Volume 3, Number 14, December 2022

e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915






Cornelius Umarwoko Daniarto, Wateno Oetomo, Esti Wulandari

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




value engineering, cost saving, embung


Controlling the cost and time of project implementation is important in a project management process. In this research, a value engineering analysis will be carried out on the Ampelsari Reservoir construction plan to determine the most effective and cost-efficient alternative construction design. The application of value engineering to determine the amount of construction cost savings with a work plan includes: Information Stage, Creative Stage, Analysis Stage, and Recommendation Stage. The results of the value engineering analysis in this study obtained construction cost savings of Rp. 1,624,162,703.65 or 6.16% of the total initial design cost, with alternative designs selected in 3 (three) types of work, on Spillway Work with K-225 Reinforced Concrete and Cyclop Concrete work items (A3), on Gate Valve House Work with Concrete Rebate and U-Ditch 30 x 30 work items (B3), on Reservoir Work with HDPE Pipe work items dia. 2.5" (C2). 2.5" (C2)



In carrying out a building or other structure construction project, a fee is required so that the project can run. Before the building owner decides to proceed with the project to the design and construction stage, a budget needs to be prepared in advance (Andriani et al., 2019). This budget is often an obstacle, because it is a limit to the amount of money that must be spent to carry out a construction project. But everyone is interested in saving costs and everyone is trying to find an investment that can generate the maximum return on investment (Amir & Zakia, 2018). The application of value engineering in the field of construction is an approach that is carried out systematically by a team of many disciplines that focuses on value and function. The application of Value Engineering in construction projects has the potential for considerable savings from the project budget. The application of value engineering in construction projects, the techniques and alternatives used are different, this is due to the approach used, cultural conditions, and different procurement systems (Putra et al., 2018). There are still many inefficiencies in the implementation of building construction at this time, so it is necessary to carry out a design review or value engineering so that unnecessary costs and efforts can be eliminated or reduced so that the value or cost of the project can be even more economical. (Syafira et al., 2020).

The plan to build the Ampelsari Reservoir in Ampelsari Village, Pasrepan District, Pasuruan Regency is one of the efforts to conserve water, and use it for raw water needs and irrigation water, as well as reduce flooding (Bahri & Indryani, 2018). The Ampelsari Reservoir is planned to be 14.6 m high, 50.65 m long, with an inundation area of 5,384 m2 and a storage volume of 19,062 m3. Construction of the body of the reservoir is planned in the form of landfill imported from the Borrow Area. The benefits of the reservoir are to supply the raw water needs of the Ampelsari village of 6.39 l/s and also to supply irrigation for the Wijeng Irrigation Area of 88 Ha with a Paddy-Palawija-Palawija cropping pattern with a Planting Index of 260% and an operational reliability of 88%. In addition, the Ampelsari Embung has the potential to reduce flood peaks by 78% with an inflow of 39.92 m3/sec and an outflow of 8.66 m3/sec (Baskara, 2019).

In this research, value engineering analysis will be carried out in the Embung Ampelsari construction plan to determine the most effective and efficient construction design alternatives. So that it can determine the amount of construction cost savings with the application of value engineering (Bertolini et al., 2015).

Value Engineering (Value Engineering)

Value engineering is the systematic evaluation of the engineering design of a project to get the most value for each dollar spent. Furthermore, Value Engineering examines and considers the various components of activities such as procurement, fabrication, and construction as well as other activities in relation to costs and functions, with the aim of reducing overall project costs. (Fisk et al., 1982)

The definition of value engineering related to use in construction projects (Zimmerman & Hart, 1982) is:

1.   An Oriented System, an identification technique, eliminates unnecessary costs

2.   A Multidiciplin Team Approach, a cost-saving technique involving the entire team, across multiple fields.

3.   A Proven Management Tecnique, a proven and guaranteed cost saving technique

4.   An Oriented Function, oriented to the function required for each item

5.   Life Cycle Cost Oriented, oriented to the total costs required during the production process, optimizing operations.

Information Stage

Pareto Charts

A Pareto chart is a bar chart combined with a line chart to show a parameter being measured. It can be a frequency of occurrence or a certain value, so that the dominant parameter can be identified. Become a standard method in quality control in order to get maximum results. Also considered as a form of a simple approach that is easily understood by workers, and can be used as a solution tool in complex fields (Diputera et al., 2018).

The Pareto principle is a logical approach to a probability distribution that has a strong rule of thumb that coincides with the social sciences, science, geophysics, and those related to estimation. Often referred to as the 80-20 principle. This is because this principle states that about 80% of results are actually produced by 20% of inputs or drives (Ani Firda, 2018).


Cost/Worth Ratio

The function analysis process uses the Cost/Worth (C/W) ratio equation which analyzes the cost of elements with the cost of the function of these elements (Retno & Hastuti, 2002).

Index Function Analysis = Cost / Worth

Where cost is the total cost of a work item and worth is a form of cost that only has a functional value to that work item. In the function analysis stage, if the index value is obtained > 1, then some of these work items have the potential to be carried out by Value Engineering. A high cost-to-worth ratio for a work item indicates that the work item has high cost savings, and will be selected for further analysis (Khamim & Harsanti, 2015).

Analysis Stage

Zero - One matrix

The zero-one matrix is a decision-making method that aims to determine the priority order of functions (criteria). The principle of this method is to determine the relativity of a "more important" or "less important" function to other functions. Functions that are "more important" are given a value of one, while values that are "less important" are given a value of zero (Mahyuddin, 2020). Then by comparison an index will be obtained for each criterion which will later become a calculation parameter in determining the value of decision making for each alternative based on predetermined criteria. (Julien, 1999)



The subject of this study was the planning for the development of the Ampelsari Embung in Ampelsari Village, Pasrepan District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province, and the researchers made a comparison of the initial designs by analyzing alternative construction designs, calculating the volume of work and calculating the construction costs of all design alternatives.



Information Stage

Project information, basic project data in this study are based on the results of the detailed planning of the Ampelsari Embung design which has been carried out within the Brantas River Basin Center. The budget plan data for the construction of the Ampelsari Embung are as follows.


Table 1

Recapitulation of the Project Cost Budget Plan


Job description

Total price


Preparatory work

Rp. 39,042,235.24


Reservoir Body Work

Rp. 4,226,745,701.67


Spillway work (overflow)

Rp. 5,693,832,457.09


Intake work (inlet-outlet)

Rp. 1,251,317,923.03


Gate Valve Homework

Rp. 2,183,572,627.64


Reservoir Work

Rp. 1,491,079,673.45


Public Hydrant Works

Rp. 1,383,675,256.15


Complementary Building Works

Rp. 1,088,156,308.09



Rp. 15,557,422,182.35

Source: BBWS Brantas, 2020


Breakdown Costs

Breakdown cost to identify elements of work that have the potential to have a high level of cost and value engineering analysis can be carried out next.

Table 2

Breakdown Cost Project Cost

Source: BBWS Brantas, 2020

Pareto Charts

Pareto chart to identify and classify work items according to the project plan and the amount of the planned costs. Next, make a list and order the amount of the cost plan from the largest to the lowest cost plan. By calculating the cumulative quantity and cumulative percentage, a Pareto chart can be drawn.


Table 3

Project Cost Percentage Ranking

Source: Analysis, 2022


Figure 1

Project Pareto Chart

Source: Analysis, 2022


The results of the Pareto Diagram analysis with the 80%/20% law on the overall project cost plan, there are 4 (four) types of work that have the potential to be value engineered, namely:

1.   Spillway Work

2.   Reservoir Body Work

3.   Gate Valve Homework

4.   Reservoir Work (Reservoir)

Furthermore, for 4 (four) types of work, Pareto Diagram analysis was carried out to determine work items that could be value engineered.

1.   Abundant Work

Figure 2

Overflow Jobs Pareto Chart

Source: Analysis, 2022


The results of the Pareto Diagram analysis on Overflowing Works, there are 2 (two) work items that have the potential for value engineering, namely:

� Stone Pair 1PC : 4PP

� Dump Truck Transporting Materials a distance of 5 km


2.   Reservoir Body Work

Figure 3

Reservoir Body Work Pareto Chart

Source: Analysis, 2022


The results of the Pareto Diagram analysis on the Reservoir Body Work, there is 1 (one) work item that has the potential for value engineering, namely:

� Heaps of Preferred Land 10 km away

3.   Gate Valve Homework

Figure 4

Gate Valve Homework Pareto Diagram

Source: Analysis, 2022

The results of the Pareto Diagram analysis on Gate Valve Homework, there are 4 (four) work items that have the potential for value engineering, namely:

� Stone Pair 1PC : 4PP

� Dump Truck Transporting Materials a distance of 5 km

� paving

� Soil excavation

4.   Reservoir Work

Figure 5

Reservoir Work Pareto Chart

Source: Analysis, 2022



The results of the Pareto Diagram analysis on Reservoir Works, there is 1 (one) work item that has the potential for value engineering, namely:

� GIP pipe 2.5" diameter


Cost/Worth Ratio

Function analysis using the Cost/Worth ratio equation which analyzes the cost of work items with the cost of work item functions, based on the price of each work item. By analyzing the main function (Primary) and supporting function (Secondary), so as to know the comparison between the costs and the value of the benefits needed to produce these functions. In the function analysis stage, if the value of the Cost/Worth ratio index is obtained > 1 then the work item has the potential to be subject to value engineering analysis at a later stage. The results of the analysis for each type of work that has the potential to be value engineered are as follows:

Table 4

Cost/Worth Function Analysis


Job description



C/W ratio


Spillway Work _





Reservoir Body Work





Gate Valve Homework





Reservoir Work




Source: Analysis, 2022


In the function analysis stage, it is obtained that the index value of the Cost/Worth ratio is obtained > 1, so the work item has the potential for value engineering analysis to be carried out at a later stage.

Based on the results of the analysis of the Pareto Chart and the Cost/Worth Ratio, it is known that there are 4 (four) types of work that have the potential to carry out value engineering analysis. However, for the type of pond body work, no further analysis is carried out, because the work item for selected landfills at a distance of 10 km is a work item that is planned to be taken from the quarry area at a distance of 10 km, which has been analyzed and determined during the initial design planning, starting from soil data, stability and sufficient volume availability for homogeneous backfill embankment material. So that 3 (three) types of work will be carried out in the next stage of value engineering at the creative stage. that is:

1.   Spillway Work

2.   Gate Valve Homework

3.   Reservoir Work (Reservoir)


Creative Stage

The creative stage is to formulate and think about other alternatives that can fulfill the same use or function as the initial plan. Based on the results of the analysis at the information stage, the types and items of work that can be carried out by design alternatives are obtained, including the following:

Table 5

Abundant Job Alternatives



Job description




Stone Pair 1PC : 4PP




K225 Reinforced Concrete & Fitting. Stone 1PC : 4PP




K225 Reinforced Concrete & Cyclops Concrete


Source: Analysis, 2022

Table 6

Gate Valve Homework Alternatives



Job description



Stone Pair 1PC : 4PP




Rebate & Fitting Concrete. Stone 1PC : 4PP




Rebate Concrete & U-Ditch 30 x 30


Source: Analysis, 2022


Table 7

Reservoir Job Alternatives



Job description



GIP pipe dia. 2.5"



HDPE pipe dia. 2.5"



PVC pipe AW dia. 2.5"

Source: Analysis, 2022


Analysis Stage

The analysis phase, in selecting project alternatives, is always related to determining the best of the available alternatives.


Implementation Costs

Analysis of the budget plan based on the design alternatives that have been determined.

Table 8

Recapitulation of Alternative Design Budget Plans



Job description

Price Friday


Cost Savings (Rp.)



Abundant Work





Stone Pair 1PC : 4PP





K225 Reinforced Concrete & Fitting. Stone 1PC : 4PP





K225 Reinforced Concrete & Cyclops Concrete





Gate Valve Homework





Stone Pair 1PC : 4PP





Rebate & Fitting Concrete. Stone 1PC : 4PP





Rebate Concrete & U-Ditch 30 x 30





Reservoir Work





GIP pipe dia. 2.5"





HDPE pipe dia. 2.5"





PVC pipe AW dia. 2.5"



Source: Analysis, 2022


Alternative Determination

Feasibility Analysis

Next is the development stage of the analysis results from the previous stage. To select the best alternative using the zero-one method to find the weight of the proposed criteria according to the results of the feasibility analysis. The criteria in the feasibility analysis are as follows:

I.            Plan Budget ����� 0 = Expensive 10 = Inexpensive

II.          Job Implementation Time ������� 0 = Long ������������������� 10 = Fast

III.        Material Availability ��������������� 0 = Difficult �������������� 10 = Easy

IV.       Design Technical �������������������� 0 = Not Compliant ���� 10 = Safe

V.          Function Effectiveness ������������ 0 = Ineffective ���������� 10 = Effective

VI.       Work Execution Method ��������� 0 = Complicated ������� 10 = Simple

VII.     Human Resources ������������������� 0 = Many ������������������ 10 = Few

VIII.   Supervision of Implementation 0 = Strict ������� ����������� 10 = Normal


Table 9

Results of the Overflow Job Feasibility Analysis

Source: Analysis, 2022








Table 10

Gate Valve Homework

Source : Analysis, 2022


Table 11

Reservoir Job Feasibility Analysis Results

Source : Analysis, 2022


Table 12

Zero - One Method Criteria Weight

Source: Analysis, 2022


Table 13

Criteria weight recapitulation







Budget plan





Design Technical





Time of execution of work





Work Implementation Methods





Human Resources





Implementation Supervision





Function Effectiveness





Availability of Materials




Source: Analysis, 2022


After obtaining the weight values of all the alternative criteria used, the final weighting is carried out with an evaluation matrix. Part of this method is to find out the priority value of an item that is presented by evaluating alternatives for each type of work.

Table 14

Overflow Job Alternative Evaluation Matrix

Source: Analysis, 2022

Table 15

Gate Valve Work Alternative Evaluation Matrix

Source: Analysis, 2022


Table 16

Reservoir Job Alternative Evaluation Matrix

Source: Analysis, 2022


Recommendation Stage

The final stage of the value engineering process, which consists of preparing and presenting the conclusions of the value engineering analysis results. Reports prioritize facts and information to support arguments. The results of the analysis of the application of value engineering determined the type of work on the construction of the reservoir that could be value engineered, including:

1.       Overflow work, the initial design is in the form of masonry work items 1PC: 4PP with alternative designs chosen to be K-225 Reinforced Concrete and Cyclop Concrete (A3), from an initial design fee of Rp. 5,693,832,457.09 after engineering the value of the cost to Rp. 5,497,207,098.27 there is a cost savings of Rp. 196,625,358.82 or 3.45%.

2.       Gate Valve Homework, the initial design is in the form of masonry work items 1PC: 4PP with alternative designs chosen to be Rebate Concrete and U-Ditch 30 x 30 (B3), from an initial design fee of Rp. 2,183,572,627.64 after engineering the value of the cost to Rp. 1,541,912,231.04 there is a cost savings of Rp. 641,660,396.60 or 29.39%.

3.       Reservoir work, the initial design was in the form of a 2.5 diameter GIP pipe work item with an alternative design chosen to be dia HDPE pipe. 2.5" (C2), from the initial design cost of Rp. 1,491,079,673.45 after engineering the cost value to Rp. 705,202,725.22 there was a cost savings of Rp. 785,876,948.23 or 52.71 %.

So that the overall construction cost of the initial design project is Rp. 17,557,422,182.35 after the application of value engineering with the selected alternative designs amounted to Rp.15,933,259,478.70. There is an overall saving in project construction costs of IDR 1,624,162,703.65 or 9.25% of the entire initial design cost.


Table 17

�Recapitulation of Construction Cost Savings

Source: Analysis, 2022






Based on the results of the application of value engineering in this study, the following conclusions were obtained:

�  The selected construction design alternatives are 3 (three) types of work, 1) Overflow Work with Reinforced Concrete K-225 and Cyclop Concrete (A3) work items; 2) Gate Valve Homework with Rebate Concrete work items and U-Ditch 30 x 30 (B3); 3) Reservoir work with HDPE pipe work items dia. 2.5" (C2).

With the selected design alternative there is a construction cost saving of Rp.1,624,162,703.65 or 9.25% of the overall initial design cost .




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Copyright holders:

Cornelius Umarwoko Daniarto, Wateno Oetomo, Esti Wulandari (2022)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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