Text Box: Volume 4, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915




Ahmad Fathony Maulidy, Wateno Oetomo, Risma Marleno

Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Structure Planning, Office buildings, SNI 1726-2019.


Infrastructure development is an important aspect in boosting the economic growth of the Indonesian people, with the stages of infrastructure development which include building facilities and infrastructure can overcome economic inequality, the opening of new jobs, per capita income will increase. Referring to Law No. 28 of 2002 concerning building buildings in article 3 states that to realize a building that is functional and in accordance with the building layout that is harmonious and in harmony with the environment, it must ensure the reliability of the building in terms of safety, health, comfort and convenience. Problems: Based on the description above in the explanation in the background, the researcher formulated the following problem: How to plan a building structure that is strong in withstanding loading according to SNI 1726-2019 and SNI 2847-2013? How to plan building structures according to annual costs. The results of the planning of the Office Building on Jln Basuki Rachmat Surabaya as stated in Chapter IV, from the planning of the floor slab to the foundation in accordance with the elements in the 8-story Building Building and require a cost of Rp. 94,965,401,000, - and the implementation time takes 35 weeks or � 8 calendar months.



Infrastructure development is an important aspect in boosting the economic growth of the Indonesian people, with the stages of infrastructure development which include building facilities and infrastructure can overcome economic inequality, the opening of new jobs, per capita income will increase

In order to ensure the continuity and improvement of the lives and livelihoods of its residents and realize a building that is functional, reliable, self-contained and balanced, harmonious and in harmony with the environment, it is necessary to have an arrangement that ensures the strength of the building structure.

Referring to Law No. 28 of 2002 concerning building buildings in article 3 states that to realize a building that is functional and in accordance with the building layout that is harmonious and in harmony with the environment, it must ensure the reliability of the building in terms of safety, health, comfort and convenience.

Research problems

Based on the description above in the explanation in the background, the researcher formulated the following problem:

"How to plan a Building Building with a budget of cost and time of implementation "

Research objectives

The purpose of this study is to determine the strength of the building structure and find out the implementation time and cost of structural work.

Bibliography Review

Previous researchers are intended to look for differences in research that has been made, including:

1.    Nurul Dhea Andini, Haki Yusdinar, Nunu Nugraha (2019), Analysis of Earthquake Resistant Building Planning at the Al-Kamil Islamic Boarding School Building, Cianjur Regency; Special Moment Bearing Frame System SNI 1762-2012, SNI 2847-2013; Based on the results of the structural analysis and design carried out, several points of conclusion can be drawn including the following: 1. From the preliminary design results, results are obtained in accordance with sni 2847: 2013. 2. From the results of the earthquake load analysis, the building structure is included in the seismic design category D of the structure analysis program, the control of the final value of the spectrum response shown in table 4.18 is obtained. Vdynamic-X of 2471.154 kN and Vdynamic -Y of 2422.789 kN. The mass participation control shown in table 4.20 in the 4th and 5th modes has qualified at > 90%. The interstate deviation controls shown in tables 4.22 and 4.23 have qualified not to exceed 90mm. 3. Analyze the forces in the structure of the building using the auxiliary program SAP2000 v.14. by introducing the forces acting on the plates as well as vertical and horizontal loads. 4. The results of the structural analysis that has been carried out on the design of the structural modification of the Al-Kamil Islamic Boarding School building will be poured on the technical drawings in the appendix.

2.    Ristyanto Adi Nugroho, Nur Hidayati, Yayan Adi Saputro, (2021); Structural Planning of 9-Storey Sky Sea Hotel view Jepara; Literature studies and interviews; Based on the results of the final project of compiling the planning report this time, it is interesting to draw several conclusions as follows 1. The structure of the Sky Sea View Jepara Hotel Building includes 9 lanti with structural materials using reinforced concrete including the building covering structure, upper structure to the lower structure, 2. The calculation of repeating the building structure includes columns, beams, stairs, floor plates, roof plates and pile caps manually by analyzing moments, shear forces, axillary forces with SAP200 version 11. 3. The structure of the Sky Sea View Jepara Hotel Building has an irregular building configuration with irregular shape characteristics.

Bibliography Review

SRPM stands for Moment Resisting Frame System. We often hear this term in discussions about earthquake-resistant building structures. SRPM is one of the options when planning an earthquake-resistant building. The characteristics of the SRPM include: Lateral loads, especially earthquakes, are transferred through a bending mechanism between the beam and the column. So, the role of beams, columns, and column beam joints here is very important. SRPM is divided into three levels, namely:

1.   Ordinary Moment Bearing Frame System (SRPMB), for areas located in the earthquake area with seismic design categories (KDS) 1 and 2.

2.   Medium Moment Bearing Frame System (SRPMM), for areas located in the earthquake area with seismic design categories (KDS) 3 and 4.

3.   Special Moment Bearing Frame System (SRPMK), for areas located in the earthquake area with seismic design categories (KDS) 5 and 6.

The ondition of earthquake area 6 in the Yogyakarta area, can be plannedusing SRPMB, taking into account the condition of the development of the earth the earthquake area can also develop so that it can also be planned in the conditions of the medium earthquake area. Reinforced concrete structures located in the area of a moderate earthquake must meet the intermediate sealing requirements. With this requirement the structure will have a behavior inelastic enough to absorb earthquake loads with a high earthquake risk. This provision applies to SRPMK and two-way plate systems without beams, excluding structural walls, which in this case are sufficiently designed with articles 3 to 20 (general requirements) and are viewed as having sufficient ductility at the level of drift that occurs in high earthquake risk areas.

From this description, SNI 03-2847-2002 emphasized that the imposition of additional protection for structures located in intermediate earthquake risk locations depends on the type of structure system used. The intermediate fixture of the sturcture wall truss system depends on how the earthquake is imposed on the frame and the sliding wall.

The bending component must comply with articles 23.3(1)) to 23.3(1(4)) (SNI 03-2847-2002) in order for its cross section to prove to perform well. Each component must be sufficiently detailed and efficiently enough to transfer moments to columns. The repeating requirements for bending components located in the intermediate earthquake region (3 and 4) are as shown in the following table.

Based on the principle of "Capasity Design" where the columns must be given enough strength, so that the columns do not melt first before the beam. Therefore, the columns are designed to be 20% stronger than the beams in a column beam relationship (HBK). The repeating requirements for bending and axial components located in the intermediate earthquake region (3 and 4) are as shown in the following table.

The regulatory guidelines used in this technical planningare to use the applicable SNI regulations, including:

1.   Procedure for Calculating Concrete Structures for Buildings (SNI 03-2847-2002)

2.   Earthquake Resistance Planning Procedures for Building and Non-Building Structures (SNI 03-1726-2012)

3.   Minimum Load for Building Design and Other Structures (SNI 03-1727-2013)

4.   For dead load planning using the Indonesian Loading Regulation 1983 (PPI 1983)



Data Collection, Preliminary Design, Loading, Secondary Structure Planning, Plate Planning, Stair Planning, Child Beam Planning, Elevator Hanging Beam Planning, Structure Analysis With SAP 2000 Program, Inter-Floor Deviation Design Level and Tin Inter-Floor Deviation gkat Ijin, Primary Structure Planning (Master Beam Planning, Column Planning, Foundation).








Dynamic earthquakes








Foundation calculation

Carrying capacity

Drill posts in groups

Cost budget plan

Implementation schedule


Based on the problems in chapter 1, in this study, it can be concluded as follows: The results of the planning of the Office Building on Jln Basuki Rachmat Surabaya as stated in the discussion, from the planning of the floor slab to the foundation in accordance with the elements in the 8-story Building Building and require a cost of Rp. 94,965,401,000, - and the implementation time takes 35 weeks or � 8 calendar months.


National Standardization Agency, 2015, Procedures for Planning Steel Structures for Building Buildings (SNI 03-1729-2015), National Standardization Agency, Jakarta

National Standardization Agency, 2012, Earthquake Resistance Planning Procedures for Building Buildings (SNI 03-1726-2012), National Standardization Agency, Jakarta

Fauzi, A. 2009, Planning Modification Using a Special Concentric Bresing Frame System in Metropolis Apartment Building, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya

Hamdany, Sarwiasih, Han, Himawan. 2014, Study of SRPMK Steel Portal (Daktail) Based on SNI 03-1726-2012 and SNI 03-1729-2002, Diponegoro University, Semarang

Khafis, M. 2009, Steel Structure Planning in a Seven-Story Building as a Hotel, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta

Moestopo, M. 2007, Some New Provisions Regarding the Design of Earthquake-Resistant Steel Structures, HAKI Seminar and Exhibition, Jakarta

Moestopo, M. 2012, Earthquake Resistant Steel Building Structure, HAKI Seminar and Exhibition, Jakarta

Pujianto, A. 2010, Composite Structure with LRFD, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta

Sarkawi, K. 2002, Structural Planning of Krampung Cotton Building No. 39 Surabaya from Composite Construction Based on SNI 03-1729-2002, Wijaya Kusuma University, Surabaya

Sampakang, JJ. 2013, Planning of a Special Moment Bearing Frame System on Beam-Column Components and Steel Structure Joints of BPJN XI Building, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado

Schodek, Daniel L. 1992, Structure Edition 2, Translation by Bambang Suryoatmono, Erlangga, Jakarta

Setiawan, A. 2008, Steel Structure Planning With LRFD Method (In Accordance with SNI 03-1729-2002), Erlangga, Jakarta

Wijaya, RA. 2012, Effect of Double "X" Bracing Layout on Lateral Displacement in Multi-Storey Room Steel Portal, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Widodo. 2010, Validation of Soil Acceleration Parameters and Earthquake Frequency Effect on Multi-Storey Building Structure Response, UII Press Jogjakarta, Yogyakarta

Zulfiana, A. 2012, Study of Semi Rigid Connection and Rigid Connection Type Connection Behavior in Steel Frame Structures That Are Resistant To Earthquake Loads Using Abaqus 6.7, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya.


Copyright holders:

Ahmad Fathony Maulidy, Wateno Oetomo, Risma Marleno (2022)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

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