KEYWORDS Child Marriage; SEKOPER PKH; Community
Development; Bondowoso. |
ABSTRACT Child marriage is one of the serious problems faced by Bondowoso Regency. As a district with the lowest economic level and high child marriage rates, the quality of life and generations in Bondowoso Regency are threatened and vulnerable because of socio-economic problems such as poverty and high divorce rates, health problems such as increased maternal and child mortality, increased stunting rates, and malnutrition. One of the villages in Bondowoso which has problems with child marriage is Mengen Village. To overcome these problems, the Department of Social Affairs of Bondowoso which focused on the empowerment of women and protection for children (P3AKB) launched the Women's School program to improve the quality of life or Sekolah Perempuan Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup (SEKOPER PKH) which aims to improve the quality of PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan, Government Incentive Program) beneficiaries. SEKOPER PKH has been up and running since 2018 and focuses on household financial management. The presence of a community development grant scheme by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) University of Jember can help solve the problem of child marriage in Bondowoso. The approach used to solve this is the grounded method with the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method to collect data and evidence as the basis for preparing textbooks and modules. After the module and reference book has been published, the team will conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) to improve the ability of teaching for voluntary teachers. When the voluntary teachers have the ability to teach and implement the teaching module properly, the module will be implemented to the PKH beneficiaries. |
Various social and economic issues in Bondowoso
Regency have had a large social impact. These social and economic includes (1) Bondowoso
has 31% stunting rate (third highest rate in East Java) due to high number of
child marriage (Bahri, 2022b), and (2) Bondowoso
is the ninth poorest regency in East Java with 14,73% poverty rate (Jalil, 2022). According to the poverty indicators
published by Ministry of Social Affairs Indonesia, Poverty in Bondowoso mainly caused by three supporting factors, (1)
Malnutrition, (2) Low participation and quality of education, and (3) Low
awareness among its people (Hermawati et al., 2015).
To this day, Bondowoso remains as one of East Java�s
most underdeveloped regency in the regards of social and economic problems (Statistik,
In Bondowoso Regency, the number of requests for
dispensation letters for child marriage during the COVID-19 pandemic has been
increase. Prior to the pandemic, namely in 2018, the number of applications for
letters of dispensation for child marriage registered at the Bondowoso
religious court was only 133 application letters. During the pandemic, this
number increased by 124 percent to 299 in 2019. Two years later, this figure
increased sharply by 709 percent, or 1.077 child marriages in 2020 (Izza, 2022). The government
has not yet released data for 2021, but it is believed that the number will
increase again from the previous year.
Statistic� 1
�The number of Child Marriage
Applicants as recorded in the Department of Religious Affairs, Bondowoso
This figure is the number of requests for dispensation
that were formally filed with the religious court. In addition, there are still
many couples who marry children without going through the state's official
marriage, namely by carrying out a formal marriage (religious marriage) without
any official registration from the state (Pinem, Amini, &
Nasution, 2021). Bondowoso
Regency in East Java Province is one of the poorest regions in Indonesia until
2020 (Molasy, Zemła,
Mrowiec, & Kusnierz, 2022), this
predicate is due to various factors including the high number of child
marriages. Child marriages in Bondowoso Regency are caused by various reasons,
ranging from economic difficulties to reluctance to continue their studies (Bahri,
2022). This is a serious
problem because the increase in child marriage rates will reduce the quality of
the next generation. Child marriage has the potential to cause stunting, domestic
violence, divorce, maternal mortality, poverty, and malnutrition (Eriyanti & Makmur,
Interventions to improve the quality of life for
families, especially the poor in Bondowoso, have been initiated by the research team at the University of Jember by
involving a number of institutions in Bondowoso (Istiawan, 2017). The
intervention was carried out by initiating the SEKOPER PKH (Sekolah
Perempuan) program in collaboration with the Government of Bondowoso
Regency, especially the Department of
Social Affairs Bondowoso. SEKOPER PKH is a
School for Women to Improve the Quality of Life for poor families (MemoIndonesia,
2022). This program has
been started since 2018 by establishing a non-formal school aimed at mothers
who are recipients of government social assistance (Program Keluarga Harapan) (Yusnita, Adeni, &
Anwar, 2022).
Figure� 1
�Focus Group
Discussion 2: Curriculum Development SEKOPER PKH (Bondowoso, 2nd August 2022)
The SEKOPER PKH program is directed at supporting the
UNESCO program, that is �lifelong learning�, where every community regardless
of age has the right to education (Aspin
& Chapman, 2000). This
program is intended to improve the welfare and economic empowerment of poor
families. In addition, this program is also aimed at raising awareness of the
poor on the importance of education for children.
Currently, as many as 63.062 mothers from poor
families are enrolled as PKH SEKOPER students. Apart from that, there are more
than 200 volunteers who are registered as teachers in SEKOPER PKH. This program
is jointly managed by the Bondowoso Regency Social Service and the University
of Jember academic community. Moreover, several departments and institutions are also
involved in the preparation of curricula and modules. Among them are the Department of Education Bondowoso, Department of Health Bondowoso, Ministry of Religious Affairs in Bondowoso, NGOs and
elements of the surrounding universities (Eleanora, Ismail, &
Lestari, 2022).
Since 2018, this program has been successful in
improving people's welfare, such as helping to reduce the stunting rate from
38.2% in 2018 to 12.3% in 2020. In fact, in 2021 this program has succeeded in
bringing Bondowoso Regency to reduce stunting. SEKOPER PKH has also succeeded
in helping Bondowoso Regency reduce the poverty rate from 14.39% in 2018 to
13.33% in 2019. In fact, in 2021, SEKOPER PKH received an award from the
Bondowoso Regent as the most innovative program.
Unfortunately, the problem of high child marriage has
not been part of the curriculum taught in�
SEKOPER PKH's. In fact, this problem is quite crucial in Bondowoso
Regency. Through assistance from several devotion grants, such activities
are currently being carried out to improve the SEKOPER PKH curriculum by
incorporating materials on preventing child marriage for SEKOPER PKH students.
In addition, this assistance activity from the Australian Government will also
design a module on preventing child marriage which will be taught to mothers of
SEKOPER PKH students.
To provide support for the program invented, through
the community development grant scheme, this proposal is directed at providing
training to PKH teacher/facilitator volunteers. Apart from that, this proposal
is also aimed at implementing this program in one class in Mengen Village,
Tamanan District. Regardless of being a foster village for the University of
Jember for a long time, this village was chosen because the number of early marriages
in Mengen Village is very high.
Thus, SEKOPER PKH is expected to help reduce the
number of child marriages in Bondowoso Regency, especially in Mengen Village,
Tamanan District, Bondowoso with the help of the community development grant
This study collects data through Focus
Group Discussion (FGD) activities, it requires clear and specific answers in
solving problems and include experts who can provide the socioeconomic and
cultural context regarding the problems. By using FGD method, the data
collected will be more systematic and focused with relevant sources.
Focus Group Discussion in this study was
conducted four times. The first FGD, held on June 8 2022 in Bondowoso,
this FGD discussed the preparation of the curriculum for Quality-of-Life
Improvement Women's Schools (SEKOPER PKH). The second FGD, held on 2 August
2022 in the Nahdlatul Ulama Bondowoso
High School Hall, discussed the preparation of the SEKOPER PKH module through a
religious perspective with Religious Leaders in Bondowoso.
The third FGD, held on 18 August 2022 at the IsDB
Building, University of Jember, discussed the
development of teaching modules which were re-enhanced, especially in the
arguments of religion and the Marriage Law, this FGD was attended by the
SEKOPER PKH coordinator and the University of Jember
team. The fourth FGD, held on 9 September 2022 in Bondowoso,
discussed module development through suggestions and input from various experts
in the fields of religion, education, health, and social matters.
Beside FGD, this project also uses training
method for the Training of Trainers (ToT) activities.
The training of trainers activity will include
facilitators and voluntary teachers from SEKOPER PKH who will implement the
teaching module at Mengen Village, Bondowoso. The
team focused on how to empower women as participants of SEKOPER PKH, because
one of the models of development in the relations of increasing women�s role is
through empowerment (Eriyanti,
1. Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
The Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) were held to construct a new curriculum and develop teaching module for
SEKOPER PKH. The new curriculum discussed about preventing child marriage,
nutrition for family, financial management, and the function of the family. The
FGD was held for five times to maximize the output of this activity. This
activity will have two outputs, (1) Reference Book, and (2) Teaching Module.
June 8 2022, the first FGD was held in Bondowoso. The FGD
involved many stakeholders such as Department
Social Affairs Bondowoso, Department of Health Bondowoso, Department of Education Bondowoso, Coordinator of PKH Program, Local Ministry of Religious Affairs, and Religious and
Public Figures.
The FGD focused on curriculum development which
would later be used in making the teaching modules
The discussion covered curriculum materials and delivery methods. besides that
it also discussed the number of meetings of SEKOPER PKH.
second FGD was then held on August 2, 2022. After the first FGD, a module draft
was produced which later became the focus of discussion in this FGD meeting.
Where in this discussion stakeholders such as religious leaders highlighted one
of the contents of the module which discussed the purpose of marriage through
religious arguments. The contents of the religious propositions used in the
module discuss a lot about the adequacy of marriage age. From this content,
many reflections from religious leaders resulted in an agreement that the
content regarding the adequacy of marriage age would not be discussed in depth
because it would open up space for debate between students and the facilitator.
The third FGD was held on August 18 2022. The meeting was attended by PKH
Facilitators. In this FGD, on this event, the
stakeholders discussed the religious argument that contained in the reference
book. These religious views are still needs to be discussed and filtered
because the religious culture in Bondowoso is still
implemented fully. To avoid
controversy and public debate, the agreed follow-up action is not to include names of scholars from certain
Then, FGD 4 was
held in Bondowoso on September 9th.
The FGD involved the ministry of religion and also the ministry of health. The
Ministry of Religion also highlighted the selection of religious sources. Therefore
it resulted in an agreement to re-correct the arguments used so that during
implementation it could be accepted by PKH Sekoper participants. After
that the 5th FGD was held on Tuesday 25 October 2022. Where this FGD was the
last FGD before the Training of Trainers. This FGD resulted in an agreement
regarding the ToT plan and a focus on discussing ToT technicalities. Such as
the selection of places and also the selection of participants from 3 districts
of the SEKOPER PKH object.
There are two outputs of this activity, which is the
reference book and teaching module. The teaching module contains (1) Function
of the family, (2) Phase of Psychological and Reproductive development of
Children, (3) Family management, (4) Impact of Child Marriage, (5) The Function
of Marriage, and (6) Nutrition and Financial Management of a Family.
Figure 2
�Reference book and Teaching Module SEKOPER PKH
Training of
Trainers (ToT)
SEKOPER PKH journey was continued with the ToT
to provide provisions for the Trainers. The ToT activity was carried out for 3
days on November 18-20 2022. This activity provided training to 18 trainers
from 3 sub-districts, namely Tamanan, Grujugan and Maesan sub-districts. The
ToT activities also present experts to provide material. Like Mrs. Ellyda, an
expert in economics who provides material on financial management to the
trainers. Apart from that, there is also a lovely lady who provides material in
the field of Psychological and Reproductive Development of Children as well as
Parenting and Family Functions. Not only that, the implementation of the ToT
was also filled by Mr. H. Mas'ud as one of the religious leaders who also gave
his role. Mr. H. Mas'ud gave material regarding the purpose of marriage from a
religious perspective.
Figure 3
of Trainers SEKOPER PKH
The expected outcome of this ToT activity is that the trainers and voluntary teachers of
SEKOPER PKH will have the knowledge regarding the reference book and teaching
module, and how to present it towards the SEKOPER PKH students. Therefore, the
intensive activity was held for three days to make sure that the trainers will
qualify to train the SEKOPER PKH students.
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����������������������������������������������������������� Copyright
Sus Eko
Zuhri Ernada, Honest Dody Molasy, Linda Dwi Eriyanti, Bachtiar
Nur Budiman, Bella Dewi Safitri
First publication right:
Devotion - Journal of Research and Community
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