong intervening variable in Upgrade development career. With thereby could concluded that justice organization influential positive and significant to development career through motivation work lecturer. So the more good justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then development career they will too increases, with through motivation high work.


Influence efficacy Self to Motivation Work Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from efficacy self to motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then motivation work they will the more increases, on the contrary when level efficacy self lecturer not enough well, then motivation work they will also be very low. Findings this has proven that level efficacy self needed in order to push increasing motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. this in line with results research conducted by Nur Asia Hasibuan & Syahrizal 92019) that efficacy self influential positive and significant to motivation work, then results study Aprilius Nico Holong Silalahi & Anita Silvianita (2021) that self-efficacy influential significant to motivation work.

Influence Justice Organization to Motivation Work Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from justice organization to motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more good justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then motivation work they will also be very tall, vice versa when justice organization not enough well. then motivation work the lecturer will too the more decreased. Findings this has proven that justice organization needed in order to push enhancement motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. this in line with results research conducted by Wiwiek & Aliandes Sondakh (2015) that justice organization influential positive and significant to motivation work.

Influence efficacy Self to Development Career Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from efficacy self to development career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more good efficacy self, then development career the lecturer will too the more increases, on the contrary when efficacy self not enough well, then development career neither does the lecturer will increase. Findings this has boutique that efficacy self needed in order to push enhancement floating career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. this in line with results research conducted by Nur Asia Hasibuan & Syahrizal (2019) that efficacy self influential positive and significant to planning career. However different with results study Masyotah Agri Syafira, et al (2020) that efficacy self no influential to development career.

Influence Justice Organization to Development Career Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from justice organization to development career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more good justice organization, then development career the lecturer will too the more increases, on the contrary when justice organization not enough well, then development career neither does the lecturer will increase. Findings this has proven that justice organization needed in order to push enhancement development career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. this in line with results research conducted by (Lukiyana & Arsinta, 2020) that justice organization influential positive and significant to development career. Then results research by (Mada et al., 2017) that justice organization influential positive and significant to motivation work.

Influence Motivation Work to Development Career Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from motivation work to floating career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more tall motivation work, then floating career the lecturer will too the more increases, on the contrary when motivation work low, then development career neither does the lecturer will increase. Findings this has boutique that motivation work needed in order to push enhancement career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. this in line with results study baby conducted by Nur Asia Hasibuan & Syahrizal (2019) that that motivation work influential positive and significant planning career.

Influence efficacy Self to Development Career through Motivation Work Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from efficacy self to development career through motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more good efficacy self, then development career lecturer will the more increase, of course through motivation high work, on the other hand when efficacy self low, then development career lecturer no will increase, of course through motivation low work. Study this give findings that motivation work have role in Upgrade development career lecturer in a manner no direct, because influence live efficacy self to development career more small compared to with influence no live through motivation work. this in line with results research conducted by Nur Asia Hasibuan & Syahrizal (2019) that that motivation work mediate influence Among efficacy self with planning career.

Influence Justice Organization to Development Career through Motivation Work Lecturer

Based on results the above analysis, then could is known that there is influence positive and significant from justice organization to development career through motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta. So the more good justice organization, then development career lecturer will the more increase, of course through motivation high work, on the other hand when justice organization low, then development career lecturer no will increase, of course through motivation low work. Study this give findings that motivation work have role in Upgrade development career lecturer in a manner no direct, because influence live justice organization to development career more small compared to with influencer no live through motivation work. this in line with results research conducted by Nur Asia Hasibuan & Syahrizal (2019) that influencing factors development career is motivation work, meanwhile (Lukiyana & Arsinta, 2020) that justice organization influential positive and significant to development career.


Based on discussion above, then results study this could given conclusion, as following :

efficacy self influential positive and significant to motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta, that is the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then motivation work they will also be very high, vice versa when level efficacy self lecturer not enough well, then motivation work they will also be very low.

Justice organization influential positive and significant to motivation work lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta, that is the moregood justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then motivation work they will be very high, otherwise when justice the organization felt by the lecturer not enough well, then motivation work they will also be very low

efficacy self influential positive and significant to development career lecturer at Muhammadiyah Higher Education DKI Jakarta, meaning the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then development career they will too increases, on the contrary when level efficacy self lecturer not enough well, then development career neither did they will increase.

Justice organization influential positive and significant to development career lecturer at Muhammadiyah College in DKI Jakarta, that is the moregood justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then development career they will also also will increases, on the contrary when justice the organization felt by the lecturer not enough well, then development career neither did they will increase.

Motivation work influential positive and significant to development career lecturer at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI, that is the more good level motivation work lecturer, then development career they will too the more increases, on the contrary when level motivation work lecturer low, then development career neither did they will remember.

efficacy self influential positive and significant to development career lecturer through motivation work at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, that is the more good level efficacy self lecturer, then development career the lecturer will too increase with through motivation high work, on the other hand when level efficacy self lecturer low, then development career neither does the lecturer will increase with through motivation low work.

Justice organization influential positive and significant to development career lecturer through motivation work at Muhammadiyah Higher Education in DKI Jakarta, that is the more good justice organization perceived by the lecturer, then development career they will too increases, on the contrary when justice the organization felt by the lecturer low, then development career neither did they will increase with through motivation low work.


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Copyright holders:

M. Yusuf, Cecep Haryoto, Nazifah Husainah (2022)


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Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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