Text Box: Volume 3, Number 14, December 2022
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Alfi Mufida Ahmad, Agung Wahyu Handaru, Osly Usman

Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Workload, Work Stress and Work-Life Balance on Employee Performance


In order to ultimately boost business earnings, this study tries to ascertain the impact of workload, work stress, and work-life balance on employee performance. Descriptive quantitative research methodology is employed. This study used an unlimited number of startup employees in Jakarta as its population. The nonprobability sampling approach is employed in the sampling procedure. According to the research's findings, employee performance among startup workers in Jakarta is significantly improved by workload. Because of this, the company's performance expectations will not be met the more work the employees feel they are expected to do. Workload significantly influences how stressed out startup employees in Jakarta feel at work. Thus, employees experience more stress the more work they have to do. Work-life balance for startup employees in Jakarta is significantly impacted by workload. As a result, employees feel less of a work-life balance as their burden increases. Workplace stress significantly affects startup employees' productivity in Jakarta. Employee performance suffers as a result of increased work stress. Work-life balance significantly influences how well startup employees in Jakarta perform at work. Therefore, the greater the employee's success for the organization, the better the ability to manage work and personal life. Work-life balance is significantly impacted by work stress for startup employees in Jakarta. Therefore, the employee would experience less stress the better he can balance his life. work stress and workload have a significant effect on employee performance. this means that the amount of burden and stress felt by employees causes employee performance to decrease. workload, work stress have a significant effect on work-life balance. this means that workload and work stress will be reduced when employees can balance their lives. workload, work life balance has a significant effect on employee performance. This means that the demands of work will cause difficulties for employees to balance between personal life and work life. Work-life balance is significantly impacted by workload and workplace stress. Employees will perform better when they can balance their personal and professional life, which will lessen work-related stress. workload, work stress and work life balance affect performance. this means that workload and work stress will decrease when employees can balance their lives so that employees will improve their performance.



Human Resources (HR) plays a crucial function for a business or organization in this era of globalization. Because the company's ability to successfully accomplish its objectives depends on the skills of its human resources, or personnel. Employees are an organization's most valuable resource when it comes to attaining its goals, and those that perform well can significantly contribute to the tasks that need to be completed. The effectiveness of a program of activities on policy in achieving the goals, objectives, vision, and mission of the business as outlined in its strategic planning is demonstrated by the performance of its personnel.

Employee performance is the result of the actions taken by human resources or employees within a specific time frame to carry out their jobs in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to them. Every employee anticipates that the work they do at work will be able to meet their demands and, if they are, will result in a sense of satisfaction. Researchers are interested in the study's performance variables because there has been a Covid-19 virus outbreak since 2020, which prevents several industries from operating normally and results in government-imposed mobility restrictions that have an impact on workers, in this case those working for startup businesses. Startup businesses in Jakarta are still accepting applications for remote work arrangements. Work from home or anywhere, according to research by Mustajab in (Aji & Lataruva, 2022) has a negative impact on performance. Some employees who work from home become less productive because there aren't any work support resources like computers or internet networks, and they may also experience other disorders like feeling overwhelmed by their surroundings. This is consistent with the findings of a pre-survey carried out by researchers, where 73 percent of respondents (22 employees) said they could finish work in the office as opposed to at home. This statement came to the conclusion that working from home involves several challenges, making it difficult to execute tasks accurately and on time.

Every company, regardless of its sphere of operation, will seek company growth. To support this objective, every organization must consider the work-life balance of each employee. It is anticipated that the establishment of a solid work-life balance for each employee would result in a significant improvement in performance, which will have a positive effect on the company's profitability. According to Robbins & Coulter (Robbins, 2016), individuals with a supportive, family-friendly workplace report greater job satisfaction. Companies who do not establish work-life balance for their employees will have difficulty attracting and retaining qualified workers. A good firm or organization must guarantee that its employees are not overworked, as this can result in an unbalanced life outside of work and deteriorated health, which can lead to employee stress, decreased productivity, and decreased job satisfaction. The relationship between workload, work stress, and job satisfaction and work-life balance can be stated.

A startup company is a new business characterized by technological innovation. In general, millennials and zentennials make up the majority of startup companies' workforce. Where startup companies utilize a distinct work environment than established enterprises. This is achieved in part by offering a pleasant working environment with a variety of conveniences. In addition, employees have the ability to select their work location and work hours.

Based on the findings of a preliminary survey performed by researchers on work-life balance, 73 percent (22 employees) reported that work had interfered with their personal lives. This indicates that employees of startup companies in Jakarta do not have a healthy work-life balance, therefore they frequently neglect their personal needs in favor of work. According to the information provided by the employee of the startup, this is due to the fact that they continue to work after returning home, and even on weekends. Workload is another element that can reduce work-life balance. According to (Cooper, 2001), employees' work stress will be affected by their workload. A high workload will make employees to feel pressurized by the demands that must be met, causing them to feel uncomfortable and confused if they are unable to meet the company's or organization's demands.

In addition, researchers conducted a preliminary poll on workplace stress and discovered that 73 percent (22 employees) felt workplace stress due to the fact that they were required to complete work rapidly. In this instance, the researcher stated that excessive workload and rapid processing time contributed to employee anxiety. According to the information provided by the respondents, their workload was excessive because they were frequently asked to perform additional tasks. In addition, they are frequently required to do work fast during work hours.

High work demands prevent people from taking time off and relaxing. Job demands are caused by an excessive workload and a lack of time to complete tasks. This can result in employees becoming worried and sad, which has a negative effect on their performance and hinders the company's ability to achieve its goals. In addition, employees who lack a work-life balance will experience demotivation at work, which will have a negative effect on their mental health. In addition, according to a work poll performed by Blind Insider with 11,000 respondents from the 30 largest IT companies, 57.1% of employees reported experiencing burnout/work stress.



A population is a set (total number) of individuals or units with characteristics to be investigated (the quality and size on which an evaluation is based) by the researcher (Raihan, 2017). This study will use an infinite population, as the total number of startup employees in Jakarta is not bounded.

According to Sugiono (Sugiono, 2013), samples comprise a portion of the population's size and features. If the population is exceedingly huge and the researcher does not have the resources, time, or energy to examine every member of the community, then the researcher can use samples from that population.

This study employs a nonprobability sampling strategy, in which not every element or person of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. With the type of purposive sampling, specifically the method of determining samples by taking into account specific factors.

The goal of validity tests is to determine the accuracy of each item. As an experiment on the instrument test, the instrument test is a parameter of all variables in the study using a questionnaire or questionnaire, transmitting it to respondents to attest to their feelings and assumptions, albeit on a small scale. The instrument test must prioritize, among other criteria, its validity and dependability. Some of the data used in the validity test for instrument testing came from as many as thirty respondents who were samples from the research population. Minimum number of responses for questionnaire testing is thirty. With a minimum of 30 individuals, the distribution of values will resemble the normal kurve more closely. The sample used to test this instrument consisted of (120) respondents from Jakarta-based startup enterprises.

The data is then processed using SmartPLS 4.0. The calculation of the validity test is based on a comparison of r-count and r-table. For the instrument test, this study compares the values of r count and r table at a significance level of 5% for n-2 degrees of freedom. If r count is greater than r table, the question or indicator is deemed acceptable; conversely, if r count is less than r table, the question or indicator is deemed invalid (Ghozali, 2011). With 30 respondents, the r-table was found to be 0.361 in this investigation. The processed results of the variable validity test of product quality using SmartPLS 4.0 are displayed in table 1 below.


Table 1

Validity Test Results

Work Load

Employee Performance

Work Stres

Work Life Balance

Work Load 1


Work Load 2


Work Load 3


Work Load 4


Work Load 5


Work Load 6


Work Load 7


Work Load 8


Employee Performance 1


Employee Performance 2


Employee Performance 3


Employee Performance 4


Employee Performance 5


Employee Performance 6


Employee Performance 7


Employee Performance 8


Employee Performance 9


Work Stres 1


Work Stres 10


Work Stres 11


Work Stres 12


Work Stres 13


Work Stres 14


Work Stres 2


Work Stres 3


Work Stres 4


Work Stres 5


Work Stres 6


Work Stres 7


Work Stres 8


Work Stres 9


Work Life Balance 1


Work Life Balance 11


Work Life Balance 12


Work Life Balance 15


Work Life Balance 17


Work Life Balance 18


Work Life Balance 2


Work Life Balance 20


Work Life Balance 22


Work Life Balance 3


Work Life Balance 4


Work Life Balance 5


Work Life Balance 6


Work Life Balance 7


Work Life Balance 8



Reality Test (Composite Realibilty)

����������� Cronchbach's Alpha pens were used to determine the internal consistency dependability of multiple-item scales, provided that the value was more than 0.70. Composite Reliability is a statistical approach for testing the true value of variables; it can also be used to assess reliability, provided that the reliability value of Composite Reliability is always greater than Cronchbach's Alpha. The following table illustrates the SmartPLS output for composite reliability values.


Table 2

Convergent Validity

Cronbach's alpha

Composite reliability (rho_a)

Composite reliability (rho_c)

Average variance extracted (AVE)

Work Load





Employee Performance





Work Stres





Work Life Balance





Direct Effect

Table 3

Direct Effect

Original sample (O)

Sample mean (M)

Standard deviation (STDEV)

T statistics (| O/STDEV|)

P values

Work Load -> Employee Performance






Work Load -> Work Stres






Work Load -> Work Life Balance






Work Stres -> Employee Performance






Work Stres -> Work Life Balance






Work Life Balance -> Employee Performance






Workload > Employee Performance

The fact that the original sample is 0. 229 with a significance over 0.05 or 5 percent, as demonstrated by a p value of 0.033, indicates that relationships have a substantial effect.

Employee Performance is positively and significantly influenced by Workload.

Work Stress > Work Load

The original sample has a significance level below 0.05, or 5 percent, as evidenced by the p value of 0.000. This indicates that the link has a substantial impact.

Employee is positively and significantly impacted by workload. Work Pressure

Responsibility > Work-Life Balance

The original sample has a significance level of less than 0.05, or 5 percent, as evidenced by the p value of 0.014, indicating that the link has a substantial impact.

Workload has a strong and beneficial effect on Work Life Balance.

Work Stress > EmployeeWorking Conditions

The original sample has a significance level below 0.05, or 5 percent, as evidenced by the p value of 0.027, indicating that the link has a substantial impact.

Work Stress has a strong and favorable effect on Employe Performance.

Work-life equilibrium> Employeework

The initial sample size of 0. 357 with a significance level below 0.05 or 5 percent as demonstrated by a p value of 0.020 indicates that the link has a significant influence.

Employees' Work is positively and significantly affected by Work Stress.

Stress at Work > Work-Life Balance

The initial sample size of 0. 357 with a significance level below 0.05 or 5 percent as demonstrated by a p value of 0.020 indicates that the link has a significant influence.

Employees' Work is positively and significantly affected by Work Stress.




Indirect Effect

Table 4

Inderect Effect

Original sample (O)

Sample mean (M)

Standard deviation (STDEV)

T statistics (| O/STDEV|)

P values

Work Load -> Work Stres -> Employe Performance






Work Load -> Work Stres -> Work Life Balance






Work Load -> Work Life Balance -> Employe Performance






Work Stres -> Work Life Balance -> Employe Performance






Work Load -> Work Stres -> Work Life Balance -> Employe Performance







Workload > Work Stress > Performance of Employees

Based on the above table, it can be seen that the original sample is 0.180 with a significance level below 0.05 or 5 percent, as represented by a p value of 0.021, indicating a substantial positive influence.

Workload and stress are favorable effect to employee performance

Workload > Stress at Work > Work-Life Balance

It can be observed from the table above that the original sample has a significance level below 0.05 or 5%, as demonstrated by a p value of 0.000, indicating a substantial positive influence.

Workload and workplace stress significantly improve work-life balance.

Workload > Work-Life Balance > Performance of Employees

The original sample is 0. 045 with a significance level below 0.05 or 5 percent, as indicated by a p value of 0. 023, indicating that it has a substantial positive affect.

Workload and work-life balance have favorable impact on employee performance.

Work-Life Balance > Stress at Work > Employee Performance

The original sample is 0. 258 with a significance level below 0.05 or 5 percent, as demonstrated by a p value of 0.031, indicating that it has a substantial positive affect.

Workplace stress and work-life balance have a favorable effect on employee performance.

Workload > Work Stress > Work-Life Balance > Performance of Employees

The original sample is 0. 200 with a significance level below 0.05 or 5 percent, as demonstrated by a p value of 0. 041, indicating that it has a substantial positive affect.

Workload, stress at work, and work-life balance have a favorable impact on employee performance.




Following are various conclusions that can be derived from the study and debate presented above:

The workload has a considerable favorable effect on the performance of Jakarta's startup personnel. Therefore, the larger the workload felt by employees, the lower the company's performance would be.

Workload has a substantial effect on employee stress in Jakarta startups. Therefore, the bigger the amount of work, the greater the stress felt by employees.

Workload has a substantial impact on the work-life balance of Jakarta startup employees. Therefore, the greater the workload, the less work-life balance employees experience.

Work stress has a substantial impact on the work performance of Jakarta startup employees. Therefore, the more the stress at work, the less productive employees become.

Work-life balance has a huge impact on the work performance of Jakarta's startup employees. Therefore, the greater the employee's ability to combine work and personal life, the greater the company's performance.

In Jakarta, work stress has a substantial impact on the work-life balance of startup employees. Therefore, the more an employee can enhance their lives, the less stress they will experience.

Workload, work stress have a significant effect on employee performance. This means that the amount of burden and stress felt by employees causes employee performance to be low.

Workload and workplace stress significantly impact work-life balance. When people are able to balance their personal and professional lives, their workload and stress levels will decrease.

Workload, work life balance has a significant effect on employee performance. This means that the demands of work will cause difficulties for employees to balance between personal life and work life.

Workload and workplace stress significantly impact work-life balance. This implies that job stress will be minimized when people are able to balance their personal and professional life, resulting in enhanced performance.

workload, work stress and work life balance affect performance. this means that workload and work stress will decrease when employees can balance their lives so that employees will improve their performance.


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Copyright holders:

Alfi Mufida Ahmad, Agung Wahyu Handaru, Osly Usman (2022)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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