Text Box: Volume 4, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2797-6068 and p-ISSN: 2777-0915





Vetra Sarah Sitompul, Etti Sudaryati, Evawany Y. Aritonang

Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

E-mail:[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]




Stunting incidence, socio demographics, family food security


Children's welfare in the health aspect can be seen in the level of growth and development of children. Socio-demographics and family food security are important because they affect the nutritional status of the community. If food security and sociodemographics are lacking, nutritional status will also be lacking and cause a decline in health status. This condition can lead to malnutrition or stunting in the community. This study aims to analyze the influence of socio-demographics and food security on the incidence of stunting in Medan City. This type of research is quantitative observational with a survey research study design using a cross-sectional study design that examines at a certain point in time the entire sample population or predetermined subset. The sample in this study was 266 toddlers from Medan Tuntungan, Medan Maimun, Medan Sunggal, Medan Helvetia and Medan Denai sub-districts. The analytical method used is bivariate analysis using the chi square test and multivariate analysis using logistic regression. The results showed that there was a positive and significant effect of the variables of mother's education, birth spacing and family income on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a p value <0.05. Furthermore, it was found that there was no significant effect of the variable number of children, mother's occupation and family food security on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City. Mothers should be able to find additional sources of income that can increase family income without neglecting the provision of good parenting for toddlers. This is done to increase the understanding of mothers in providing adequate nutritional intake to children under five.



The progress of nation-building is largely determined by the quality of available human resources. Efforts to improve quality human resources must start from an early age and be sustainable. Children who grow up healthy and educated, feel safe and happy and are free from poverty are the basis for creating quality human resources so as to contribute to the economy and society. Recognizing this, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focus on equality and justice for all children around the world. This means that child well-being is an important indicator in the progress of the process of achieving the SDGs (Ministry of National Development Planning [Bappenas] & United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF], 2017).

Socio-demographics and family food security are important because they affect people's nutritional status.If food security is lacking, nutritional status becomes less and causes a decrease in health degrees, as well as socio-demographics if income and education are low, the number of family members is large and economic factors in the household are inadequate will have an impact on the difficulty of families obtaining and processing food according to the nutritional needs of the family. This condition can cause malnutrition or stunting in the community (Abdullah, 2019).

According to Schmidt (2014) stated that stunting is a condition of chronic malnutrition with physical characteristics of stunted children aving a height in children that is lower or shorter (dwarf) than the standard age. Stunted children have a lower Intelligence Quotient (IQ) than the average IQ of normal children (Ministry of Health RI, 2018).

Stunting is one of the indicators of nutritional status, where the condition of the length or height of the toddler is shorter than it should be at a certain age and the state of malnutrition based on the index of body length according to age (PB / U) or height according to age (TB / U). According to the anthropometric standards for assessing children's nutritional status, the measurement results are at the threshold (Z-Score) of <-2SD to -3SD (short/stunted) and <3 SD (very short/severly stunted). Toddlers who experience stunting events in the short term are at risk of impaired brain development, intelligence, impaired physical growth, metabolic disorders in the body (Depkes RI, 2016).

Based on data since May 27, 2020, more than 3 million workers have lost their jobs completely or partially and it is likely that the number of workers who have lost their jobs will increase again. As a result, the number of poor people increased from 24.79 million people (9.2% of the population) in September 2019 to 26.42 million people (9.8% of the population) in March 2020 (Central Statistics Agency, 2020). The number of poor people is expected to rise again in the months that follow.

�� In 2021, North Sumatra also highlighted problems related to nutritional care in early childhood up to 5 years. The prevalence of children under five years old (Toddlers) who are stunted based on height according to age in North Sumatra province is 25.8%, based on weight according to height of 7.9% and based on weight according to age of 16.5% (SSGI, 2021).

Itis known that there are differences in the number of food insecure families in each sub-district in each sub-district in the 2019 period. In Medan Tuntungan sub-district, it is known that the highest number of food insecure families in Ladang Bambu village is 628 families (27.42%), while the lowest number of food insecure families in Simpang Selayang village is 328 families (14.32%). Furthermore, in Medan Maimun sub-district, it is known that the highest number of food insecure families in Seimati village is 584 families (35.76%), while the lowest number of food insecure families in Kampung Baru village is 271 families (16.59%). In Medan Sunggal sub-district, it is known that the highest number of food insecure families in Lalang village is 795 families (34.41%), while the lowest number of food insecure families in Tanjung Rejo village is 316 families (13.67%). In Medan Helvetia sub-district, it is known that the highest number of food insecure families in Helvetia village is 926 families (39.40%), while the lowest number of food insecure families in Dwikora village is 497 families (21.15%). In Medan Denai sub-district, it is known that the highest number of food insecure families in Tegal Sari village is 1108 families (49.24%), while the lowest number of food insecure families in Binjai village is 682 families (30.31%) (Pemprovsu, 2021).

The level of food insecurity in Medan is known to be quite high in the 2021 period. This can be seen in every sub-district in the city of Medan still has a fairly high percentage of food insecure households. There are 5 districts with a fairly high level of food insecurity, namely Medan Tuntungan, Medan Maimun, Medan Petisah, Medan Labuhan and Medan Tembung. In addition, these five sub-districts are districts with a fairly high number of stunting toddlers.

Food insecurity is closely related to the level of poverty. This can be proven by the difficulty for the poor to meet food consumption in accordance with good nutrition due to the limited economy they have. According to Atem (2020), the issue of poverty and food insecurity is closely related, where Indonesia, which is a third world country, is still increasing the number of poor people.Poverty is the main cause of people's low purchasing power towards food. This correlates with the lack of access of the poor in the fulfillment of sufficient and nutritious food.

In March 2020, the poverty rate of 8.7 percent increased to 9.14 percent in September 2020. The value of this increase is equivalent to 73 thousand inhabitants. The poverty line was recorded at Rp. 505,236 per capita/month with a food consumption allocation of only Rp. 378,617,- (74.94%) per month. Based on the aspect of work in the 2020 period, it is known that as many as 5 percent are not working, 49 percent are self-employed, 24 percent are private employees and 17 percent are workers/drivers. However, in the 2021 period, the community's economy is known to have begun to improve. This is marked by the slow return of society to do activities / work according to their respective professions, although they still have to adjust to existing environmental conditions.

The number of food insecure families inMedan City needs to be a common concern so that the level of family food welfare and nutrition in Medan City can be fulfilled properly. Therefore, the relationship between nutrition and health has an important role. If food security is not met within a certain time, it will cause various diseases, namely poor nutrition. However, if the community is fulfilled with food security, it will reduce the level of malnutrition.

Based on data obtained from the Medan City Health Office (2021), it is known that the number of stunting toddlers in Medan Tuntungan district is 58 children (1.30%), Medan Johor 42 children (0.40%), Medan Amplas 19 children (0.19%), Medan Denai 76 children (0.72%), Medan Area 22 children (0.31%), MedanKota 20 children (0.34%), Medan Maimun as many as 57 children (1.63%), Medan Polonia as many as 25 children (0.73%),Medan Baru as many as 5 children (0.16%), Medan Selayang as many as 34 children (0.63%), Medan Sunggal as many as 54 children (0.80%), Medan Helvetia as many as 20 children (0.22%), Medan Petisah as many as 44 children (1.29%), Medan Barat as many as 29 children (0.55%), Medan Timur as many as 31 children (0.40%), Medan Perjuangan as many as 39 children (0.57%), Medan Tembung as many as 41 children (0.74%), Medan Deli as many as 109 children (0.64%),Medan Labuhan had 76 children (0.11%), Medan Marelan had 22 children (0.20%), and Medan Belawan had 54 children (0.86%). Reduced sources of income and obstacles to the economy in general make it more difficult for people to obtain adequate nutritional intake, especially in children


This research is observational quantitative with a cross-sectional study design where dependent variables and independent variables are studied at the same time.The research location was conducted in Medan City with research locations in several sub-districts in Medan City, namely Medan Tuntungan District, Medan Maimun, Medan Denai, Medan Helvetia and Medan Sunggal. The selection of the five sub-districts is based on the highest number of stunting toddlers ineach sub-district in Medan City.�� The population in this study was all toddlers (aged 0-5 years) in five selected districts, namely Medan Tuntungan, Medan Maimun, Medan Sunggal, Medan Helvetia and Medan Denai with a total of 13,187 toddlers.The samples in this study were determined using the table of determining the number of samples of ISSAC and MICHAEL by matching the number of populations with an error level of 10 percent so that the number of samples in this study was 266 toddlers.


Univari Analysisat


Table 1

Toddler Sex Distribution

Characteristics of respondents












Toddler Age



0 -12 months



13 � 24 months



25 � 36 months



37 - 48 months



49 - 60 months



Mother's Education









High School






Mother's Work






Not Working



Family Income



< Rp.2.522.609



> IDR 2,522,609



Number of Children



> 2 children



≤ 2 children



Birth Distance



> 2 years



≤ 2 years



Not Food Secure



Lack of food



Food insecurity



Food insecurity



Food Security



Food Expenditure



< 60% of earnings



≥ 60% of earnings



Food Expenditure



≥ 60% of earnings



<60% of earnings



Family Calorie Consumption (kcal)



>80% energy adequacy



≤80% energy adequacy



Stunting Incidents






Tidak Stunting




Based on the results of the study below, it is known that the sex of female toddlers (52.63%) is more dominant than the sex of male toddlers (47.37%). Based on the results of the study below, it can be concluded that the age distribution of toddlers is dominant in the range of 25-36 months as many as 97 toddlers (36.47%). Based on the results of the study above, it is known that the level of education of mothers with high categories is more dominant, namely 63.16% of the high school level and 14.29% of the college level. The working status of mothers is more dominantly unemployed, with 231 mothers (86.84%). The respondents' family income was dominant above the UMP of Rp. 2,522,609 as many as 137 respondents (51.51%). The number of respondents' children was more dominant in the category of little or less or equal to two children as many as 192 respondents (72.18%). The birth distance of respondents was more dominant in the short category or less or equal to two years as many as 193 respondents (72.56%).The results of the study found the category of non-food security with details of lack of food as many as 66 respondents (24.81%), food vulnerable 62 respondents (23.31%).The level of food expenditure of respondents was more dominant in the range of ≥60% of the non-food security category as many as 229 respondents (86.09%).The level of non-food expenditure of respondents was more dominant in the range of <60% as many as 206 respondents (77.44%).The daily energy consumption of families is more dominant in the range of ≤80% of energy adequacy as many as 163 families (61.28%).The distribution of respondents was more dominant in the non-stunting category , namely 177 respondents (66.50%).


Bivariate Analysis

����������� The bivariate analysis in this study used a chi-square testthat aimed to see the relationship between sociodemography and food security to the incidence of stunting intoddlers in the city of Medan.

����������� Based on the results of bivariate testing, it is known that the level of maternal education is related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a significance of 0.000. It is known that of the 89 toddlers who are stunted, as many as 40 toddlers have a low maternal education level and 49 toddlers have a high maternal education level. It was found that 177 toddlers were not stunted, as many as 20 toddlers had low maternal education levels and 157 toddlers had high maternal education levels.





Table 2

The Relationship between Maternal Education and the Incidence of Stunting of Toddlers

Characteristic variables of the respondent

Stunting Incidents





Tidak Stunting


Mother's Education



















Mother's work













Not Working







Family Income




















Number of children


















Birth distance birth
















Family Food Security




Not Food Secure







Lack of Food







Food Vulnerable







Food Insecurity







Food Security








The results of bivariate testing are known that the mother's work is related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a significance of 0.019. It is known that of the 89 toddlers who are stunted, as many as 6 toddlers have mothers with working status and 83 toddlers have mothers with non-working status. It was found that 177 toddlers who were not stunted, as many as 29 toddlers had mothers with working status and 148 toddlers had mothers with non-working status.

The results of bivariate testing found that the number of children was not related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a significance of 0.412. It is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting, there were 26 toddlers with the number of children in large category families and 63 toddlers with the number of children in small category families. There were 177 toddlers who were not stuntedas many as 48 toddlers with the number of children in large category families and 129 toddlers with a small number of children in category families.

The results of the bivariate test found that the family income level was related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a significance of 0.000. It is known that of the 89 toddlers who are stunted, 84 toddlers have a low family income level and 5 toddlers with a high family income level. It was found that 177 toddlers who were not stunted asmany as 45 toddlers had low income levels and 132 toddlers had high family income levels.

The results of bivariate testing are known that the birth distance is related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a significance of 0.003. It is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting, as many as 40 toddlers with birth spacing in long category families and 49 toddlers with birth distance in short category families. There were 177 toddlers who were not stunted, as many as 112 toddlers with child birth distances in long category families and 65 toddlers with child birth distances in short category families.

The results of bivariate testing are known that family food security is related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Medan City with a significance of 0.014. It is known that of the 89 toddlers who are stunted, asmany as 80toddlers have a level of food security in the non-food category family (12 toddlers are food insecure, 26 toddlers are food vulnerable and 42 toddlers are food insecure) and nine toddlers have a food security level in the food security category. It was found that 177 toddlers who did not experience stunting as many as 149 toddlers had a level of food security in the non-food category families (54 toddlers lacking food, 36 toddlers vulnerable to food and 59 toddlers food insecure) and as many as 28 toddlers in the food security category.

Multivariate Analysis

Multivariate analysis in this study used logistic regression to see the influence that sociodemographic free variables and family food security exerted on the variables tied to the occurrence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan. Based on the results of bivariate testing, it is known that variables have and do not have a relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers are the basis for conducting multivariate testing.

Based on the test results above, it is known that the variables of maternal work and family food security do not have a significant influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan. The results of the logistic regression test showed that the variables that had a significant influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan were the level of maternal education, birth distance and family income. The most dominant variable in this study that had an influence was the birth distance of children with an Exp (B) value of 2.155. This shows that families who have a short birth distance are 2,155 times more at risk of influencing the incidence of stunting in toddlers.


Table 3

Logistic Regression Test Results



P value


Mother's Education




Mother's Work




Birth Distance




Family Income




Family Food Security









The Effect of Mother's Education Level on the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers in Medan City

The results of bivariate testing showed that the level of maternal education had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a significanceof P-value = 0.000 and based on multivariate tests conducted using logistic regression tests showed that the level of maternal education had a significant influence on the incidence of stuntingin toddlers in Medan City. In accordance with the theory presented by Ni'mah and Munaroh (2015) that a mother who has a higher level of education will be more receptive to information than a person with a less level of education. The information received can be used by mothers to take care of their toddlers in their daily lives to avoid unwanted things such as malnutrition or stunting events.

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Husnaiyah (2020) which resulted in arelationship between the level of maternal education and the incidence of stunting with a p value = 0.005 (< 0.05). Stunting is closely related to the level of education.


The Effect of Mother's Work on the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers in Medan City

The results of bivariate testing showed that the mother's work had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a P-value of 0.019. Based on the results of chi square testing, it is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting events, as many as six toddlers had working mothers (6.74%) and 83 toddlers had non-working mothers (93.26%). Meanwhile, of the 177 toddlers who were not stunted, only 29 toddlers had working mothers (16.38%) and 148 toddlers had non-working mothers (83.62%).

Multivariate testing using logistic regression tests showed that maternal work did not have a significant influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a signification of 0.253. In this study, in general, mothers of toddlers who were the sample of the study had a status of not working as many as 231 people and 266 respondents. So in this study, the difference in the influence exerted by working and non-working mothers was not seen significantly. However, based on the results of bivariate testing, this variable has a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting intoddlers in the city of Medan. So that this variable is considered necessary to pay attention to in keeping toddlers from experiencing stunting events.

This is in accordance with the theory presented by Aisyah (2015) that work will cause difficulties in parents in providing attention and care to toddlers. The mother's lack of attention to the child can eventually cause toddlers to receive poor food and nutrition intake, causing stunting events in toddlers. The status of working and non-working mothers is often associated with poor parenting and child care. In addition, the status of working mothers in this study was assessed to help the economy of families who tend to have low levels of family income.

The parenting style given in the form of attention and care to toddlers based on the results of this study needs to be considered. Mothers with working status should be able to divide their time well so that attention to toddler food patterns and intake can be controlled properly.


The Effect of Family Income on the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers in Medan City

The family income in this study refers to the North Sumatra Provincial Minimum Wage (UPH). The income level is said to be high if > Rp. 2,522,609 and low < Rp. 2,522,609. The results of bivariate testing showed that family income had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a P-value of 0.000. Based on the results of chi square testing, it is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting events, 84 toddlers had a low family income level (94.38%) and only five toddlers had a high family income level (5.62%). Meanwhile, of the 177 toddlers who were not stunted, 45 toddlers had a low family income level (25.42%) and 132 toddlers had a high family income level (74.58%). The results of this study show that families with lowincome levels tend to have stunted toddlers.

Multivariate testing using logistic regression tests showed that family income had a significant influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a signification of 0.000. Family income is related to the amount of input funds obtained by the family every month to be used as a family living in meeting daily living needs including food intake. In accordance with the theory presented by Wardani (2020) that stunting often occurs in families with low incomes as a result of not being able to fulfill sufficient food so that pregnant women experience a lack of nutritional intake and will have an impact on the nutritional status of the child to be born.

Low-income people usually spend a large part of their income on food. Income also determines the type of food to be consumed (Annisa, 2012).The results of this study show that in general, families with lowincome levels have stunted toddlers, on the contrary, families with high incomes tend not to have stunted toddlers. Thus, the influence of income is very large on the incidence of stunting in toddlers because it is directly related to the family's ability to meet the nutritional needs of their family members.


The Effect of the Number of Children on the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers in Medan City

The number of children in this study was categorized into two parts, a small category if the number of children is less or equal to two children and a large category if the number of children is more than two children. The results of bivariate testing showed that the number of children did not have a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a P-value of 0.412. In general, respondents have a lowincome level, so the small and large number of children does not affect the incidence of stunting so that the ability of households to provide good nutritional intake is not enough for few or many children.

Based on the results of chi square testing, it is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting events, 26 respondents had a large number of children (29.21%) and 63 respondents had a small number of children (70.79%). Meanwhile, of the 177 toddlers who were not stunted, 48 respondents had a large number of children (27.12%) and 129 respondents had a small number of children (72.88%).

The number of children in this study was not a variable that provided a significant relationship and influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan. This is because based on the results of the study, the proportion of the number of children in families who have stunted and non-stunted toddlersis not too different.


The Effect of Child Birth Distance on the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers in Medan City

The birth distance of children in this study was categorized into two parts, short if the birth distance was ≤2 years and long if the child's birth distance was >2 years. The results of bivariate testing showed that the distance between children born had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a P-value of 0.003. The most dominant birth distance is related to the incidence of stunting due to lowincome conditions and the non-food security of respondents or mothers are unable to pay good attention in providing diet and nutritional intake to children at short birth distances.

Based on the results of chi square testing, it is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting events, as many as 40 toddlers had families with long birth distances (44.94 %) and 49 toddlers had families with short birth distances (55.06%). Meanwhile, of the 177 toddlers who are not stunted, 112 toddlers have families with a long birth distance (63.28%) and 65 toddlers have families with a short child birth distance (36.72%).

Multivariate testing using logistic regression tests showed that the distance of birth of children had a significant influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a signification of 0.038.

The short birth distance of children according to the results of this study shows that the mother's readiness is not good enough in parenting. The proximity of births usually results in the mother's focus on parenting less than optimal. This is in accordance with the theory presented by Karundeng (2015) that children born with sufficient distance will make mothers feel healthier and calmer after giving birth so that they will carry out optimal care. The close birth distance will make it difficult for the mother to pay attention to the toddler because the mother is not focused on caring for her and this will affect the child's psychology, namely the child will feel less cared for and feared to be able to do unwanted things due to lack of supervision.


The Effect of Family Food Security on Stunting in Toddlers in Medan City

Family food security in this study was measured by the categories of non-food security and food security. The results of bivariate testing showed that family food security had a significant relationship with the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan with a significance of 0.014. Based on the results of chi square testing, it is known that of the 89 toddlers who experienced stunting events, as many as 80 toddlers with families were not food secure (89.89%) and only 9 toddlers with food security categories (10.11%). Meanwhile, of the 177 toddlers who were not stunted, 149 had non-food security families (84.18%) and 28 toddlers had food security families (15.82%).

Multivariate testing using logistic regression tests showed that family food security did not have a significant effect on stunting incidence in toddlers in Medan with a signification of 0.589. The absence of a significant influence of family food security is due to the fact that the number of food insecure families is evenly distributed in families with stunting and non-stunting toddlers. So in this case, the treasury of family food security in stunting and non-stunting toddlers in general does not have significant differences.

The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Aprilia (2014) which found that household food security is related to the incidence of stunting in baduta aged 6-23 months (p = 0.04, OR = 2.70, 95% CI: 0.94-8.77). Households with the food security category have family members who have access to food, both in quantity and quality and this will have an impact on meeting the nutritional needs of baduta so as to achieve optimal nutritional status. Toddlers who are in food-safe household conditions have a good level of energy and protein adequacy. In contrast to toddlers from food insecure families who experience growth delays due to lack of access to food, so the portion of food is reduced to share with other family members.


Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been previously described, the conclusions that can be drawn are as follows:

Sociodemographic variables that have an influence on the incidence of stuntingin toddlers in the city of Medan are maternal education, birth distance and family income.

Family food security based on the results of this study has an influence on the incidence of stunting in toddlers in the city of Medan.

The results of multivariate regression logistics testing found that the most dominant factors influencing the incidence of stuntingin toddlers in the city of Medan were the birth distance with a P-value = 0.038


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Copyright holders:

Vetra Sarah Sitompul, Etti Sudaryati, Evawany Y. Aritonang (2022)


First publication right:

Devotion - Journal of Research and Community Service

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International